Devolved: Path of the beast
65 The Queen and The Knigh
"One dent im your skull, boy. That is all i need."
However, even with his though speech, the white scales running over his hand suddenly seemed to recede back. Leaving him with the demihuman claw and black nails.
'Too thin maybe?'
Michael quickly came to a conclusion after witnessing his power fail. But this lacking moment was fully taken advantage of by the captain.
Xalder grunted at him. Pulling his dominant leg forward while giving a order tp Cheryl.
"Please refrain from interfering, Cheryl. I would like to avenge my men."
And to his words, the black lipped girl took a step back and crossed her arms. Smiling while non chantingly looking up at the black tank.
Noticing her movement put Xalder at ease, and now knowing she wouldn't interfere made him him lift the saber above his head and chant vigorously.
In the moment Xalder was supposed to pull down his sword and charge, his body was abruptly whisked away by a silver light.
'Wait, I didn't sense anything?!'
Michael was momentarily stunned by his disappearance, but was forcefully brought back by the ringing danger which shot into his back.
Xalder, who appeared behind him had only a milimeter wide space between his saber and the beast's neck. Preparing to end it in one move.
However, right before the attack landed, Michael channeled his chaos energy outwards.
His fur burst up, shooting out sizzling bolts of red lightning which violently propelled the man backwards. Sending him sliding across the floor whilst gripping his saber with both hands.
"What a reaction!"
Xalder praised his enemy as he stopped himself. Picking off one hand from the hilt and looking into its palm. Stunned by the powerful red bolts.
'What kind of lightning was that?' Xalder mentally askes himself while looking down each finger. The skin was almost completely seared off and let of a damp steam. Releasing an overcooked smell.
"You are good, beast. Let me try something else!"
He now felt more prepared as eyed down Michael. Positioning his body in the same stance. having the saber on top.
Again, his body dissapeared in a flash.
'Why am I unable to sense where he goes?!'
Michael spun around, looking for where he would reappear. However, just when he turned his body, Xalder materalized. Aiming his blade at one of the beastly eyes.
And with a heavy thrust, he jammed it in. pridefully sinking the saber into his socket like it was butter. Smiling at his successful hit.
"Looks like you can't shoot lightning out of your e..." Xalder was about to finish the beast by blending his insides into mush. However, when he tried to move the sword, he found out it was dead stuck.
"What?!" He once again tried to pull, but was unable to even move it an inch.
"I....I refuse to belive...!" Xalder tried ripping it out one last time. However, Michael suddenly turned towards him with his remaining yellow slit and angrily looked him. Growling at the highly esteemed captain like he was some sort of beta pack member.
Xalder didn't belive how this guy was still alive with part of his brain cut, but was unable to get any answer as the beastman started his counter attack.
With his will, Michael once more channeled the unlimited chaos energy from the nuclei through his body. Shooting out more streaks of red lightning both into the blade in his head, and onto Xalders body in a bright....
Michael's position let out a violent red explosion like a rouge set of fireworks. Charring the surrounding floor into coal, and sending the Xalder tumbling to the side while holding onto his half melted saber for dear life.
His clothes had several burnt holes in them, showing some gruesome burn marks resting on his skin, with even the hair on his head having some sizzling marks, evidently created from the attack.
Xalder only dumbfounded repositioned himself. Unable to fully understand how he had suffered such heavy damage, the man could only shockingly eyed down his prized saber with his mouth wide open. Turning one of his hands up to overshadow part of his scarred face.
It was only a hilt now, having most of the top part completely melted off, and having part of the remaining end still glow with an orange hue. Not only that, even his palms were scorched black. Turned into nothing more than a grilled steak with ten charred meat loafs sticking out. No longer holding any use.
"Oh, very good."
He angrily turned back to Michael who was visibly regenerating his eye. Having his face and scars contort togheter, and turning his face into that of a devil.
However, before Xalder could charge at Michael again, Cheryil suddenly jumped in between. Smiling with a mocking grin as her robe lowered itself.
"Please, Xalder! You have done enough."
This interference seemed to piss him off even more. Having remaining hair and eyes turn dark red from rage.
"Just hold him off for a while then.."
She turned around and grinned even more. Happy that he accepted her help.
"Of course! Just give me a seco..."
