Devolved: Path of the beast
71 Metamorphose
Michael currently sat on his bed with both legs crossed. Having nothing covering his body expect the beastlord's loosened hide.
As for what he did, it was reading an ancient, half torn book. Only held together by a visually unbreakable brown cover, and the knowledge held within revolving around power and speed.
"Let's go through the introductions again, mabye there is something hidden in between the lines?"
The book he read was [The principle of Force]. Gifted by Jenkins himself as to help Michael advance on a more balanced path.
'Even though I can increase the grade of my bloodlines by endlessly evolving and fusing, I feel like only doing that alone would grant me but a fraction of what I could achieve.'
He proceed to click his black nails against pages, scrolling over to the very first one.
'There, now let's see...'
"Freedom is not something you can gain through force alone; For it is achieved through understanding."
-Bila, The God of Force
Michael calmly read through the introduction embedded on the ancient yellow paper, yet was unable to find anything more than last time. And so, he continued on. Flicking over to the next part.
'Force alone won't guarantee me anything? We will see about that.'
Although the pages were old and withered, the text was as clear as a star. Beautifully etched into the fabric like an eternal tatoo. Silently waiting to be read.
"You who wish to practice my principle is wise. For it not only promises you growth, but also a philosophy of individuality. Two sets of knowledge found within the two types of force."
"However, before you begin, there is something I must clarify. One must first understand what force is in it's most basic stage before trying to harness it. What is force then? I will tell you."
"Force is essentially an interaction between two objects which consists of either pushing or pulling. If you push or pull and object, or rather, interact with it in a physical manner, you will change it's state. Granting it motion. And by granting it motion, you have applied force to it through the use of your body. Applying contact force."
Each line of content held a deep forceful aura within. Almost making it seem like they were imprinted through the use of arcane means.
'This is really similar to the formula on earth. However, the next part is where it spirals off..'
He just continued reading. Not stopping even once.
"But by solely focussing on applying with your body, you are limiting yourself. For then, you only rely on contact force and neglect the non contact one. The other type produced by natural powers such as gravity and electromagnetism."
"Sentient organisms are capable of producing their own electromagnetic field, helping them sense gravity, magnetism and all other non contact forces to a certain degree. However, the one you produce cannot apply force alone like the body or gravity, only sense!"
"And now that you know this, I have a question. What would happen if you could sense the objects you interact with through force? Well, you would be able to make them apply force to you."
"Let me explain. By sending the force with your body, an uncontrollable wave is emitted. But by sending this wave with your contact force and joining it with your non contact force, you are able to connect with the interacted object! You will be able to read it's form and shape. Gaining the ability to link with it."
"But to do this, you must learn to use the two opposing forces together! I will explain how with this cultivation technique."
"First, visualize yourself as a conduit. Channel the surrounding force fields into your body. It doesn't matter if it's gravity or magnetism, just try to sense one and let it flow. Let them syncronize with your own movements, and then apply force to an object with not only your body, but also the fields channeled inside you."
"This will not only condition your spirit over time, but it will also help you unconsciously retrain yourself in applying. If you interact with both mind and body, then you have gained the ability to sense. Slowly helping you read the object's constitution through the force, and then eventually applying it to yourself."
His blue eyes slowled down as he re-read the paragraphs a couple of times. Reminiscing about something.
'I already did this back at the academy. I tried feeling the gravity which pushed my body down, and intract with a pen. It barely helped me come far enough to practice the next step...'
"Now, with your force field and physical body mingled, there is the final step of the first part. That is to channel the mass of other objects through yourself through the use of force. To sense their structure and become one with it. Connecting with it through applying a network created from force."
"First, follow the previous steps. Let the external force become one with you and then release it with contact."
"Then, as you apply it onto something, stretch it out like a growing root. A root made of the sensible force field. Sink it into the object while expanding it. Treat it like another limb attached to your body."
"And finally, freeze it in place. Hold it down and read the very structure the object holds. Become one with it's mass. Let it be absorbed back through the force and apply it to yourself. Unify with it."
"Become one with it's speed and strength. It's distance and length. You must plus it to your power, and then demand your body to follow. To train and enhance yourself by integrating it's properties."
"You may proceed to the next part after reaching a level where you can permanently apply the power of other objects to yourself. Granting you their constitution. Keep advancing with the items you sense, and do not focus on only reading one type."
As he finished reading, Michael clicked his tounge with a sour expression. Reminiscing of his unfinished fight with the vapor mage.
'I already managed to do that when I fought Stenn. However, I don't think I can advance yet...'
Michael then closed the book. Not giving it any more thought and throwing it into his ring.
"I should see if they have any types of material I can use to train with in some of the shops. After I finish getting a hang of the earth, denser and more complex substances would be the best."
His eyes gave of a weak glimmer before calming down again. Evidently him changing his thoughts over to something else.
'Let me see my progresss in force before continuing.'
[Battle arts]
[Principle of Force: 2%]
A weak, hopeless smile crept over his lips. Making him sigh in depression and turn away while muttering to himself.
"I won't even be considered a martial novice before reaching 10%. Let's wait with learning anything new until after I reaching that far."
And so, Michael changed his gaze towards his hand. Lifting it up while beginning to visualize something within his mind.
"Now, for the next part..."
With a command, he stretched it. Tightening the muscles in the forearm while slowly applying power to his fingers. Making the blood flood towards the tip and stay there
"Innate Ability: Chimera!"
With a thought, he imagined the stored genes within his blood answering his will. Stimulating them and redirecting which body part to manifest in.
"Let's see the centipede."
The arm then morpthed to the clang of his words. Starting with the fingers which rapidly extended outwards like old copper wires, while the skin tightened and thickened, taking on a browning metallic sheen. Finishing up with a row of black spikes that burst out from the side of his forearm.
"Looks like a bunch of old metal sheets welded together. How about trying to add something else?"
