Devolved: Path of the beast
75 Strained
The very next morning....
In the heat of early day, down the familiar path of cracked pavement and loose gravel, an almost mysterious individual traversed.
His body was decked in a hooded robe fetched off the corpse of a mighty predator. However, despite it's spacy slackness, the cloak was unable to hide the individuals clear and sturdy frame.
Even the steps were heavy, helping reveal the undisputed strength. Yet, they did not seem to make a sound. Moving on unconsciously as if tied by ropes and strings.
However, even with the almost lifeless and invisible movements, the skin held a brisk color. Only..
Had it not been for the....for the leathery black lips which excluded an aura similar to a sealed bunker, and the acromatic nails painted with a color of ash and sulfur, you would almost think of him as a fine noble.
But whilst thoughts may wander, the outside pulsations of the elements desired a proper answer. Evident by how the wind grew more resilient as he walked.
And due to a fated breeze, the cape which was tied around the individual's body loosened slightly. Revealing what was previously sealed off.
From beneath the textile's cover, the untouched patched of a barely visible neck, sharp chin and naked feet now laid more thoroughly exposed. Bathing there to collect the first hand awe which those daring enough would see.
The first sight to witness would be the shady, callous-filled dermis which housed a multitude of dark blue veins. They were almost impossible to miss, as the rackets of matter imposed their own existence every passing moment. However, if one did manage to avoid these rails of organic wire, they would be instantly captivated by the fibrous tissue which they were embeded in.
Every passing merchant and salesman, man and woman, and children and elders alike all backed off whenever they crossed the individuals path. Scurrying away through the poorly constructed road like shy critters. Sparking up screens of powdered dust in their wake, and swiftly to heaving on for a stolen sense of peace through some hasted and wild inhalation.
But the individual did not say anything to this pathetic show. Continuing on down the road of stone tiles and gravel until eventually reaching his destination.
And finally, the caped humanoid stopped in his tracks. Aiming his hidden line of sight at but three things.
First, a large wooden cart seeming to be filled with several types of caged birds. Second would be a familiar pack of large wolves and cats lining their fearful gazes at his body. And lastly, an aged, poorly dressed figure which turned around to greet him with an unsure smile and a stuttering sentence.
"You look a little different. Perhaps....taller?" The aged voice of Benjamin travelled out towards the caped mast. It sounded a little nervous, yet also slightly joyous.
And to his call, the hood further loosened up. Showing two dots of yellow light which penetrated out from beneath the dark. Resting above the inky lips.
"Yes. You could say that." A more mature and hardy voice responded. Belonging to none other than Michael.
Benjamin only smiled back at the response. Lifting his wrinkled hand through the familiar, baggy clothing and scratching his bald head. Unsure of how to receive these changes.
'Did his body grow after leveling up or did he enhance himself with the blood samples I gave him?'
The old man's thoughts wandered off. Still trying to tie Michael's transformation with the class he had mistakenly tied him to. That being the [Bloodline Alchemist].
'Well, whatever. Those crazy alchemists do whatever they want... Now let's see.'
Benjamin then turned his back to the barely discernible Michael and marched towards the cart behind. Going over to pluck one of the many singing cages out from the pile, before then turning back to the boy with a caring smile.
"As promised. One regular bird."
Michael looked over the small ball of feathers peacefully resting behind the thin bars of iron. Even going as far as to weakly sqaut down in order to get a proper look.
Closely resembling a canary, the bird was indeed the size of a golfball. However, unlike the regular one, it had a more refined look. Possessing some much smoother feathers which were orange on color.
"It's an [Apricot Canary]. They are incredibly rare and almost impossible to find as most live in the [Demi-human Continent]." Benjamin sparingly said. Speaking of it as if the bird was some sort of burden.
"Are you sure it is ok for me to have this?" Michael turned towards him while softly asking. Unsure wether to take on another pet, and especially one of such rarity.
"These types of birds are surprisingly hardy, live long, fly fast and have a melodious chirp. However, they are almost impossible to tame, being very resilient and self centered even after a contract is formed." Benjamin nonchalantly responded. Treating this small creature more like a curse even though he was currently praising it.
"They are quite an anomaly amongst regular animals actually, but they surprisingly hold no bloodline nor layer of power. And besides...."
"Giving it to you would remove some potential trouble...if you catch my meaning. It's safer in your hands."
Michael listened to the old man talk and registered how he put a little more pressure on the last line.
"I see... Then I will gladly take it." Michael humbly accepted the gift. Nodding his head with a clear gratitude while questioning the old man further.
