Devolved: Path of the beast
19 The Assimilated
"Dammit! where is he?! It has already been five more days, and the soliders of the kindom are getting here earlier because the commotion in the forrest! I bet those happy go lucky adventurers will arrive with them..."
Jenkins, who wore a large pelt robe, was donning it with some sort of cross shaped crown and a bronze staff. He was currently inside a fancy room made up of radiating golden brick walls. Laying on a large pile of dark coloured marbles of all shapes and sizes.
"Well, as he is not picking up, I can just leave another message.. In the mean time, i need to prepare some more puppets."
He then stood up from the small sea of orbs, grabbing a handful before and trotting in the direction of one nearby wall.
"I have to get him something nice for collecting me all these. Never would I have imagined possessing so many low level cores and nuclei."
A door shaped out of light appeared in front of him, seeming to lead to somewhere else.
"Hmmm... l'll get a bunch of eggs! Mabye hatching some will brighten his mood. If not that, then something like...."
closing in on the door, he suddenly came up with something.
"Wait.....yes! I GOT IT."
He then disappeared into the glow.
Almost physically and mentally broken, Marss was standing on top of some large gorilla while hysterically laughing towards the morning sun.
After a fight which had gone on for almost ten days, he had finally absorbed every single creature with a useful ability. Preparing to sort them all out with 'Assimilation'. As for now, he was relishing in some sort of battle trans. Most likely generated by the Teratorn Peacock's instinct running lose. His transformation had changed much as he had leveled up, but was more under control thanks to his strenghtened spirit. Marss had now become larger than when last seen, reaching 15 meters in height. Several of his silver feathers sometimes shot out of the bulging, metallic body. The tiki mask shaped face was ejecting a out, almost as if he began to imitate the skull of a real bird. The encased mouth was also forming into a real beak.
As for his arms, they had now taken the shape of some damaged wings. Feathers and bones grew out of his triceps and forearm. On his hands, the once ten talons, were now redused to seven. Several of his scaly orange fingers had cracked off, leaving only a limited amount on both hands.
The dinasour legs did not look so powerful and intimidateing now. Some parts had been shaved or biten off. The silver moon on his back was ripped in some places, but still stood tall throughout the endless assault! bathing in the rays of light.
The once large forrest was now a barren, red and brown wasteland. Covered by bloody sawdust, pieces of sliced bark and animal remains.
The morning sun shone down on all the dried and broken bits. Although it illuminated the sea of death, there was something wrong. Dark clouds started starring at the barren landscape.Limiting the access to light.
Grey clouds began to cry over him. Encirceling the mysterious prehistoric bird with the unjust tears of pain originating from the dead. The ones it had absorbed.
However, marss did not care about such a thing. Only crazily starring up towards the blackening sky. Remebering each noteworthy battle that was fought.
After those weird, yellow eyed werebeasts, or better known as [Night Hound's] had been utterly devoured, not standing a chance as they were at the 'peak master layer', Marss proceeded further into the forest.
As he went in, some sort of combination of grey gorillas, weird baboons possessing thick dark fur with green stripes on their chest, and black furred chimps with white eyes and tails appears. They were all looking down at him from the trees which still stood. They all had one thing in common. Being at the 'Lower general realm'.
The gorillas were named the [Iron hide konger]. Most likely because of the evolved earth affinity, giving them the power to turn their hide into something resembling metal. They were good at taking hits, but were trampled to death when Marss activated his 'Berzerk'.
The green baboons were very strange. Named the [mandrill clickers], they would make a sort of clicking sound while charging madly at you. Despite jumping to their death, the clicking sound would make you more and more dissy as your heard it. This was how they firdt gained leverage on Marss, until he created a small tornado and cut every single one into medalions.
The chimps were called [Death dealer apes]. As they looked scary, he figured that was the reason why, but the truth made him reatreat back to the open area he had cut down. For these primates were able to shoot out some sort of pressurized spit bullets. Only spit would not kill him, hell, not even damage him. But it made wounds heal slower for some reason. This was a slightly horrifying thought, as being continuesly fired upon from all directions while battling the rest? He tried to easily solve this problem by just throwing more air razors, but the chimps were both small and very acrobatic. They moved at a speed which left behind blures, and as it was already night, spotting them was rather difficult... Until 'Killer instinct' ran its course, making them somewhat slow down.