His fascination only kept growing. And he eventually began to imagine how he would look like if he transformed into a centipede himself, or fusing every bloodline togheter.
"Let's see...."
[All Bloodlines]
Recusant Condor 100% --- Light Swan 10%
Dark Drake 100% --- Bermuda Serpent 10%
Kabirel Keiser 100% --- Devil Badger 100%
Michael carefully looked through the lines of text. Settling on one and then proceeding.
"How about the devil badger?"
He once more called upon the dormant gene samples in his body. Redirecting them to his rope-like hand.
And as they came, Michael felt the exoskeleton give off a light tremble before transforming. Turning the encompassing brown shell uneven and jagged, finally letting a row of spikes lay themselvs over the top. All having a slightly red hue on the tip.
He tried moving the spikey wire that now replaced his arm around alongside the long fingers. Waving it from side to side while learning how to control it.
"It's more like a five headed snake...that has been covered in barbs? Wonder if I can use my skills alongside the chimera ability."
[Skill Activated]
[Mad king's Hammer]
Michael called upon one of his skills which he had acquired not to long ago. Willing it to activate through the use of the chaos energy stored within his core.
And as the energy started to deplete, his arm was lit up by a weak blue fire which quickly surrounded it. Turning the limb into a torch of sorts.
His fascination kept growing as he stared into translucent flame. Thinking of what he should do with these skills.
"Are they really necessary now that I have my innate abilities? Should I mabye..."
However, as he silently whispered to.himself, the blue fire abruptly flickered. Interrupting him with a sudden burst of red light which dyed it completely.
He didn't know what this meant, but right when he was about to retract it, the flame suddenly disappeared. Merging down into his spiney arm like hot water poured on dry dirt.
"Try to fuse with them?"
[Mad King's hammer] has fused with [Innate Ability] of the Devil Badger]
[New innate ability formed!]
[Sin Ripper: Create a layer of jagged spikes over your body. The more emotional you get, the sharper and stronger they will become.]
Michael felt his eagle-like blue eyes expand after he saw the text appearing. Strengthening his happiness greatly.
"Very interesting. I should test out the rest later.... But now for the genetic combo."
[Genetic Combo:]
[Genetic storage: Vampire, Wood elf, Striped Piranha, Bedrock hare.]
Michael looked over the stored genetic codes made to enhance his dominant bloodlines. Carefully selecting one to test out.
"Combine my beastlord with the hare."
[Bedrock Hare] genetics added to [Czar Beastlord]
[Bedrock Hare: A type of large rodent making their home deep in the [underground]. Their diet mainly consists of rock fibers, minerals, and other smaller animals. Bedrock Hares are famed for their durability and stamina, which surpassses even that of larger predators.]
"Did Andev create this one? He must've fused the bunny and something else then. Sadly, I can't mix the genetic codes. Only the dominant bloodlines."
The combination was quickly fillowed up by a set of notifications. All ringing over in his mind like a set of bells.
[Several Attributes have been enhanced]
[Enhanced Physical strength]
[Enhanced Stamina]
[Enhanced sense of smell]
[Enhanced durability]
Michael felt more and more intrigued by the constant pop ups. It birthed a happy feeling within and caused him to jump off the bed with a glee.
"I wonder if they have pet shops in this town."
However, just when he landed on the old plank floor with a thud, the fur on his body began to change color. From the skin beneath his black shirt of hair, a whiter tune could be seen spreading. Turning his hide dark grey, and the hair on his head mixed. Having both white and black strands knittet into it
The bewilderment caused by this sudden change made him unconsciously stroke his hand over the new layer covering his body. Feeling the newfound rubber texture pulling against the skin on his palms.
"I felt a little tingle travel through my body there. Was it perhaps due to the genetic code I fused with?"
A smug grin shot over Michael's face. Heightening his growing desire for more power, and the excitement his Czar beastlord naturally produced whenever something interesting happened.
"I should find something to test all this out on... How about rampaging over the border? No, mabye if they bust my cover."
"Also, I need to fuse the other hominid bloodlines together after they all reach one hundred percent. However, for now, I should test every single one out before attempting anything."
With this evident satisfaction and happiness, Michael proceeded to pick up his cloak and exited his room. Traveling down to the first floor, and quickly going over to the counter where the tall tavern maid from yesterday stood. Still wearing her wench attire, but now whiping her handkerchief over a tiny white plate.
She immediately recognized him and casually greeted his approaching figure. Swinging her black behind her neck with a gentle turn, and locking her dark blue eyes down on his azure ones.
"How may I help you?"
Her voice was calm, yet apathetic to the touch. Almost making you feel anoyed by her lack of motivation.
But Michael only smiled back. Not taking any offence or annoyance onto himself from such an insignificant person he would never meet again.
'I wonder, is she not affected by my chaotic aura?'
He felt a little werid when looking at her, not only becauseause she didn't seem to take notice of his distorted soul, but also due to a weak familiarity he felt from her eyes. However, those were not thoughts to dwell on for too long, and he instantly went over to ask her about a more pressing matter.
"Do you know if they have any pet shops in town?"
He tried to make his voice as gentle as possible, but that sadly didn't help when accompanied by his unblinking eyes which never moved. Stuck in one position like two froze spiders.
But naturally, the tall woman didn't care for his glare. Pointing him in the direction he asked for while lifting er gaze back to the white plate held between her toughened hands.
"The moment you exit just follow the middle road. There's a white wolf's head painted on one of the passing buildings. You won't miss it with those sharp eyes of yours."
Michael saw her lack of care and so only bid her farewell with a shallow smile. Swinging his body towards the nearby exit and leaving.
The moment he opened the door, a batch of radiant light greeted him. Falling onto his skin like a transparent carpet, but reflecting off his stiff, mirror-like eyeballs like droplets of water.
