Devolved: Path of the beast
59 The Tainted Vs The Arthropod
The Centipede steered its antennas into the darkness. Unsure of when the beast would emerge.
"Did I not dispatch him? I could sense that the creature was at the general layer. No, does he perhaps walk the path of the body?"
However, from within the darkness came not the small humanoid wolf, but instead four small bullets of liquid.
They followed behind each other like asymmetrical drops of water, and you would most likely be unable to dodge them in this darkness. Unless possessing the sensory ability of the centipede, that is.
But It did not even bothering with such sneak attacks. Nonchalantly allowing the drops to smash against its shell. And as expected, they did not even leaving a dent or a mark behind.
"Less effective against organic material mostly made up of keratin and calcium. I will take note of that. However, the shell may also contain phosphate... Increasing the penetration power and corrosive properties is what I should further aim for."
Again, the voice of the creature was caught up. But what was it talking about? And why couldn't the centipede pinpoint its location?
"What is this nonsense you speak of, Beastlord? I did not know your race cowered in the face of a stronger adversary."
However, this time, no answer was given back. Not even a puny attack. Had it perhaps run away?
"Forgive me for my rudeness, insect. It was only a means to gauge out your strength. Middle king layer if I am not wrong? Your flesh will certainly do my body good."
The centipede kept trying to locate the creature, but it was as if the signals were being sendt from all directions. No, the soundwaves were being manipulated to a level where not even it's anntenas could differentiate which one came from where. What kind of animal possessed such an ability? Beastlords are incapable of controlling sound!
'No, there!' It managed to find a weak footstep coming not too far away. The anntenas twitched a little, and finally, it managed to find the main body.
What the centipede could see was limited to a strand of sound and aura each passing individual generated. However, even without proper sight, it was still left speechless by the creature's change.
Michael's body had transformed from the measly five and a half feet tall beastlord, to a hulking weremonkey shaped monstrosity nearing the height of twenty meters. Roughly rivaling the centipede in size.
His hide into a dark brown suit of fur which now flowed all over his body. Everything from the humanoid paws at the bottom of his legs, the grotesque scissors shaped fingers, and finally, the muscular jet black back which resembled a thin shell.
But other than the new piece of armour and the increased muscle mass, the skull still held the appearance of a human, only having some new facial features and a more ape-like shape. Making the frontal part slightly protrude forwards.
First was his usual uncovered grin, now having a set of overly stretched lips seeming to stem from a beak.
Then came his eyes, still no different from large voids.
As for the rest, it was not visible, for his head did not have the same brown fur on it, and was instead painted by a giant blood red mask of long hair.
'What is this man...?!'
Michael gave his new body a quick moment of attention. Fully integrating the changes into his mind.
"This explains my previous lacking of features whenever transforming. All the bloodlines were so thin, leaving me like a distored organism. While now, I have regained a proper appearence. Or, I look more like a werewolf and a yeti mix than a burnt doll."
The centipede only stood there unmoving and awestruck. Not knowing what to belive. However, this only caused Michael to smile more, pushing back the beak and showing the row of cat-like teeth
"Let me test this out!"
He then dug his paw shaped foot into the cave floor, propelling himself at the insect with a blinding speed.
The centipede wanted to respond, but the move was too swift, and the distance between them did not allow any time to think.
And with no ressistance put up, the wereape smacked its furry fist into the worm. Sending it flying over the lake and straight through the stone pillar where the pearl laid. Only stopping after having most of it's body engraved in the wall behind.
Michael stopped where he was and rearranged all attention back to his hairy fist, which was now releasing a steaming pillar of translucent smoke. Was this created from the impact alone?
"Oh my..."
The centipede quickly wrigged itself out form the wall and angrily aimed its mandibles at him. However, Michael did not care for this,
indifferently shooting it the same mocking smile, while also flecking his teeth.
Pridefully basking in this newfound physical strength, as he could feel every ounce of power course through his veins like any other liquid. Leaving him in an almost euphoric state.
The insect also noticed the significant power up, and wished to plea for a more peaceful solution. Who would willingly challenge something with such power?
"Beast, please reconsider you actions. Many lives will be lost if be battle, and if anyone other than the chosen one takes the orb, ruin is bound to fall upon this worl.."
But before it could finish, an abrupt interruption made it stop. One created by the crazed laugh of the weremonkey.