After cleaning up the monkeys, he was then ambushed by a variation of strong grizzy bears who were all at the 'Middle general layer' and almost his size. The first he fought were called [Sunder bears], and for a good reason. Looking like your average brown bear if neglecting size, and the fact that each time they took damage, their physical strenght would grow. They were very resistant against his air blades and punches because of the thick, dark brown hide. So he had to continuously dig his claws into them. Ripping them open while getting bitten all over his silver body.
The second type of bear he fought called themselvs [Purgelers]. They were somewhat cute looking. Having a similar appearence to a colossal sized panda. Only with a completly white upper body and a black cover under, making it look like they wore pants. However, despite looking like this, they were a real nightmare. Their ability seemed to be a form of 'Reversal'. Better explained like sending all the energy generated from an immediate impact back into the body part used. He tried shoving his claw into one while having muscle efficiency' activated, since he did not dare run out of energy with 'Berzerk'. But, when he hit it, half of his talons broke like glass! If not for the super regeneration, he would have been in a tough spot when always battered by the [Sunder bears]. To deal with them, he combined his air control and strenght together, flinging them into the clouds, and letting their massive, fatty bodies slam into the ground. The ability only worked on a limited surface area after all. He could probably just punch them, but his.mind was already cracked at this point.
The last teddy's had some crystal blue fur, but were nothing when compared to his feathers.
There were many more battles fought. Mainly consisting of other mutated animals he found while cutting the forrest down. Like some kinds of eagles, croocodiles, deer and more cats. Sadly, they never lasted as long as the first two bears and spiting chimps.
After laughing for a while, he seemed to calm down. His transformation shrank to a more humanoid bird form, five meters in height.
Something had forcefully focused his mind, planning on doing the last task.
"System, show me my status."
[Multiple updates are happening...]
[Update complete!]
[Display engaged]
Layer:General (middle)
Lvl:60/60 (evolve?) (Y/N)
Name:Marss Zell Johnson
Race:Variant humanAge:15
Mental status:Normal
Body status:Normal
Energy: 7 000/17 010 [increased from skill practice!]
Bloodline(Integrated):Teratorn Peacock.
Bloodline storage: Night Dove, Leaf Dragon, Ghoul, Troll, Bone crusher dog, Lesser Balrog, Hacksaw Ibis, Fresh water Reaper, Geyser toad, Begger centipede, sable clapper, ground wanderer, winking serpent, Sparrow brander, clavel singer, Cloud tiger, Gasher cat, Alimer lion, Rohaar tiger, Vered panther, Night Hound(new), Iron hide konger(new), Mandrill clicker(new), Death Dealer ape(new), Sunder bear(new), Purgeler(new), Crystalit wolf(new), Cordfanger(new), Nailbiteler(new), hammerhead swine(new) Stone tradder(new), Hedhgehog mauler(new), handle bat(new), tarnish vandler(new), Tolt cat(new), Nail snapper(new), Lemure flarer(new), panser gecko(new), dismemberer elk(new), karileer(new), Frogbuld(new), Terrboar(new), Four winged hern(new), Alpacross(new), wood eagle(new).
Mass: 1 020 000
Magic Essence : Wind:0%
[ABILITIES] (active) (-)
(Sprint LvL 8) (Punch LvL 9) (Trick LvL3) (Muscle empowerment LvL3(+2) (Bone shatterer LvL4(+3) (perceptionLvL8) (Berserk LvL 5(+1) (revenge LvL6) (killer instinct LvL7(+2)
(Deconstruction) (Storage)(Integration) (Assimilation)
[ABILITIES] (passive) (-)
(Super regeneration LvL9(+2) (fatigue immunity LvL7(+3) (Pain immunity LvL 9) (quick learner LvL4) (Primal instinct LvL4(+1) (Charisma LvL1) (Beast aura LvL 5(+1) (Mindful LvL1) (Precise striker LvL7) (Engraved path)(Thermal vision LvL 5(+4) (air control LvL1) (Kinetic dispersion LvL9) (damage convertion LvL7(+1)
(Filter) (Convertion) (Assort) (Hybrid)
[Titles] (+)
Looking at his maxed level, he tried to turn back into a human to see what kind of mutations he would have.
