Devolved: Path of the beast
40 Education
Right now, Michael could be found sitting firmly on top a wooden chair, seated before the desk in his room.
Beside him laid several multicolored stacks of books, all covering different subjects. And of course, next to the pile was a small incubator. Lighting up each word printed on the aged paper.
He had been reading several ones back to back while at the same time listening to Jenkins's lecture going on from behind.
'The currency of this world consists of gold coins, silver coins, and bronze coins.'
'One [Gold Coin] is worth a ten [Silver Coins]'
'Meanwhile, one [Silver Coin] is worth one hundred [Copper Coins]'
While going through the information, a loud pitch made his mind crumbe.
"Are you listening to me, Boy?!"
The mellow voice always interrupted his train of thougt, spouting things he already knew.
"You see Michael, ones internal energy like a bunch of spoons!"
"A 'solider' can use his limited amount of power to create a tea spoon, while a 'general' can summon a shovel!"
"However, if a soldier has a good enough essence understanding, or has proficient knowledge on a practiced battle art, he can easily generate the same amount of power as the last guy's shovel! Hell, mabye even more!"
"There is also those who work on their body instead of energy.... But energy has more overall use."
"Also, while we are talking about forming things. I know your [spirit] is powerful enough to suppress the transformations your body goes through whenever you evolve, but don't ever walk outside with only that."
"You only change your appearance, still leaving your aura with the same scent as a beast's. Remember that this room is sealed, while the rest of the academy is free ground. Don't want the owner of this place to catch onto us."
"And with that, only ever go out after chewing on my shapeshifting pills! My alchemy skills are second rate, however, only and exalted should be able to see sniff you out."
Even though Michael kept ignoring him, he found himself listening to some of it. Only choosing to do so if anything useful or new came up.
"So Michael, have you ever thought about what class to pursue?"
Hearing what Jenkins said made his eyes trail away of from the book and towards the elf. The man was finely dressed. Wearing a familiar pair of round glasses and a finely made tuxedo. He looked like some sort of fancy scholar.
"What did you say?"
Suprised by the answer he got, Jenkins continued to try and ask.
"What? Picking which path of power to walk, or more commonly referred to as a class?"
"I haven't really thought about that... Would you mind explaing it more in depth?"
"Fine. Then listen up!"
Jenkins brushed the golden hair away from his, preparing to properly instruct the boy sitting down.
"There are five classes I have handpicked for you to choose between, and one that will serve as a disguise depending on which ones you want to further study."
"The first one is a Magic Warrior. They specialize in close combat and stat enhancing magic. Like that gold monkey you butchered back then. They also combine their magical attacks with martial arts. However, their techniques never really compare to other martial artists of the same level. But hey, they are pretty good at casting regular and high level spells. Sadly, in such cases, their martial arts prowers are proven to be even more meek."
"The second one is a Martial Brawler. They specialize in close combat and body strenghtening. Focusing on delivering single, heavy strikes with each move made! These kinds of people study martial arts too, and usually heavy hitting ones or those leaning towards speed."
"The third one is a Weapon Cultivator. As the name hints at, you increase your understanding and knowledge in fighting with a specific type of weapon. This is a little bit like studying your magic essence, but still not the same."
"The fourth one would probably be a regular Mage, but with the twist of a Splicer. I thought that you maybe could try and fully understand every affinity you have and become a unpredictable spellcaster. However, this may be a little hard, as you lack a lot of information regarding the arcane arts."
"Fifth one would be like a Abstruse Martial Artist. You just train with different types of really powerful 'Battle arts' 'Martial arts'. I can probably fill you more in on what they do, as this is pretty self explanatory."
While he was talking, Jenkins suddenly looked at Michael with a shocked expression.
Looking at the traumatized elf, he felt a deep sense of urgency rise from within.
"What do you mean...?"
No reply was given. Looks like Jenkins was already inside his own world, talking to himself.
"No, wait, you can probably train in some, but it won't be very efficient...Hmmm. There are cultivation techniques for monsters. However, where am I supposed to get something like that...."
