Devil's Word Magic In Fairy Tail
Chapter 61 - Mystogan VS Mirajane
Mystogan and Mira stood facing each other at the beach behind the Fairy tail guildhall, eyeing each other down while waiting for the old Master to signal the start of their match.
Makarov looked to each one of them before nodding to himself, pleased with the seriousness of the two fighters. He raised his hand up into the air and began to speak.
"Ready, set. Go!" The old master slashed the air with a hand and moved away, signaling the beginning of the fight.
Mira wasted no time and rushed towards Mystogan, she knew this was to be an official magic duel but still decided to go in physically first to test the waters.
Mystogan didn't move much, he simply took out both of his staves in a hand each and seemed to analyze his opponent as she moved towards him.
Mira payed his motionless tactics no heed and reached Mystogan pretty quickly, winding up for a right punch that turned out to be a mere faint as her left fist exploded towards Mystogan's face.
The Edolas prince however saw through Mira's scheme and ducked down, attempting to sweep her legs and put her down all the while.
Mira wasn't a bad fighter however and quickly jumped over Mystogan's leg sweep, doing a front flip in the air and attempting to stomp down on the prince's head.
Mystogan then rolled away and pointed his right stave towards Mira, creating a purple colored magical circle at her feet with many intricate runes all over its surface.
"What?!" Mira yelped in surprise, as the purple magic circle encased her in a thin barrier that glowed with a magenta hue.
"{Rune Seal}." Mystogan muttered, looking at the now trapped Mira with satisfaction.
"Hey! Let me out of here right now you pipsqueak!" Mira yelled while banging on the magenta colored barrier.
Having captured Mira, Mystogan turned to gramps and spoke, "I've won, is there any other test you need me to do?"
"Hooh? You're not too bad are ya?" Makarov replied, "However it'll take more than that to stop one of my brats." He continued while flashing a grin.
Mira may have been cornered, however she had yet to use her own magic. That was a miscalculation on Mystogan's part.
"{Take Over: Gemme}!" Mira spoke and began using her demonic transformation magic.
Mystogan's eyes then went wide for a second as he turned around to witness her change in appearance.
Purple crystal-like lightning shaped horns grew atop her head together with a pair of gem like shoulder guards. She had crystal spikes running down her back and a long a thick lizard like black tail with a sharp spike made of the same crystal-like material as her horns at the end. Her hands also returned to the original disturbing image of before, gems imbedded all over it's hardened wood like skin that reflected the light of the rune seal prison.
"Wh-what?" Mystogan for the first time seemed unnerved.
"Don't go running of to the old man just yet… I'm not done with you, you bandaged freak!" Mira said in a demonic voice with a smile filled with shark like teeth, the gems on her hand began to glow as she winded up for a heavy punch.
This was Mira's current take over magic, Gemme, one coming from the demon that she originally used take over on. She had yet to obtain any other take overs like her signature Satan soul or especially the other more powerful variants.
It should be noted that Mirajane has dozens upon dozens of Take Overs when she is an ȧduŀt. She just doesn't use all of them, leaving most of the demon variants go to waste in favor of the few powerful ones.
"That seems more like a compliment coming from you… {Torment}!" Mystogan replied while pointing his staff at Mira, causing purple shocks of electricity to barrage her from all directions.
Her gems stopped shining but she wasted no time in rushing towards her opponent.
"…!" Mystogan wore a shocked expression as he pointed his second stave towards Mira, casting his second magic spell.
"{Runic Missiles}!" He spoke quietly, creating seven different blue bolts of magic that sped towards the now charging Mira.
Mira having seen the attack of her opponent quickly reacted and used her hands to form a guard as she ran.
The gems on her shoulders and hands shone with a purple light as she tanked every single missile coming at her! Sandy smoke covered Mira, however she managed to push through on the sandy beach and closed the distance between her and her opponent!