However, after shrinking to a height of 2meters, he was still found to look like a humanoid reptile, replacing the scales with feathers.
'Wow, I hope it will get easier to revert. Even when I reach a higher level.'
Marss was now not scared when looking at the deformed appearence, as he had literally battled for ten days while in the form of a peacock in shining armor.
'I don't remeber much, as things get hazy sometimes, but I feel like I got a little better! so that's good, I think!.
He looked back into the grey sky with a determined look. Preparing himself for the next that came.
"System! I want you to use 'assimilate' on all the animals that can fuse together. Michael said it would be easier to work with them that way!"
[List over compatible bloodlines made!]
[Reptile: Leaf dragon, Fresh water reaper, Geyser toad, Begger centipede, winking serpent, nailbiteler, nail snapper, panser gecko, frogbuld.]
[Bird: Night Dove, Teratorn peacock, hacksaw Ibis, sparrow brander, four winged hern, alpacross, wood eagle, sable clapper.]
[Wolf: Night Hound, crystalite wolf, sunder bear, purgeler, stone tradder, Hedgehog mauler, cordfanger, ground wanderer, bone crusher dog.]
[primate:Lemure flarer, Iron hide konger, mandrill clicker, death dealer ape. ghoul, troll, lesser balrog.]
[feline: Cloud tiger, Gasher cat, Alimer lion, Rohaar tiger, Vered panther, handle bat, Tolt cat, clavel singer, tarnish vandler.]
[Other: Hammerhead swine, Dismemberer elk, Karileer, Terrboar.]
[Do you wish to begin Assimilation? This will fuse all codes togheter, granting one weaker beast with a strengthened and combined arsenal of all available abilities.]
Marss was looking at the list with his mutated, brown/orange eyes. Very excited.
"Y..Yes! Please do!"
He was slightly worried as he starred down the screen. Hoping for the best to happen.
[Assimilaton beginning!]
Marss felt some sort of stomach ache as it was constantly loading. It felt like someone split up something inside his body, and then stuck it somewhere else.
[Host has successfully fused different samples togheter!]
[Do you wish to view them?] (Y/N)
He was very happy that it worked. Immediately smashing the (Y) with his human finger/talon.
[Reptile variant created!]
[Feline variant created!]
[Canine varian created!]
[Primate variant created!]
[Aves variant created!]
['Other' variant created!]
[Edel Drake: A type of large reptile resembling a smaller dragon without wings. It is covered in turquoise scales and black spikes. Able to control the temprature around them with the innate 'Ice affinity'. They can digest almost any kind of animal with their incredibly powerful stomach acid. It is renown for possessing almost unbeatable close combat abilities with their spiky and super fast claws. Not even leaving room for counter attack. Their bite and tail strike are also very powerful, if not stronger. Even some higher level monsters fear them. An adult reaches the 'middle master layer'.]
[Kabir tyrant: A large type of tiger with a dark orange pelt, followed my some black markins over its face and tail, similarly found on a raccoon. They can traverse almost any environment, even reaching up in the sky if the clouds are dense enough. They are able to creature illusion for opponents of a lower level than them by only looking them in the eye or by emitting a certain soundwave when speaking. The kabir can deal explosive damage in a single, heavy strike. Andd if that doesn't work, then they can create a small sonic boom by roaring. If anyone is close enough while this happens, they will most likely be turned into a steamed vegetable. As the vibrations emitted around it can turn stone to sand. Also able to survive two days without oxygen. An adult reaches the 'lower general layer'.]