The ground was littered with a type of grey stone resembling asphalt. Creating an open pathway which split up into three direction. All leaving to a set of tall, interconnected buildings which curved around each path. Like a type of avenue.
"Follow straight, right?"
Michael went to fix himself onto the middle one. Traversing over the dusty pebbles of rock and gravel with his unbreakable bare feet. Letting the opposing wind occasionally punch his black coat out of the way, and display the gray shirt beneath it.
He eventually entered his destined route, and was immediately received by a large band of street venders of all types. All busily pulling any passing pedestrians over to their small carts. Singing out the names of their items and the value through the thick atmosphere reeking of greed.
However, he just ignored most of it. Continuing on over through the labyrinth of poorly dressed farmers, your average adventurers, and the flock of salesmen until eventually finding what he looked for.
For to his side stood a haunted wood mansion of sorts. Having two large windows near it's center. Hungrily absorbing in every passing ray of light like two sinkholes, while loyally positioning themselves beside an old swing door. It was printed with a fairly sized white painting, holding a shape of what supposedly was the head of a feral dog.
Michael carefully looked over the aged exterior. Making sure to catch every detail with his thristing eyes. Eventually finding himself inwardly reading the line of text etched over the worn down entrance.
'Companion's Company? What a strange name. But I guess it would be accurate.'
His interest continued getting piqued due to the constant flow of new information. And as such, he prepared to enter. Planting his naked foot closer towards the store.
However, the moment it landed, he felt something softly slam against his shoulder. The impact was light, yet it sparked up all his senses for a moment. Causing him to abruptly spin around and pull his toned arms out from the black robe covering his body.
'An old man?'
After calming himself, Michael looked over at the one who had interrupted his advance. It was an aged man with a bald head and wrinkly white skin. His grey eyes sank into his skull, and the nose and lips looked rather worn down. Like two glued on lumps of leather.
As for the rest of his body, it was covered in a shabby leather jacket which fell to his knees. Ending up near a saggy set of pants, and further falling down to meet a pair of beaten fabric shoes. It made him resemble a whealthy beggar.
"Young man, I assume you are going inside?"
His voice was rather youthful too despite the crooked facial features. Easily making one unable to correctly guess his real age.
But despite his friendly attitude, Michael carefully eyed him down. Not quite getting what he wanted.
"Yes. What of it?"
He lightly responded, wanting to finish his shopping trip and test out the rest of the innate abilities. However, his answer only seemed to further temper the old man's interest. Causing him to continue talking.
"Ah! I see! But young man, how about you come look at some of my merchandise before trying this store? I just received a shipment of some mighty fine specimens not too long ago!"
Michael felt himself grow a little irritated by this unyielding attitude and fiercely sendt him off. Not wishing to waste another second of his time with this pointless act of persuasion.
"Not interested. Now, leave me be."
But even with his evident annoyance, the old man continued to talk. Wishing to reel in what he was unable to take as a lost fish.
"Haha, I promise you won't be disappointed, young man! There is no need to..."
The old man kept on going. However, right before he could finish, Michael rudely interrupted him with an instinctive snap born from his rising anger. Barking at him like some sort of vexed beast.
"If the flesh within this store is not to my liking, then I will come seek out yours. Now, leave me be."
His usually pure face started to contract and wrinkle up, showing several blue veins that rapidly started to pop out from his neck, and slowly ascend up to his face like a pack of worms. Even the symmetrical blue eyes appeared to grow in size and start to faintly glow. Unmistakably an after effect created from Michael's fueled wrath.
Unable to collect his thoughts before this infuriated child caused the old man shut his mouth. Giving off a negligible nod while rapidly backing away. Only leaving behind a paling after image which seemed to have aged quite a bit.
Michael only snorted back at his retreating figure before turning back around and entering the bulding. Pushing open the swing doors with his towering frame.
The moment he entered, a strong bestial aura slammed against his body. It carried with it a wild smell which quickly invaded his nostrils like a torrent of sea water. Causing him to grimace in displeasure and bitterly brush his fingers against his aching nose.
However, despite this unbecoming atmosphere, he got a clear view of the interior. Needing but a glance to fully write down it's details.
It was a large room. No, an ancient attic. Lit up by a fair amount of lanterns which hung from the ceiling. The rest was decked with several kinds of barrels and boxes who likely originating from old times. All filled with both dust and moss that sprouted out from their edges.
But ignoring the varying amount of rot, there was one shared characteristic shared throughout the small jungle. That being the multitude of metal cages sitting on the top. Containing a combination of gray finches and yellow canarys who constantly chirped.
"Looks like some fancy cellar, really."
Michael begrudgingly snorted at the sight and felt a sudden desire to leave. However, from behind the pillars of birds and barrels, a person appeared. Casually walking out with both hands behind his back.
It was an old man, very similar appearance wise to the one who had just interrupted him. Sharing the bald head, leathery lips, and crooked features.
"Ah! Greetings, my lad. How may I help you?"
His voice was even the same, and it made Michael awkwardly wince back for a second, yet not hindering him in dominantly answer in a manner he found befitting.
"Greetings. I have come here in search of some powerful beasts. Money is not an issue, so bring me your finest specimens!"
The old man took a second to process what he said and softly nodded. Not seeming to take any offense to his previous burst of rage.
'No, this man smells different. Or is it his aura?'
However, while Michael tried to compare the current merchant before him to the previous blemish, the old man carefully walked over to one of the dusty cages where a locked swarm of birds happily sung. Gently opening the enclosure and extended his hand out to a yellow canary and a grey finch. Letting the two cup sized birds cheerfully jump on the back of his wrinkled hand.
After feeling them tightly grip on, he went on to pull himself out and locked the cage back up. Immediately proceeding to walk over towards Michael with a soft smile. Highlighting the loose dimples on his red cheeks.
"What kind of job do you need done? Hunting? Guarding? Tracking?"