Feeling a little panicked, Michael screamed at the lost man. Trying to bring him back.
Snapping back to reality, he saw the shaken boy sitting beside the small tower of books.
"Oh, I spaced out. Sure, let papa Jenkins explain!"
"You see, those are techniques mainly for HUMANS! And you are currently a MAGICAL BEAST!"
Realisation dawned upon Michael, letting him fully understand what he had meant.
"What do I do then?"
Hearing him talk so timidly made Jenkins almost burst out laughing, but he helt it down and continued.
"Well, beside evolving, beasts would usually train and purify their bloodline, as it continuously gives astonishing results."
"Explain please, these books only talk about energy and magic."
"Yeah, yeah. So, let's say we have a..... Normal cat, close in size to a dog, ok?"
"And let's say this feline has the bloodline of a 'Kabir Tyrant' Like the one you had after cutting down the forest!"
"Well, the kitty could train and purify that bloodline by either constantly evolving, or train some sort of secret technique which purifies it, strenghtening and stimulating the strands found in it's blood!"
"And soo..?"
"It would not only significantly increase it's overall strenght, but allow it to gain more powerful evolutions as it grows."
Michael starred at him as if he was only a few steps away from death.
"You there cow-boy?"
"C...Can I also do that?"
"Of course you can! Only..."
"There are so many bloodlines and genetic codes scrambling around inside those veins of yours! And worst of all, they are THIN. And if not that, then almost non existence!"
Defeated and nervous, Michael asked Jenkins once more for an answer.
"What should I do then...?"
"Well, for now, just evolve. I bet beating those cult members gave you a sweet amount of experience. Let's see if you have anything worth while."
"If you say so.."
[Level: 25/25] Max
[3/3 Evolution choices]
[Display engaged!]
[Ogre Lordsman: A smaller type of ogre which has a closer resemblance to hobgoblins, yet possesses almost features identical to a human. They stand out, however, due to the two horns growing from their forehead. Ogre Lords not only exceed regular ogres and trolls strenght wise, but are incredibly proficient in magic.]
[Essence Varan: A large lizard known to possess incredible magical powers. They can alter and control the environment they live in by emitting an unfathomable amount of energy radiation. These Varans have a strong affinity to the four elements.]
[Vargr Beastmaster: A humanoid black wolf famed for it's high intelligence and ruthlessness. It lives most of it's life in solitude, looking for new challenges every passing day. They are known to have a strength level similar to the ones found in elder trolls, and excel at learning martial arts.]
"Yeah, like I said, you can train in all kinds of classes, but will never truly catch up to a true master. That is, unless, you find a beast who can proficiently learn them, like some of the ones here. Or some which are specially made."
After he finished, Jenkins extended his hand outwards and summoned a familiar vial through a purple flash. The content inside was a mixture of some red and blue liquid.
"You may recognize this potion. It's the one we stole from Halrel. The reason I have brought it out is because I have been theorizing for a while now that if you drink it, all your current evolutions will fuse togheter."
He eyed down the potion and threw it to Michael.
"I can probably brew some more, but only a single one for now. Leaving us with two left. The plan is for you to fully maximise on all your available evolutions. Until I come up with something else."
Michael held the vial within his grasp, a little unsure, yet not hesitating much. He popped of the small lid and drank it.
The content entered his body, and he quickly reverted back to his Lesser Ogre Wight form.
After reaching his original height of two meters, the horns which usually sprouted out from the sides of his head shot out from his forehead.
His body shrunk and grew more solid, almost as if it was now condensing itself.
stopping after he reached his original height at a hundred and eighty five centimeters, The skin and tissue started to give of a unimaginable pain.
The black clothes he usually wore fused with the organ covering his body, turning into a dark fur which laid itself over him.
While the thin yet compact black layer covered every body part expect the feet, hands and head, his ears crackled togheter, forming two sharp edges on their tip. A little smaller, but very similar to the ones Jenkins had.
The black nails grew a little longer and sharper, while his eyeballs started to emit a strange light.
The two bulbs became corrupted by the sudden radiance, and turned pitch black. As for his slit pupils, they took on the old color belonging to his irises, and started to give of a golden light. Shining within the void space like two vertically shaped lanters.