Despite that Mystogan seemed calm, seeing that even though she continued her unrelenting charge, Mira had taken quite the beating.
She was bruised up quite a bit, she would definitely need a long rest to recover after tanking those hits.
Once Mira was close enough to her opponent, she lunged towards him while outstretching her hand as far as she could with a clenched fist ready for a heavy punch!
Mystogan used his first stave, pointing it at her and creating a three layered magenta colored barrier! Each barrier had the form of a disc and became bigger in size the farther it went from the user himself.
"Take this!" Mira roared with a slighly demonic voice, sending shivers down the spines of all the guild members present.
Her gem filled hand broke through the first barrier, however the second stopped her in her tracks! Her crystal like horns then seemingly suċkėd up all the energy from the gems over her body that were glowing, stacking all of the bright light atop her head and creating a ball of energy between the horns!
The resulting spell shot through the second barrier and cracked the third one! Breaking it in the end despite not reaching the mage behind it.
Mystogan then used the stave once more and created another three magic circles around Mira! One at her feet and two on her sides. The magic circles created barriers that wrapped around her, then zapped her immediately with the purple electricity from earlier.
Of course that wasn't enough to stop Mira, she simply began shrugging it of and glared at Mystogan while strugging to break free. Mystogan knew that she would get out of the trap quickly if he didn't do something and did it fast.
So he created a magic circle right above the girl's head with his second stave and called down ten runic missiles down upon her head and back!
"Crap-" Mira uttered before the missiles collided with her, blowing up on impact and forcing her to the ground.
Not only that, but after she was hit by the runic missiles Mystogan simply snapped his fingers and the three barriers that had been zapping Mira with electricity also exploded on her in a burst of purple electricity and magic power.
The ensuing explosion sent sand fly everywhere which blocked out the view of both fighters, everyone stood silent as they looked at the smoke screen clearing.
Once the winds blew and revealed the scene, the members of Fairy tail saw that Mira had collapsed face first on the sandy beach, her Take Over having turned off as she reluctantly looked up at Mystogan and admitted defeat.
"Damn… I can't believe I lost to this mummified ȧsshole…" She gritted her teeth.
"You're not too bad of a fighter, I have to admit that transformation magic makes you quite sturdy and hard to put down, miss." Mystogan said as he held his hand towards her, helping her get up onto her feet.
Mira reluctantly took his hand, getting up while looking at her till now opponent. "Tsk, don't expect a thank you because of the gesture! I could have gotten up by myself!" Mira said and limped slowly towards the guild hall, earning a few smiles and giggles from her peers and guildmates.
Mystogan then turned to the master. "So, I would hope that this is proof enough of my skills. Can I join the guild now?" He asked.
"Of course you can, just make sure to make up with Mira later! I wouldn't want either of you keeping a grudge now that you've joined our little family." Makarov said with a smile.
"Understood." Mystogan simply replied.
After the small talks between the guiltmates about the new member, Mystogan, died down and everyone went back to their tables. The boy in question went with Makarov to the master's office and got his Guild mark all set up.
Mystogan was seen walking out of the office, now an official member of Fairy tail, and was obviously called by his peers who wanted to get to know him.
"Heyyy! Mystogan right? You're quite the power house ain'tcha?" Cana yelled out to him from the table where everyone was sitting at, waiting for him to come over.
"Yeah! You actually beat Mira! That had me really surprised to be honest, come over here and tell us about yourself man!" Gray said, calling the guy over.
"…" Mystogan looked at them silently, then simply walked to the job request board.
"Hey! Don't just ignore us!" Natsu stood up and yelled, waking the sleeping kitty atop his head.
"Ehhh… Nyatsu whaat's wrooonggg…" Happy asked with a sleepy voice, shortly after going back to dreamville.
"Calm down Natsu! Maybe he's just a little shy still." Lisanna said and pulled him gently, trying to make him sit down on his seat again.