"Besides this, can I ask for something else? It's about what we spoke of yesterday."
Benjamin's grey eyes glistened as he heard the boy speak. Trying to hide the excitement felt whenever he got to talk about his trade.
"Go ahead, Michael by boy." The old man's voice was hurried, yet fiery. Causing Michael's black maw to tweak up into a weak smile.
"Well, there was something I wondered about.. When an animal grows, it will eventually reach it's growth limit if I remember right?"
Benjamin's gray eyes further burnt after he heard Michael's hardy tone once again. Happily beginning to spill all he knew through a satisfying speech.
"Yes. That is how it works. Most beasts get strong as they evolve, but they will all one day reach a physical limit. A layer which will shackle them. After all, regular magical and mutated beast have their power development directly tied to their physique. Their layer will stagnate after the cells reach the limit."
"But then again, you have those humanoid monsters who are able to train like we humans do. I am talking about those wretched creatures who hold the name of Czar.." Benjamin's tone of speech grew darker as he mentioned the Czar tribe. It was filled with a natural hostility which caught Michael's attention.
"However, human techniques supposedly only get them so far layer wise, allowing mostly for a wider arsenal of arts to choose from when fighting. So there is also a restriction there." Benjamin finally finished up. His aged tone having been completely dried out and in need of a short break.
Michael indeed gave him a moment to breath. And after making sure the old man had caught back his stamina, he further delved into the question.
"Is there a way to break the growth limit then? Or is that a no?" Michael interestingly asked. Thinking through what methods he should try to use for later breakthroughs.
And his thirst for knowledge did not go unrecognized, as Benjamin immediately scurried his mind for anything that mat help satiate his new acquaintance.
"Break it? Hmmm...."
The old man tenderly closed his eyes for a second while scratching his leathery chin. Pondering about possible solutions.
"Yes! There is! But only a theoretical one. I haven't been able to test it out myself." And eventually, the folds of skin smacked up like two blown down windows. Even causing a livid vibration to travel through the wrinkled skin covering his face.
"If an animal reaches it's final form and tries to evolve, they will always fail. However, there should be a solution hidden within the path of mutations." Benjamin started quickly narrate his find. His words resonating like some sickly coughs.
"Mutations?" Michael questionably asked back. Finding himself more intrigued.
"Yes, through essence radiation. Slowly trying to further empower their cells with toxic magic particles should eventually lead to a mutated physique. It is proven to work on regular animals, as mutated beasts mostly stem from them."
"However, for those who already reached the end... It can and cannot make them break through. But I think it would do more harm than good. I mean, reaching a higher layer only to be possibly disfigured and brain dead afterwards? Doesn't sound like a plausible thing to do.."
Michael listened to each piece of information given by Benjamin. Nodding in response as the old man finished talking.
Benjamin gave the hooded boy one final glance before awkwardly sighing. Going over to reach out his hand as a form of respect. Wishing to bid farwell to this young man.
"Then I will begin my travel towards the capital of Ingel. It was nice being able to talk to you, Michael."
Michael smiled back, revealing a bit more of a shy glint as he answered the old man's sign of farwell.
However, as their hands touched, the eyes if both parties shone for a moment. Benjamin's most likely felt a sense of shock over the sand paper-like skin on the boy's palm, and a fearful jolt of shock after seeing the sharp, nightly black finger nails on Michael's hand
Meanwhile, Michael's reaction was from a foregn object scraping against his skin. Making him pull back his hand and look at what he had just received.
In the center of his palm now laid a small metal container and a folded piece of snowy paper. He didn't immediately understand what they were, but through Benjamins craggy voice he quickly got the gist of it.
"It's a radiation coating and a contract for the bird. Now, may we meet again."
Michael only nodded his head while smiling back. Happily watching the old man depart towards the frontal part of the carriage where a pack of large, tied hounds laid waiting. Seemingly planning on pulling the massive cart like a sled.
And as Benjamin's figure became more distant, Michael heard one last dry echo before he himself turned around. Causing his smile to become all the more gleeful as his body blurred away in an unnoticeable whirlwind.
"Come visit sometime!"
After the short encounter, Michael's cloaked body reappeared before the inn he had used as a lodging. Sparking up a familiar mirage of dust and sand as he hastely materialized through a growling gust of air.
He still held onto the small iron cage where his orange companion now silently rested. It seemed to have fallen asleep, even unaffected by the short, yet speedy travel.