Cheryl was about to finish. However, an invisible chaotic force slammed into her cheek. Sending her body rolling over to Xalder like a human sized football.
"You dare treat me like some sort of second rate foe?"
Michael, who now stood where the girl previously landed, angrily looked at the girl while letting a steady steam of red translucent fire burnt over each finger.
"Come on. That surely couldn't have been enough, right?"
He tried to mock her in hopes of bringing her back up for more. However, what he didn't see was the horrified expression of Xalder who was now stepping backwards.
He didn't wish to stay there for a moment longer and used the teleportation move to swiftly move to another room. Most likely to tend to his injuries.
But Michael didn't bother with him. Just waiting for the girl to stand up.
'Why did that cowered run away?'
He didn't understand why she kept laying there, as the moment they connected, something seemed to have stopped him.
However, right when he kept thinking about her, Cheryl slowly rouse up from the floor. not with her limbs, but with an invisible energy which expanded out from her body. Making the girl levitate.
"Good....You are very...good.."
The crackling energy field which distorted the space around her never stopped expanding, and the more it did, the more uneasy Michael felt.
Eventually, she rouse up from the ground. Slowly ascending upwards while her black hair began to shoot out. Making her head into a black star.
Her eyes had rolled back into her skull, and her clothes now held a darker tint to them. Probably by the field covering her body.
Michael took a step back as she chanted. Now with a voice much darker and seperate one coming from her throat.
'What the hell did I do?'
The hairs on his body all stood up. Telling him to run away.
Cheryl aimed her twisted arm straight at him, directing all the distorted energy at his body.
"Autrarch's Touch!!!!"
The force field coiled around his body like hundreds of seperate snakes, draging off his skin as they rolled over.
"Hey, lady, what is thissssrrrccchhh..."
He tried talking, but the moment he did, the field drilled down his throat. Strangling and repeatedly breaking his spine like it was some cheap rope.
Michael kept feeling his internal organs being blended into juice every passing second and tried breaking free. However, the more he struggled, the more crazy Cheryl became. Laughing her ass off to his twitching.
She suddenly turned one of her hands, and with her movement, all of Michael's skin peeled itself off.
The sounds of his hide forcefully seperating from his muscles echoed into the room, and alongisde this, the blended organs and blood vessels in his body were shout out of his mouth like a fountain of water. Raining down at into the black room with a bloody dmap stench.
Cheryl kept making her field milk out the blood in his body, and pulling out his insides for a couple of minutes. But, no matter which direction she pulled him in, e hadn't once passed out. No, hiw was a seemingly mutated beastmaster still alive after such punishment?
She kept starring at his skinned and bleeding body which now laid in a pool of his own flesh and whispered something to herself.
"Why is he still alive? I have already pulled out the organs resting in his chest..."
Her hair fell down to her shoulders again, and her hazel eyes slwoly returned. Evident of her calming state of mind. However, even with the satisfied feeling of payback, Cheryl didn't descend from the air. Looking at Michael with some more mystery.
"Well, I'll just scramble his brain then..."
She waved her soft white hand once and brough his body back up along with it. Planning to finish the guy once and for all.
"Any last words?"
Cheryl loudly asked the shredded Michael while having him hooked in the air.
And surely, he mumbled something out even without having any skin.
"Tss Pss...."
Cheryl almost didn't belive how he was alive, and a surpised expression blossomed on her face.
'Still alive?! Looking like that?!'
With her hand wode open and pointed at him, she dragged it backwards. Forcing his body near hers.
"Did you say something?"
Michael twisted a little. Whispering the same thing to her.
Cheryl wasn't able to make it out this time either, and pulled him even closer.
"Say it again please."
And with their faces only being a couple of inches away from each other, Michael repeated himself.
With all his remaining might, Michael infused every ounce of power into his vocal cords, planning to blow this frail human girl into ash. However, the moment he tried to scream, the soundwaves were just as quickly extinguished by the choking force.
"I see, in that case farwell."
Cheryl spread both arms to her side and acted, trying to pull Michael's body into two with her power.
"This is it..." She shut her hands and wrung her fists back and forth. And with her movement, long bone fragments began to shoot out of Michael. Breaking off into white powder the moment they exited.
Cheryl looked at the skinned and mutilated pound of meat and gave a weak grunt. Not wanting to continue to watch it any longer as she had her fill now.