[Recusant Condor: A enourmes type of birdsimilar in appearance to a black eagle and small mansion in size. Only difference is the black and silver armor plating which are it's feathers, and the incredible regenerative abilities. The feather plates make it almost immune to blunt damage, only ever leaving magic as a weakness. They have an innate ability to control the atmosphere arround them to an outstanding degree, even being able to battle an adept wind mage to a standstill. Their talons are able to latch on to prey with the retractable nicked edges surrounding it. An adult can reach a speed nearing mach 2. It maxes naturally out at the 'lower general layer'.
[Gerwulf faunal: A type of wolf possessing a almost limitless stamina pool if they do not exert themselves too fast. It shares many traits with both bears and wolfs, looking very much like a more muscular and slimmer 'Sunder bear' with black fur and red lantern eyes. The defense is it's most prized weapon. Able to not take any damage at all if the surface area of said attack is not wider than a meter. If a physical attack covers less than the required surface area, and is too weak, it will be reflected back, damaging its attacker instead. If pushed to a corner, however, it can turn its fur into dense spikes. Or use it's incredible bite to hurt beasts of a slightly higher layer. An adult will reach the 'lower general layer'.]
[Asmite Nephalem: A combination between a half demon and a primate. It looks similar to a 'Death Dealer ape'. Appart from the powerful body frame and shape, they have slightly more black/red fur, and two sharp white horns sticking out fo their forehead. However, despite having the body shape of a death dealer ape, they are far from the same. Reaching a height of 7 meters and a width of 4 meters, they are renown for their incredible tough hide. Able to turn some of it into a intense radiant armour, as if wearing newly hammered steel. They do not run fast, but can swing their body in any direction at unbelievable speeds. They can spit out pressurized clusters of poison which will slow down blood clothing and cell regeneration. Alongside this, they can generate and manipulate sulfur gas at will, adding it to their attacks if willed. They also have an innate connection to the 'Metal eccence'. A purer type of energy found in the earth. Some only describe them as iron bending demon monkey's. An adult reaches it's growth potential at the 'Lower general layer'.
[Cernunnos strider: A type of deer originating from a fallen god. Growing to the size of a house and possessing golden brown fur, alongside some stary amber eyes. It has the ability to influence those around it heavily. The weaker the surrounding people, the stronger it affects. It can travel five hundred kilometers in one single jump and land just as elegantly as it takes of. Their most renowed detail are the long and majestic antlers, reaching one third of its size. That, and their incredibly powerful spirit. They can shred all incoming dangers with only a swing of the sturdy horns, as they possess a hardness similarly found in 'Soul spikes'. They always reach their limit at the 'middle master layer'.
Marss was starring at them with his demi-human mouth gaping. He never imagined that the power Michael had would be this incredible! He began to feel confidant and relieved. Knowing that he mabye would succeed for the first time in his life!
'T..This is far better than I ever imagined!'
He began to clear his voice, prepairing to ask his last question.
"S..system, can you do the 'integration' thing?"
[This process will cause several irreversible mutations. Are you sure you want to continue?]
'Won't they go away if my spirit gets stronger or my level resets?'
"Yeah, they will if I remember correctly. System, you can continue! Also, make sure to make all of my available skills assimilate with what they are compatible with."
[Integration will take 1 hour, as host is fusing many bloodlines of unkown origin and several abilites.]
[Host will be left unconscious while this happens due to several altercation needing to be executed at once]
[Please wait...]
Marss felt his vision darken, making him fall asleep in the middle of the destroyed battlefield he had created.
Far away from Marss's postion. In a massive dark cave which radiating an unkown energy, there sat some type of humanoid mutated beast cross legged. Meditating.
However, it suddenly opened its massiv bronze eyes, turning them towards one of the walls.
"My bretheren....My children...."
The voice was very deep. Just the slightest whisper almost made the cave collapse.
It felt something was wrong, as he could not feel any lifeforms there any longer, exept some foreign beeing.
"No....You who sleeps, this must be your doing."
The voice became more deep and was contorted slightly, small rocks fell down from the ceiling as the cave was breaking appart.