His transformation finished after the rugged black hair on his head grew in lenght and thickness, stopping after reaching the neck.
At last, the pain stopped. And he was allowed to gaze upon his new form thoroughly alongside the elf.
Jenkins was the first one to comment on his new looks, satisfied with the new form.
"Good. I can sense that your body has grown stronger! Try and get used to it for a day before we try and evolve you again."
Michael stroked the palm of his hand over the fur layer on his arms. Sensing the metallic feeling emitted from it.
"Looks pretty good. But there is one thing I wish to ask you about, Jenkins."
"Go ahead, houndman"
"Well, if I gaining proficiency in either a spesific class or a type of essence, then what use do my abilities hold?"
Jenkins nodded at Michael. Notting that this was a very good question.
"You see, abilities and skills are usually inborn. Like, every creature is born with some sort of skill, right?"
"Yeah, I get that. But what are they? How are they acquired?"
"Well, some may be gifted through the blessing of a god, or randomly distributed by the system."
"As for gaining them... Lets try an example. Remember when you evolved into that silver armoured chicken?"
"Peacock. And yes, I do."
"I am sure you got several new skills then! Beasts usually gain ones when they evolve, as they are inherited into their bloodline."
"Gaining skills for humans, thereby, is much more difficult! If someone, for example, wanted to gain a stronger regeneration factor, they would have to push the existing one to the limit! Meaning they'd have to work hard! Not everyone can just fuse different abilites togheter like you, right?"
"I see."
"That answered all your questions?"
"No, I still have one more."
"Bring it on then!"
"Why don't you have a system? Do you still possess your skills after losing it?"
"Well, long story short. You usually stop using the system after reaching a high enough level of power. As for retaining skills after losing it..."
Jenkins scratched the back of his head before starting to talk again. Seeming to need a short brake.
"You can and can not"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, skills can usually only be properly accessed with the help of the system. And to still keep them after breaking out of the cocoon, you have to master, and fuse them with yourself."
"The crusader hen you previously had would still be able to keep all the newly gained skills if it ever reached that level, for they were all inherited in it's blood."
"I don't really get what you mean.."
"AAARGGHH! A [Death dealer ape] is born with poisonous spit! And that will not change even if it threw the system away!"
"While the abilites you combined with [Skill assimilation] are not inborn. They will be almost impossible to use again if you don't have the system. Same goes for those you have to train to get!"
"What about the ones I retain from my previous evolutions?"
"They don't disappear. Don't worry"
After taking in all the information Jenkins had given him, Michael started to smile.
"Thank you."
He was given a pat on the shoulder back by a very satisfied Jenkins.
"It's good that we properly go through these things now, so that you won't mess up in the future."
Michael stood up from the chair he sat on, rubbing the storage ring equipped on his index finger.
A small cluster of regular clothes made up of a pair of leather shoes, some grey pants and one black robe with red flower petals spread on it flew out.
A little suprised by this sudden course of action, Jenkins questioned him what this meant.
"What are you doing?"
After covering himself properly, Michael turned back towards the elf.
"We are buying clothes for tomorrow. Go get Nemesis out of the dungeon."
A enlightening glow erupted out of Jenkins's amber eyes, remembering what the boy before him had told him about the other day.
"For the banquet?! I already have hundreds of clothes in my storage... But I'll get the goblin woman, just give me a second.."
Jenkins summoned a familiar orb in his hand. And by only willing it, a strong purple radiance emitted outwards, turning itself into a two meter tall door of light.
Shortly after it appeared, a figure emerged from the opening, causing the glow to dim and disappear.
[Familiar status displayed]
[Level: 0/30]
[Name: Nemesis][Race: Hobgoblin Lord]
[Title: Familiar Of Michael]
Nemesis now had a lighter skin color, similar to a regular human. Her nails had contracted a little, and were not as sharp as they used to be.
Some more noticeable changes also included her more well developed body, the more feminin facial features, golden black hair, and two curved horns resting over her eyebrows.