His voice was very peacful and balanced. Even seeming to calm down the chirping birds on his hand. Sadly, it did not work on the impatient Michael who indifferently talked back the moment he finished.
"I want one of everything you have in stock."
The old man only have off another weak nod before flicking his hand and turn around. Letting the two birds fly over to Michael's side while he walked off.
"One of each? Very good. Just follow my lead then."
Michael confirmed his answer with an understanding glimmer that was emitted from his eyes, and let the canary and finch land on his shoulders. Quickly going over to follow in the shopkeeper's footsteps.
As they made their way through the aged attic, Michael took some momentary glances at the old room. Eyeing down the hazel floor and walls that would compare to an old tree trunk in quality, or mabye more accurately hold a similar texture to the flock of dying barrels.
The flooring creaked whenever he repositioned his bodyweight, almost as if shrieking in fear from the weightless cries that silently thundering out from every cellular prison inside his body.
However, despite the ashen room's feel, the air was impressively clean. Mabye even purer than the one found on the streets outside.
These thoughts kept running through Michael's head while he held onto the chirping birds. That is, until the old man abruptly stopped. Interrupting his train of thought.
Before them was a fatigued door. Almost completely camouflaged by the worn and exhausted walls. It would definetly cause most people who did not already know of it's existence to miss it. Either way, the old man swiftly pushed it and entered.
It hurriedly flew open from his touch like a leaf hit with a heavy gust. Allowing them both to proceed on down a brightly lit hallway made of what smelled like newly cut oak.
But the encompassing structure did not hold Michael's attention for long, as it blurred out of his mind after he fixed his eyes further down the corridor.
At the end of it, something mirroring a locked paddock laid rooted. The entrance was made up of a two wide silver railings which grinded against each other. Containing behind what seemed to be a vast grassland.
"Are you coming, lad?"
Michael, who was left staring at the sight, was brought back by the shopkeeper's voice. Turning his head to meet the droopy eyes, and follow him towards the gate.
"Some of them are rather ruly, lad. Don't look them in the eye for too long."
The gates automatically opened after they came close enough, letting them enter without any trouble.
It was almost like another world inside. The roof was littered with rows of white lamps, emitting a glow similar to sunshine which rained over the man-made wilderness. Was this some sort of greenhouse.
The old shopkeeper tenderly shouted whilst Michael kept absorbing the flora into his mind. Letting the voice echo into the surroundings.
And sure enough, out from the dense vegetation, six four legged mutant beasts came running at them. Three of them held a close resemblance to furry dire wolfs, only differing in the dark shaded fur that varied from white, grey and black. Meanwhile, the rest held ties to what appeared to be some mutated leopards. Each one being a different size than the other, and one even having more striped pattern on it's fur.
They all ceased their advance after reaching a breaths length away. Lining themselves up before the men and fixing their red and yellow eyes on the old man.
"Lad, what do think?"
The shopkeeper walked over to the darkest colored wolf and scratch it's ear. Giving it a mild rub before turning back to the boy
However, the moment he saw Michael again, a glint of suprise smeared itself over his aged face, as he was only able find two lifeforms. That being the boy and his canary.
"What happened to the other bird, lad?"
The old man looked down at Michael with a questionable gaze. But to this, he received and awkward burp which flew out of the boy's mouth. Accompanied by a grey feather that peacefully fell to the ground.
"...I will pay for it."
Michael leniantly whispered back, but his response only got a pitiful sigh. Lingering for a moment before the shopkeeper explained the creatures before them.
"All of the beasts are at the middle general layer. The dogs are of the [Shikari Bloodline] with a mixed ancestry. Meanwhile, the cats come from a diverse line of [kruger leopards]."
He stepped up and looked over the three canids. Slowly moving over them one by one until ending up on the felines.
"The white one has it's traits from the [Frost Stalker Wolf], the grey has from the [Ash tracker Hound], and the black has it's from the [Gerwulf Faunal]. All excelling at what the name implies."
"The cats are born from the same mother. Differing from each other due to separate bloodlines awaken after they evolved."
The old man kept on talking about the animals and their lineage with an evident enthusiasm. However, he suddenly halted up and turned mute for a second. Finding himself questionably look at the boy once again.
For right before him, Michael held an unbreakable line of sight with the Frost stalker. Having both his azure eyes tied into the yellow spheres of dark glass which were melded in the wolf's skull.
In the midst of their staring contest, the wolf threateningly growled at him and beared it's fangs. Aiming a never before seen hostility at Michael.
'Looking at them like that is no good...'
The old man shook his head in disappointment while lifting his hand upwards. Slowly letting a blue ring of light form around the hand joint.
'Let's see if I can't calm it down.'
But as his arm steadily rouse up, Michael's figure vanished from sight in a mad gust of wind. Leaving behind a streaking afterimage that follow his blurry frame.
"What the?!"
The shopkeeper was stunned by this abrupt action. However, he was left only to watch as Michael drilled his fist through the white wolf's skull. Smashing it apart like it was a water ballon. Letting bone fragments and brain matter rain down.
"What the hell lad? Why did you do that?!!"
The displeased voice slammed against Michael's ears. Causing him retreat back in suprise and pull out his hand from the slain animal.
"What do you mean?"
Michael rolled his eyes over to the old man. Questioning him back in confusion.
"What? What are you talking..."
But as the old shopkeeper was about to lecture him, he ceased to move. Feeling his entire body freeze up after gracing his line of sight with the boy's.
Both of Michael's eyes were now intently radiating outa light blue light. Openly showing their hungering desire for death, while also concealing any movement. Those were the kinds of eyes that belonged to a predator ready to pounce.
And while the old shopkeeper saw the image of the boy pull back his hand, he was only left to shake in fear as the bloody fingers absorbed part of the red liquid like a set of leeches, before turning the remains into black goo that fell onto the grass. Hearing only the grotesque droplets smash into the fearful straws of grass, and an emotionless whisper pass into his decayed ears.
