Devolved: Path of the beast
12 Battle For Control
While Jenkins was screaming into the purple orb, Michael could feel his soul slowly appear inside som weird room. Very similar to the place where he met the old head.
Feeling his body ascend for each passing second, he tried to focus, as something told him going further up was a bad idea.
Getting a better view of his surroundings. Michael then noticed a small figure at the other end of the place he found himself in. It was covered in golden chains made of light, each one of them were showing signs of tearing.
He was unconsciously pulled towards it, and as he kept coming nearer, a small whisper could be heard.
"Mom. Dad. I am sorry. Please come back."
Now, only a couple of meters in front of it, Michael got a clear look of the source.
It looked like his current body. Only, instead of any gold or blue eyes, it possessed brown color.
"Is this the soul of Marss?" Michael, who was feeling the motivation in his mind tear alongside the continuously cracking chains, tried to talked to the blurry image of boy.
"Hey, you there?"
The soul slowly lifted its head towards him. And as their eyes met, Michael felt a form of resonation.
"I want to see them again!" Marss began to struggle. Causing one of the chains around his arm to snap.
As it broke, Michael felt his existence weaken. Hastily trying to stop the boy from doing any more damage, he attempted to talk with him.
"Hey! Calm down! You want to see them again right?" Nervousness could be found deep inside each word. Hoping nothing bad would happen.
'How is he still alive? Don't tell me that old head only sealed him? Sh*** do I have to deal with this guy too?'
However, this proved to be a wasted effort. The image of the boy grew more radiant. Quickly shattering all the chains around him.
'Why do I feel pressure? Is it because he is the original owner of this body..."
"I WANT TO SEE THEM!!" Marss, who uncontrollably started to scream into the void, was now becoming more real.
'Dammit! The evolution must have weakened the chains holding him!'
As the scream echoed out, the figure forming the soul of Michael drilled itself selves into Marss's body. Not planning on giving up against a child.
'You will submit to me!'
And so the void crumbled appart, having the glowing human figure as it's senter
Inside the same alloyed room, Michael's body was now hanging from what looked like a standing operation table. Several bolts and tools were floating close to him. They resembled some ancient torture devices.
In front of his body, Jenkins was seen spinning his purple orb around while looking at the boy. He began to talk to himself while waiting for something.
"*Sigh* That old man really disappointed me."
Jenkin crossed his arms while shaking his head. Slightly saddened by the current event's occuring in the real word.
"Well, mabye I overworked him with all those ghouls...I mean, im almost out those things! Ha! kid, can you belive that? Sweet gods, that geezer should be at the higher end of the General level if I am not wrong. Which I never am by the way!"
He then turned his full attention to the unconscious body. The previous glowing had stopped, and he now began to mumble some inaudible words.
"This guy... Did he grind those fatty bastards into dust, or did he eat them? Has no one ever told him that trolls wash their bodies with..."
Before he could finish his scentence, a piece of the alloyed wall slammed open like some fancy swing door.
A group of villagers were beeing dragged. Steamy black chains and collars could be found on their body, all lead by some giant red horned monster.
"Oy!" Jenkin showed some displeasure on his now more visible, well shaped face. Despite having the name of a male, his skin was much smoother than a womans.
"I told you to be careful while bringing them here! Look! That red bearded guy passed ou.. No, wait, looks like the 'Nigthmare torches' got into him." Jenkins then began to clap his covered hands. Getting the attention of the exhausted group of humans.
Some of them lacked any luster in their eyes. Believing that they would not come out here alive.
Yet, as they began to turn their heads towards the generated noise, an operation table came into view alongside the silhouette of a hooded beauty.
All turning their full attention towards the operation table, a figure was seen strapped to it.
Most of them had already lost all hope. But despite this, a purple haired woman immediately rose up from the ground togheter with a brown haired man. Both starting to shout with joy.
"Marss! my son!" They tried getting his attention, but noticing that he was dead asleep yet breathing brought some hope back.
The father, still keeping some of his rationality. stopped. However, his wife was crazily screaming louder. Trying to wake him up.
The hooded Jenkins looked at this show. Amusement was written over his glossy lips.