She was much more beautiful than before, easily triumphing over Firnell in ever aspect.
'that dungeon portal thing is really useful. too bad you can only use it to retrieve and not send. Well, he could just will the things into the treasury like me.'
Michael looked into the two green eyes while smiling brightly at her.
"You look well! Ready to leave?"
Not wanting to waste any time, she just nodded while positioning herself beside him. The girl had not grown taller, but mabye because he had shrunk, they now seemed to share the same height.
Jenkins looked disdainfully at her, sickened by this animal.
'Should have fried her bones like the rest of those green rats. Tsk, Tsk.'
"Let's go then!"
Wanting to end this as soon as possible, Jenkins walked towards the door alongside the two others.
"What was that?"
Michael turned around, searching for where that strange noise came from.
Again, he heard it, and immediately found himself looking at the shaking incubator holding the egg.
The trio forgot about leaving and all quickly jolted towards the incubator. Surrounding it in a half circle made up of their heads.
"To think it would finally hatch!"
Michael was overjoyed when he saw the shell breaking apart. Almost fainting frome excitement.
"You may thank this great lord now!"
Looking at the happy and aloof elf, Michael smiled even brighter.
"Thank you. However, there is one thing I wish to ask you.."
"Ask away while you eat some shapeshifting pills."
A handful of white jellybeans appeared Michael's palm. He threw a couple in his mouth while finishing his question.
"You never told me what kind of duck the egg is from."
While waiting for his answer, Jenkins excluded a powerful aura of pride and earnestly. Warming up the mood.
"It's from every single duck found in this territory!!!!"
A little confused and scared Michael wanted to further question the guy, but was interrupted by Nemesis's voice.
"Sir Michael, it's breaking through the shell."
The egg was hiding behind the glassy walls of the red incubator, twitching madly as the shell cracked more and more.
And at last, a small part of the creature inside poked out from the breaking white ball.
Beside him laid several multicolored stacks of books, all covering different subjects. And of course, next to the pile was a small incubator. Lighting up each word printed on the aged paper.
He had been reading several ones back to back while at the same time listening to Jenkins's lecture going on from behind.
'The currency of this world consists of gold coins, silver coins, and bronze coins.'
'One [Gold Coin] is worth a ten [Silver Coins]'
'Meanwhile, one [Silver Coin] is worth one hundred [Copper Coins]'
While going through the information, a loud pitch made his mind crumbe.
"Are you listening to me, Boy?!"
The mellow voice always interrupted his train of thougt, spouting things he already knew.
"You see Michael, ones internal energy like a bunch of spoons!"
"A 'solider' can use his limited amount of power to create a tea spoon, while a 'general' can summon a shovel!"
"However, if a soldier has a good enough essence understanding, or has proficient knowledge on a practiced battle art, he can easily generate the same amount of power as the last guy's shovel! Hell, mabye even more!"
"There is also those who work on their body instead of energy.... But energy has more overall use."
"Also, while we are talking about forming things. I know your [spirit] is powerful enough to suppress the transformations your body goes through whenever you evolve, but don't ever walk outside with only that."
"You only change your appearance, still leaving your aura with the same scent as a beast's. Remember that this room is sealed, while the rest of the academy is free ground. Don't want the owner of this place to catch onto us."
"And with that, only ever go out after chewing on my shapeshifting pills! My alchemy skills are second rate, however, only and exalted should be able to see sniff you out."
Even though Michael kept ignoring him, he found himself listening to some of it. Only choosing to do so if anything useful or new came up.
"So Michael, have you ever thought about what class to pursue?"
Hearing what Jenkins said made his eyes trail away of from the book and towards the elf. The man was finely dressed. Wearing a familiar pair of round glasses and a finely made tuxedo. He looked like some sort of fancy scholar.
"What did you say?"
Suprised by the answer he got, Jenkins continued to try and ask.
"What? Picking which path of power to walk, or more commonly referred to as a class?"
"I haven't really thought about that... Would you mind explaing it more in depth?"
"Fine. Then listen up!"
Jenkins brushed the golden hair away from his, preparing to properly instruct the boy sitting down.