"That's..." But for a moment, while she tried to completely kill him, a sudden resistance cut part of her control away.
"What? What was that just now?"
Cheryl looked at the unmoving flesh puppet with a dire expression. Unsure where it had come from.
Not even giving another second of thought, she redirected all mental power to split this thing appart. However, the same resistance cut away her force. This time making the guy fall to the floor with a thud.
Cheryl almost felt her eyes pop out from humiliation and suprise. When had someone ever escaped her grasp like this.
"My divine ability was broken...?"
Her breathing grew more hurried and impatient. Turning her pale face red.
Not even waiting another second, she lifted up both hands and formed a ball above her head. Distorting the space between her palms until small lightning bolts began to shoot out.
However, as she did so, Michael abruptly started standing up. His skin and fur visibly regenerating at full speed, and with a new red aura shooting out of his body.
Cheryl watched him stand up with a even more stupid face. And with all her power, she threw the ball of distortion at his rising figure. Sending it tumbling towards his head like a bowling ball.
But right before it hit, Michael lifted up his regenerated arm and smacked it away. Sending the distorted force ball into the nearby wall.
Cheryl starred over with shock as her attack turned part of the alloy into dust. Not understanding how he had so casually brushed her attack off.
She turned towards Michael with one move and charged the space around her up. However, equally to herself, the boy also began to flare up.
His body suddenly rapidly shook. But as soon as it stopped, it started expanding like a balloon.
The muscle beneath his hide bulged out, and his red and black fur started changing into a dark red color.
His feet morphed into paws, and his skull turned into one only seen on a mad yeti. Being covered by a completely deep red cap of long fur.
Cheryl looked at the behemoth and felt her scalp go numb. What was happening now?!
But before she could sort anything out, she noticed the two hollow eyes look in her direction alongside what could only be described as a crazed smile.
"AnY lAsT WorDS?...?"
Michael tried to silently whisper towards the dumbstruck girl. However, even with their distance being great, a hot pocket of air blew through her hair. Dragging the bloody stench alongside it which was generated from the surrounding gore.
Cheryl was momentarily stunned by this sight and wanted to back away. However, right before she was going to attack, Xalder suddenly teleported next to her. Now holding onto a new identical saber.
"I see you are struggling a little, Mrs Cheryl?"
Most of his wounds had been healed as they weren't infused with any lingering power, and he had also changed his outfit to that of a similarly seen dark green suit.
Cheryl felt sour as she looked at him. But right now, facing a foe which could break her bloodline power removed any of her cocky attitude.
"How do you wish to do this then?"
Xalder smiled when he heard her and quickly wrapped up their conversation.
"Hold him still."
Cheryl looked over at the scarred face of and back towards the giant monkey. Grunting back at him while charging up.
[Aspect of the tainted activated!]
'Which one should I kill first?'
Michael looked down at the two ants with expectation. Trying to think of which of the two would taste the best.
However, as he thought about this, Xalder suddenly disappeared into thin air. Causing him to aim at the girl.
'Very well.'
He didn't wait another second and just charged. Dashing at her with his full speed.
Every movement he made containted an unmatched physical power. And each step he took, the further his paws would dig themselves into the floor and propel him forwards. Completely ignoring the atmospheric resistance.
And not even a second later, he stood before the girl, lifting his mighty hand up into the air and hammered straight down.
Cheryl starred up at the massive red claw which descended down towards her body at a blinding speed, and equally lifted up her hands. Conjuring a force field to protect her against the attack.
And as the two objects hit, a deafening shockwave was generated. Shooting outwards like a ring of doom which shook it's way through the surrounsing walls.
The ground began to tremble underneath the power, and Cheryl felt her body slowly sink into the floor like a sharp metal spike falling into dirt.
However, she was not left another moment before Michael lifted up his other hand up. This time charging it up with bolts of red lightning. Making it visibly spew out burning strings of red, and almost igniting his hand.
Cheryl looked up at the pylon that was his body and focused all her mental power at the hand. Feeling that such an attack would most likely break her barrier.
She made one swift judgement in that moment, and that was to tie him down. Removing his ability to touch her.
Michael only saw her shield dissipate and took it as a chance. Throwing his hand down at her.
However, it was suddenly stopped by the same force he had felt not too long ago. Freezing his body completely up.