"Did you not see how it challenged me?"
As for what he did, it was reading an ancient, half torn book. Only held together by a visually unbreakable brown cover, and the knowledge held within revolving around power and speed.
"Let's go through the introductions again, mabye there is something hidden in between the lines?"
The book he read was [The principle of Force]. Gifted by Jenkins himself as to help Michael advance on a more balanced path.
'Even though I can increase the grade of my bloodlines by endlessly evolving and fusing, I feel like only doing that alone would grant me but a fraction of what I could achieve.'
He proceed to click his black nails against pages, scrolling over to the very first one.
'There, now let's see...'
"Freedom is not something you can gain through force alone; For it is achieved through understanding."
-Bila, The God of Force
Michael calmly read through the introduction embedded on the ancient yellow paper, yet was unable to find anything more than last time. And so, he continued on. Flicking over to the next part.
'Force alone won't guarantee me anything? We will see about that.'
Although the pages were old and withered, the text was as clear as a star. Beautifully etched into the fabric like an eternal tatoo. Silently waiting to be read.
"You who wish to practice my principle is wise. For it not only promises you growth, but also a philosophy of individuality. Two sets of knowledge found within the two types of force."
"However, before you begin, there is something I must clarify. One must first understand what force is in it's most basic stage before trying to harness it. What is force then? I will tell you."
"Force is essentially an interaction between two objects which consists of either pushing or pulling. If you push or pull and object, or rather, interact with it in a physical manner, you will change it's state. Granting it motion. And by granting it motion, you have applied force to it through the use of your body. Applying contact force."
Each line of content held a deep forceful aura within. Almost making it seem like they were imprinted through the use of arcane means.
'This is really similar to the formula on earth. However, the next part is where it spirals off..'
He just continued reading. Not stopping even once.
"But by solely focussing on applying with your body, you are limiting yourself. For then, you only rely on contact force and neglect the non contact one. The other type produced by natural powers such as gravity and electromagnetism."
"Sentient organisms are capable of producing their own electromagnetic field, helping them sense gravity, magnetism and all other non contact forces to a certain degree. However, the one you produce cannot apply force alone like the body or gravity, only sense!"
"And now that you know this, I have a question. What would happen if you could sense the objects you interact with through force? Well, you would be able to make them apply force to you."
"Let me explain. By sending the force with your body, an uncontrollable wave is emitted. But by sending this wave with your contact force and joining it with your non contact force, you are able to connect with the interacted object! You will be able to read it's form and shape. Gaining the ability to link with it."
"But to do this, you must learn to use the two opposing forces together! I will explain how with this cultivation technique."
"First, visualize yourself as a conduit. Channel the surrounding force fields into your body. It doesn't matter if it's gravity or magnetism, just try to sense one and let it flow. Let them syncronize with your own movements, and then apply force to an object with not only your body, but also the fields channeled inside you."
"This will not only condition your spirit over time, but it will also help you unconsciously retrain yourself in applying. If you interact with both mind and body, then you have gained the ability to sense. Slowly helping you read the object's constitution through the force, and then eventually applying it to yourself."
His blue eyes slowled down as he re-read the paragraphs a couple of times. Reminiscing about something.
'I already did this back at the academy. I tried feeling the gravity which pushed my body down, and intract with a pen. It barely helped me come far enough to practice the next step...'
"Now, with your force field and physical body mingled, there is the final step of the first part. That is to channel the mass of other objects through yourself through the use of force. To sense their structure and become one with it. Connecting with it through applying a network created from force."
"First, follow the previous steps. Let the external force become one with you and then release it with contact."
"Then, as you apply it onto something, stretch it out like a growing root. A root made of the sensible force field. Sink it into the object while expanding it. Treat it like another limb attached to your body."
"And finally, freeze it in place. Hold it down and read the very structure the object holds. Become one with it's mass. Let it be absorbed back through the force and apply it to yourself. Unify with it."
"Become one with it's speed and strength. It's distance and length. You must plus it to your power, and then demand your body to follow. To train and enhance yourself by integrating it's properties."
"You may proceed to the next part after reaching a level where you can permanently apply the power of other objects to yourself. Granting you their constitution. Keep advancing with the items you sense, and do not focus on only reading one type."
As he finished reading, Michael clicked his tounge with a sour expression. Reminiscing of his unfinished fight with the vapor mage.
'I already managed to do that when I fought Stenn. However, I don't think I can advance yet...'
Michael then closed the book. Not giving it any more thought and throwing it into his ring.
"I should see if they have any types of material I can use to train with in some of the shops. After I finish getting a hang of the earth, denser and more complex substances would be the best."
His eyes gave of a weak glimmer before calming down again. Evidently him changing his thoughts over to something else.
'Let me see my progresss in force before continuing.'
[Battle arts]
[Principle of Force: 2%]
A weak, hopeless smile crept over his lips. Making him sigh in depression and turn away while muttering to himself.
"I won't even be considered a martial novice before reaching 10%. Let's wait with learning anything new until after I reaching that far."
And so, Michael changed his gaze towards his hand. Lifting it up while beginning to visualize something within his mind.
"Now, for the next part..."
With a command, he stretched it. Tightening the muscles in the forearm while slowly applying power to his fingers. Making the blood flood towards the tip and stay there
"Innate Ability: Chimera!"
With a thought, he imagined the stored genes within his blood answering his will. Stimulating them and redirecting which body part to manifest in.
"Let's see the centipede."
The arm then morpthed to the clang of his words. Starting with the fingers which rapidly extended outwards like old copper wires, while the skin tightened and thickened, taking on a browning metallic sheen. Finishing up with a row of black spikes that burst out from the side of his forearm.
"Looks like a bunch of old metal sheets welded together. How about trying to add something else?"
His fascination only kept growing. And he eventually began to imagine how he would look like if he transformed into a centipede himself, or fusing every bloodline togheter.