"There are five classes I have handpicked for you to choose between, and one that will serve as a disguise depending on which ones you want to further study."
"The first one is a Magic Warrior. They specialize in close combat and stat enhancing magic. Like that gold monkey you butchered back then. They also combine their magical attacks with martial arts. However, their techniques never really compare to other martial artists of the same level. But hey, they are pretty good at casting regular and high level spells. Sadly, in such cases, their martial arts prowers are proven to be even more meek."
"The second one is a Martial Brawler. They specialize in close combat and body strenghtening. Focusing on delivering single, heavy strikes with each move made! These kinds of people study martial arts too, and usually heavy hitting ones or those leaning towards speed."
"The third one is a Weapon Cultivator. As the name hints at, you increase your understanding and knowledge in fighting with a specific type of weapon. This is a little bit like studying your magic essence, but still not the same."
"The fourth one would probably be a regular Mage, but with the twist of a Splicer. I thought that you maybe could try and fully understand every affinity you have and become a unpredictable spellcaster. However, this may be a little hard, as you lack a lot of information regarding the arcane arts."
"Fifth one would be like a Abstruse Martial Artist. You just train with different types of really powerful 'Battle arts' 'Martial arts'. I can probably fill you more in on what they do, as this is pretty self explanatory."
While he was talking, Jenkins suddenly looked at Michael with a shocked expression.
Looking at the traumatized elf, he felt a deep sense of urgency rise from within.
"What do you mean...?"
No reply was given. Looks like Jenkins was already inside his own world, talking to himself.
"No, wait, you can probably train in some, but it won't be very efficient...Hmmm. There are cultivation techniques for monsters. However, where am I supposed to get something like that...."
Feeling a little panicked, Michael screamed at the lost man. Trying to bring him back.
Snapping back to reality, he saw the shaken boy sitting beside the small tower of books.
"Oh, I spaced out. Sure, let papa Jenkins explain!"
"You see, those are techniques mainly for HUMANS! And you are currently a MAGICAL BEAST!"
Realisation dawned upon Michael, letting him fully understand what he had meant.
"What do I do then?"
Hearing him talk so timidly made Jenkins almost burst out laughing, but he helt it down and continued.
"Well, beside evolving, beasts would usually train and purify their bloodline, as it continuously gives astonishing results."
"Explain please, these books only talk about energy and magic."
"Yeah, yeah. So, let's say we have a..... Normal cat, close in size to a dog, ok?"
"And let's say this feline has the bloodline of a 'Kabir Tyrant' Like the one you had after cutting down the forest!"
"Well, the kitty could train and purify that bloodline by either constantly evolving, or train some sort of secret technique which purifies it, strenghtening and stimulating the strands found in it's blood!"
"And soo..?"
"It would not only significantly increase it's overall strenght, but allow it to gain more powerful evolutions as it grows."
Michael starred at him as if he was only a few steps away from death.
"You there cow-boy?"
"C...Can I also do that?"
"Of course you can! Only..."
"There are so many bloodlines and genetic codes scrambling around inside those veins of yours! And worst of all, they are THIN. And if not that, then almost non existence!"
Defeated and nervous, Michael asked Jenkins once more for an answer.
"What should I do then...?"
"Well, for now, just evolve. I bet beating those cult members gave you a sweet amount of experience. Let's see if you have anything worth while."
"If you say so.."
[Level: 25/25] Max
[3/3 Evolution choices]
[Display engaged!]
[Ogre Lordsman: A smaller type of ogre which has a closer resemblance to hobgoblins, yet possesses almost features identical to a human. They stand out, however, due to the two horns growing from their forehead. Ogre Lords not only exceed regular ogres and trolls strenght wise, but are incredibly proficient in magic.]
[Essence Varan: A large lizard known to possess incredible magical powers. They can alter and control the environment they live in by emitting an unfathomable amount of energy radiation. These Varans have a strong affinity to the four elements.]
[Vargr Beastmaster: A humanoid black wolf famed for it's high intelligence and ruthlessness. It lives most of it's life in solitude, looking for new challenges every passing day. They are known to have a strength level similar to the ones found in elder trolls, and excel at learning martial arts.]
