Michael was currently on his way to class. Unable to focus as he remembered the sight choices given yesterday. He had gotten his student identification card, and a sort of badge which worked similar to a school uniform. Showing that he was studying at this academy, or better known as the 'Bell Academy'


[Evolution choices displayed] 3/3

[Hel'Morder: Unlike their weaker cousin, the Hel'Morder still possess a human appearance, only with minor demonifications like horns and sharper nails. It is said they have the ability to twist and bend their body in any direction. Their 'Hel'Börger' form is also improved.]

[Starlit mer: A majestic humanoid being with a blue hide covering them. Also it has the head and horns of a male stag. It's eyes shine like two yellow starts, able to emit a blinding light which will temporarily paralyze those who see it. Amongst the most well known abilities, is a holy breath attack capable of corroding everything it touches. Not only this, its said that it's hooves can effortlessly jump through the air.]

[wraith:Slightly less bulky than a human, the wraith has a black body and white haunted eyes. The rest is easy to follow, as it resembles a human without any face. It can turn transparent, negating all attacks not having enough energy imbued in them. Besides this, it can also turn invisible. Their claws are also quite deadly, as they can suddenly materialize when transparent. They have an innate connection to shadow magic.]


"A stag? So I can turn into a deer or maybe an elk too. Tsk, should talk about this with Jenkins."

As he arrived in class, no one seemed to take any notice, so he just threw himself down in the far corner.

Luckily, there was no need to wait. Class began at once. Their old male teacher began to explain different things about magic while all listened intently. Not letting this information go to waste.

when he talked, he would show different tools used when practicing.

"When we talk about magic essence and energy, they are two different things, yet still support each other. When one is able to increase their 'Magic Essence', it will be easier to convert energy into the spesific element they practice. For each 10% reached, the body will begin to atune itself towards that which you study."

'God, this is valuable. But I really want to start the heist..'

He only looked at the grandpa which was tutoring them. Paying attention to all the eager students refusing to even blink.

"For example, one who has increased their magic affinity to 50% in fire will have a higher ability to command the energy in their body and turn it into heat."

"One that has high essence in water will have an easier time conjuring it up. Very similar to fire."

The teacher kept going, but was interrupted by one student. Blond girl with green eyes. She looked a little shy, and the professor noticed this. Making sure that he try exposing her more to the attention so that she may get more confident.

"So, if one can use water magic, do they have to worry about drinking water from regular sources?"

"I am very glad you asked! Miss...?"

"Firnel of the 'Earth boar' clan."

Hearing her name, Michael gave her a quick glance. Taking note of this girl he may meet again.

"Very good, miss Firnel."

"No, the elements we summon with our energy could be compared to a sort of construct. They have the same effect as the real, but don't function in the same way."

"B..But what about earth? I have seen elders in my clan use elements to strenghten their bodies and such.."

The tutor smiled at the girl. Happy that he was being asked.

"Well, earth magicians, or mages if you would, also have the ability to conjure up stone and dirt. Only, they have a easier time using the one around them. Especially if it has a higher 'magic radiation level'."

"What is magic radiation then, professor?"

"You see, mutated beast are different from our usual magical beasts. Magical beast have their own group. However, mutated beasts used to be normal animals. They changed because of exposure to large amounts of the essence naturally found in the surroundings. It can make weaker creatures experience a growth in size and strenght. Sadly, this will affect their intelligence too."

As the professor was done, the girl called Firnel gave Michael a quick glance. The turning back to their tracher, asking another question.

"What if someone has a rare element like gold or Ice-Fire? Can you tell us more about that?"

The teacher was getting a little psyched up by all the questions, so he happily continued.

"That is when one has fused two affinities togheter, making them able to sense a rarer element. Such a thing is hard to achieve normally, and the ones who possess it should try everything to expand their essence in it. After all, these kinds of elements are much stronger when combined togheter."

Michael saw that the girl looked at him again and gave her a light smile. She now saved him the trouble of asking.

Seeing Michael's smile made her blush, and she instantly went back to talking with the teacher.

'Dammit, what was that?'

He did not bother paying attention to her, as the teacher was finishing up his lecture.

"Yes, students. Now I am going to teach you how to increase your elemental essence!"

'After this I'll go to check with that vice principal..'

"To increase your essence is a matter of enlightenment."

"You must meditate on what element you study, understanding its properties and power. This is usually easier in environments where the element you study has a high radiation level."

"That's all for today class. Tomorrow, we will talk about energy manipulation."