'So this biomancer dude is their kid? No way some child can be this powerful. Mabye he is one of those reincarnated people?' Thinking to himself, Jenkins then woke up from the running thoughts as the sleeping Marss somehow replied.
"Mom.." Marss, as if responding to his mother's call, forced out while twitching a little.
The mother, who noticed her child answer her, tried running towards him. Sadly, she was instantly flung back like a twig by the red horned giant which held her chains.
With a *TUMP* her body flew backwards. It was then quickly caught by her husband who threw himself in front of her flying figure.
The couple crashed into the alloyed wall since the chains did not restrict them moving backwards.
As they smashed into it, something similar to cracking noises could faintly be heard from each one.
The father instantly passed out as his head hit the unkown material.
The mother was slightly better off. And although she did not move from her husbands embrace, she still weakly called out to her son.
This was seen by all the other men, women and children. A small glow of hope grew inside each of their hearts as they watched the two not yield.
Jenkins emotionlessly looked at their bleeding figures. Finding this dramatic scene somewhat funny.
"I wonder how the kid will react when he wakes up next to the severed heads of his parents.." Finding himself once more revisiting the twisted thoughts which filled his mind, a dagger was then formed out the surrounding darkness. Growing in lenght until it reached the size of a machete.
He slowly walked towards them, passing by the chained villagers who shook from the pressure emanating from the black blade.
"Since I am a kind man you will only suffer for a short while. Also! when you die, tell that fat hag that I will come for her sooner or later!"
Standing in front of the couple, he could still hear some faint whispers emanate from the purple haired woman's trembling mouth.
To this, Jenkins steeled his expression.
"You know, lady. Your hair is the same color as one of my soul gems, so I am thinking that killing you right out would be a waste."
Before raising the weapon, his yellow eyes began to turn purple. A small ray of light hit the woman's body. It slowly dispersed, outlining her struggling frame with some dark light.
"Now, stand still for me."
He then stabbed the blade into her heart. The light within her eyes grew weaker and weaker. However, still aimed at her child's unconscious body.
"Still as persistent as ever huh? Well, don't blame me then."
Jenkins lifted the machete upwards. It began morphing into a longer, more defined cross shaped sword.
"Since I will be using your soul for a while, you may get a clean cut."
As these words escaped his mouth, Jenkins drew the black sword in an ark towards her neck.
It cut thorugh the air. Splitting space as it travelled downwards.
No one of the villagers dared look. Plastering their eyes down on the cold, hard floor.
Just as it was going to touch her pale skin, ending her life...
It suddenly stopped.
The black blade now rested next the bleeding woman's neck.
Jenkins, who froze up, felt cold sweat run down his back.
A very weird feeling was covering the robe he donned.
Altough he was familiar with the resentment, the difference beetween this and the usual would be the horrifying amount of pressure. It made him feel genuine fear.
Looking down at his sword, he watched as it began to shake. The vibrations originating from his trembling body.
Slowly, he spun around. Planning to face this weird feeling head on!
As he began to turn, his eyes instantly glued themselves towards the operation table where the strapped boy laid.
But as he fully gained the table within his view, his body stopped shaking. Not because of the lessened pressure, but because he did not dare move a muscle.
The unconscious kid had woken up. Yet, as he clearly woke up a second ago, no sound was made. No begging. Nothing.
As he made eye contact with the boy, he suddenly found himself slightly confused.
'What the hell are those eyes?!' Jenkins screamed in his mind while starring into the two black whirlpools of death. Aiming themselves in his direction.
He tried calming himself down. However, just as he blinked, the boy disappeard from the strapped table. The metal which enforced the shackles were almost unbreakable for those under the level of king. And indeed they were, as no scratch was made on them.
'How did he free himself? Does this kid know space magic? No, wait..did he phase through them?!'
New questions continued to fill his head. But as he ran through the hundreds of possible ways Marss could have freed himself with, he did not dare break the eye contact this time. Refusing to let his drying eyes be moisturized.
After this starring contest continued for a while, Marss finally opened his mouth.
"mom..?" his voice was still the same as always.