"Yeah, like I said, you can train in all kinds of classes, but will never truly catch up to a true master. That is, unless, you find a beast who can proficiently learn them, like some of the ones here. Or some which are specially made."
After he finished, Jenkins extended his hand outwards and summoned a familiar vial through a purple flash. The content inside was a mixture of some red and blue liquid.
"You may recognize this potion. It's the one we stole from Halrel. The reason I have brought it out is because I have been theorizing for a while now that if you drink it, all your current evolutions will fuse togheter."
He eyed down the potion and threw it to Michael.
"I can probably brew some more, but only a single one for now. Leaving us with two left. The plan is for you to fully maximise on all your available evolutions. Until I come up with something else."
Michael held the vial within his grasp, a little unsure, yet not hesitating much. He popped of the small lid and drank it.
The content entered his body, and he quickly reverted back to his Lesser Ogre Wight form.
After reaching his original height of two meters, the horns which usually sprouted out from the sides of his head shot out from his forehead.
His body shrunk and grew more solid, almost as if it was now condensing itself.
stopping after he reached his original height at a hundred and eighty five centimeters, The skin and tissue started to give of a unimaginable pain.
The black clothes he usually wore fused with the organ covering his body, turning into a dark fur which laid itself over him.
While the thin yet compact black layer covered every body part expect the feet, hands and head, his ears crackled togheter, forming two sharp edges on their tip. A little smaller, but very similar to the ones Jenkins had.
The black nails grew a little longer and sharper, while his eyeballs started to emit a strange light.
The two bulbs became corrupted by the sudden radiance, and turned pitch black. As for his slit pupils, they took on the old color belonging to his irises, and started to give of a golden light. Shining within the void space like two vertically shaped lanters.
His transformation finished after the rugged black hair on his head grew in lenght and thickness, stopping after reaching the neck.
At last, the pain stopped. And he was allowed to gaze upon his new form thoroughly alongside the elf.
Jenkins was the first one to comment on his new looks, satisfied with the new form.
"Good. I can sense that your body has grown stronger! Try and get used to it for a day before we try and evolve you again."
Michael stroked the palm of his hand over the fur layer on his arms. Sensing the metallic feeling emitted from it.
"Looks pretty good. But there is one thing I wish to ask you about, Jenkins."
"Go ahead, houndman"
"Well, if I gaining proficiency in either a spesific class or a type of essence, then what use do my abilities hold?"
Jenkins nodded at Michael. Notting that this was a very good question.
"You see, abilities and skills are usually inborn. Like, every creature is born with some sort of skill, right?"
"Yeah, I get that. But what are they? How are they acquired?"
"Well, some may be gifted through the blessing of a god, or randomly distributed by the system."
"As for gaining them... Lets try an example. Remember when you evolved into that silver armoured chicken?"
"Peacock. And yes, I do."
"I am sure you got several new skills then! Beasts usually gain ones when they evolve, as they are inherited into their bloodline."
"Gaining skills for humans, thereby, is much more difficult! If someone, for example, wanted to gain a stronger regeneration factor, they would have to push the existing one to the limit! Meaning they'd have to work hard! Not everyone can just fuse different abilites togheter like you, right?"
"I see."
"That answered all your questions?"
"No, I still have one more."
"Bring it on then!"
"Why don't you have a system? Do you still possess your skills after losing it?"
"Well, long story short. You usually stop using the system after reaching a high enough level of power. As for retaining skills after losing it..."
Jenkins scratched the back of his head before starting to talk again. Seeming to need a short brake.
"You can and can not"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, skills can usually only be properly accessed with the help of the system. And to still keep them after breaking out of the cocoon, you have to master, and fuse them with yourself."
"The crusader hen you previously had would still be able to keep all the newly gained skills if it ever reached that level, for they were all inherited in it's blood."
"I don't really get what you mean.."
"AAARGGHH! A [Death dealer ape] is born with poisonous spit! And that will not change even if it threw the system away!"