"Let's see...."
[All Bloodlines]
Recusant Condor 100% --- Light Swan 10%
Dark Drake 100% --- Bermuda Serpent 10%
Kabirel Keiser 100% --- Devil Badger 100%
Michael carefully looked through the lines of text. Settling on one and then proceeding.
"How about the devil badger?"
He once more called upon the dormant gene samples in his body. Redirecting them to his rope-like hand.
And as they came, Michael felt the exoskeleton give off a light tremble before transforming. Turning the encompassing brown shell uneven and jagged, finally letting a row of spikes lay themselvs over the top. All having a slightly red hue on the tip.
He tried moving the spikey wire that now replaced his arm around alongside the long fingers. Waving it from side to side while learning how to control it.
"It's more like a five headed snake...that has been covered in barbs? Wonder if I can use my skills alongside the chimera ability."
[Skill Activated]
[Mad king's Hammer]
Michael called upon one of his skills which he had acquired not to long ago. Willing it to activate through the use of the chaos energy stored within his core.
And as the energy started to deplete, his arm was lit up by a weak blue fire which quickly surrounded it. Turning the limb into a torch of sorts.
His fascination kept growing as he stared into translucent flame. Thinking of what he should do with these skills.
"Are they really necessary now that I have my innate abilities? Should I mabye..."
However, as he silently whispered to.himself, the blue fire abruptly flickered. Interrupting him with a sudden burst of red light which dyed it completely.
He didn't know what this meant, but right when he was about to retract it, the flame suddenly disappeared. Merging down into his spiney arm like hot water poured on dry dirt.
"Try to fuse with them?"
[Mad King's hammer] has fused with [Innate Ability] of the Devil Badger]
[New innate ability formed!]
[Sin Ripper: Create a layer of jagged spikes over your body. The more emotional you get, the sharper and stronger they will become.]
Michael felt his eagle-like blue eyes expand after he saw the text appearing. Strengthening his happiness greatly.
"Very interesting. I should test out the rest later.... But now for the genetic combo."
[Genetic Combo:]
[Genetic storage: Vampire, Wood elf, Striped Piranha, Bedrock hare.]
Michael looked over the stored genetic codes made to enhance his dominant bloodlines. Carefully selecting one to test out.
"Combine my beastlord with the hare."
[Bedrock Hare] genetics added to [Czar Beastlord]
[Bedrock Hare: A type of large rodent making their home deep in the [underground]. Their diet mainly consists of rock fibers, minerals, and other smaller animals. Bedrock Hares are famed for their durability and stamina, which surpassses even that of larger predators.]
"Did Andev create this one? He must've fused the bunny and something else then. Sadly, I can't mix the genetic codes. Only the dominant bloodlines."
The combination was quickly fillowed up by a set of notifications. All ringing over in his mind like a set of bells.
[Several Attributes have been enhanced]
[Enhanced Physical strength]
[Enhanced Stamina]
[Enhanced sense of smell]
[Enhanced durability]
Michael felt more and more intrigued by the constant pop ups. It birthed a happy feeling within and caused him to jump off the bed with a glee.
"I wonder if they have pet shops in this town."
However, just when he landed on the old plank floor with a thud, the fur on his body began to change color. From the skin beneath his black shirt of hair, a whiter tune could be seen spreading. Turning his hide dark grey, and the hair on his head mixed. Having both white and black strands knittet into it
The bewilderment caused by this sudden change made him unconsciously stroke his hand over the new layer covering his body. Feeling the newfound rubber texture pulling against the skin on his palms.
"I felt a little tingle travel through my body there. Was it perhaps due to the genetic code I fused with?"
A smug grin shot over Michael's face. Heightening his growing desire for more power, and the excitement his Czar beastlord naturally produced whenever something interesting happened.
"I should find something to test all this out on... How about rampaging over the border? No, mabye if they bust my cover."
"Also, I need to fuse the other hominid bloodlines together after they all reach one hundred percent. However, for now, I should test every single one out before attempting anything."
With this evident satisfaction and happiness, Michael proceeded to pick up his cloak and exited his room. Traveling down to the first floor, and quickly going over to the counter where the tall tavern maid from yesterday stood. Still wearing her wench attire, but now whiping her handkerchief over a tiny white plate.
She immediately recognized him and casually greeted his approaching figure. Swinging her black behind her neck with a gentle turn, and locking her dark blue eyes down on his azure ones.
"How may I help you?"
Her voice was calm, yet apathetic to the touch. Almost making you feel anoyed by her lack of motivation.
But Michael only smiled back. Not taking any offence or annoyance onto himself from such an insignificant person he would never meet again.
'I wonder, is she not affected by my chaotic aura?'
He felt a little werid when looking at her, not only becauseause she didn't seem to take notice of his distorted soul, but also due to a weak familiarity he felt from her eyes. However, those were not thoughts to dwell on for too long, and he instantly went over to ask her about a more pressing matter.
"Do you know if they have any pet shops in town?"
He tried to make his voice as gentle as possible, but that sadly didn't help when accompanied by his unblinking eyes which never moved. Stuck in one position like two froze spiders.
But naturally, the tall woman didn't care for his glare. Pointing him in the direction he asked for while lifting er gaze back to the white plate held between her toughened hands.
"The moment you exit just follow the middle road. There's a white wolf's head painted on one of the passing buildings. You won't miss it with those sharp eyes of yours."
Michael saw her lack of care and so only bid her farewell with a shallow smile. Swinging his body towards the nearby exit and leaving.
The moment he opened the door, a batch of radiant light greeted him. Falling onto his skin like a transparent carpet, but reflecting off his stiff, mirror-like eyeballs like droplets of water.
The ground was littered with a type of grey stone resembling asphalt. Creating an open pathway which split up into three direction. All leaving to a set of tall, interconnected buildings which curved around each path. Like a type of avenue.