This calmed jenkins down as he regained some confidence. 'So this guy only got an eye change? Sure, if that's all there is to worry about this will continue to go smoothly'
Jenkins aimed his sword at Marss, planning to execute some kind of ranged attack.
"Any last words, kid?"
Jenkins was now smiling once more. Certain that he would not even need to lift another finger.
However, as he was preparing for Marss to answer him, the sensation of death once more covered his heart.
The previously thin voice was replaced by a sound similar to that of a broken trumpet.
Marss's body began to violently shake. Rattling like the tail belonging to some sort of snake.
The now panicking Jenkins could only feel hisfrozen body quietly watch as the boy began to grow and deform.
Inside Marss's head..
[Congratulations! Host has successfully evolved!]
[Host has begun to form a 'Nuclei']
[Nuclei:Some beasts will form a specific type of core when maturing. Those influenced by magic will have a chance of developing a magic core which strenghtens their essence mainpulation. Those who lean more towards brute strength will form a nuclei. It will largely empower ones physical capabilities.
[Some skills have ranked up!]
[Some skills have evolved!]
[New Title earned!]
[New hybrid bloodline has been created!]
[Teratorn Peacock as been ingegrated with!]
[Teratorn Peacock: Legend has it that this bird once really existed. Its large muscular body is covered by scale-like feathers, able to manipulate the surrounding air. Each feather can absorb an enourmes amount of physical punishment. Combined with its incredible regenerative powers, it holds the title as one of the most robust creatures. Even when fighting opponents of a slightly higher rank. Only beeing vulnerable against elemental magic. It loves to eat raw meat and can grow to the same size as a small house]
[Updating information..]
[Display engaged]
Layer:General (middle)
Name:Marss Zell Johnson
Race:Variant human(new)Age:15
Mental status:Normal
Body status:Normal
Energy:10 400/14 000
Bloodline(Integrated):Teratorn Peacock.
Bloodline storage:Night Dove, Leaf Dragon, Ghoul, Troll.
[ABILITIES] (active) (-)
(Sprint LvL 8(+5) (Punch LvL 9(+3) (Trick LvL3) (Muscle empowerment LvL1(new) (Bone shatterer LvL1(new) (perceptionLvL8(+3) (Berserk LvL 4(new) (revenge LvL6(+1) (killer instinct LvL5(new)
(Deconstruction) (Storage)(Integration) (Assimilation)
[ABILITIES] (passive) (-)
(Super regeneration LvL7(new) (fatigue immunity LvL4) (Pain immunity LvL 9(+2) (quick learner LvL4) (Primal instinct LvL1(new) (Charisma LvL1) (Beast aura LvL:1(new) (Mindful LvL1) (Precise striker LvL7) (Engraved path)(Thermal vision LvL1(new) (air manipulation LvL4(new) (Kinetic dispersion LvL8(new) (damage convertion LvL4(new)
(Filter) (Convertion) (Assort) (Hybrid)
[HYBRID:A title given to those who are born with multiple bloodlines]
Not even glancing at the screen, nor listening to the genderless voice in his head. Marss looked at the robed individual standing in front of his bleeding parents.
His vision changed from sometimes only recognizing heat, and back to the normal one. Making ut hard to see.
However, for only but a moment, he was able to see behind the armed individual where his fading mother laid.
"wHaT DiD yOu Do tO MOm..G..G..eT oUt oF mY hEaD KiD!!!" His voice made a sound akin to multiple people talking at once. Or rather, it was more like two people fighting each other for control.
"YoU aRe NoT mY MaTCh BoY!"
As the fight continued, the body morphed at the incredible pace. Every cell in his body began to rapidly multiply. The system which usually hindered any large mutation did not work its course this time.
His body temprature began flaring. Causing the last remaining clothes he wore to explode inside a growing fire.
As his body began to reden, Small feather shaped scales covered his skin. Expanding alongside his mucles.
His brown hair spiked backwards. Turning into small hornes which aimed their tip towards the growing tailbone.
His now armoured tail split up into many smaller wires. Each growing some sort of metal texure like feathers. They kept enlarging until finally ending up with a a silver feathered moon that covered his back.