"While the abilites you combined with [Skill assimilation] are not inborn. They will be almost impossible to use again if you don't have the system. Same goes for those you have to train to get!"
"What about the ones I retain from my previous evolutions?"
"They don't disappear. Don't worry"
After taking in all the information Jenkins had given him, Michael started to smile.
"Thank you."
He was given a pat on the shoulder back by a very satisfied Jenkins.
"It's good that we properly go through these things now, so that you won't mess up in the future."
Michael stood up from the chair he sat on, rubbing the storage ring equipped on his index finger.
A small cluster of regular clothes made up of a pair of leather shoes, some grey pants and one black robe with red flower petals spread on it flew out.
A little suprised by this sudden course of action, Jenkins questioned him what this meant.
"What are you doing?"
After covering himself properly, Michael turned back towards the elf.
"We are buying clothes for tomorrow. Go get Nemesis out of the dungeon."
A enlightening glow erupted out of Jenkins's amber eyes, remembering what the boy before him had told him about the other day.
"For the banquet?! I already have hundreds of clothes in my storage... But I'll get the goblin woman, just give me a second.."
Jenkins summoned a familiar orb in his hand. And by only willing it, a strong purple radiance emitted outwards, turning itself into a two meter tall door of light.
Shortly after it appeared, a figure emerged from the opening, causing the glow to dim and disappear.
[Familiar status displayed]
[Level: 0/30]
[Name: Nemesis][Race: Hobgoblin Lord]
[Title: Familiar Of Michael]
Nemesis now had a lighter skin color, similar to a regular human. Her nails had contracted a little, and were not as sharp as they used to be.
Some more noticeable changes also included her more well developed body, the more feminin facial features, golden black hair, and two curved horns resting over her eyebrows.
She was much more beautiful than before, easily triumphing over Firnell in ever aspect.
'that dungeon portal thing is really useful. too bad you can only use it to retrieve and not send. Well, he could just will the things into the treasury like me.'
Michael looked into the two green eyes while smiling brightly at her.
"You look well! Ready to leave?"
Not wanting to waste any time, she just nodded while positioning herself beside him. The girl had not grown taller, but mabye because he had shrunk, they now seemed to share the same height.
Jenkins looked disdainfully at her, sickened by this animal.
'Should have fried her bones like the rest of those green rats. Tsk, Tsk.'
"Let's go then!"
Wanting to end this as soon as possible, Jenkins walked towards the door alongside the two others.
"What was that?"
Michael turned around, searching for where that strange noise came from.
Again, he heard it, and immediately found himself looking at the shaking incubator holding the egg.
The trio forgot about leaving and all quickly jolted towards the incubator. Surrounding it in a half circle made up of their heads.
"To think it would finally hatch!"
Michael was overjoyed when he saw the shell breaking apart. Almost fainting frome excitement.
"You may thank this great lord now!"
Looking at the happy and aloof elf, Michael smiled even brighter.
"Thank you. However, there is one thing I wish to ask you.."
"Ask away while you eat some shapeshifting pills."
A handful of white jellybeans appeared Michael's palm. He threw a couple in his mouth while finishing his question.
"You never told me what kind of duck the egg is from."
While waiting for his answer, Jenkins excluded a powerful aura of pride and earnestly. Warming up the mood.
"It's from every single duck found in this territory!!!!"
A little confused and scared Michael wanted to further question the guy, but was interrupted by Nemesis's voice.
"Sir Michael, it's breaking through the shell."
The egg was hiding behind the glassy walls of the red incubator, twitching madly as the shell cracked more and more.
And at last, a small part of the creature inside poked out from the breaking white ball.
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Chapter 720 13 hours ago -
Chat Group: Gain Saiyan Bloodline at the Beginning
Chapter 153 13 hours ago -
Hogwarts: This Dark Lord is so evil
Chapter 199 16 hours ago -
Astral Cockroach
Chapter 532 16 hours ago -
Enter at the beginning to reach the semi-holy level and summon two great gods and demons
Chapter 680 16 hours ago -
Reborn to dominate technology
Chapter 1166 16 hours ago