"Yeah, don't go starting any fights flame brain. Sheesh you're such a child…" Gray scoffed at Natsu, grinning slightly as he looked at him with contempt.
"What was that you ice head!?" Natsu retaliated.
"You heard me loud mouth!" Gray did too.
They both leaned over the table while gritting teeth and glaring at one another, Happy even fell off of Natsu's head into Lisanna's arms.
"Y-You guys…" Lisanna muttered, worried that they'd fight again.
"What else do you expect of these two… Haaa.." Ultear sighed, picking up a glass of tea she had gotten for herself earlier.
"I really can't leave you two alone here can I?" Erza said, dusting her hands off all the while.
"Oh, Erza! Nice timing!" Cana commented with a thumbs up.
"Haaaa…" Erza simply sighed, "Hey everyone." She said and looked across the table to where Mira was sitting, she saw all the bruises on her and wore a surprised expression.
"What? What are you looking at you bimbo?!" Mira yelled at Erza, stood up while slamming the table and walked out of the guild in a limping hurry.
"She looks to be in a bad mood… Seems like I missed something?" Erza asked.
"Yeah, you and Arthur both. We got a new member! He actually won in a fight against Mira!" Lyon answered.
"What? Seriously?" Erza was shocked, seeing as she has bouts with Mira regularly, she knows just how strong the girl was getting over time.
"Yeah, he's over at the job request board… Oh hey, Arthur is there too!" Ultear said while pointing at the two boys.
Erza and the others turned and saw that the two were facing each other.
'Okay then… Probably should have guessed this would happen eventually… But not like this… Definitely not like this…' Arthur thought to himself while staring at Mystogan.
"You are…" Mystogan spoke as his eyes narrowed while looking Arthur all over.
"Well then… Why don't we go outside and have a talk, you and me?" Arthur spoke calmly with a wry smile plastered over his currently rather nervous face.
"… I didn't expect to find an enemy here of all places… Fiore seemed rather low on Players from what I gathered over the months of investigation…" Mystogan commented quietly, staring at Arthur who to him was covered in a dark aura akin to that of an enemy participant.
Makarov looked to each one of them before nodding to himself, pleased with the seriousness of the two fighters. He raised his hand up into the air and began to speak.
"Ready, set. Go!" The old master slashed the air with a hand and moved away, signaling the beginning of the fight.
Mira wasted no time and rushed towards Mystogan, she knew this was to be an official magic duel but still decided to go in physically first to test the waters.
Mystogan didn't move much, he simply took out both of his staves in a hand each and seemed to analyze his opponent as she moved towards him.
Mira payed his motionless tactics no heed and reached Mystogan pretty quickly, winding up for a right punch that turned out to be a mere faint as her left fist exploded towards Mystogan's face.
The Edolas prince however saw through Mira's scheme and ducked down, attempting to sweep her legs and put her down all the while.
Mira wasn't a bad fighter however and quickly jumped over Mystogan's leg sweep, doing a front flip in the air and attempting to stomp down on the prince's head.
Mystogan then rolled away and pointed his right stave towards Mira, creating a purple colored magical circle at her feet with many intricate runes all over its surface.
"What?!" Mira yelped in surprise, as the purple magic circle encased her in a thin barrier that glowed with a magenta hue.
"{Rune Seal}." Mystogan muttered, looking at the now trapped Mira with satisfaction.
"Hey! Let me out of here right now you pipsqueak!" Mira yelled while banging on the magenta colored barrier.
Having captured Mira, Mystogan turned to gramps and spoke, "I've won, is there any other test you need me to do?"
"Hooh? You're not too bad are ya?" Makarov replied, "However it'll take more than that to stop one of my brats." He continued while flashing a grin.
Mira may have been cornered, however she had yet to use her own magic. That was a miscalculation on Mystogan's part.
"{Take Over: Gemme}!" Mira spoke and began using her demonic transformation magic.