Michael gave the canary a swift glance before resuming towards the cheap entrance. Entering through while letting his thoughts run free.
'I coated the cage in some of my aura before going off. However, it still fell asleep through the turbulence?'
'I should see if this thing holds anything peculiar power in it's blood later...'
As Michael walked into the empty tavern, he found himself eventually gazing upon the tall, black haired barmaid on the other end. Still standing behind her counter, and still whiping a translucent glass with her folded handkerchief.
She did not give him any attention. Ignoring his approaching figure until he eventually arrived close enough.
"How may I help you?" The barmaiden's voice was as careless as he remembered. Even her dark blue eyes seemed to still lay there both dead and unmoving, only concentrating on the white piece of cloth being whisked around inside the small glass held in her rough hands.
But Michael didn't take any offense to it. Even asnwering her apathy with a careful glare. Running his eyes over her white and brown dress which was stained by some dirt.
"May I make a request?" Michael then asked after inspecting her. His voice holding not a raging flame, but a profound grip of saltwater.
The barmaid stopped washing her glass and pointed her lifeless eyes back in his direction. Mabye intrigued by the formal question.
"What kind?"
Michael then out the cage in his hand on top the counter and leaned back. Immediately answering with a tempting tone.
"Can you take my companion for a walk outside of the town's premise? I will make your trip worthwhile."
He made sure to put a bit of pressure on the last part. Wanting for her to accept, as not only did he not wish for a fine gift like this to get caught in what he felt was a tensing atmosphere, but also because he was unable to assert something about this woman.
You could call it a gut feeling or an inaccurate prediction. But no matter how much he tried to ignore it, there was an aura, no, a scent which resonated within his mind. And a familiar one at that.
"Five hundred gold." And to his satisfaction, the barmaid uncaringly answered. Her voice not even sounding the least bit excited.
Michael nodded his head and retrieved two items from beneath his cloak. One being a paper slip and the other being a silver ring.
First, he unfolded the small note which started burning up the moment he straightened it out. Causing a notification to appear next to the corner of his vision. Linking him to the sleeping creature, and making him now able to track it.
Then he pricked the ring. Causing a pile of gold coins shoot out next to the cage in a hurried fashion. Resembling a beam of water blasted from a fountain.
Michael only watched the coins fall down with a metallic rattling sound. Ignoring the minor loss, and giving more attention to the lady in front.
She currently retrieved a black trench coat from behind the aged, woody counter. It reflected the color of her long, silky hair and easily fitted her tall body.
And right after she managed to cover herself, the woman gently pick up the mobile birdcage with care while retrieving a black ring from her trench coat. Using it to suck in all the slices of gold.
Michael felt a slight sense of suprise as he watched the money disappear so quickly. However, the woman did not allow him any time to ask questions. Immediately beginning to walk out from behind the counter and aim straight for the exit with hurried steps.
"May I at least know your name?" Michael tried asking.
And to his suprise, the woman stopped in her tracks right before she left. Not bothering to put any effort in facing him once more, but at least give him a faint, apathetic response.
"My name..." She whispered. Almost as if questioning herself whether her answer was entirely right. No, rather, it was as if she tried to remember it.
A strange wave started flowing from her body, her breathing became slower and deeper, and her eyes seemed to regain some life.
However, the sense of determination vanished just as quickly as it appeared. Being whisked away from the world the moment she finished muttering her answer.
"My name Is.....Sistine."
Michael heard her fading voice loud and clear. Despite wanting to know more, he felt like nothing good would come out of him trying to pry for more. And so, he allowed her to peacefully depart.
Once more alone, Michael embraced the silent and voiceless background.
He had not moved an inch away from the counter. Still having cloaked body remaining there like a caped tower.
"There you are..." Michael abruptly said. His vocal ring seemingly getting more exited.
He then leaned his mighty frame over the counter while forming a humorous smileover his black lips. Even going as far as expose the new set of pointy white blades which had replaced his teeth.
Michael kept fillowing his voice which hungrily moved out into the abandoned building. Only stopping when arriving near the corners and creaks which had suddenly swallowed it's vibrations.
And as the essence of his observation disappeared, the encompassing shadowsstarted crawl over into the center of the room like a tide. Meeting at a single point before then spreading out into a large, flat disc of dark mud.
However, Michael still did not budge. Continuing to watch as five shadowy pillars began to rise up like the multiple breaths of a geyser. Interestingly observing them take humanoid forms while the tar-like substance began to burn away.
"Greetings." A mature voice echoed out from the dispersing smoke of black.
