Devolved: Path of the beast

47 Heist 1 Let The Games Begin

'Damn, this dress is too tight..'

At this current point in time, Michael was walking alone through the empty brick halls of the academy. The separate pathways were all lit up by some small yellow lanterns. Highlighting the road ahead and the few paintings which would occasionally appear.

From the weak lighting, you would be able to see the black garnament covering most of his built body. It resembled a regular dress, however, there was small black cape covering the upper half his torso. Only displaying one of his arms.

Altough he was very compact, his body still retained a normal size. As if all the pounds of solid mass condensed themselves inwards.

The aura which he would naturally give of, the one belonging to the most ruthless organism, was at this moment disguised as any other that any normal humans.

However, even with that, every move made would slightly reveal his true strength. For the bricks underneath always trembled whenever stepped on them.

'I didn't get to see the guest list... Well, that's the price paid for staying in my room until now. Wonder who's going to be there.'

Michael kept treading through the tunnels of cobblestone and textile until arriving next to a pair of interlocking doors.

'I can sense several life forms currently staying in this location thanks to my bestial senses. However, it's very restricted. Wouldn't want anyone to grow suspicious.'

He softly pushed his available hand onto one of the doors before him. Causing them to gently creak open.

A strong light shone out of the opening, lighting up the place where he stood.

As Michael entered, he was temporarily blinded by the strong glow digging into his eyes. However, this moment of paralysis quickly ended, allowing him to see the new world before him.

The room was very spacy. All the walls were painted white while the floor held a light brown shine to it. Both reflecting the yellow rays emitted by the large lanterns hanging from above.

Several long tables filled with fancy food, silver plates and a whole bunch of weird cutlery covered one third of the chamber. All equipped with around fifty empty chairs each.

There was several well dressed men and women bunched up togheter in groups of ten filling every corner available. This place wasn't too different from his old world, in the aspect of preferred clothing, that is. The women would usually wear some puffy dresses with a small collection of jewlery on. Every ornaments would differ from each individual, as they most likely represent their clan.

Most of the men were equipped with suits very similar to his own. However, there were some who could be seen wearing a type of court dress. Including the expensive clothing was of course, also a couple of familiar accessories fastened on either their shoulders, in the form of pads, chest medals, or earings. Highlighting which clan each person came from, just as it did with the girls.

As he entered further in, all the guests stopped what they were doing. Causing a shadow of silence to fill the large ballroom. Glueing everyone's attention at his well gentle frame.

Feeling all the eyes lock onto him brought fourth a feeling of embarrassment. However, he did not succumb to it, and forcefully held it in.

"Welcome, Sir Marss! You are finally here!"

Right next to him appeared someone slightly familiar. It was a sort of wizard wearing a large sharp hat and a long robe.

'Is this the guy who measured my affinities back when I first arrived?'

"A..Ah, it's nice to see you again. Sir Grel, was it?"

The old man smiled when hearing Michael say his name. Touched that he was still remembered in the talented youth's memory.

"Haha, yes. We have all been waiting patiently for your arrival. After all, you are tonights main star!"

Grel pattet his back and escorted him towards the senter. Walking by several men and women who all held a champaign glass with translucent liquor inside. Every pair raised their drinks whenever passed.

His solid leather shoes clapped against the light brown wood floor. Echoing throughout the surroundings and making him even more noticed by the noble crowd.

Grel eventually stopped before a group of people consisting of his fellow apprentices, the vice principal, and a very tall man donning a long azure blue robe.

Caleen, the half elf, was wearing a suit similar to what all the other guy's wore, and with her hair was set in a ponytail. Seeing him finally arrive caused a splendid smile to surface on her face. Like that of two good friends seeing each other after a long time.

Linza, the hardy princess, wore a long white dress. Blending very well alongside the golden hair falling down to her shoulders. She didn't have any ornament or jewelry on... Was this gurl mabye not from some famoues clan? Well, anways, she grunted at him as they made eye contact.

Selin, the one with the glasses and neck lenght hair, was covered in a large black dress. It looked like she tried to stand still, having both her hands crossed over her stomach. But when seeing him she lifted one up and gave him a soft wave. This, however, caused the heavy load on her chest to bounce a little, making the girl blush and timidly place her hand back down. Not wanting to move again.