Mystogan's eyes then went wide for a second as he turned around to witness her change in appearance.
Purple crystal-like lightning shaped horns grew atop her head together with a pair of gem like shoulder guards. She had crystal spikes running down her back and a long a thick lizard like black tail with a sharp spike made of the same crystal-like material as her horns at the end. Her hands also returned to the original disturbing image of before, gems imbedded all over it's hardened wood like skin that reflected the light of the rune seal prison.
"Wh-what?" Mystogan for the first time seemed unnerved.
"Don't go running of to the old man just yet… I'm not done with you, you bandaged freak!" Mira said in a demonic voice with a smile filled with shark like teeth, the gems on her hand began to glow as she winded up for a heavy punch.
This was Mira's current take over magic, Gemme, one coming from the demon that she originally used take over on. She had yet to obtain any other take overs like her signature Satan soul or especially the other more powerful variants.
It should be noted that Mirajane has dozens upon dozens of Take Overs when she is an ȧduŀt. She just doesn't use all of them, leaving most of the demon variants go to waste in favor of the few powerful ones.
"That seems more like a compliment coming from you… {Torment}!" Mystogan replied while pointing his staff at Mira, causing purple shocks of electricity to barrage her from all directions.
Her gems stopped shining but she wasted no time in rushing towards her opponent.
"…!" Mystogan wore a shocked expression as he pointed his second stave towards Mira, casting his second magic spell.
"{Runic Missiles}!" He spoke quietly, creating seven different blue bolts of magic that sped towards the now charging Mira.
Mira having seen the attack of her opponent quickly reacted and used her hands to form a guard as she ran.
The gems on her shoulders and hands shone with a purple light as she tanked every single missile coming at her! Sandy smoke covered Mira, however she managed to push through on the sandy beach and closed the distance between her and her opponent!
Despite that Mystogan seemed calm, seeing that even though she continued her unrelenting charge, Mira had taken quite the beating.
She was bruised up quite a bit, she would definitely need a long rest to recover after tanking those hits.
Once Mira was close enough to her opponent, she lunged towards him while outstretching her hand as far as she could with a clenched fist ready for a heavy punch!
Mystogan used his first stave, pointing it at her and creating a three layered magenta colored barrier! Each barrier had the form of a disc and became bigger in size the farther it went from the user himself.
"Take this!" Mira roared with a slighly demonic voice, sending shivers down the spines of all the guild members present.
Her gem filled hand broke through the first barrier, however the second stopped her in her tracks! Her crystal like horns then seemingly suċkėd up all the energy from the gems over her body that were glowing, stacking all of the bright light atop her head and creating a ball of energy between the horns!
The resulting spell shot through the second barrier and cracked the third one! Breaking it in the end despite not reaching the mage behind it.
Mystogan then used the stave once more and created another three magic circles around Mira! One at her feet and two on her sides. The magic circles created barriers that wrapped around her, then zapped her immediately with the purple electricity from earlier.
Of course that wasn't enough to stop Mira, she simply began shrugging it of and glared at Mystogan while strugging to break free. Mystogan knew that she would get out of the trap quickly if he didn't do something and did it fast.
So he created a magic circle right above the girl's head with his second stave and called down ten runic missiles down upon her head and back!
"Crap-" Mira uttered before the missiles collided with her, blowing up on impact and forcing her to the ground.
Not only that, but after she was hit by the runic missiles Mystogan simply snapped his fingers and the three barriers that had been zapping Mira with electricity also exploded on her in a burst of purple electricity and magic power.
The ensuing explosion sent sand fly everywhere which blocked out the view of both fighters, everyone stood silent as they looked at the smoke screen clearing.
Once the winds blew and revealed the scene, the members of Fairy tail saw that Mira had collapsed face first on the sandy beach, her Take Over having turned off as she reluctantly looked up at Mystogan and admitted defeat.
"Damn… I can't believe I lost to this mummified ȧsshole…" She gritted her teeth.