"Do YoU ThInK ThIS WiLl StOP ME?!"
Michael began to widly fight against the chains holding him, and to his shaking, Cheryl could be seen turn more pale by the minute. Having two streaks of blood fall from her nose.
She kept holding him despite the strain. And eventually, blood started to shoot out from all her orifices. Turning her face into a bloody mess.
Michael, who kept on fightning against her began to laugh at her pleas. Not planning on letting her live even if she begged him.
"HAHAHAHAHA" It seemed that something within his mind clicked a little when he heard her cry out. Making him fight back even more.
However, an abrubt feeling of danger snapped him out of the trance.
Behind him, Xalder had used the moment of freedom to charge up his attacks. But the onlt thing Michael could her, as his back was tied towards the man's figure, was his chant
"Elemental art!"
The rising feeling of doom kept creeping up his back. But he was completely unable to do anything other than fight against Cheryl's grip.
'It's one of those? Wonder what kind of element he will use.'
The silver blade then abruptly began to burn with a blue fire. circling around the metal pole. and eventually covering the man's body in a low ring.
Then, as the fire flared up around his body, Xalder pointed his sword straight at Michael. Finishing his chant with a smug smile.
"Thunders of the North: Siphon!"
Michael felt the moment his attack emrged forth and used everything he had to break Cheryl's hold. Freeing himself.
But as he turned around to face whatever came at him, a large blue whip burst of the the blade tip and ripped through his body. Cutting and burning a large line into his chest.
The whip of fire kept carving out burning lines into his flesh. However, that was not the only part he noticed. For but an instant, the fire started to expand outwards. Turning the blue whip into a large metallic wire which rapidly approached him.
Left without anything to do, Michael wanted to use a gold spell to destroy it. However, right when he wanted to speak, it slammed into his body. Crushing most of it appart.
His lower body was evaporated into nothing, and most of his torso and arms cracked appart like broken glass when faced with the attack. Breaking away into the wind.
The fragmented body parts and scorched blood all shot out from his flying figure. And now left without anything to resist, Michael could only watch and feel as the flame pinned his body in place and blasted him through the wall. Rocketing his charred body away in a massive beam of energy.
However, even with his though speech, the white scales running over his hand suddenly seemed to recede back. Leaving him with the demihuman claw and black nails.
'Too thin maybe?'
Michael quickly came to a conclusion after witnessing his power fail. But this lacking moment was fully taken advantage of by the captain.
Xalder grunted at him. Pulling his dominant leg forward while giving a order tp Cheryl.
"Please refrain from interfering, Cheryl. I would like to avenge my men."
And to his words, the black lipped girl took a step back and crossed her arms. Smiling while non chantingly looking up at the black tank.
Noticing her movement put Xalder at ease, and now knowing she wouldn't interfere made him him lift the saber above his head and chant vigorously.
In the moment Xalder was supposed to pull down his sword and charge, his body was abruptly whisked away by a silver light.
'Wait, I didn't sense anything?!'
Michael was momentarily stunned by his disappearance, but was forcefully brought back by the ringing danger which shot into his back.
Xalder, who appeared behind him had only a milimeter wide space between his saber and the beast's neck. Preparing to end it in one move.
However, right before the attack landed, Michael channeled his chaos energy outwards.
His fur burst up, shooting out sizzling bolts of red lightning which violently propelled the man backwards. Sending him sliding across the floor whilst gripping his saber with both hands.
"What a reaction!"
Xalder praised his enemy as he stopped himself. Picking off one hand from the hilt and looking into its palm. Stunned by the powerful red bolts.
'What kind of lightning was that?' Xalder mentally askes himself while looking down each finger. The skin was almost completely seared off and let of a damp steam. Releasing an overcooked smell.
"You are good, beast. Let me try something else!"
He now felt more prepared as eyed down Michael. Positioning his body in the same stance. having the saber on top.
Again, his body dissapeared in a flash.
'Why am I unable to sense where he goes?!'
Michael spun around, looking for where he would reappear. However, just when he turned his body, Xalder materalized. Aiming his blade at one of the beastly eyes.
And with a heavy thrust, he jammed it in. pridefully sinking the saber into his socket like it was butter. Smiling at his successful hit.