As for the last two guys, the green haired Geled and Telmod from the 'snow serpent clan', they only nervously looked at him. Hoping that he didn't hold any grudges against them.

Geled was pretty average, with the same clothing as Caleen. But Telmod, who had a long tail of white hair fall down his back, wore a white dress and a small serpent emblem on his chest.

'Well, they all seem to remember me..'

He only nodded back at each one before turning towards the vice principal and the tall man.

The bald, purple eyed man who he now called his teacher wore a purple robe, very similar to the azure one.

When the vice principal looked at him, a smile seemed to form on his face. Creatuing a set of wrinkles to cover every patch and spot where his eyebrows and facial hair should've been.

"I'm glad you could fine time to finally come back, Marss!"

Michael smiled back at him and tried to speak with as much respect as he could muster.

"Thank you, teacher. I was only out practicing outside for a while. No disrespect was meant by it!"

"Haha there is no need to excuse yourself, Marss."

The bald man started laughing, and slowly turned towards the tall individual next to him.

"Marss, you may wonder who this man is. Well, why don't you introduce yourself?"

Michael looked up at the tall man. He had some rather good looking facial features. However, you could see some small wrinkles and markins revealing that he clearly was definitely much older than he looked. A thin black and grey beard covered most of his cheeks and jaw. Sharing the same color with the long strips of hair falling from the head. His eyes held the same color as his robe, with a strong blue tint radiate out from them. Both underlined lined by the two sword shaped eyebrows.

"Greetings, elder. I am Marss Zell. How should I adress you?"

Hearing the polite tone of speech caused a weak smile to grow over the tall man's face. Twisting the thin beard ever so slightly while his lips moved. A deep manly voice then came in his direction.

"Greetings, Marss. I am Stenn Zarel Lin. The hundreth and tenth Principal of our Bell Academy. You may adress me as Stenn."

Looking up at the two, no, three meter tall man was like trying to starre down a building. You could feel the unbreakable power emitted from just his gaze alone.

"Then Sir Stenn. It is an honor to be able to meet you."

Stenn didn't seem to bother too much about the way Michael adressed him. Quickly beginning to talk to him.

"Marss, I hear you have an affinity towards gold. Tell me, what level has your essence understanding reached?"

Everybody nearby started sharpened their ears and looked towards the two. All eager to hear how talented Marss actually was.

"Well, Sir Stenn.. My gold essence has reached thirty percent as of late. However, I keep trying to improve it."

The usual iron expression transformed itself into a slightly surprised one which also containing a hint of eagerness.

As for his seniors and teacher, they all starred at him with gaping mouths. Even Selin was left shocked, as just increasing ones essence was considered very time consuming and hard.

"Haha, very good! You are indeed someone worthy of my praise."

The enormous principal stuck one of his gigantic hands into his robe with a single, quick move. Pulling out an aged book.

He gave it a look before handing it over to Michael. Beginning to explain what this unexpected gift was.

"I usually don't do this. But since you are my loyal vice principals new student and a genius in two rights, why not."

"This is an adept level gold spell I handpicked from our treasury. There hasn't been anyone suitable for it in a long time. That is, until you arrived here. Consider this a token of my good will."

Not hesitating in the least, he immediately bowed down and accepted it with a satisfied smile.

He immidetly stored it inside the silvee storage ring resting on his index finger However, Stenn seemed to have shifted his attention towards it as he did so. Lifting up one of his robust hands and grinding it against his spikey jaw.

"Marss, may I ask where you got that ring on your finger?"

A weak frown made it's home on the large forehead as he further eyed down the ring.

"It was a gift from my family."

Hearing his answer seemed to remove the principal's suspicions. Did he know about what status his name had? No matter. He only nodded back at him while pulling the vice principal towards another group of people.

'Checking the Zell background is a must..'

As he watched the two old timers leave, a small crowd of men and women quickly rushed at him. Wildly swarming around his unmoving figure like a school of fish after finding a meal.


"Sir Marss, Please join us for a drink!"

"Sir Marss, come to visit our clan!"