Michael, who refused to waste any more time suddenly hurled his almost weightless body at it. Effortlessly ascending to the roof while aiming his killing intent at the insect like a hungry asteroid of death. You would think he would plummet straight down considering his size, but it was almost as if he was aided by the surrounding air.
[Ability Activated]
[Mad King's Hammer]
As his titanic body ascended up to the top of the cave, a yellow fire suddenly burst out from beneath his fur. Outlining his frame in a yellow ball of burning energy. It gave him the appearance of a graceful sun rising from below the clouds!
The centipede looked at the rapidly rising comet and hastily positioned its back end in a whip-like stance.
Just as Michael hit the top of the cave, he cocked back both his long paw shaped feet against it. Wishing to build up some momentum. However, the instant he froze was when the long tale violently shot itself at him. Planning to finish this by severing his body in two pieces.
But this measly attack was nothing, and he easily overpowered it with a single smack of his his furry humanoid claw. Smashing the incoming sawblade back to the main body with a deafening boom.
The entire cavern trembled before mighty strike, and the centipede also seemed rather dumbstruck. Twitching its antennas back to the descending ape with urgency.
Despite having just faced a minor speed bump, Michael's body did not seem phased at all, as he brutally slammed his legs into the stone above. Rapidly flying at the insect while still clad in the yellow aura. Turning his body into a burning meteorite.
The centipede looked at the falling star and felt the rays of crazed pride cover its shell. Removing any thoughts about trying to negotiate.
"Very well, beast."
The worm raised its main body and barred both the mandibles at him right before shooting itself straight back at him. However, this did not prove efficient.
Right as the centipede's mandibles were going to lach onto Michael's head and rip it off, he slammed his balled up fist down once more. Propelling it back down into the ground.
However, the centipede did not receive any scratches or marks by this, as the shell was even tougher than Michael's hide. However, it seemed to have been slightly dazed by the attack.
Too bad that Michael didn't allow it any time to recuperate, as he quickly followed up on its trail. Steering down into where it laid and crashed his entire body into the creature.
The shockwave generated from his landing caused both the surrounding stone floor to fragment appart, and the pillars supporting the underground to give in. Making the entire place collapse as they continued to battle.
Above ground, the once peaceful jungle suffered tremendously due to the maniacal confrontation, as it was currently being harrased by multiple quakes and vibrations generated from the battle. Randomly creating large craters everywhere which swallowing all biomass nearby into their bottomless bellies.
All the animals previously living here had all escaped. However, there were still living creatures left behind, that being the small research group choosing to follow in Winter's footsteps.
But they only chose to come so far, for when the quakes began to grow in strength everyone quickly fled for their lives. The girl wanted to follow after them, but got her feet stuck in a patch of debris which had fallen over her foot.
She tried calling for help, since they were not too far away from each other. However, all her screams were ignored. Leaving the dumbstruck Winter behind to fend for herself.
-----Winter 1st POV-----
"What is happening?!"
These quakes are far to powerful! Not even a creature at the king layer should manage to produce such power.
The instant this round of destruction started was the moment my legs got smashed in between two sawed off logs. I didn't notice it at first, however, after feeling that I was rendered incapable of following the others was when I realized it. I tried to call for the others, but they...they just ignored me.
I know this is my own fault. Pulling other people along with me on these life and death adventures... I am sure they are all tired of me by now, considering that I have brought them nothing to brag about for a while... Mabye staying here is what I was destined to do?
I don't know why, but seeing everyone's back turn against me has sparked a cloud of sorrow in my heart. The drowing pain of being abandoned, the way it cuts your heart and burns your soul. Although people will always chose their own lives first, I...I still hoped...
No. I always knew that there was no one in this world who would walk alongside me. I have been traveling alone on this shattered dream all my life. Was I suddenly expect something else? Did I always belive in my heart that I was fated to meet someone to share my joy with?
The earthquake only grows more powerful by the second, and more craters begin to surrounding my body, removing any possibilities of escaping. But this...This I do not care for. Mabye I went to far this time? Bringing unnecessary worry to my friends like this.
No, what friends? All I ever receive back home is the constant nagging and blame whenever something happens. That is, until I manage to find something...
My heart, it stings even more now...
I remember when dad told me to follow my dreams as I grew up... Telling me that we had to make mom proud in heaven.