"Looks like you can't shoot lightning out of your e..." Xalder was about to finish the beast by blending his insides into mush. However, when he tried to move the sword, he found out it was dead stuck.
"What?!" He once again tried to pull, but was unable to even move it an inch.
"I....I refuse to belive...!" Xalder tried ripping it out one last time. However, Michael suddenly turned towards him with his remaining yellow slit and angrily looked him. Growling at the highly esteemed captain like he was some sort of beta pack member.
Xalder didn't belive how this guy was still alive with part of his brain cut, but was unable to get any answer as the beastman started his counter attack.
With his will, Michael once more channeled the unlimited chaos energy from the nuclei through his body. Shooting out more streaks of red lightning both into the blade in his head, and onto Xalders body in a bright....
Michael's position let out a violent red explosion like a rouge set of fireworks. Charring the surrounding floor into coal, and sending the Xalder tumbling to the side while holding onto his half melted saber for dear life.
His clothes had several burnt holes in them, showing some gruesome burn marks resting on his skin, with even the hair on his head having some sizzling marks, evidently created from the attack.
Xalder only dumbfounded repositioned himself. Unable to fully understand how he had suffered such heavy damage, the man could only shockingly eyed down his prized saber with his mouth wide open. Turning one of his hands up to overshadow part of his scarred face.
It was only a hilt now, having most of the top part completely melted off, and having part of the remaining end still glow with an orange hue. Not only that, even his palms were scorched black. Turned into nothing more than a grilled steak with ten charred meat loafs sticking out. No longer holding any use.
"Oh, very good."
He angrily turned back to Michael who was visibly regenerating his eye. Having his face and scars contort togheter, and turning his face into that of a devil.
However, before Xalder could charge at Michael again, Cheryil suddenly jumped in between. Smiling with a mocking grin as her robe lowered itself.
"Please, Xalder! You have done enough."
This interference seemed to piss him off even more. Having remaining hair and eyes turn dark red from rage.
"Just hold him off for a while then.."
She turned around and grinned even more. Happy that he accepted her help.
"Of course! Just give me a seco..."
Cheryl was about to finish. However, an invisible chaotic force slammed into her cheek. Sending her body rolling over to Xalder like a human sized football.
"You dare treat me like some sort of second rate foe?"
Michael, who now stood where the girl previously landed, angrily looked at the girl while letting a steady steam of red translucent fire burnt over each finger.
"Come on. That surely couldn't have been enough, right?"
He tried to mock her in hopes of bringing her back up for more. However, what he didn't see was the horrified expression of Xalder who was now stepping backwards.
He didn't wish to stay there for a moment longer and used the teleportation move to swiftly move to another room. Most likely to tend to his injuries.
But Michael didn't bother with him. Just waiting for the girl to stand up.
'Why did that cowered run away?'
He didn't understand why she kept laying there, as the moment they connected, something seemed to have stopped him.
However, right when he kept thinking about her, Cheryl slowly rouse up from the floor. not with her limbs, but with an invisible energy which expanded out from her body. Making the girl levitate.
"Good....You are very...good.."
The crackling energy field which distorted the space around her never stopped expanding, and the more it did, the more uneasy Michael felt.
Eventually, she rouse up from the ground. Slowly ascending upwards while her black hair began to shoot out. Making her head into a black star.
Her eyes had rolled back into her skull, and her clothes now held a darker tint to them. Probably by the field covering her body.
Michael took a step back as she chanted. Now with a voice much darker and seperate one coming from her throat.
'What the hell did I do?'
The hairs on his body all stood up. Telling him to run away.
Cheryl aimed her twisted arm straight at him, directing all the distorted energy at his body.
"Autrarch's Touch!!!!"
The force field coiled around his body like hundreds of seperate snakes, draging off his skin as they rolled over.
"Hey, lady, what is thissssrrrccchhh..."
He tried talking, but the moment he did, the field drilled down his throat. Strangling and repeatedly breaking his spine like it was some cheap rope.
Michael kept feeling his internal organs being blended into juice every passing second and tried breaking free. However, the more he struggled, the more crazy Cheryl became. Laughing her ass off to his twitching.
She suddenly turned one of her hands, and with her movement, all of Michael's skin peeled itself off.