"You're not too bad of a fighter, I have to admit that transformation magic makes you quite sturdy and hard to put down, miss." Mystogan said as he held his hand towards her, helping her get up onto her feet.
Mira reluctantly took his hand, getting up while looking at her till now opponent. "Tsk, don't expect a thank you because of the gesture! I could have gotten up by myself!" Mira said and limped slowly towards the guild hall, earning a few smiles and giggles from her peers and guildmates.
Mystogan then turned to the master. "So, I would hope that this is proof enough of my skills. Can I join the guild now?" He asked.
"Of course you can, just make sure to make up with Mira later! I wouldn't want either of you keeping a grudge now that you've joined our little family." Makarov said with a smile.
"Understood." Mystogan simply replied.
After the small talks between the guiltmates about the new member, Mystogan, died down and everyone went back to their tables. The boy in question went with Makarov to the master's office and got his Guild mark all set up.
Mystogan was seen walking out of the office, now an official member of Fairy tail, and was obviously called by his peers who wanted to get to know him.
"Heyyy! Mystogan right? You're quite the power house ain'tcha?" Cana yelled out to him from the table where everyone was sitting at, waiting for him to come over.
"Yeah! You actually beat Mira! That had me really surprised to be honest, come over here and tell us about yourself man!" Gray said, calling the guy over.
"…" Mystogan looked at them silently, then simply walked to the job request board.
"Hey! Don't just ignore us!" Natsu stood up and yelled, waking the sleeping kitty atop his head.
"Ehhh… Nyatsu whaat's wrooonggg…" Happy asked with a sleepy voice, shortly after going back to dreamville.
"Calm down Natsu! Maybe he's just a little shy still." Lisanna said and pulled him gently, trying to make him sit down on his seat again.
"Yeah, don't go starting any fights flame brain. Sheesh you're such a child…" Gray scoffed at Natsu, grinning slightly as he looked at him with contempt.
"What was that you ice head!?" Natsu retaliated.
"You heard me loud mouth!" Gray did too.
They both leaned over the table while gritting teeth and glaring at one another, Happy even fell off of Natsu's head into Lisanna's arms.
"Y-You guys…" Lisanna muttered, worried that they'd fight again.
"What else do you expect of these two… Haaa.." Ultear sighed, picking up a glass of tea she had gotten for herself earlier.
"I really can't leave you two alone here can I?" Erza said, dusting her hands off all the while.
"Oh, Erza! Nice timing!" Cana commented with a thumbs up.
"Haaaa…" Erza simply sighed, "Hey everyone." She said and looked across the table to where Mira was sitting, she saw all the bruises on her and wore a surprised expression.
"What? What are you looking at you bimbo?!" Mira yelled at Erza, stood up while slamming the table and walked out of the guild in a limping hurry.
"She looks to be in a bad mood… Seems like I missed something?" Erza asked.
"Yeah, you and Arthur both. We got a new member! He actually won in a fight against Mira!" Lyon answered.
"What? Seriously?" Erza was shocked, seeing as she has bouts with Mira regularly, she knows just how strong the girl was getting over time.
"Yeah, he's over at the job request board… Oh hey, Arthur is there too!" Ultear said while pointing at the two boys.
Erza and the others turned and saw that the two were facing each other.
'Okay then… Probably should have guessed this would happen eventually… But not like this… Definitely not like this…' Arthur thought to himself while staring at Mystogan.
"You are…" Mystogan spoke as his eyes narrowed while looking Arthur all over.
"Well then… Why don't we go outside and have a talk, you and me?" Arthur spoke calmly with a wry smile plastered over his currently rather nervous face.
"… I didn't expect to find an enemy here of all places… Fiore seemed rather low on Players from what I gathered over the months of investigation…" Mystogan commented quietly, staring at Arthur who to him was covered in a dark aura akin to that of an enemy participant.
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