"Are you currently in a relation ship, Sir Marss?"

"Can you show us some gold spells?!"


All kinds of questions were bombarded away. All with different requests, but still containing his name in them.

Feeling the crowd push onto his body caused a slight anger to generate inside his mind. How dared prey so carelessly push themselvs onto him? Did they have a death wish? Something inside his brain shook a little, and he prepared to answer them in his own way.

However, before he could do anything, something gripped the back end of his dress and pulled him out.

He brushed against the crowd, and after being released from their grip, he found himself standing next to Selin.

She looked at the group of guests with an angry expression. Making some sort of invincible wave flow out of her blue eyes as she started speaking.

"You people lack manners."

Michael saw how her eyes gained a darker tint when the wave started to travel, as well as her brown hair turn slightly more black. It replaced his growing anger with a feeling close to interest and fascination.

It wasn't directed at him, so measuring it's power was fairly hard. However, the flock of chockens feeling the pressure head on dispersed in an instant. Not daring to anger this woman.

'Wonder what her background is.'

After they left, she turned towards him with an awkward smile. Scratching the side of her head while starting to talk.

"You are quite famous here. Even Caleen and Linza don't hold a candle to it."

Michael smirked back and followed up.

"you could probably surpass us all in popularity if only you hadn't been so silent. Or that's what I have heard."

A defeated look made it's way over her awkward expression.

"You are probably right in some way. However, I still wouldn't be able to get any other friends than you and the others."

He was going to ask her what she meant, but saw her eyes trickle towards the principal's back. Looking at it with a glimmer of sorrow and resentment.

'They are connected? Well, in that case..'

"Well, you at least have me here. Or is that mabye not enough?"

The sorrowful gaze was forcefully broken and Selin looked back at into his golden eyes. The previous negative emotions seemed to have been turned into a sort of triumphant mockery.

Selin crossed her hands in front of her chest and smiled at him. They were rather close when it came to height. However, Michael had some small amount of leverage over her thanks to his shoes.

"You try and make a move on me already, huh? Haven't we only talked once before?"

Michael's smile stiffend when he heard her. Trying to figure out how she came to that conclusion, however, still wishing to play along.

"I belive it was you who seeked me out this time, Mrs Selin."

The girl laughed mildly at his response while waving one of her hands into the air. Making a buttler quickly bring them a pair of champagne glasses.

She picked them both up from silver plate held by the servant, and quickly passed one over to him.

"You are a wicked, yet bold friend, Sir Marss. Cheers for our second meeting!"

He grabbed the glass back and gently lifted it up.

"I am many things, Mrs Selin. But wicked?"

Selin's smile grew more radiant and she gently hit her glass into his own

After pulling back his hand, Michael heard a noise similar to a piece of metal tapping on some hollow object from behind.

Both he and Selin turned towards it, only to find Principal Stenn hitting a teaspoon against the base of his drink.

The tall man cleared his voice for a second. Preparing to speak away.

"I wish to thank all who have taken time out of their schedule, so that we may celebrate the peace and glory which has rained down at our school for hundres of years."

"As most of you know, we usually only host these banquets at the end of 'Fall Time'. However, it has come to my attention that one of the finest geniuses in this world was rolled in at our entry exam this year."

"Marss Zell Jonhson. He who holds not only the affinity of gold, but also three other essences. Raise your glass!"

Michael quickly did as he was told. Pushing his arm up into the air. The black robe he wore flared up a little. Almost as if surfing on a gust of wind, causing it to heroically sway. It generated a valoures power which surged off into the hearts of all his onlookers.

Stenn similarly raised his glass while shouting loudly into the ballroom.

"Everyone. Let us toast for this man's future! For Marss!"

All the surrounding guests drew their arms up into the air. All shouting at the same name.

"For Marss!"

Every single glass was lined up perfectly. Holding their own beverage containing an army of tiny bubble which made their way up to the top.

'Damn.. This feels really nice. Kind of reluctant to start a massacre now..'

However, the bubbles weren't the only thing that started moving. Even the liquid started to vibrate.

No, now the glass shook? What was going on?

Tracing the sudden movements made the all those present look down at the light brown floor.