"You...You must pay..."
It then vanished. Disappearing into thin air. Preparing to do it's duty as both a father....
And a king.
Jenkins, who wore a large pelt robe, was donning it with some sort of cross shaped crown and a bronze staff. He was currently inside a fancy room made up of radiating golden brick walls. Laying on a large pile of dark coloured marbles of all shapes and sizes.
"Well, as he is not picking up, I can just leave another message.. In the mean time, i need to prepare some more puppets."
He then stood up from the small sea of orbs, grabbing a handful before and trotting in the direction of one nearby wall.
"I have to get him something nice for collecting me all these. Never would I have imagined possessing so many low level cores and nuclei."
A door shaped out of light appeared in front of him, seeming to lead to somewhere else.
"Hmmm... l'll get a bunch of eggs! Mabye hatching some will brighten his mood. If not that, then something like...."
closing in on the door, he suddenly came up with something.
"Wait.....yes! I GOT IT."
He then disappeared into the glow.
Almost physically and mentally broken, Marss was standing on top of some large gorilla while hysterically laughing towards the morning sun.
After a fight which had gone on for almost ten days, he had finally absorbed every single creature with a useful ability. Preparing to sort them all out with 'Assimilation'. As for now, he was relishing in some sort of battle trans. Most likely generated by the Teratorn Peacock's instinct running lose. His transformation had changed much as he had leveled up, but was more under control thanks to his strenghtened spirit. Marss had now become larger than when last seen, reaching 15 meters in height. Several of his silver feathers sometimes shot out of the bulging, metallic body. The tiki mask shaped face was ejecting a out, almost as if he began to imitate the skull of a real bird. The encased mouth was also forming into a real beak.
As for his arms, they had now taken the shape of some damaged wings. Feathers and bones grew out of his triceps and forearm. On his hands, the once ten talons, were now redused to seven. Several of his scaly orange fingers had cracked off, leaving only a limited amount on both hands.
The dinasour legs did not look so powerful and intimidateing now. Some parts had been shaved or biten off. The silver moon on his back was ripped in some places, but still stood tall throughout the endless assault! bathing in the rays of light.
The once large forrest was now a barren, red and brown wasteland. Covered by bloody sawdust, pieces of sliced bark and animal remains.
The morning sun shone down on all the dried and broken bits. Although it illuminated the sea of death, there was something wrong. Dark clouds started starring at the barren landscape.Limiting the access to light.
Grey clouds began to cry over him. Encirceling the mysterious prehistoric bird with the unjust tears of pain originating from the dead. The ones it had absorbed.
However, marss did not care about such a thing. Only crazily starring up towards the blackening sky. Remebering each noteworthy battle that was fought.
After those weird, yellow eyed werebeasts, or better known as [Night Hound's] had been utterly devoured, not standing a chance as they were at the 'peak master layer', Marss proceeded further into the forest.
As he went in, some sort of combination of grey gorillas, weird baboons possessing thick dark fur with green stripes on their chest, and black furred chimps with white eyes and tails appears. They were all looking down at him from the trees which still stood. They all had one thing in common. Being at the 'Lower general realm'.
The gorillas were named the [Iron hide konger]. Most likely because of the evolved earth affinity, giving them the power to turn their hide into something resembling metal. They were good at taking hits, but were trampled to death when Marss activated his 'Berzerk'.
The green baboons were very strange. Named the [mandrill clickers], they would make a sort of clicking sound while charging madly at you. Despite jumping to their death, the clicking sound would make you more and more dissy as your heard it. This was how they firdt gained leverage on Marss, until he created a small tornado and cut every single one into medalions.
The chimps were called [Death dealer apes]. As they looked scary, he figured that was the reason why, but the truth made him reatreat back to the open area he had cut down. For these primates were able to shoot out some sort of pressurized spit bullets. Only spit would not kill him, hell, not even damage him. But it made wounds heal slower for some reason. This was a slightly horrifying thought, as being continuesly fired upon from all directions while battling the rest? He tried to easily solve this problem by just throwing more air razors, but the chimps were both small and very acrobatic. They moved at a speed which left behind blures, and as it was already night, spotting them was rather difficult... Until 'Killer instinct' ran its course, making them somewhat slow down.