Michael was the first who left the classroom, darting towards the vice principal's office. Not even knocking on the door, he just showed himself in, once more locking gaze with that purple eyes man.

The same usual principles office with a large desk, some books, and bookshelves. Looks like this guy liked to read.

"You are here Marss! Wonderful."

He just wanted to get to the point, not wasting more time than necessary as he had work to do.

"I'm going to make this quick. To become my student, I need to know that you can handle yourself, as I do not tutor those who are weak. I currently have seven other students under me, and I will be sending you all on a hunting mission."

"oh?" Michael lifted his eyebrows, not expecting this kind of answer. Even his black hair shook a little. A hunting mission? Well, it was better than sitting here all day, so he might as well.

"What are we hunting then?"

The principal only smiled back, happy that this boy was so enthusiastic.

"It's a magical beast. The farmers in the area have started to go missing, and we are suspecting that it may be a type of undead. You will follow my oldest apprentices, meet them at this location later today. Caleen will give you more details.

The principal sent him a small note throigh the air. Sending him off.

"Damn, that was quick." He looked back at the wooden door. There was a sort of sign there which said 'Vice principal'. Only giving it a short amount of time, he then left. Hoping that he would find something interesting while doing this mission.

Unknown to Michael, after he left the office, the vice principal could be heard talking with someone else.

"This boy, there is something wrong with him. Why is his energy so....flexible?"

This was of course, the vice principal who was talking. The shadow behind him only grunted, then following up with what he was here for.

"Who cares about that. I came here to talk about something else."

The voice of this person resonated thorughour the room, not leaking out nor through the walls or the door.

The vice principal looked at it. His purple eyes dimmed, like two controlled bulbs of light.

"Are you saying 'THAT' person is here?" A hint of fear was accompanying the sentence. Not knowing what fate they would suffer if such an individual chose to act against them.

"Yes, but do not worry. I will act if needed."

The shadow only stated this line, then disappearing again.

Only the vice principal was left, now sweating profusely while holding his head between his wrinkled hands. The purple eyes had lost more of their already dim luster, leaving him alone.

"This guy... His voice is so murky, yet there is a hidden excitement residing inside it. Almost as if he has been waiting to deal with it."


Michael quickly left the academy through the stone gate. Following the grassy pathway that led to the town nearby. He left his familairs in his dorm room, as it could not be opened without his energy. Quickly, he arriving inside the peremptory of the town, entering it.

"I bet Jenkins is somewhere here too. Doing god knows what..."

He began to walk towards the destination he was given. While passing the old wood buildings, he recieved many different looks from the villagers and merchants he passed. The ground he walked on was some sort of very smooth rock. Almost like concrete, yet it would be counted as a stone road. This place was most likely well of, as the academy was near it and all.

The people who glanced at him sometimes had some sinister expressions, seeing a kid walk around here alone. But when noticing his badge, they all backed off.

'I was kind of hopeing to try out my transformation ability. Looks like I have to wait until reaching the apprentices.'

He kept passing the buildings until reaching a sort of bar. It had some sort of cowboy theme to it, with the swing doors having a opening on the top and bottom.

Not hesitating anymore, he walked trough the door. Planting his feet on the wooden floor which led inside.

The bar was mostly made out of wood, very much like the exterior. It looked like this place was paid quite well.

However, when entering, he was met by the most strange thing yet to happen.

There was not many customers here. For they would most likely have been scared away by the two people currently brawling it out. Being encircled by some black tables.

The one fighting to the left was a nicely dressed man. Looking something like twenty or so years old. Head was full of green hair, and his looks were quite good.

Behind him were most likely his friends. Three girls and one guy.

The guy had white hair and blue eyes. Clothes were pretty similar to the ones that 'Talin' guy had. Did he perhaps come frome the same clan?

The first girl was a sort of half elf with long brown hair and short, sharp ears. Her eyes were more blue, and her clothes were no different than some heavy leather armour.

The second girl was definetly a human. She was currently screaming at how shameless the contestant the guy friend fought was. Both her robe and long blond hair waved back and forth. combining this with her good looks and the blue eyes, she would almost look like a crazy princess.

The last girl wore some round glasses. Not bothering with the fighting in the least as she looked into a thick book. She donned a brown bowl cut, looking like a big cap which was covering the entire head. Even the neck was hidden. Her looks were most average, but was better of than himself. Other than the robe she wore and the rack which was clearly visible underneath, there wasn't anything else which would catch your attention.