An increasingly powerful quake travelled underneath their feet. Eventually growing to such at degree where the contents of the glass violently spilled over.

"What is happening?"

That was the sentence which come from almost every quest's mouth. Looking around at the dishes and plates covering the long tables fall to the ground.

Principal Stenn's glass didn't seem to shake even in the least. Almost as if it wasn't connected to the floor.

"Everyone, please calm down. We are magicians, are we not?"

The small amount of panic vanished without a trace after his voice echoed into the room.

Each of them started using their energy as a medium to block of the sudden earthquake. Lessening the pressure felt.

Stenn cautiously looked around. Waiting for the origin of the tremor to reveald itself.

And so it did.

The solid white walls were suddenly smashed through. Pulverizing the cobblestone into bits. However, even when all the walls fell appart, the roof still remaind over everyone's heads. Held up by an unkown force.

The large amount of dust created by the shockwave quickly cleared up. Showing the ones responsible for the uncalled for destruction.

A legion of giant bears, wolfs and gorillas stretched out into every single direction. They all had dark grey fur covering their bodies, with the occasional bald spot found some places. Several stiched scars rounded out all their joints and ligaments. Showing that these creatues were not truly alive any longer.

The tightly pressed togheter beasts eyed down the guests with their glowing purple eyes. Each picking one to take a bite from first.

However, a blue energy wave temporarily seperated the army away from the wizards. Allowing Stenn to make a final statement before rising up in the air alongside the vice principal.

"All at the high general layers and above, prepare for battle! Those bellow must escape!"

Without any questions asked, all those who could fight lined themselvs in a formation while the weaker ones ran for theu life.

Selin tried to look for Michael, but when she turned around, he had disappeared.

'Showing up and leaving as you please...what a guy.'

She smiled lightly and ran towarss the interlocked doors Michael had originally entered from.

After all the nuisances had left, Stenn made the blue smoke covering him and the rest throw itself away. Taking several zombie's with it.

"Vapor Magic: Wave Of The Dried Sea"

Not only did they fly off, but hundres of them started to turn into stick sized husks. Dispersing when hitting the ground.

"That should hold them off for a while..."

However, a sudden sence of urgency welled up inside his heart. Making him instantly turn towards the bald vice principal.

"Dirum. I must leave leave. You will be responsible while I am away."

Vice principal Dirum was going to retort, but after seeing the urgent worry cover his sworn brother's face, he decided to keep it to himself.

Seeing that there was no backlash or questions made Stenn nod at him and fly off into the tunnel where everybody had escaped from.

Dirum turned back to the beasts again. His purple eyes shone brighter by every second passed, only stopping when he stretched out his hands and chanted.

"Illusion Magic: Astral Foe!"

A weak light shout out form his body, covering everyone nearby.

As the flashy spell died down, nothing had seemed to have changed. Nothing for the well dressed wizards, that is.

From one of the beast's perspective, all the humans had mysteriously disappeared from their sight. And they were not even able to properly smell them either.

"You all have twenty minutes to take them out. I will support in any way possible!"

And with that, the fighting had started..


'Dammit! Who dares break into the treasure room of my academy! If I don't dismember your body into corn sized beads of meat then I am not worthy of my title!'

Stenn was currently flying at full speed through the dark brick halls. Extinguishing every singe lantern he passed by.

After a while, he arrived near some stairs leading down to a deep, dark void. A sort of haunted energy was emitted from the darkness. Making any other person than himself pass out due to fright. He only looked into it for a couple of breaths before flinging his body straight down.

He only used a single moment before arrivinf at the bottom which now showing a long green passage. Lit up by an infinite row of lamps built into the roof of it.

Stenn did not even hesitate a second before blazing forwards once more.

Even while traversing the tunnel at such an unbelievable speed, he could still see thesurroundings clearly.

Along the way, badly mangled human corpses and shredded remains would become more commonly found the further in he went. Causing his heart to ache each time he saw one.

'Brothers and sisters. Thank you for your service until now..'

His sharp eyebrows knitted harder and harder togheter due to the unbearable anger and loss he felt. Boosting the speed which he moved at. Making the passing walls turn into blurry loops circling around the corners of his vision.