Michael's eyes, which were only viewable as yellow dots due to his hood, began to grow brighter when he heard the answering sound.
"How may I help you?" He respectfully replied back. Still holding onto his smile while watching the five human-like men positioned before him. Their bodies were covered like his own, but the faces clearly visible.
With skin holding the texture and color of snow and eyes glimmering with a red tint found in a bloody light, one would only be able to differentiate them from each other through the varying jawlines. One being either sharper or wider than the other.
However, he analyzed their facial structure for but a moment. Eventually moving down at the robed man standing next to what he figured was the leader. He held onto a red orb which was frantically pulsating. Almost pointing them at something in the room.
The holder also equally glanced back at the blinking ball for a second before going over to lift his head. Meeting with the eyes of the one in front, and then beginning to nod as if clearing some suspicion.
The one who had received the signal took a step forward. His advance gentle, and his second question formal.
"Please forgive me for this abrupt disturbance. But I wished to ask you about something." The gentlemanly figure delicately spoke out.
"Go ahead." Michael gladly acknowledged back. Sensing an itching hostility hidden behind the kind act. One that would not let him leave no matter what he did.
"Have you recently met a Hel'slakter?" The hooded man followed up. His eyes growing with a carmine color much more profound than the usual red. Conveying an intent of lustful spite which refused to let this man depart no matter what he answered.
"No, but I once met a guy reminding me very much of yourself." Michael retorted. Holding back a growing feeling he could almost not control. Something which was generated the instant he felt the hooded individual's threatening gaze.
"Truly? And what was he like?" The carmine eyed man further asked. His red eyes growing more radiant, and the aura excluded from his body transforming into a net.
Michael felt the force field encase his body. Trying to bind him in place with it's power. Sadly, it was far from enough. Not hindering his movements in the least.
"He was absolutely delicious..." Michael rudely replied as he backed away from the counter. Taking a step closer towards the carmine eyed man while feeling the bubbling desire in his stomach reach it's utter limit.
"I see..." The red eyed individual regretfully sighed back. Seemingly pitying the one before him.
"I need you to please come with us, esteemed lord." However, the carmine eyed man's sense of shame lasted only a second. Immediately replacing itself with a impatient demand.
Michael's eyes flared up. Turning them into two yellow lanters while his voice grew visibly more strained.
"Or else what?"
The carmine eyed individual sighed once more. Proceeding to lift his now visible pale hand like a stiff flag, and ordering the crowd behind to release their own wrathful thirst.
"Or we will have to take you by force." The carmine eyed individual finished. Immediately beginning to release a bloody red aura alongside his companions. Planning to knock out the man in a single move.
This malefic wave of translucent bloodshed was enough to easily ruin the minds of even higher level enemies. And indeed, the cloaked man before them started to tremble when faved with the combined might. His bones visibly rattling from beneath the dark robe like a freezing bull.
The carmine eyed man satisfyingly watched the fabric shake. Wishing to finish this and quickly return.
However, as he prepared to increase the wave's power, an unexpected suprise discombobulated his thoughts.
From behind the loose black cape that was tainted with stripes of red, a laugh constructed from a comical scorn ruptured out. Sizzling off the bloody aura's hold while quickly being followed by a feverish chant.
"I....I could almost not restrain myself any longer..."
The carmine eyed man was going to say something in response. However, before he had a chance to retort, the yellow eyed man started to reignite the frantic belows of mock.
Michael's vibrating frame increased it's intensity while the mad laugh resonated into the town. Drawing the attention of its now fearful inhabitants while also causing the tavern to rapidly quake in dismay. It seemed that the previous trembling was not caused by the malevolent hostility, but from his own will.
And as the hurricane-like laugh died down, Michael spoke for the last time. Savoring an overflowing sensation which sloshed around in his stomach, and a rapid ticking which sung it's song within his brain.
"THeN tElL mE...." Michael's contorted voice rang. Building up on a needy desires for the nourishing thrill off war before physically manifesting like a translucent explosion.
His unstable emotions which stemmed for the Czar beast punched away through every piece of fabric and material in sight. Capturing the entire area inside a dome of bloodlust which shredded away the consciousness of every human in the vicinity. Knocking them all down either dead or paralyzed.
'What the..?' The carmine eyed man inwardly questioned in disarray. Not understanding what this man had just done.
Sadly for him, however, the only answer he received this time was a crazed shriek which resounded like a giant warhorn. Booming out through Michael's grinning black lips, and manifesting in the shadowy image of an ecstatic devil.