Mom, dad. Why did you never tell me that the life I dreamt of was only a fragile facade? That the things I dreamt about would eventually leave me?
I feel the wet soil and splinters beneath my feet sink down. No, I don't feel like fighting against it this time. I'm sure they will only blame me again after getting back...
I look up into the cloudy sky while feeling the wind brush against my clothes. This chilly breeze and the earthy smell, why does it make my eyes water like this?
I continue to starre up as my moist eyes release their pent up rivers of warmth. Trickling down my cheeks like drops of rain, further pushing me downwards
Finally, I can feel all the support holding me up disappear. Allowing the devils from below to pull my soul into hell for all my wrong actions. The sky continues to grow more distant, and the small rivers become thicker.
"*Hicc* Mom...Dad... I want to go home... I want you to tell me one more fairy tail as I go to bed..*Hicc* I want to.."
My hair gives in to the fall and begins to defy the pull of gravity.
My face contorts, releasing out the pent up agony.
My heart defiantly twitches, telling me that it doesn't want stop yet.
The stone fragments and dirt patches slowly begin to cover up the distant blue. Leaving me falling alone into the crackling void. The air hits hard against my back, taking with it my will to continue.
I suddenly feel the urge to sleep. Where did it come from? Was it brought forth by the warm feeling flowing from from my head?
I can't really put my finger on it, but it doesn't matter now... Staying here is better than going back to that place...
Both eyes forcefully close themselves, slowly covering my world in a new darkness. However, the rivers flowing from my eyes only grows more restless after I seal them away. Wanting to go past the barrier and explode.
Eventually, the drowning sensation fully engulfs me, and the pain dissapears. Leaving me with only a single set of feelings and thoughts. The bitter taste of regret and injustice that this world has cast upon me.
"I...I wish I had another chance..."
In the collapsing underground, Michael could be currently seen wrestling the giant snake like a matador on a wild bull. Smashing against all the falling rocks and turning them into pieces.
The centipede kept coiling around his body and always tried to dig it's sharp legs into the flesh. However, every time it tighten its hold was when he would retaliate the hardest. Pulling out everything he had stored.
"Gold Magic: Gold Clad!!!"
Michael's knowledge of the simple spell had reached such a high level of understanding, that he could now effortlessly turn his entire body into a golden statue. Boosting both his physical strength and durability.
With the spell taking effect, his fur changed into that of golden cloth, and his eyes into glowing lanters. After feeling the energy cover his body, he locked both the now radiant claws onto the insect and pulled with all his might. Managing to slowly rip it off himself, but sadly also beginning to tear into his body, as a fair amount of spikes had slithered their way through his defenses.
Grotesque sounds akin to tearing appart rubber appart and metallic rings grew more frequent the more freedom he gained. Generated by the two exoskeletons violently grinding against each other.
"D....Dammit!! Get off me!!!!"
Michael kept trying to pull despite the pain, leaving the after effects to his regeneration. However, the insect would just spin more of its loose body around him. Repeating the cycle all over again.
He had tried to use blood magic, but the shell did not allow him any access to the bloodstream. Next, he went for the antennas, but it was just too easy for it to leave part of it's infinite body tangled around him, while keeping the head a safe distance away from his occupied hands and mouth. Even extending the limbs proved useless, as it would always leave less resistance against the spikes.
The centipede felt that it was on the winning end despite the bad start, and began to leisurely talk to Michael. Giving it even more confidence.
"Beast, you would not listen. So there is no one else to bl..."
However, before it could finish, an unexpected interruption caught its tounge.
[Ability Activated]
[Roar of the Quake]
Michael's voice suddenly boomed out. Catching the insect off guard with a crippeling sonic boom. Bringing forth even more desolation onto the battle field and frying its brain at the same time.
No, not the brian, but rather the anntenas which now madly twisted themselves in every direction, wishing to block the noise out as the destructive vibrations rattled them into oblivion.
Michael saw his attack was effective and kept screaming. Not only turning the ground below them into sand, but also shaking the creatures view of the world.
The shockwaves only expanded further outwards the longer he held it down, and with his [Breathless move] ability, although not really helping much, as it was designed for holding onto a small amount of oxygen for movement purposes, still did some work.
Michael kept going until every single solid object within fifty meters of himself and the tangled snake had turned into dust and coal. Filling the area with a burnt smell.