The sounds of his hide forcefully seperating from his muscles echoed into the room, and alongisde this, the blended organs and blood vessels in his body were shout out of his mouth like a fountain of water. Raining down at into the black room with a bloody dmap stench.
Cheryl kept making her field milk out the blood in his body, and pulling out his insides for a couple of minutes. But, no matter which direction she pulled him in, e hadn't once passed out. No, hiw was a seemingly mutated beastmaster still alive after such punishment?
She kept starring at his skinned and bleeding body which now laid in a pool of his own flesh and whispered something to herself.
"Why is he still alive? I have already pulled out the organs resting in his chest..."
Her hair fell down to her shoulders again, and her hazel eyes slwoly returned. Evident of her calming state of mind. However, even with the satisfied feeling of payback, Cheryl didn't descend from the air. Looking at Michael with some more mystery.
"Well, I'll just scramble his brain then..."
She waved her soft white hand once and brough his body back up along with it. Planning to finish the guy once and for all.
"Any last words?"
Cheryl loudly asked the shredded Michael while having him hooked in the air.
And surely, he mumbled something out even without having any skin.
"Tss Pss...."
Cheryl almost didn't belive how he was alive, and a surpised expression blossomed on her face.
'Still alive?! Looking like that?!'
With her hand wode open and pointed at him, she dragged it backwards. Forcing his body near hers.
"Did you say something?"
Michael twisted a little. Whispering the same thing to her.
Cheryl wasn't able to make it out this time either, and pulled him even closer.
"Say it again please."
And with their faces only being a couple of inches away from each other, Michael repeated himself.
With all his remaining might, Michael infused every ounce of power into his vocal cords, planning to blow this frail human girl into ash. However, the moment he tried to scream, the soundwaves were just as quickly extinguished by the choking force.
"I see, in that case farwell."
Cheryl spread both arms to her side and acted, trying to pull Michael's body into two with her power.
"This is it..." She shut her hands and wrung her fists back and forth. And with her movement, long bone fragments began to shoot out of Michael. Breaking off into white powder the moment they exited.
Cheryl looked at the skinned and mutilated pound of meat and gave a weak grunt. Not wanting to continue to watch it any longer as she had her fill now.
"That's..." But for a moment, while she tried to completely kill him, a sudden resistance cut part of her control away.
"What? What was that just now?"
Cheryl looked at the unmoving flesh puppet with a dire expression. Unsure where it had come from.
Not even giving another second of thought, she redirected all mental power to split this thing appart. However, the same resistance cut away her force. This time making the guy fall to the floor with a thud.
Cheryl almost felt her eyes pop out from humiliation and suprise. When had someone ever escaped her grasp like this.
"My divine ability was broken...?"
Her breathing grew more hurried and impatient. Turning her pale face red.
Not even waiting another second, she lifted up both hands and formed a ball above her head. Distorting the space between her palms until small lightning bolts began to shoot out.
However, as she did so, Michael abruptly started standing up. His skin and fur visibly regenerating at full speed, and with a new red aura shooting out of his body.
Cheryl watched him stand up with a even more stupid face. And with all her power, she threw the ball of distortion at his rising figure. Sending it tumbling towards his head like a bowling ball.
But right before it hit, Michael lifted up his regenerated arm and smacked it away. Sending the distorted force ball into the nearby wall.
Cheryl starred over with shock as her attack turned part of the alloy into dust. Not understanding how he had so casually brushed her attack off.
She turned towards Michael with one move and charged the space around her up. However, equally to herself, the boy also began to flare up.
His body suddenly rapidly shook. But as soon as it stopped, it started expanding like a balloon.
The muscle beneath his hide bulged out, and his red and black fur started changing into a dark red color.
His feet morphed into paws, and his skull turned into one only seen on a mad yeti. Being covered by a completely deep red cap of long fur.
Cheryl looked at the behemoth and felt her scalp go numb. What was happening now?!
But before she could sort anything out, she noticed the two hollow eyes look in her direction alongside what could only be described as a crazed smile.
"AnY lAsT WorDS?...?"
Michael tried to silently whisper towards the dumbstruck girl. However, even with their distance being great, a hot pocket of air blew through her hair. Dragging the bloody stench alongside it which was generated from the surrounding gore.
Cheryl was momentarily stunned by this sight and wanted to back away. However, right before she was going to attack, Xalder suddenly teleported next to her. Now holding onto a new identical saber.