After cleaning up the monkeys, he was then ambushed by a variation of strong grizzy bears who were all at the 'Middle general layer' and almost his size. The first he fought were called [Sunder bears], and for a good reason. Looking like your average brown bear if neglecting size, and the fact that each time they took damage, their physical strenght would grow. They were very resistant against his air blades and punches because of the thick, dark brown hide. So he had to continuously dig his claws into them. Ripping them open while getting bitten all over his silver body.
The second type of bear he fought called themselvs [Purgelers]. They were somewhat cute looking. Having a similar appearence to a colossal sized panda. Only with a completly white upper body and a black cover under, making it look like they wore pants. However, despite looking like this, they were a real nightmare. Their ability seemed to be a form of 'Reversal'. Better explained like sending all the energy generated from an immediate impact back into the body part used. He tried shoving his claw into one while having muscle efficiency' activated, since he did not dare run out of energy with 'Berzerk'. But, when he hit it, half of his talons broke like glass! If not for the super regeneration, he would have been in a tough spot when always battered by the [Sunder bears]. To deal with them, he combined his air control and strenght together, flinging them into the clouds, and letting their massive, fatty bodies slam into the ground. The ability only worked on a limited surface area after all. He could probably just punch them, but his.mind was already cracked at this point.
The last teddy's had some crystal blue fur, but were nothing when compared to his feathers.
There were many more battles fought. Mainly consisting of other mutated animals he found while cutting the forrest down. Like some kinds of eagles, croocodiles, deer and more cats. Sadly, they never lasted as long as the first two bears and spiting chimps.
After laughing for a while, he seemed to calm down. His transformation shrank to a more humanoid bird form, five meters in height.
Something had forcefully focused his mind, planning on doing the last task.
"System, show me my status."
[Multiple updates are happening...]
[Update complete!]
[Display engaged]
Layer:General (middle)
Lvl:60/60 (evolve?) (Y/N)
Name:Marss Zell Johnson
Race:Variant humanAge:15
Mental status:Normal
Body status:Normal
Energy: 7 000/17 010 [increased from skill practice!]
Bloodline(Integrated):Teratorn Peacock.
Bloodline storage: Night Dove, Leaf Dragon, Ghoul, Troll, Bone crusher dog, Lesser Balrog, Hacksaw Ibis, Fresh water Reaper, Geyser toad, Begger centipede, sable clapper, ground wanderer, winking serpent, Sparrow brander, clavel singer, Cloud tiger, Gasher cat, Alimer lion, Rohaar tiger, Vered panther, Night Hound(new), Iron hide konger(new), Mandrill clicker(new), Death Dealer ape(new), Sunder bear(new), Purgeler(new), Crystalit wolf(new), Cordfanger(new), Nailbiteler(new), hammerhead swine(new) Stone tradder(new), Hedhgehog mauler(new), handle bat(new), tarnish vandler(new), Tolt cat(new), Nail snapper(new), Lemure flarer(new), panser gecko(new), dismemberer elk(new), karileer(new), Frogbuld(new), Terrboar(new), Four winged hern(new), Alpacross(new), wood eagle(new).
Mass: 1 020 000
Magic Essence : Wind:0%
[ABILITIES] (active) (-)
(Sprint LvL 8) (Punch LvL 9) (Trick LvL3) (Muscle empowerment LvL3(+2) (Bone shatterer LvL4(+3) (perceptionLvL8) (Berserk LvL 5(+1) (revenge LvL6) (killer instinct LvL7(+2)
(Deconstruction) (Storage)(Integration) (Assimilation)
[ABILITIES] (passive) (-)
(Super regeneration LvL9(+2) (fatigue immunity LvL7(+3) (Pain immunity LvL 9) (quick learner LvL4) (Primal instinct LvL4(+1) (Charisma LvL1) (Beast aura LvL 5(+1) (Mindful LvL1) (Precise striker LvL7) (Engraved path)(Thermal vision LvL 5(+4) (air control LvL1) (Kinetic dispersion LvL9) (damage convertion LvL7(+1)
(Filter) (Convertion) (Assort) (Hybrid)
[Titles] (+)
Looking at his maxed level, he tried to turn back into a human to see what kind of mutations he would have.