This was most definitely one of the more powerful abilites, however, he could not use it forever. The reason was because this was as far as he could push it at the moment before his throat crazily throb in pain. Threatening to burst appart like the rubble around them.
"*Cough *Cough. T...Take that!"
His vocal cord was iching madly, but that did not matter. He only cared for the giant centipede curled up next to his bleeding body.
Michael assessed all the puncture wound covering his torso, but quickly brushed off any ideas about resting. His vampire physique boosted the already inhuman healing factor, so why worry about flesh wounds?
"Well....let me try and pry this thing open..."
However, as placed his supporting paw down next to it, the insect suddenly spun up from the ground. Coiling around his body once more like an electrified wire.
"AAH..AAAHHH...Y..OU...FILT...Y BEAST!!! I...WILL...CR....USH...YOU...TO...DEATH!!!"
This time it disregarded it's safety. With both the anntenas damaged to such a degree where it could barely see, removed the only exterior weaknesses Michael previously had access to.
The worm's body kept tightening around his already exhausted body, and eventually sounds of pierced flesh and bones breaken echoed once more.
'Sh***!! I feel like my throat will rupture if I try using that move again. However, this guy's weak point is already gone, and I can't break through the shell...'
No matter what Michael did, the shell never receive anything other than insignificant white mark. This thing was much stronger than he had anticipated.
While trying pulling the beast insect off, Michael's body abruptly began to transform.
His hide turned into a full set of dark blue feathers, and the black masses of muscle on his back managed to free themselves from the centipedes hold, shooting out two completely black eagle wings, each reaching the lenght of his body.
The insect tried to send some signals to his brain, but he ignored it. Focusing all available energy into the mounds of dark muscle.
Mabye because it was in a frenzy, but the centipede ignored the overstretched masses made up of black feather and just kept pulling on Michael's body. Drilling into his chest with the long mandibles, as if trying to eat him alive.
However, this was all he needed. And with such an opening, he swung both his wings straight down with all his might. Shooting the them into the air, and creating a smokescreen of dust in his wake.
He quickly advanced up through the half destroyed roof, and with this, and air current brewed itself into existence. Blowing away all the lose rubble that hadn't been completly vaporized.
Altough the insect was unable to properly see the world like before, the sudden temperature change created when ascending up into the clouds, and the lack of ground beneath woke some of its reasoning back up.
Once more Michael ignored it, consentrating about getting as far up as possible before he got crushed to death.
The cold air and lack of oxygen became more noticeable as they continued the ascent, and it was only after the insect found itself gasping for air that it calmed down. Making up what was going on.
Eventually, they reached a height where the sky above them turned into a starry void filled with the unkown. Frost began to grow on their bodies, and the lack of oxygen finally reached its limit for the centipede, as Michael easily survived this with his [Breathless move].
However, he felt the cold pierce into his bones, and was forced to remove his gaze from the black sea, and look back at the completely unmoving wings. This must be as far as the condor he had fused with could go before giving in to the planetary prison.
Without anything to hold them up, both beasts then plummeted down. Accelerating more for each passing second.
However, Michael did not care for this and closed his eyes while thinking of the blinking darkness he had just witnessed.
'I really want to go there one day...but for now.'
He grabbed hold of the exhausted worm and positioned itself in front of him. Planning to ram it into the earth using every ounce of his remaining power.
The frost crackled off thanks to the increasing air pressure, but this also caused the centipede to regain some stamina.
Michael saw the the green and brown sea below rapidly begin to approach. Constantly feeling the air particles slam against the body in front of him. However, even in such dire straights he did not slow down. Rather, Michael violently laughed as he saw how reality trembled before his speed.
While falling faster down, he kept aiming for any passing clouds. Using the tyrants innate ability to walk on vapor whenever phasing through one. Slamming his legs into them.
Doing this not only disperesed the clouds, but it was neither necessary and needed. For Michael kept using the condors air manipulation to remove any hindrances for them, making the two approach the speed level where organic matter would start dissolve into liquid.
His mind was no longer ration, as the sudden growth of his wings must have pulled the already overstretched spirit covering his massive body. Giving him a temporary moment of insanity.
"N...O..OOO!!! S..T..OP!!!!"
The centipede kept pleading while the air pressure punched itself into the shell and further deafend it's ability to see. Sadly, this was the last thing it managed to do before they crashed down into the approaching crust. Propelling all the fragments of earth and stone away in a violent explosion.