"I see you are struggling a little, Mrs Cheryl?"
Most of his wounds had been healed as they weren't infused with any lingering power, and he had also changed his outfit to that of a similarly seen dark green suit.
Cheryl felt sour as she looked at him. But right now, facing a foe which could break her bloodline power removed any of her cocky attitude.
"How do you wish to do this then?"
Xalder smiled when he heard her and quickly wrapped up their conversation.
"Hold him still."
Cheryl looked over at the scarred face of and back towards the giant monkey. Grunting back at him while charging up.
[Aspect of the tainted activated!]
'Which one should I kill first?'
Michael looked down at the two ants with expectation. Trying to think of which of the two would taste the best.
However, as he thought about this, Xalder suddenly disappeared into thin air. Causing him to aim at the girl.
'Very well.'
He didn't wait another second and just charged. Dashing at her with his full speed.
Every movement he made containted an unmatched physical power. And each step he took, the further his paws would dig themselves into the floor and propel him forwards. Completely ignoring the atmospheric resistance.
And not even a second later, he stood before the girl, lifting his mighty hand up into the air and hammered straight down.
Cheryl starred up at the massive red claw which descended down towards her body at a blinding speed, and equally lifted up her hands. Conjuring a force field to protect her against the attack.
And as the two objects hit, a deafening shockwave was generated. Shooting outwards like a ring of doom which shook it's way through the surrounsing walls.
The ground began to tremble underneath the power, and Cheryl felt her body slowly sink into the floor like a sharp metal spike falling into dirt.
However, she was not left another moment before Michael lifted up his other hand up. This time charging it up with bolts of red lightning. Making it visibly spew out burning strings of red, and almost igniting his hand.
Cheryl looked up at the pylon that was his body and focused all her mental power at the hand. Feeling that such an attack would most likely break her barrier.
She made one swift judgement in that moment, and that was to tie him down. Removing his ability to touch her.
Michael only saw her shield dissipate and took it as a chance. Throwing his hand down at her.
However, it was suddenly stopped by the same force he had felt not too long ago. Freezing his body completely up.
"Do YoU ThInK ThIS WiLl StOP ME?!"
Michael began to widly fight against the chains holding him, and to his shaking, Cheryl could be seen turn more pale by the minute. Having two streaks of blood fall from her nose.
She kept holding him despite the strain. And eventually, blood started to shoot out from all her orifices. Turning her face into a bloody mess.
Michael, who kept on fightning against her began to laugh at her pleas. Not planning on letting her live even if she begged him.
"HAHAHAHAHA" It seemed that something within his mind clicked a little when he heard her cry out. Making him fight back even more.
However, an abrubt feeling of danger snapped him out of the trance.
Behind him, Xalder had used the moment of freedom to charge up his attacks. But the onlt thing Michael could her, as his back was tied towards the man's figure, was his chant
"Elemental art!"
The rising feeling of doom kept creeping up his back. But he was completely unable to do anything other than fight against Cheryl's grip.
'It's one of those? Wonder what kind of element he will use.'
The silver blade then abruptly began to burn with a blue fire. circling around the metal pole. and eventually covering the man's body in a low ring.
Then, as the fire flared up around his body, Xalder pointed his sword straight at Michael. Finishing his chant with a smug smile.
"Thunders of the North: Siphon!"
Michael felt the moment his attack emrged forth and used everything he had to break Cheryl's hold. Freeing himself.
But as he turned around to face whatever came at him, a large blue whip burst of the the blade tip and ripped through his body. Cutting and burning a large line into his chest.
The whip of fire kept carving out burning lines into his flesh. However, that was not the only part he noticed. For but an instant, the fire started to expand outwards. Turning the blue whip into a large metallic wire which rapidly approached him.
Left without anything to do, Michael wanted to use a gold spell to destroy it. However, right when he wanted to speak, it slammed into his body. Crushing most of it appart.
His lower body was evaporated into nothing, and most of his torso and arms cracked appart like broken glass when faced with the attack. Breaking away into the wind.
The fragmented body parts and scorched blood all shot out from his flying figure. And now left without anything to resist, Michael could only watch and feel as the flame pinned his body in place and blasted him through the wall. Rocketing his charred body away in a massive beam of energy.
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