"Follow straight, right?"
Michael went to fix himself onto the middle one. Traversing over the dusty pebbles of rock and gravel with his unbreakable bare feet. Letting the opposing wind occasionally punch his black coat out of the way, and display the gray shirt beneath it.
He eventually entered his destined route, and was immediately received by a large band of street venders of all types. All busily pulling any passing pedestrians over to their small carts. Singing out the names of their items and the value through the thick atmosphere reeking of greed.
However, he just ignored most of it. Continuing on over through the labyrinth of poorly dressed farmers, your average adventurers, and the flock of salesmen until eventually finding what he looked for.
For to his side stood a haunted wood mansion of sorts. Having two large windows near it's center. Hungrily absorbing in every passing ray of light like two sinkholes, while loyally positioning themselves beside an old swing door. It was printed with a fairly sized white painting, holding a shape of what supposedly was the head of a feral dog.
Michael carefully looked over the aged exterior. Making sure to catch every detail with his thristing eyes. Eventually finding himself inwardly reading the line of text etched over the worn down entrance.
'Companion's Company? What a strange name. But I guess it would be accurate.'
His interest continued getting piqued due to the constant flow of new information. And as such, he prepared to enter. Planting his naked foot closer towards the store.
However, the moment it landed, he felt something softly slam against his shoulder. The impact was light, yet it sparked up all his senses for a moment. Causing him to abruptly spin around and pull his toned arms out from the black robe covering his body.
'An old man?'
After calming himself, Michael looked over at the one who had interrupted his advance. It was an aged man with a bald head and wrinkly white skin. His grey eyes sank into his skull, and the nose and lips looked rather worn down. Like two glued on lumps of leather.
As for the rest of his body, it was covered in a shabby leather jacket which fell to his knees. Ending up near a saggy set of pants, and further falling down to meet a pair of beaten fabric shoes. It made him resemble a whealthy beggar.
"Young man, I assume you are going inside?"
His voice was rather youthful too despite the crooked facial features. Easily making one unable to correctly guess his real age.
But despite his friendly attitude, Michael carefully eyed him down. Not quite getting what he wanted.
"Yes. What of it?"
He lightly responded, wanting to finish his shopping trip and test out the rest of the innate abilities. However, his answer only seemed to further temper the old man's interest. Causing him to continue talking.
"Ah! I see! But young man, how about you come look at some of my merchandise before trying this store? I just received a shipment of some mighty fine specimens not too long ago!"
Michael felt himself grow a little irritated by this unyielding attitude and fiercely sendt him off. Not wishing to waste another second of his time with this pointless act of persuasion.
"Not interested. Now, leave me be."
But even with his evident annoyance, the old man continued to talk. Wishing to reel in what he was unable to take as a lost fish.
"Haha, I promise you won't be disappointed, young man! There is no need to..."
The old man kept on going. However, right before he could finish, Michael rudely interrupted him with an instinctive snap born from his rising anger. Barking at him like some sort of vexed beast.
"If the flesh within this store is not to my liking, then I will come seek out yours. Now, leave me be."
His usually pure face started to contract and wrinkle up, showing several blue veins that rapidly started to pop out from his neck, and slowly ascend up to his face like a pack of worms. Even the symmetrical blue eyes appeared to grow in size and start to faintly glow. Unmistakably an after effect created from Michael's fueled wrath.
Unable to collect his thoughts before this infuriated child caused the old man shut his mouth. Giving off a negligible nod while rapidly backing away. Only leaving behind a paling after image which seemed to have aged quite a bit.
Michael only snorted back at his retreating figure before turning back around and entering the bulding. Pushing open the swing doors with his towering frame.
The moment he entered, a strong bestial aura slammed against his body. It carried with it a wild smell which quickly invaded his nostrils like a torrent of sea water. Causing him to grimace in displeasure and bitterly brush his fingers against his aching nose.
However, despite this unbecoming atmosphere, he got a clear view of the interior. Needing but a glance to fully write down it's details.
It was a large room. No, an ancient attic. Lit up by a fair amount of lanterns which hung from the ceiling. The rest was decked with several kinds of barrels and boxes who likely originating from old times. All filled with both dust and moss that sprouted out from their edges.
But ignoring the varying amount of rot, there was one shared characteristic shared throughout the small jungle. That being the multitude of metal cages sitting on the top. Containing a combination of gray finches and yellow canarys who constantly chirped.
"Looks like some fancy cellar, really."
Michael begrudgingly snorted at the sight and felt a sudden desire to leave. However, from behind the pillars of birds and barrels, a person appeared. Casually walking out with both hands behind his back.
It was an old man, very similar appearance wise to the one who had just interrupted him. Sharing the bald head, leathery lips, and crooked features.
"Ah! Greetings, my lad. How may I help you?"
His voice was even the same, and it made Michael awkwardly wince back for a second, yet not hindering him in dominantly answer in a manner he found befitting.
"Greetings. I have come here in search of some powerful beasts. Money is not an issue, so bring me your finest specimens!"
The old man took a second to process what he said and softly nodded. Not seeming to take any offense to his previous burst of rage.
'No, this man smells different. Or is it his aura?'
However, while Michael tried to compare the current merchant before him to the previous blemish, the old man carefully walked over to one of the dusty cages where a locked swarm of birds happily sung. Gently opening the enclosure and extended his hand out to a yellow canary and a grey finch. Letting the two cup sized birds cheerfully jump on the back of his wrinkled hand.
After feeling them tightly grip on, he went on to pull himself out and locked the cage back up. Immediately proceeding to walk over towards Michael with a soft smile. Highlighting the loose dimples on his red cheeks.
"What kind of job do you need done? Hunting? Guarding? Tracking?"
His voice was very peacful and balanced. Even seeming to calm down the chirping birds on his hand. Sadly, it did not work on the impatient Michael who indifferently talked back the moment he finished.