The Centipede steered its antennas into the darkness. Unsure of when the beast would emerge.
"Did I not dispatch him? I could sense that the creature was at the general layer. No, does he perhaps walk the path of the body?"
However, from within the darkness came not the small humanoid wolf, but instead four small bullets of liquid.
They followed behind each other like asymmetrical drops of water, and you would most likely be unable to dodge them in this darkness. Unless possessing the sensory ability of the centipede, that is.
But It did not even bothering with such sneak attacks. Nonchalantly allowing the drops to smash against its shell. And as expected, they did not even leaving a dent or a mark behind.
"Less effective against organic material mostly made up of keratin and calcium. I will take note of that. However, the shell may also contain phosphate... Increasing the penetration power and corrosive properties is what I should further aim for."
Again, the voice of the creature was caught up. But what was it talking about? And why couldn't the centipede pinpoint its location?
"What is this nonsense you speak of, Beastlord? I did not know your race cowered in the face of a stronger adversary."
However, this time, no answer was given back. Not even a puny attack. Had it perhaps run away?
"Forgive me for my rudeness, insect. It was only a means to gauge out your strength. Middle king layer if I am not wrong? Your flesh will certainly do my body good."
The centipede kept trying to locate the creature, but it was as if the signals were being sendt from all directions. No, the soundwaves were being manipulated to a level where not even it's anntenas could differentiate which one came from where. What kind of animal possessed such an ability? Beastlords are incapable of controlling sound!
'No, there!' It managed to find a weak footstep coming not too far away. The anntenas twitched a little, and finally, it managed to find the main body.
What the centipede could see was limited to a strand of sound and aura each passing individual generated. However, even without proper sight, it was still left speechless by the creature's change.
Michael's body had transformed from the measly five and a half feet tall beastlord, to a hulking weremonkey shaped monstrosity nearing the height of twenty meters. Roughly rivaling the centipede in size.
His hide into a dark brown suit of fur which now flowed all over his body. Everything from the humanoid paws at the bottom of his legs, the grotesque scissors shaped fingers, and finally, the muscular jet black back which resembled a thin shell.
But other than the new piece of armour and the increased muscle mass, the skull still held the appearance of a human, only having some new facial features and a more ape-like shape. Making the frontal part slightly protrude forwards.
First was his usual uncovered grin, now having a set of overly stretched lips seeming to stem from a beak.
Then came his eyes, still no different from large voids.
As for the rest, it was not visible, for his head did not have the same brown fur on it, and was instead painted by a giant blood red mask of long hair.
'What is this man...?!'
Michael gave his new body a quick moment of attention. Fully integrating the changes into his mind.
"This explains my previous lacking of features whenever transforming. All the bloodlines were so thin, leaving me like a distored organism. While now, I have regained a proper appearence. Or, I look more like a werewolf and a yeti mix than a burnt doll."
The centipede only stood there unmoving and awestruck. Not knowing what to belive. However, this only caused Michael to smile more, pushing back the beak and showing the row of cat-like teeth
"Let me test this out!"
He then dug his paw shaped foot into the cave floor, propelling himself at the insect with a blinding speed.
The centipede wanted to respond, but the move was too swift, and the distance between them did not allow any time to think.
And with no ressistance put up, the wereape smacked its furry fist into the worm. Sending it flying over the lake and straight through the stone pillar where the pearl laid. Only stopping after having most of it's body engraved in the wall behind.
Michael stopped where he was and rearranged all attention back to his hairy fist, which was now releasing a steaming pillar of translucent smoke. Was this created from the impact alone?
"Oh my..."
The centipede quickly wrigged itself out form the wall and angrily aimed its mandibles at him. However, Michael did not care for this,
indifferently shooting it the same mocking smile, while also flecking his teeth.
Pridefully basking in this newfound physical strength, as he could feel every ounce of power course through his veins like any other liquid. Leaving him in an almost euphoric state.
The insect also noticed the significant power up, and wished to plea for a more peaceful solution. Who would willingly challenge something with such power?
"Beast, please reconsider you actions. Many lives will be lost if be battle, and if anyone other than the chosen one takes the orb, ruin is bound to fall upon this worl.."
But before it could finish, an abrupt interruption made it stop. One created by the crazed laugh of the weremonkey.