In the heat of early day, down the familiar path of cracked pavement and loose gravel, an almost mysterious individual traversed.
His body was decked in a hooded robe fetched off the corpse of a mighty predator. However, despite it's spacy slackness, the cloak was unable to hide the individuals clear and sturdy frame.
Even the steps were heavy, helping reveal the undisputed strength. Yet, they did not seem to make a sound. Moving on unconsciously as if tied by ropes and strings.
However, even with the almost lifeless and invisible movements, the skin held a brisk color. Only..
Had it not been for the....for the leathery black lips which excluded an aura similar to a sealed bunker, and the acromatic nails painted with a color of ash and sulfur, you would almost think of him as a fine noble.
But whilst thoughts may wander, the outside pulsations of the elements desired a proper answer. Evident by how the wind grew more resilient as he walked.
And due to a fated breeze, the cape which was tied around the individual's body loosened slightly. Revealing what was previously sealed off.
From beneath the textile's cover, the untouched patched of a barely visible neck, sharp chin and naked feet now laid more thoroughly exposed. Bathing there to collect the first hand awe which those daring enough would see.
The first sight to witness would be the shady, callous-filled dermis which housed a multitude of dark blue veins. They were almost impossible to miss, as the rackets of matter imposed their own existence every passing moment. However, if one did manage to avoid these rails of organic wire, they would be instantly captivated by the fibrous tissue which they were embeded in.
Every passing merchant and salesman, man and woman, and children and elders alike all backed off whenever they crossed the individuals path. Scurrying away through the poorly constructed road like shy critters. Sparking up screens of powdered dust in their wake, and swiftly to heaving on for a stolen sense of peace through some hasted and wild inhalation.
But the individual did not say anything to this pathetic show. Continuing on down the road of stone tiles and gravel until eventually reaching his destination.
And finally, the caped humanoid stopped in his tracks. Aiming his hidden line of sight at but three things.
First, a large wooden cart seeming to be filled with several types of caged birds. Second would be a familiar pack of large wolves and cats lining their fearful gazes at his body. And lastly, an aged, poorly dressed figure which turned around to greet him with an unsure smile and a stuttering sentence.
"You look a little different. Perhaps....taller?" The aged voice of Benjamin travelled out towards the caped mast. It sounded a little nervous, yet also slightly joyous.
And to his call, the hood further loosened up. Showing two dots of yellow light which penetrated out from beneath the dark. Resting above the inky lips.
"Yes. You could say that." A more mature and hardy voice responded. Belonging to none other than Michael.
Benjamin only smiled back at the response. Lifting his wrinkled hand through the familiar, baggy clothing and scratching his bald head. Unsure of how to receive these changes.
'Did his body grow after leveling up or did he enhance himself with the blood samples I gave him?'
The old man's thoughts wandered off. Still trying to tie Michael's transformation with the class he had mistakenly tied him to. That being the [Bloodline Alchemist].
'Well, whatever. Those crazy alchemists do whatever they want... Now let's see.'
Benjamin then turned his back to the barely discernible Michael and marched towards the cart behind. Going over to pluck one of the many singing cages out from the pile, before then turning back to the boy with a caring smile.
"As promised. One regular bird."
Michael looked over the small ball of feathers peacefully resting behind the thin bars of iron. Even going as far as to weakly sqaut down in order to get a proper look.
Closely resembling a canary, the bird was indeed the size of a golfball. However, unlike the regular one, it had a more refined look. Possessing some much smoother feathers which were orange on color.
"It's an [Apricot Canary]. They are incredibly rare and almost impossible to find as most live in the [Demi-human Continent]." Benjamin sparingly said. Speaking of it as if the bird was some sort of burden.
"Are you sure it is ok for me to have this?" Michael turned towards him while softly asking. Unsure wether to take on another pet, and especially one of such rarity.
"These types of birds are surprisingly hardy, live long, fly fast and have a melodious chirp. However, they are almost impossible to tame, being very resilient and self centered even after a contract is formed." Benjamin nonchalantly responded. Treating this small creature more like a curse even though he was currently praising it.
"They are quite an anomaly amongst regular animals actually, but they surprisingly hold no bloodline nor layer of power. And besides...."
"Giving it to you would remove some potential trouble...if you catch my meaning. It's safer in your hands."
Michael listened to the old man talk and registered how he put a little more pressure on the last line.
"I see... Then I will gladly take it." Michael humbly accepted the gift. Nodding his head with a clear gratitude while questioning the old man further.