The arms grew in lenght and thickness. His elbows both shot one sharp piece of feathered bone out. Trying to imitate a deformed wing. Following along the lengthened forearms, his hands and fingers were molded into talons.
His knee joints cracked themselves. Twisting towards the growing feather circle on his back.
After being properly positioned, they hardened. Not growing any feathers, but leaving all flesh bellow his thighs as red plates.
beneath this metal plating were his transforming feet. They now resembled somthing originally found on a raptor.
After his entire body was done morphing into a silver colored terror bird, his face was pulled and expanded. The lips plating themselves in some sort of flat beak while the facial structure was now more similar towards a voodoo mask. Weakly reflecting a human appearance.
As his transformation finished, leaving the villagers and the large red horned beasted horrified, Jenkins was gasping for more air as he starred at the dinosaurs like harpy.
Not even taking another minute to think, he ordered the red brute to attack the once small and fragile Marss.
With no choice, it just charged at him. As it was at the low level general realm, the monster swung its meaty arm at the similarly sized abomination. Expecting to at least deal some damage.
As the fist neared the mask shaped face, it was then caught by the talon-hand which was connected to the long and scaly arm.
"YoU aRe EvEn mOrE aNnOyiNG tHAn THe KiD..."
The beast that was once Marss then casualy flung the other claw at it.
Connecting to the red mass of flesh and bone,the silver scaled talon punched a boulder sized hole through its chest. Instantly killing it.
Jenkins's hood was blown of thanks tothe air current generated by the punch. Showing his beautiful feminin traits. No different than a top class beauty from a noble family.
But no one cared about this now. The alloyed room was silenced as the villagers freed themselves from the disappearing chains. crawling further away from the battle.
Jenkings only stood there. Seeing both the red corpse laying beneath the feathered titan and the thick beak lips forming into a maniacal smile, he looked at the two orange eyes once more pointed in his direction.
He did not tremble as they looked at each other. Because he had already lost all the feelings in his body. The black sword in his small hand dissipated along side the previously held confidence.
Hearing the quacking breathing generated by this THING. Jenkins felt a warm feeling of running water fill the pants beneath the robe he wore.
Feeling his body ascend for each passing second, he tried to focus, as something told him going further up was a bad idea.
Getting a better view of his surroundings. Michael then noticed a small figure at the other end of the place he found himself in. It was covered in golden chains made of light, each one of them were showing signs of tearing.
He was unconsciously pulled towards it, and as he kept coming nearer, a small whisper could be heard.
"Mom. Dad. I am sorry. Please come back."
Now, only a couple of meters in front of it, Michael got a clear look of the source.
It looked like his current body. Only, instead of any gold or blue eyes, it possessed brown color.
"Is this the soul of Marss?" Michael, who was feeling the motivation in his mind tear alongside the continuously cracking chains, tried to talked to the blurry image of boy.
"Hey, you there?"
The soul slowly lifted its head towards him. And as their eyes met, Michael felt a form of resonation.
"I want to see them again!" Marss began to struggle. Causing one of the chains around his arm to snap.
As it broke, Michael felt his existence weaken. Hastily trying to stop the boy from doing any more damage, he attempted to talk with him.
"Hey! Calm down! You want to see them again right?" Nervousness could be found deep inside each word. Hoping nothing bad would happen.
'How is he still alive? Don't tell me that old head only sealed him? Sh*** do I have to deal with this guy too?'
However, this proved to be a wasted effort. The image of the boy grew more radiant. Quickly shattering all the chains around him.
'Why do I feel pressure? Is it because he is the original owner of this body..."
"I WANT TO SEE THEM!!" Marss, who uncontrollably started to scream into the void, was now becoming more real.
'Dammit! The evolution must have weakened the chains holding him!'
As the scream echoed out, the figure forming the soul of Michael drilled itself selves into Marss's body. Not planning on giving up against a child.
'You will submit to me!'
And so the void crumbled appart, having the glowing human figure as it's senter
Inside the same alloyed room, Michael's body was now hanging from what looked like a standing operation table. Several bolts and tools were floating close to him. They resembled some ancient torture devices.