Michael, who refused to waste any more time suddenly hurled his almost weightless body at it. Effortlessly ascending to the roof while aiming his killing intent at the insect like a hungry asteroid of death. You would think he would plummet straight down considering his size, but it was almost as if he was aided by the surrounding air.
[Ability Activated]
[Mad King's Hammer]
As his titanic body ascended up to the top of the cave, a yellow fire suddenly burst out from beneath his fur. Outlining his frame in a yellow ball of burning energy. It gave him the appearance of a graceful sun rising from below the clouds!
The centipede looked at the rapidly rising comet and hastily positioned its back end in a whip-like stance.
Just as Michael hit the top of the cave, he cocked back both his long paw shaped feet against it. Wishing to build up some momentum. However, the instant he froze was when the long tale violently shot itself at him. Planning to finish this by severing his body in two pieces.
But this measly attack was nothing, and he easily overpowered it with a single smack of his his furry humanoid claw. Smashing the incoming sawblade back to the main body with a deafening boom.
The entire cavern trembled before mighty strike, and the centipede also seemed rather dumbstruck. Twitching its antennas back to the descending ape with urgency.
Despite having just faced a minor speed bump, Michael's body did not seem phased at all, as he brutally slammed his legs into the stone above. Rapidly flying at the insect while still clad in the yellow aura. Turning his body into a burning meteorite.
The centipede looked at the falling star and felt the rays of crazed pride cover its shell. Removing any thoughts about trying to negotiate.
"Very well, beast."
The worm raised its main body and barred both the mandibles at him right before shooting itself straight back at him. However, this did not prove efficient.
Right as the centipede's mandibles were going to lach onto Michael's head and rip it off, he slammed his balled up fist down once more. Propelling it back down into the ground.
However, the centipede did not receive any scratches or marks by this, as the shell was even tougher than Michael's hide. However, it seemed to have been slightly dazed by the attack.
Too bad that Michael didn't allow it any time to recuperate, as he quickly followed up on its trail. Steering down into where it laid and crashed his entire body into the creature.
The shockwave generated from his landing caused both the surrounding stone floor to fragment appart, and the pillars supporting the underground to give in. Making the entire place collapse as they continued to battle.
Above ground, the once peaceful jungle suffered tremendously due to the maniacal confrontation, as it was currently being harrased by multiple quakes and vibrations generated from the battle. Randomly creating large craters everywhere which swallowing all biomass nearby into their bottomless bellies.
All the animals previously living here had all escaped. However, there were still living creatures left behind, that being the small research group choosing to follow in Winter's footsteps.
But they only chose to come so far, for when the quakes began to grow in strength everyone quickly fled for their lives. The girl wanted to follow after them, but got her feet stuck in a patch of debris which had fallen over her foot.
She tried calling for help, since they were not too far away from each other. However, all her screams were ignored. Leaving the dumbstruck Winter behind to fend for herself.
-----Winter 1st POV-----
"What is happening?!"
These quakes are far to powerful! Not even a creature at the king layer should manage to produce such power.
The instant this round of destruction started was the moment my legs got smashed in between two sawed off logs. I didn't notice it at first, however, after feeling that I was rendered incapable of following the others was when I realized it. I tried to call for the others, but they...they just ignored me.
I know this is my own fault. Pulling other people along with me on these life and death adventures... I am sure they are all tired of me by now, considering that I have brought them nothing to brag about for a while... Mabye staying here is what I was destined to do?
I don't know why, but seeing everyone's back turn against me has sparked a cloud of sorrow in my heart. The drowing pain of being abandoned, the way it cuts your heart and burns your soul. Although people will always chose their own lives first, I...I still hoped...
No. I always knew that there was no one in this world who would walk alongside me. I have been traveling alone on this shattered dream all my life. Was I suddenly expect something else? Did I always belive in my heart that I was fated to meet someone to share my joy with?
The earthquake only grows more powerful by the second, and more craters begin to surrounding my body, removing any possibilities of escaping. But this...This I do not care for. Mabye I went to far this time? Bringing unnecessary worry to my friends like this.
No, what friends? All I ever receive back home is the constant nagging and blame whenever something happens. That is, until I manage to find something...
My heart, it stings even more now...
I remember when dad told me to follow my dreams as I grew up... Telling me that we had to make mom proud in heaven.
Mom, dad. Why did you never tell me that the life I dreamt of was only a fragile facade? That the things I dreamt about would eventually leave me?