However, after shrinking to a height of 2meters, he was still found to look like a humanoid reptile, replacing the scales with feathers.
'Wow, I hope it will get easier to revert. Even when I reach a higher level.'
Marss was now not scared when looking at the deformed appearence, as he had literally battled for ten days while in the form of a peacock in shining armor.
'I don't remeber much, as things get hazy sometimes, but I feel like I got a little better! so that's good, I think!.
He looked back into the grey sky with a determined look. Preparing himself for the next that came.
"System! I want you to use 'assimilate' on all the animals that can fuse together. Michael said it would be easier to work with them that way!"
[List over compatible bloodlines made!]
[Reptile: Leaf dragon, Fresh water reaper, Geyser toad, Begger centipede, winking serpent, nailbiteler, nail snapper, panser gecko, frogbuld.]
[Bird: Night Dove, Teratorn peacock, hacksaw Ibis, sparrow brander, four winged hern, alpacross, wood eagle, sable clapper.]
[Wolf: Night Hound, crystalite wolf, sunder bear, purgeler, stone tradder, Hedgehog mauler, cordfanger, ground wanderer, bone crusher dog.]
[primate:Lemure flarer, Iron hide konger, mandrill clicker, death dealer ape. ghoul, troll, lesser balrog.]
[feline: Cloud tiger, Gasher cat, Alimer lion, Rohaar tiger, Vered panther, handle bat, Tolt cat, clavel singer, tarnish vandler.]
[Other: Hammerhead swine, Dismemberer elk, Karileer, Terrboar.]
[Do you wish to begin Assimilation? This will fuse all codes togheter, granting one weaker beast with a strengthened and combined arsenal of all available abilities.]
Marss was looking at the list with his mutated, brown/orange eyes. Very excited.
"Y..Yes! Please do!"
He was slightly worried as he starred down the screen. Hoping for the best to happen.
[Assimilaton beginning!]
Marss felt some sort of stomach ache as it was constantly loading. It felt like someone split up something inside his body, and then stuck it somewhere else.
[Host has successfully fused different samples togheter!]
[Do you wish to view them?] (Y/N)
He was very happy that it worked. Immediately smashing the (Y) with his human finger/talon.
[Reptile variant created!]
[Feline variant created!]
[Canine varian created!]
[Primate variant created!]
[Aves variant created!]
['Other' variant created!]
[Edel Drake: A type of large reptile resembling a smaller dragon without wings. It is covered in turquoise scales and black spikes. Able to control the temprature around them with the innate 'Ice affinity'. They can digest almost any kind of animal with their incredibly powerful stomach acid. It is renown for possessing almost unbeatable close combat abilities with their spiky and super fast claws. Not even leaving room for counter attack. Their bite and tail strike are also very powerful, if not stronger. Even some higher level monsters fear them. An adult reaches the 'middle master layer'.]
[Kabir tyrant: A large type of tiger with a dark orange pelt, followed my some black markins over its face and tail, similarly found on a raccoon. They can traverse almost any environment, even reaching up in the sky if the clouds are dense enough. They are able to creature illusion for opponents of a lower level than them by only looking them in the eye or by emitting a certain soundwave when speaking. The kabir can deal explosive damage in a single, heavy strike. Andd if that doesn't work, then they can create a small sonic boom by roaring. If anyone is close enough while this happens, they will most likely be turned into a steamed vegetable. As the vibrations emitted around it can turn stone to sand. Also able to survive two days without oxygen. An adult reaches the 'lower general layer'.]