Having looked at every single one, He saw that they all had a 'Bell' shaped badges. Most likely his new fellow apprentices.


The one who was fighting against his new senior brother was a familiar, brown robed nutcase...And It didn't take long before he was recognizes.

"HAHA! You should be honored that this great lord personally imprinted his fist on your jaw! It's the most honorable gift one of your status could have ever recie....Oh, hey Marss! How was school?"

Everyone there stopped doing what they did. All looking at him.

The first one to speak was the blond haired girl who was just screaming.

"Marss? You are the one we have been waiting for? Not only did you take so much time, you even know this damn elf?

She was visibly angered, her expression quickly contorted itself, seeming to charge up for something. But before this could happen, the half-elf stopped her.

"Stop it, Linza. We are not here to bicker amongst our own. The task he has at hand is already considered difficult, so lets just go."

The elf woman was clearly the leader. And as she spoke, everyone rouse up and exited the place, leaving only her, Michael and Jenkins.

"Good, I am the one responsible for the mission. It seems you have something to talk about with your friend here, so I will wait outside with the others."

She then marched out leaving, leaving the two brothers there.


"How did you end up in a fight with that guy again?"

"He said I had a 'nice ass'."

"But was there a need to hit him?"

"should I have vaporized him then?"

"Yes, for then I wouldn't have had to deal with this."


"So anyways, Michael. How were the

evolutions you had?"

He looked at this hopeless yet stunning guy. Wondering who he was.

"Here, just take a look..."

He showed Jenkins the screen trying see through his facial poker face, but failed.

"Yeah, as I thought...."

He began to knit his togheter brows and slwoly run the palm of his hand across the sharp jaw.

"Your evolutions are too weak. Tsk. Tsk."

Too weak? wasn't he scared of the Hel- something transformation?

"What do you mean 'too weak'? what should I do then?"

Jenkins looked back at him through the transparent screen.

"Your new body is much weaker now that you are only at the second evolution. Previously, you could just integrate all the beasts you killed with your body, but now... I figured you should just try and evolve."

"If you don't like what that 'genetic combo' skill does we can try some of my tapping and fuse them togheter. Other than that, your evolutions are very unike, but not very strong."

He wanted to try and say something back, but Jenkins only picked up his robe and waled towars the door.

"Don't think about it Michael. I bet they will get better in the future. You can try to evolve into anything you want, as I have made more shapeshifting pills. Feel free to use all of the ones in the ring on you."

He then left, leaving his hair and robe fluttering in the air.

'Dammit, they are weak?'

His head began to hurt while hearing the echo of Jenkins's voice saying it.

'Fine, I'll just try evolving after seperating from these guys.'

He walked out of the cowboy themed bar. Seeing the other apprentices talk with each other.

When they heard him exit, the green haired boy, Linza, and the white haired guy looked at him with some hostility.

"Good, you are here. Let me introduce everyone. The green haired one who just got a round is Geled, The bookworm is Selin, The white haired one is named Telmod, and you have already met Linza. Just refer to me as Caleen."

He gave everyone a weak nod, but they did not respond.

"Come, we are going to the last place our prey was seen."

Caleen took the lead, proceeding towards the direction leading out of town. As everyone followed behind, they each took a silver cloak out of their rings. As such, Michael also equipped his 'Vered panther' robe on. Walking furthest behind alongside Selin who had her bowl cut.

Every step resonated when hitting the stone ground. small rocks kept sticking through their shoes.

As Michael kept walking, deep within his mind, something began to crack. A sort of desire which should never exist in a human being.

'If...If all that counts is evolving further.....Then it wouldn't matter what happened to this world after all....'

His dark gold eyes shone for a second, before going back to normal.


Back in earths universe, two large figures could be seen talkin with each other. Non were visible except one.

"Any news about what happened with the one we sendt over?" The one who was overshadowed asked the question. Her voice made the space around them shake as each word travelled out.

"No, the signal he had stopped answering some time ago. Mabye the system figured it out...." The answeing end sounded a little weak. Almost like that of a old man on the verge of death.

"I knew he would fail... Tsk. Send another one over then, I don't have time for this.." The womanly voice barked back. Once more shaking the empty space surrounding them.

"You worry too much.. We will succeed one day. And when that happens..."

The facial features became more visible, seeming like the excitement held deep down had boiled over.

"We will not be sealed here any longer..."

The appearance of the aged voice could finally be perceived.

If Michael had seen this face, he would have recognized it clearly. For it belonged to the one who sendt him into Farleng.

It was The Old Head

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