I feel the wet soil and splinters beneath my feet sink down. No, I don't feel like fighting against it this time. I'm sure they will only blame me again after getting back...
I look up into the cloudy sky while feeling the wind brush against my clothes. This chilly breeze and the earthy smell, why does it make my eyes water like this?
I continue to starre up as my moist eyes release their pent up rivers of warmth. Trickling down my cheeks like drops of rain, further pushing me downwards
Finally, I can feel all the support holding me up disappear. Allowing the devils from below to pull my soul into hell for all my wrong actions. The sky continues to grow more distant, and the small rivers become thicker.
"*Hicc* Mom...Dad... I want to go home... I want you to tell me one more fairy tail as I go to bed..*Hicc* I want to.."
My hair gives in to the fall and begins to defy the pull of gravity.
My face contorts, releasing out the pent up agony.
My heart defiantly twitches, telling me that it doesn't want stop yet.
The stone fragments and dirt patches slowly begin to cover up the distant blue. Leaving me falling alone into the crackling void. The air hits hard against my back, taking with it my will to continue.
I suddenly feel the urge to sleep. Where did it come from? Was it brought forth by the warm feeling flowing from from my head?
I can't really put my finger on it, but it doesn't matter now... Staying here is better than going back to that place...
Both eyes forcefully close themselves, slowly covering my world in a new darkness. However, the rivers flowing from my eyes only grows more restless after I seal them away. Wanting to go past the barrier and explode.
Eventually, the drowning sensation fully engulfs me, and the pain dissapears. Leaving me with only a single set of feelings and thoughts. The bitter taste of regret and injustice that this world has cast upon me.
"I...I wish I had another chance..."
In the collapsing underground, Michael could be currently seen wrestling the giant snake like a matador on a wild bull. Smashing against all the falling rocks and turning them into pieces.
The centipede kept coiling around his body and always tried to dig it's sharp legs into the flesh. However, every time it tighten its hold was when he would retaliate the hardest. Pulling out everything he had stored.
"Gold Magic: Gold Clad!!!"
Michael's knowledge of the simple spell had reached such a high level of understanding, that he could now effortlessly turn his entire body into a golden statue. Boosting both his physical strength and durability.
With the spell taking effect, his fur changed into that of golden cloth, and his eyes into glowing lanters. After feeling the energy cover his body, he locked both the now radiant claws onto the insect and pulled with all his might. Managing to slowly rip it off himself, but sadly also beginning to tear into his body, as a fair amount of spikes had slithered their way through his defenses.
Grotesque sounds akin to tearing appart rubber appart and metallic rings grew more frequent the more freedom he gained. Generated by the two exoskeletons violently grinding against each other.
"D....Dammit!! Get off me!!!!"
Michael kept trying to pull despite the pain, leaving the after effects to his regeneration. However, the insect would just spin more of its loose body around him. Repeating the cycle all over again.
He had tried to use blood magic, but the shell did not allow him any access to the bloodstream. Next, he went for the antennas, but it was just too easy for it to leave part of it's infinite body tangled around him, while keeping the head a safe distance away from his occupied hands and mouth. Even extending the limbs proved useless, as it would always leave less resistance against the spikes.
The centipede felt that it was on the winning end despite the bad start, and began to leisurely talk to Michael. Giving it even more confidence.
"Beast, you would not listen. So there is no one else to bl..."
However, before it could finish, an unexpected interruption caught its tounge.
[Ability Activated]
[Roar of the Quake]
Michael's voice suddenly boomed out. Catching the insect off guard with a crippeling sonic boom. Bringing forth even more desolation onto the battle field and frying its brain at the same time.
No, not the brian, but rather the anntenas which now madly twisted themselves in every direction, wishing to block the noise out as the destructive vibrations rattled them into oblivion.
Michael saw his attack was effective and kept screaming. Not only turning the ground below them into sand, but also shaking the creatures view of the world.
The shockwaves only expanded further outwards the longer he held it down, and with his [Breathless move] ability, although not really helping much, as it was designed for holding onto a small amount of oxygen for movement purposes, still did some work.
Michael kept going until every single solid object within fifty meters of himself and the tangled snake had turned into dust and coal. Filling the area with a burnt smell.