"Besides this, can I ask for something else? It's about what we spoke of yesterday."
Benjamin's grey eyes glistened as he heard the boy speak. Trying to hide the excitement felt whenever he got to talk about his trade.
"Go ahead, Michael by boy." The old man's voice was hurried, yet fiery. Causing Michael's black maw to tweak up into a weak smile.
"Well, there was something I wondered about.. When an animal grows, it will eventually reach it's growth limit if I remember right?"
Benjamin's gray eyes further burnt after he heard Michael's hardy tone once again. Happily beginning to spill all he knew through a satisfying speech.
"Yes. That is how it works. Most beasts get strong as they evolve, but they will all one day reach a physical limit. A layer which will shackle them. After all, regular magical and mutated beast have their power development directly tied to their physique. Their layer will stagnate after the cells reach the limit."
"But then again, you have those humanoid monsters who are able to train like we humans do. I am talking about those wretched creatures who hold the name of Czar.." Benjamin's tone of speech grew darker as he mentioned the Czar tribe. It was filled with a natural hostility which caught Michael's attention.
"However, human techniques supposedly only get them so far layer wise, allowing mostly for a wider arsenal of arts to choose from when fighting. So there is also a restriction there." Benjamin finally finished up. His aged tone having been completely dried out and in need of a short break.
Michael indeed gave him a moment to breath. And after making sure the old man had caught back his stamina, he further delved into the question.
"Is there a way to break the growth limit then? Or is that a no?" Michael interestingly asked. Thinking through what methods he should try to use for later breakthroughs.
And his thirst for knowledge did not go unrecognized, as Benjamin immediately scurried his mind for anything that mat help satiate his new acquaintance.
"Break it? Hmmm...."
The old man tenderly closed his eyes for a second while scratching his leathery chin. Pondering about possible solutions.
"Yes! There is! But only a theoretical one. I haven't been able to test it out myself." And eventually, the folds of skin smacked up like two blown down windows. Even causing a livid vibration to travel through the wrinkled skin covering his face.
"If an animal reaches it's final form and tries to evolve, they will always fail. However, there should be a solution hidden within the path of mutations." Benjamin started quickly narrate his find. His words resonating like some sickly coughs.
"Mutations?" Michael questionably asked back. Finding himself more intrigued.
"Yes, through essence radiation. Slowly trying to further empower their cells with toxic magic particles should eventually lead to a mutated physique. It is proven to work on regular animals, as mutated beasts mostly stem from them."
"However, for those who already reached the end... It can and cannot make them break through. But I think it would do more harm than good. I mean, reaching a higher layer only to be possibly disfigured and brain dead afterwards? Doesn't sound like a plausible thing to do.."
Michael listened to each piece of information given by Benjamin. Nodding in response as the old man finished talking.
Benjamin gave the hooded boy one final glance before awkwardly sighing. Going over to reach out his hand as a form of respect. Wishing to bid farwell to this young man.
"Then I will begin my travel towards the capital of Ingel. It was nice being able to talk to you, Michael."
Michael smiled back, revealing a bit more of a shy glint as he answered the old man's sign of farwell.
However, as their hands touched, the eyes if both parties shone for a moment. Benjamin's most likely felt a sense of shock over the sand paper-like skin on the boy's palm, and a fearful jolt of shock after seeing the sharp, nightly black finger nails on Michael's hand
Meanwhile, Michael's reaction was from a foregn object scraping against his skin. Making him pull back his hand and look at what he had just received.
In the center of his palm now laid a small metal container and a folded piece of snowy paper. He didn't immediately understand what they were, but through Benjamins craggy voice he quickly got the gist of it.
"It's a radiation coating and a contract for the bird. Now, may we meet again."
Michael only nodded his head while smiling back. Happily watching the old man depart towards the frontal part of the carriage where a pack of large, tied hounds laid waiting. Seemingly planning on pulling the massive cart like a sled.
And as Benjamin's figure became more distant, Michael heard one last dry echo before he himself turned around. Causing his smile to become all the more gleeful as his body blurred away in an unnoticeable whirlwind.
"Come visit sometime!"
After the short encounter, Michael's cloaked body reappeared before the inn he had used as a lodging. Sparking up a familiar mirage of dust and sand as he hastely materialized through a growling gust of air.
He still held onto the small iron cage where his orange companion now silently rested. It seemed to have fallen asleep, even unaffected by the short, yet speedy travel.
Michael gave the canary a swift glance before resuming towards the cheap entrance. Entering through while letting his thoughts run free.