In front of his body, Jenkins was seen spinning his purple orb around while looking at the boy. He began to talk to himself while waiting for something.
"*Sigh* That old man really disappointed me."
Jenkin crossed his arms while shaking his head. Slightly saddened by the current event's occuring in the real word.
"Well, mabye I overworked him with all those ghouls...I mean, im almost out those things! Ha! kid, can you belive that? Sweet gods, that geezer should be at the higher end of the General level if I am not wrong. Which I never am by the way!"
He then turned his full attention to the unconscious body. The previous glowing had stopped, and he now began to mumble some inaudible words.
"This guy... Did he grind those fatty bastards into dust, or did he eat them? Has no one ever told him that trolls wash their bodies with..."
Before he could finish his scentence, a piece of the alloyed wall slammed open like some fancy swing door.
A group of villagers were beeing dragged. Steamy black chains and collars could be found on their body, all lead by some giant red horned monster.
"Oy!" Jenkin showed some displeasure on his now more visible, well shaped face. Despite having the name of a male, his skin was much smoother than a womans.
"I told you to be careful while bringing them here! Look! That red bearded guy passed ou.. No, wait, looks like the 'Nigthmare torches' got into him." Jenkins then began to clap his covered hands. Getting the attention of the exhausted group of humans.
Some of them lacked any luster in their eyes. Believing that they would not come out here alive.
Yet, as they began to turn their heads towards the generated noise, an operation table came into view alongside the silhouette of a hooded beauty.
All turning their full attention towards the operation table, a figure was seen strapped to it.
Most of them had already lost all hope. But despite this, a purple haired woman immediately rose up from the ground togheter with a brown haired man. Both starting to shout with joy.
"Marss! my son!" They tried getting his attention, but noticing that he was dead asleep yet breathing brought some hope back.
The father, still keeping some of his rationality. stopped. However, his wife was crazily screaming louder. Trying to wake him up.
The hooded Jenkins looked at this show. Amusement was written over his glossy lips.
'So this biomancer dude is their kid? No way some child can be this powerful. Mabye he is one of those reincarnated people?' Thinking to himself, Jenkins then woke up from the running thoughts as the sleeping Marss somehow replied.
"Mom.." Marss, as if responding to his mother's call, forced out while twitching a little.
The mother, who noticed her child answer her, tried running towards him. Sadly, she was instantly flung back like a twig by the red horned giant which held her chains.
With a *TUMP* her body flew backwards. It was then quickly caught by her husband who threw himself in front of her flying figure.
The couple crashed into the alloyed wall since the chains did not restrict them moving backwards.
As they smashed into it, something similar to cracking noises could faintly be heard from each one.
The father instantly passed out as his head hit the unkown material.
The mother was slightly better off. And although she did not move from her husbands embrace, she still weakly called out to her son.
This was seen by all the other men, women and children. A small glow of hope grew inside each of their hearts as they watched the two not yield.
Jenkins emotionlessly looked at their bleeding figures. Finding this dramatic scene somewhat funny.
"I wonder how the kid will react when he wakes up next to the severed heads of his parents.." Finding himself once more revisiting the twisted thoughts which filled his mind, a dagger was then formed out the surrounding darkness. Growing in lenght until it reached the size of a machete.
He slowly walked towards them, passing by the chained villagers who shook from the pressure emanating from the black blade.
"Since I am a kind man you will only suffer for a short while. Also! when you die, tell that fat hag that I will come for her sooner or later!"
Standing in front of the couple, he could still hear some faint whispers emanate from the purple haired woman's trembling mouth.
To this, Jenkins steeled his expression.
"You know, lady. Your hair is the same color as one of my soul gems, so I am thinking that killing you right out would be a waste."
Before raising the weapon, his yellow eyes began to turn purple. A small ray of light hit the woman's body. It slowly dispersed, outlining her struggling frame with some dark light.
"Now, stand still for me."
He then stabbed the blade into her heart. The light within her eyes grew weaker and weaker. However, still aimed at her child's unconscious body.
"Still as persistent as ever huh? Well, don't blame me then."