This was most definitely one of the more powerful abilites, however, he could not use it forever. The reason was because this was as far as he could push it at the moment before his throat crazily throb in pain. Threatening to burst appart like the rubble around them.
"*Cough *Cough. T...Take that!"
His vocal cord was iching madly, but that did not matter. He only cared for the giant centipede curled up next to his bleeding body.
Michael assessed all the puncture wound covering his torso, but quickly brushed off any ideas about resting. His vampire physique boosted the already inhuman healing factor, so why worry about flesh wounds?
"Well....let me try and pry this thing open..."
However, as placed his supporting paw down next to it, the insect suddenly spun up from the ground. Coiling around his body once more like an electrified wire.
"AAH..AAAHHH...Y..OU...FILT...Y BEAST!!! I...WILL...CR....USH...YOU...TO...DEATH!!!"
This time it disregarded it's safety. With both the anntenas damaged to such a degree where it could barely see, removed the only exterior weaknesses Michael previously had access to.
The worm's body kept tightening around his already exhausted body, and eventually sounds of pierced flesh and bones breaken echoed once more.
'Sh***!! I feel like my throat will rupture if I try using that move again. However, this guy's weak point is already gone, and I can't break through the shell...'
No matter what Michael did, the shell never receive anything other than insignificant white mark. This thing was much stronger than he had anticipated.
While trying pulling the beast insect off, Michael's body abruptly began to transform.
His hide turned into a full set of dark blue feathers, and the black masses of muscle on his back managed to free themselves from the centipedes hold, shooting out two completely black eagle wings, each reaching the lenght of his body.
The insect tried to send some signals to his brain, but he ignored it. Focusing all available energy into the mounds of dark muscle.
Mabye because it was in a frenzy, but the centipede ignored the overstretched masses made up of black feather and just kept pulling on Michael's body. Drilling into his chest with the long mandibles, as if trying to eat him alive.
However, this was all he needed. And with such an opening, he swung both his wings straight down with all his might. Shooting the them into the air, and creating a smokescreen of dust in his wake.
He quickly advanced up through the half destroyed roof, and with this, and air current brewed itself into existence. Blowing away all the lose rubble that hadn't been completly vaporized.
Altough the insect was unable to properly see the world like before, the sudden temperature change created when ascending up into the clouds, and the lack of ground beneath woke some of its reasoning back up.
Once more Michael ignored it, consentrating about getting as far up as possible before he got crushed to death.
The cold air and lack of oxygen became more noticeable as they continued the ascent, and it was only after the insect found itself gasping for air that it calmed down. Making up what was going on.
Eventually, they reached a height where the sky above them turned into a starry void filled with the unkown. Frost began to grow on their bodies, and the lack of oxygen finally reached its limit for the centipede, as Michael easily survived this with his [Breathless move].
However, he felt the cold pierce into his bones, and was forced to remove his gaze from the black sea, and look back at the completely unmoving wings. This must be as far as the condor he had fused with could go before giving in to the planetary prison.
Without anything to hold them up, both beasts then plummeted down. Accelerating more for each passing second.
However, Michael did not care for this and closed his eyes while thinking of the blinking darkness he had just witnessed.
'I really want to go there one day...but for now.'
He grabbed hold of the exhausted worm and positioned itself in front of him. Planning to ram it into the earth using every ounce of his remaining power.
The frost crackled off thanks to the increasing air pressure, but this also caused the centipede to regain some stamina.
Michael saw the the green and brown sea below rapidly begin to approach. Constantly feeling the air particles slam against the body in front of him. However, even in such dire straights he did not slow down. Rather, Michael violently laughed as he saw how reality trembled before his speed.
While falling faster down, he kept aiming for any passing clouds. Using the tyrants innate ability to walk on vapor whenever phasing through one. Slamming his legs into them.
Doing this not only disperesed the clouds, but it was neither necessary and needed. For Michael kept using the condors air manipulation to remove any hindrances for them, making the two approach the speed level where organic matter would start dissolve into liquid.
His mind was no longer ration, as the sudden growth of his wings must have pulled the already overstretched spirit covering his massive body. Giving him a temporary moment of insanity.
"N...O..OOO!!! S..T..OP!!!!"
The centipede kept pleading while the air pressure punched itself into the shell and further deafend it's ability to see. Sadly, this was the last thing it managed to do before they crashed down into the approaching crust. Propelling all the fragments of earth and stone away in a violent explosion.
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