After following this path for a while, he finally stopped for the last time. Now hovering inside a massive room which would be able to fitt an incredible amount of large wildlife. However, although it was large, the room was not considered long. At most, it would possess the same lenght as the black and silver vault door before him. Exceeding his height by at least twenty times.

The large vault had not changed much from last time he had seen it. Containing neither dust nor any signs of aging. Still holding an almost fresh feeling, like it was just recently made.

But bellow it, was a different story.

The passage he had travelled through would usually share its colir with the room, both being dark green all over.

This place would usually have several golems and trusted wizards standing guard. Greeting him whenever he arrived.

However, right in front of him was none of the usual laughter and joy. The only thing close to anything human here would be the grated bits of flesh, bone and metal spread around the floor like sand.

The walls beside the vault seemed to have been dentes too. No, they weren't jusr dented. There laid a small row of severed human heads hammered inside. Almost looking like abodyless crowd of people blankly focusing their attention into the center of the room. Focusing at the thing which nonchalantly sat there cross legged without a care in the world.

The figure sitting there had some sort of black fur covering most parts of it's naked body. Only revealing the head, hands and feet. similar in color to the rugged hair in the head.

Long black nails shot out from every single finger and toe. Each one covered in some rotted flesh.

As Stenn asserted the foreign man before him, it's sharp ears suddenly twitched. Causing both eyes to open at the same time.

Two pure black voids were aimed in his direction. But if you dared stare back, two vertically slit lines of gold would reveal themselvs.

This weird creature looked rather familiar actually. Where had he seen it before?

"Who are you?"

Stenn's dark voice echoed into the bloody room. Making the dusty remains whistle in the wind generaged by his breath.

The humanoid beast stood up from the floor to meet his hovering body. Only answering after it had stabilised it's strong body.

"You can call me Michael."


While trying to find an answer to something, he suddenly retorted back at it.

"No, wait. Marss?....Hmpf. Looks like that was just a cover, or am I wrong?"

It did not answer this time, only smiling back at him. Confirming all suspicions he had.

"I knew I had seen that storage ring somewhere.. To think that elf dared come back here..."

Michael ignored what he said. Wanting to shift the topic to something else.

"Mr Stenn."


He understood what the boy wanted and angrily talked back to him.

"What, boy?"


"As you have kept me waiting here, there is something I wish to ask you, if it wouldn't be too troublesome, that is."


Ask him? What could this foolish rat even think about at this moment?

"Go ahead. Consider it your final rites."


Michael looked up at the hovering blue cloud gently floating in the air. Sending a profound energy towards it as he spoke.

"What does it mean to be an emperor?"


Stenn registered what he had said and frowned even deeper than he previously had. Not getting what he was talking about.

"What? Kid, I can feel your energy level is at the lower king layer."

"Whatever... An emperor is someone who has understood the profound mysteries of some type of art to a certain degree. That, and of course having mastered their internal energy or body to an inhuman level. That is what an emperor is."


Stenn looked back at Michael with some impatience. But that quickly changed into anger and confusion as he saw the boy's smile now spitting a arua of mockery at him.


"You are wrong, Sir Stenn."


What was that now?

"Boy, what did you just say..?"


Michael stretched out both his hand. Looking like he was warming up his body before something big.

"An emperor is someone who holds the life of every single man and woman benath him withing his grasp. It is someone who has gained the authority to rule over the fate of others. Who is unchallenged by his peers."

"And as a matter of fact, Stenn. You are no emperor, for you rule over nothing.... Nothing more than this pen filled with sheep....."


Stenn's anger began to fume over, but his smile only seemed to grow in strength. Eagerly making plans for how to deal with this brat.

"Ho? You call me unworthy of my position? Then tell, Michael. What kind of authority do you hold here in my domain?"


Michael's smile twisted itself backwards until reaching his ears. Leaving a large opening for his jagged teeth to shine throughout the room.

A grotesque aura made up of the malice from tens, no, hundres of hungry monsters ripped itself out from every pore on his body.

And as the sickly energy covered them both, he gave his last answer to the man named Stenn Zarel Lin.


"I hold the authority over your life."


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