Jenkins lifted the machete upwards. It began morphing into a longer, more defined cross shaped sword.
"Since I will be using your soul for a while, you may get a clean cut."
As these words escaped his mouth, Jenkins drew the black sword in an ark towards her neck.
It cut thorugh the air. Splitting space as it travelled downwards.
No one of the villagers dared look. Plastering their eyes down on the cold, hard floor.
Just as it was going to touch her pale skin, ending her life...
It suddenly stopped.
The black blade now rested next the bleeding woman's neck.
Jenkins, who froze up, felt cold sweat run down his back.
A very weird feeling was covering the robe he donned.
Altough he was familiar with the resentment, the difference beetween this and the usual would be the horrifying amount of pressure. It made him feel genuine fear.
Looking down at his sword, he watched as it began to shake. The vibrations originating from his trembling body.
Slowly, he spun around. Planning to face this weird feeling head on!
As he began to turn, his eyes instantly glued themselves towards the operation table where the strapped boy laid.
But as he fully gained the table within his view, his body stopped shaking. Not because of the lessened pressure, but because he did not dare move a muscle.
The unconscious kid had woken up. Yet, as he clearly woke up a second ago, no sound was made. No begging. Nothing.
As he made eye contact with the boy, he suddenly found himself slightly confused.
'What the hell are those eyes?!' Jenkins screamed in his mind while starring into the two black whirlpools of death. Aiming themselves in his direction.
He tried calming himself down. However, just as he blinked, the boy disappeard from the strapped table. The metal which enforced the shackles were almost unbreakable for those under the level of king. And indeed they were, as no scratch was made on them.
'How did he free himself? Does this kid know space magic? No, wait..did he phase through them?!'
New questions continued to fill his head. But as he ran through the hundreds of possible ways Marss could have freed himself with, he did not dare break the eye contact this time. Refusing to let his drying eyes be moisturized.
After this starring contest continued for a while, Marss finally opened his mouth.
"mom..?" his voice was still the same as always.
This calmed jenkins down as he regained some confidence. 'So this guy only got an eye change? Sure, if that's all there is to worry about this will continue to go smoothly'
Jenkins aimed his sword at Marss, planning to execute some kind of ranged attack.
"Any last words, kid?"
Jenkins was now smiling once more. Certain that he would not even need to lift another finger.
However, as he was preparing for Marss to answer him, the sensation of death once more covered his heart.
The previously thin voice was replaced by a sound similar to that of a broken trumpet.
Marss's body began to violently shake. Rattling like the tail belonging to some sort of snake.
The now panicking Jenkins could only feel hisfrozen body quietly watch as the boy began to grow and deform.
Inside Marss's head..
[Congratulations! Host has successfully evolved!]
[Host has begun to form a 'Nuclei']
[Nuclei:Some beasts will form a specific type of core when maturing. Those influenced by magic will have a chance of developing a magic core which strenghtens their essence mainpulation. Those who lean more towards brute strength will form a nuclei. It will largely empower ones physical capabilities.
[Some skills have ranked up!]
[Some skills have evolved!]
[New Title earned!]
[New hybrid bloodline has been created!]
[Teratorn Peacock as been ingegrated with!]
[Teratorn Peacock: Legend has it that this bird once really existed. Its large muscular body is covered by scale-like feathers, able to manipulate the surrounding air. Each feather can absorb an enourmes amount of physical punishment. Combined with its incredible regenerative powers, it holds the title as one of the most robust creatures. Even when fighting opponents of a slightly higher rank. Only beeing vulnerable against elemental magic. It loves to eat raw meat and can grow to the same size as a small house]
[Updating information..]
[Display engaged]
Layer:General (middle)
Name:Marss Zell Johnson
Race:Variant human(new)Age:15
Mental status:Normal
Body status:Normal
Energy:10 400/14 000
Bloodline(Integrated):Teratorn Peacock.
Bloodline storage:Night Dove, Leaf Dragon, Ghoul, Troll.