"I want one of everything you have in stock."
The old man only have off another weak nod before flicking his hand and turn around. Letting the two birds fly over to Michael's side while he walked off.
"One of each? Very good. Just follow my lead then."
Michael confirmed his answer with an understanding glimmer that was emitted from his eyes, and let the canary and finch land on his shoulders. Quickly going over to follow in the shopkeeper's footsteps.
As they made their way through the aged attic, Michael took some momentary glances at the old room. Eyeing down the hazel floor and walls that would compare to an old tree trunk in quality, or mabye more accurately hold a similar texture to the flock of dying barrels.
The flooring creaked whenever he repositioned his bodyweight, almost as if shrieking in fear from the weightless cries that silently thundering out from every cellular prison inside his body.
However, despite the ashen room's feel, the air was impressively clean. Mabye even purer than the one found on the streets outside.
These thoughts kept running through Michael's head while he held onto the chirping birds. That is, until the old man abruptly stopped. Interrupting his train of thought.
Before them was a fatigued door. Almost completely camouflaged by the worn and exhausted walls. It would definetly cause most people who did not already know of it's existence to miss it. Either way, the old man swiftly pushed it and entered.
It hurriedly flew open from his touch like a leaf hit with a heavy gust. Allowing them both to proceed on down a brightly lit hallway made of what smelled like newly cut oak.
But the encompassing structure did not hold Michael's attention for long, as it blurred out of his mind after he fixed his eyes further down the corridor.
At the end of it, something mirroring a locked paddock laid rooted. The entrance was made up of a two wide silver railings which grinded against each other. Containing behind what seemed to be a vast grassland.
"Are you coming, lad?"
Michael, who was left staring at the sight, was brought back by the shopkeeper's voice. Turning his head to meet the droopy eyes, and follow him towards the gate.
"Some of them are rather ruly, lad. Don't look them in the eye for too long."
The gates automatically opened after they came close enough, letting them enter without any trouble.
It was almost like another world inside. The roof was littered with rows of white lamps, emitting a glow similar to sunshine which rained over the man-made wilderness. Was this some sort of greenhouse.
The old shopkeeper tenderly shouted whilst Michael kept absorbing the flora into his mind. Letting the voice echo into the surroundings.
And sure enough, out from the dense vegetation, six four legged mutant beasts came running at them. Three of them held a close resemblance to furry dire wolfs, only differing in the dark shaded fur that varied from white, grey and black. Meanwhile, the rest held ties to what appeared to be some mutated leopards. Each one being a different size than the other, and one even having more striped pattern on it's fur.
They all ceased their advance after reaching a breaths length away. Lining themselves up before the men and fixing their red and yellow eyes on the old man.
"Lad, what do think?"
The shopkeeper walked over to the darkest colored wolf and scratch it's ear. Giving it a mild rub before turning back to the boy
However, the moment he saw Michael again, a glint of suprise smeared itself over his aged face, as he was only able find two lifeforms. That being the boy and his canary.
"What happened to the other bird, lad?"
The old man looked down at Michael with a questionable gaze. But to this, he received and awkward burp which flew out of the boy's mouth. Accompanied by a grey feather that peacefully fell to the ground.
"...I will pay for it."
Michael leniantly whispered back, but his response only got a pitiful sigh. Lingering for a moment before the shopkeeper explained the creatures before them.
"All of the beasts are at the middle general layer. The dogs are of the [Shikari Bloodline] with a mixed ancestry. Meanwhile, the cats come from a diverse line of [kruger leopards]."
He stepped up and looked over the three canids. Slowly moving over them one by one until ending up on the felines.
"The white one has it's traits from the [Frost Stalker Wolf], the grey has from the [Ash tracker Hound], and the black has it's from the [Gerwulf Faunal]. All excelling at what the name implies."
"The cats are born from the same mother. Differing from each other due to separate bloodlines awaken after they evolved."
The old man kept on talking about the animals and their lineage with an evident enthusiasm. However, he suddenly halted up and turned mute for a second. Finding himself questionably look at the boy once again.
For right before him, Michael held an unbreakable line of sight with the Frost stalker. Having both his azure eyes tied into the yellow spheres of dark glass which were melded in the wolf's skull.
In the midst of their staring contest, the wolf threateningly growled at him and beared it's fangs. Aiming a never before seen hostility at Michael.
'Looking at them like that is no good...'
The old man shook his head in disappointment while lifting his hand upwards. Slowly letting a blue ring of light form around the hand joint.
'Let's see if I can't calm it down.'
But as his arm steadily rouse up, Michael's figure vanished from sight in a mad gust of wind. Leaving behind a streaking afterimage that follow his blurry frame.
"What the?!"
The shopkeeper was stunned by this abrupt action. However, he was left only to watch as Michael drilled his fist through the white wolf's skull. Smashing it apart like it was a water ballon. Letting bone fragments and brain matter rain down.
"What the hell lad? Why did you do that?!!"
The displeased voice slammed against Michael's ears. Causing him retreat back in suprise and pull out his hand from the slain animal.
"What do you mean?"
Michael rolled his eyes over to the old man. Questioning him back in confusion.
"What? What are you talking..."
But as the old shopkeeper was about to lecture him, he ceased to move. Feeling his entire body freeze up after gracing his line of sight with the boy's.
Both of Michael's eyes were now intently radiating outa light blue light. Openly showing their hungering desire for death, while also concealing any movement. Those were the kinds of eyes that belonged to a predator ready to pounce.
And while the old shopkeeper saw the image of the boy pull back his hand, he was only left to shake in fear as the bloody fingers absorbed part of the red liquid like a set of leeches, before turning the remains into black goo that fell onto the grass. Hearing only the grotesque droplets smash into the fearful straws of grass, and an emotionless whisper pass into his decayed ears.
"Did you not see how it challenged me?"
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