'I coated the cage in some of my aura before going off. However, it still fell asleep through the turbulence?'
'I should see if this thing holds anything peculiar power in it's blood later...'
As Michael walked into the empty tavern, he found himself eventually gazing upon the tall, black haired barmaid on the other end. Still standing behind her counter, and still whiping a translucent glass with her folded handkerchief.
She did not give him any attention. Ignoring his approaching figure until he eventually arrived close enough.
"How may I help you?" The barmaiden's voice was as careless as he remembered. Even her dark blue eyes seemed to still lay there both dead and unmoving, only concentrating on the white piece of cloth being whisked around inside the small glass held in her rough hands.
But Michael didn't take any offense to it. Even asnwering her apathy with a careful glare. Running his eyes over her white and brown dress which was stained by some dirt.
"May I make a request?" Michael then asked after inspecting her. His voice holding not a raging flame, but a profound grip of saltwater.
The barmaid stopped washing her glass and pointed her lifeless eyes back in his direction. Mabye intrigued by the formal question.
"What kind?"
Michael then out the cage in his hand on top the counter and leaned back. Immediately answering with a tempting tone.
"Can you take my companion for a walk outside of the town's premise? I will make your trip worthwhile."
He made sure to put a bit of pressure on the last part. Wanting for her to accept, as not only did he not wish for a fine gift like this to get caught in what he felt was a tensing atmosphere, but also because he was unable to assert something about this woman.
You could call it a gut feeling or an inaccurate prediction. But no matter how much he tried to ignore it, there was an aura, no, a scent which resonated within his mind. And a familiar one at that.
"Five hundred gold." And to his satisfaction, the barmaid uncaringly answered. Her voice not even sounding the least bit excited.
Michael nodded his head and retrieved two items from beneath his cloak. One being a paper slip and the other being a silver ring.
First, he unfolded the small note which started burning up the moment he straightened it out. Causing a notification to appear next to the corner of his vision. Linking him to the sleeping creature, and making him now able to track it.
Then he pricked the ring. Causing a pile of gold coins shoot out next to the cage in a hurried fashion. Resembling a beam of water blasted from a fountain.
Michael only watched the coins fall down with a metallic rattling sound. Ignoring the minor loss, and giving more attention to the lady in front.
She currently retrieved a black trench coat from behind the aged, woody counter. It reflected the color of her long, silky hair and easily fitted her tall body.
And right after she managed to cover herself, the woman gently pick up the mobile birdcage with care while retrieving a black ring from her trench coat. Using it to suck in all the slices of gold.
Michael felt a slight sense of suprise as he watched the money disappear so quickly. However, the woman did not allow him any time to ask questions. Immediately beginning to walk out from behind the counter and aim straight for the exit with hurried steps.
"May I at least know your name?" Michael tried asking.
And to his suprise, the woman stopped in her tracks right before she left. Not bothering to put any effort in facing him once more, but at least give him a faint, apathetic response.
"My name..." She whispered. Almost as if questioning herself whether her answer was entirely right. No, rather, it was as if she tried to remember it.
A strange wave started flowing from her body, her breathing became slower and deeper, and her eyes seemed to regain some life.
However, the sense of determination vanished just as quickly as it appeared. Being whisked away from the world the moment she finished muttering her answer.
"My name Is.....Sistine."
Michael heard her fading voice loud and clear. Despite wanting to know more, he felt like nothing good would come out of him trying to pry for more. And so, he allowed her to peacefully depart.
Once more alone, Michael embraced the silent and voiceless background.
He had not moved an inch away from the counter. Still having cloaked body remaining there like a caped tower.
"There you are..." Michael abruptly said. His vocal ring seemingly getting more exited.
He then leaned his mighty frame over the counter while forming a humorous smileover his black lips. Even going as far as expose the new set of pointy white blades which had replaced his teeth.
Michael kept fillowing his voice which hungrily moved out into the abandoned building. Only stopping when arriving near the corners and creaks which had suddenly swallowed it's vibrations.
And as the essence of his observation disappeared, the encompassing shadowsstarted crawl over into the center of the room like a tide. Meeting at a single point before then spreading out into a large, flat disc of dark mud.
However, Michael still did not budge. Continuing to watch as five shadowy pillars began to rise up like the multiple breaths of a geyser. Interestingly observing them take humanoid forms while the tar-like substance began to burn away.
"Greetings." A mature voice echoed out from the dispersing smoke of black.