[ABILITIES] (active) (-)
(Sprint LvL 8(+5) (Punch LvL 9(+3) (Trick LvL3) (Muscle empowerment LvL1(new) (Bone shatterer LvL1(new) (perceptionLvL8(+3) (Berserk LvL 4(new) (revenge LvL6(+1) (killer instinct LvL5(new)
(Deconstruction) (Storage)(Integration) (Assimilation)
[ABILITIES] (passive) (-)
(Super regeneration LvL7(new) (fatigue immunity LvL4) (Pain immunity LvL 9(+2) (quick learner LvL4) (Primal instinct LvL1(new) (Charisma LvL1) (Beast aura LvL:1(new) (Mindful LvL1) (Precise striker LvL7) (Engraved path)(Thermal vision LvL1(new) (air manipulation LvL4(new) (Kinetic dispersion LvL8(new) (damage convertion LvL4(new)
(Filter) (Convertion) (Assort) (Hybrid)
[HYBRID:A title given to those who are born with multiple bloodlines]
Not even glancing at the screen, nor listening to the genderless voice in his head. Marss looked at the robed individual standing in front of his bleeding parents.
His vision changed from sometimes only recognizing heat, and back to the normal one. Making ut hard to see.
However, for only but a moment, he was able to see behind the armed individual where his fading mother laid.
"wHaT DiD yOu Do tO MOm..G..G..eT oUt oF mY hEaD KiD!!!" His voice made a sound akin to multiple people talking at once. Or rather, it was more like two people fighting each other for control.
"YoU aRe NoT mY MaTCh BoY!"
As the fight continued, the body morphed at the incredible pace. Every cell in his body began to rapidly multiply. The system which usually hindered any large mutation did not work its course this time.
His body temprature began flaring. Causing the last remaining clothes he wore to explode inside a growing fire.
As his body began to reden, Small feather shaped scales covered his skin. Expanding alongside his mucles.
His brown hair spiked backwards. Turning into small hornes which aimed their tip towards the growing tailbone.
His now armoured tail split up into many smaller wires. Each growing some sort of metal texure like feathers. They kept enlarging until finally ending up with a a silver feathered moon that covered his back.
The arms grew in lenght and thickness. His elbows both shot one sharp piece of feathered bone out. Trying to imitate a deformed wing. Following along the lengthened forearms, his hands and fingers were molded into talons.
His knee joints cracked themselves. Twisting towards the growing feather circle on his back.
After being properly positioned, they hardened. Not growing any feathers, but leaving all flesh bellow his thighs as red plates.
beneath this metal plating were his transforming feet. They now resembled somthing originally found on a raptor.
After his entire body was done morphing into a silver colored terror bird, his face was pulled and expanded. The lips plating themselves in some sort of flat beak while the facial structure was now more similar towards a voodoo mask. Weakly reflecting a human appearance.
As his transformation finished, leaving the villagers and the large red horned beasted horrified, Jenkins was gasping for more air as he starred at the dinosaurs like harpy.
Not even taking another minute to think, he ordered the red brute to attack the once small and fragile Marss.
With no choice, it just charged at him. As it was at the low level general realm, the monster swung its meaty arm at the similarly sized abomination. Expecting to at least deal some damage.
As the fist neared the mask shaped face, it was then caught by the talon-hand which was connected to the long and scaly arm.
"YoU aRe EvEn mOrE aNnOyiNG tHAn THe KiD..."
The beast that was once Marss then casualy flung the other claw at it.
Connecting to the red mass of flesh and bone,the silver scaled talon punched a boulder sized hole through its chest. Instantly killing it.
Jenkins's hood was blown of thanks tothe air current generated by the punch. Showing his beautiful feminin traits. No different than a top class beauty from a noble family.
But no one cared about this now. The alloyed room was silenced as the villagers freed themselves from the disappearing chains. crawling further away from the battle.
Jenkings only stood there. Seeing both the red corpse laying beneath the feathered titan and the thick beak lips forming into a maniacal smile, he looked at the two orange eyes once more pointed in his direction.
He did not tremble as they looked at each other. Because he had already lost all the feelings in his body. The black sword in his small hand dissipated along side the previously held confidence.
Hearing the quacking breathing generated by this THING. Jenkins felt a warm feeling of running water fill the pants beneath the robe he wore.
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