[Recusant Condor: A enourmes type of birdsimilar in appearance to a black eagle and small mansion in size. Only difference is the black and silver armor plating which are it's feathers, and the incredible regenerative abilities. The feather plates make it almost immune to blunt damage, only ever leaving magic as a weakness. They have an innate ability to control the atmosphere arround them to an outstanding degree, even being able to battle an adept wind mage to a standstill. Their talons are able to latch on to prey with the retractable nicked edges surrounding it. An adult can reach a speed nearing mach 2. It maxes naturally out at the 'lower general layer'.
[Gerwulf faunal: A type of wolf possessing a almost limitless stamina pool if they do not exert themselves too fast. It shares many traits with both bears and wolfs, looking very much like a more muscular and slimmer 'Sunder bear' with black fur and red lantern eyes. The defense is it's most prized weapon. Able to not take any damage at all if the surface area of said attack is not wider than a meter. If a physical attack covers less than the required surface area, and is too weak, it will be reflected back, damaging its attacker instead. If pushed to a corner, however, it can turn its fur into dense spikes. Or use it's incredible bite to hurt beasts of a slightly higher layer. An adult will reach the 'lower general layer'.]
[Asmite Nephalem: A combination between a half demon and a primate. It looks similar to a 'Death Dealer ape'. Appart from the powerful body frame and shape, they have slightly more black/red fur, and two sharp white horns sticking out fo their forehead. However, despite having the body shape of a death dealer ape, they are far from the same. Reaching a height of 7 meters and a width of 4 meters, they are renown for their incredible tough hide. Able to turn some of it into a intense radiant armour, as if wearing newly hammered steel. They do not run fast, but can swing their body in any direction at unbelievable speeds. They can spit out pressurized clusters of poison which will slow down blood clothing and cell regeneration. Alongside this, they can generate and manipulate sulfur gas at will, adding it to their attacks if willed. They also have an innate connection to the 'Metal eccence'. A purer type of energy found in the earth. Some only describe them as iron bending demon monkey's. An adult reaches it's growth potential at the 'Lower general layer'.
[Cernunnos strider: A type of deer originating from a fallen god. Growing to the size of a house and possessing golden brown fur, alongside some stary amber eyes. It has the ability to influence those around it heavily. The weaker the surrounding people, the stronger it affects. It can travel five hundred kilometers in one single jump and land just as elegantly as it takes of. Their most renowed detail are the long and majestic antlers, reaching one third of its size. That, and their incredibly powerful spirit. They can shred all incoming dangers with only a swing of the sturdy horns, as they possess a hardness similarly found in 'Soul spikes'. They always reach their limit at the 'middle master layer'.
Marss was starring at them with his demi-human mouth gaping. He never imagined that the power Michael had would be this incredible! He began to feel confidant and relieved. Knowing that he mabye would succeed for the first time in his life!
'T..This is far better than I ever imagined!'
He began to clear his voice, prepairing to ask his last question.
"S..system, can you do the 'integration' thing?"
[This process will cause several irreversible mutations. Are you sure you want to continue?]
'Won't they go away if my spirit gets stronger or my level resets?'
"Yeah, they will if I remember correctly. System, you can continue! Also, make sure to make all of my available skills assimilate with what they are compatible with."
[Integration will take 1 hour, as host is fusing many bloodlines of unkown origin and several abilites.]
[Host will be left unconscious while this happens due to several altercation needing to be executed at once]
[Please wait...]
Marss felt his vision darken, making him fall asleep in the middle of the destroyed battlefield he had created.
Far away from Marss's postion. In a massive dark cave which radiating an unkown energy, there sat some type of humanoid mutated beast cross legged. Meditating.
However, it suddenly opened its massiv bronze eyes, turning them towards one of the walls.
"My bretheren....My children...."
The voice was very deep. Just the slightest whisper almost made the cave collapse.
It felt something was wrong, as he could not feel any lifeforms there any longer, exept some foreign beeing.
"No....You who sleeps, this must be your doing."
The voice became more deep and was contorted slightly, small rocks fell down from the ceiling as the cave was breaking appart.
"You...You must pay..."
It then vanished. Disappearing into thin air. Preparing to do it's duty as both a father....
And a king.
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