Michael's eyes, which were only viewable as yellow dots due to his hood, began to grow brighter when he heard the answering sound.
"How may I help you?" He respectfully replied back. Still holding onto his smile while watching the five human-like men positioned before him. Their bodies were covered like his own, but the faces clearly visible.
With skin holding the texture and color of snow and eyes glimmering with a red tint found in a bloody light, one would only be able to differentiate them from each other through the varying jawlines. One being either sharper or wider than the other.
However, he analyzed their facial structure for but a moment. Eventually moving down at the robed man standing next to what he figured was the leader. He held onto a red orb which was frantically pulsating. Almost pointing them at something in the room.
The holder also equally glanced back at the blinking ball for a second before going over to lift his head. Meeting with the eyes of the one in front, and then beginning to nod as if clearing some suspicion.
The one who had received the signal took a step forward. His advance gentle, and his second question formal.
"Please forgive me for this abrupt disturbance. But I wished to ask you about something." The gentlemanly figure delicately spoke out.
"Go ahead." Michael gladly acknowledged back. Sensing an itching hostility hidden behind the kind act. One that would not let him leave no matter what he did.
"Have you recently met a Hel'slakter?" The hooded man followed up. His eyes growing with a carmine color much more profound than the usual red. Conveying an intent of lustful spite which refused to let this man depart no matter what he answered.
"No, but I once met a guy reminding me very much of yourself." Michael retorted. Holding back a growing feeling he could almost not control. Something which was generated the instant he felt the hooded individual's threatening gaze.
"Truly? And what was he like?" The carmine eyed man further asked. His red eyes growing more radiant, and the aura excluded from his body transforming into a net.
Michael felt the force field encase his body. Trying to bind him in place with it's power. Sadly, it was far from enough. Not hindering his movements in the least.
"He was absolutely delicious..." Michael rudely replied as he backed away from the counter. Taking a step closer towards the carmine eyed man while feeling the bubbling desire in his stomach reach it's utter limit.
"I see..." The red eyed individual regretfully sighed back. Seemingly pitying the one before him.
"I need you to please come with us, esteemed lord." However, the carmine eyed man's sense of shame lasted only a second. Immediately replacing itself with a impatient demand.
Michael's eyes flared up. Turning them into two yellow lanters while his voice grew visibly more strained.
"Or else what?"
The carmine eyed individual sighed once more. Proceeding to lift his now visible pale hand like a stiff flag, and ordering the crowd behind to release their own wrathful thirst.
"Or we will have to take you by force." The carmine eyed individual finished. Immediately beginning to release a bloody red aura alongside his companions. Planning to knock out the man in a single move.
This malefic wave of translucent bloodshed was enough to easily ruin the minds of even higher level enemies. And indeed, the cloaked man before them started to tremble when faved with the combined might. His bones visibly rattling from beneath the dark robe like a freezing bull.
The carmine eyed man satisfyingly watched the fabric shake. Wishing to finish this and quickly return.
However, as he prepared to increase the wave's power, an unexpected suprise discombobulated his thoughts.
From behind the loose black cape that was tainted with stripes of red, a laugh constructed from a comical scorn ruptured out. Sizzling off the bloody aura's hold while quickly being followed by a feverish chant.
"I....I could almost not restrain myself any longer..."
The carmine eyed man was going to say something in response. However, before he had a chance to retort, the yellow eyed man started to reignite the frantic belows of mock.
Michael's vibrating frame increased it's intensity while the mad laugh resonated into the town. Drawing the attention of its now fearful inhabitants while also causing the tavern to rapidly quake in dismay. It seemed that the previous trembling was not caused by the malevolent hostility, but from his own will.
And as the hurricane-like laugh died down, Michael spoke for the last time. Savoring an overflowing sensation which sloshed around in his stomach, and a rapid ticking which sung it's song within his brain.
"THeN tElL mE...." Michael's contorted voice rang. Building up on a needy desires for the nourishing thrill off war before physically manifesting like a translucent explosion.
His unstable emotions which stemmed for the Czar beast punched away through every piece of fabric and material in sight. Capturing the entire area inside a dome of bloodlust which shredded away the consciousness of every human in the vicinity. Knocking them all down either dead or paralyzed.
'What the..?' The carmine eyed man inwardly questioned in disarray. Not understanding what this man had just done.
Sadly for him, however, the only answer he received this time was a crazed shriek which resounded like a giant warhorn. Booming out through Michael's grinning black lips, and manifesting in the shadowy image of an ecstatic devil.
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