Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 196 Leviathan hits the warship!

"Master, you asked me to keep an eye on the movements of several mechas. I just learned important news!"

While Lin Feng was watching the scene of the battle between Rodon and the fighter jet, the intelligent assistant suddenly said.

"What's the news?"

Lin Feng had been paying attention to the battle between Raton and the fighter jets, and asked rather absently.

"In the waters near the island country, there is a relic of a prehistoric civilization!"

The smart assistant said slowly.

"What? Prehistoric civilization?"

Lin Feng exclaimed.

Could it be the underground ruins at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean where Godzilla sleeps?

The intelligent assistant immediately told Lin Feng the conversation between the Phoenix Gundam and Colonel Tomino.

"It shouldn't be the underground temple where Godzilla sleeps!"

Lin Feng instantly judged that this was not the temple where Godzilla was sleeping.

Immediately, he showed an interested expression: "I am very interested in such a lost world!"

Thinking of this, Lin Feng immediately said: "Continue to pay attention to them! I will arrange things here first and head to the bottom of the sea immediately!"

Below Lin Feng, the wooden boat was parked in the sea. Dr. Jones and others were confused as to why Lin Feng didn't continue moving forward.

They worry that there are unknown dangers ahead.

At this time, Lin Feng came back to his senses. He looked down from high altitude for a moment, and then said to Dr. Chen and others with telekinesis: "There is a small island ahead. Let's go to the island first!"


Everyone immediately drove the wooden boat towards the island.

At this moment, Chen Lin has already sent a message to the Chinese side. Warships will be coming to meet them soon. There is no need to go to the small island ahead for temporary repairs.

After arriving on the island, Lin Feng first put King Kong on the island.

King Kong's huge body is like a hill.

"Master, King Kong's cell differentiation speed has accelerated again!"

The smart assistant checked for a while and then said.

"Isn't it going to be advanced again?"

Lin Feng was extremely depressed.

If King Kong advances again, he will be able to advance to the ninth level!

Moreover, the current King Kong already possesses super powers, and can be considered a powerful character among the ninth-level behemoths!

"I detected a high concentration of virus components in its body... exactly the same as those in the mutant beast on Skull Island before!"

The smart assistant replied.

"High concentration of viral components?"

When Lin Feng heard this, a look of confusion appeared in his golden eyes.

Could it be that King Kong has become the experimental subject of some mysterious existence?

Lin Feng had no idea that after Eunice from Planet

But he didn't expect that he would be hit by Lin Feng.

The virus in King Kong's body is constantly changing the genes in his body, causing the cells to grow and reproduce faster.

"Is this harmful to King Kong?"

Lin Feng asked worriedly.

"Looking at it now, there are only advantages and no disadvantages! Because the virus antibodies have been formed in King Kong's body, and those factors that are harmful to it have been automatically degraded by its body!"

After careful analysis, the intelligent assistant replied.

"That's good!"

Lin Feng suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Currently, King Kong is his most loyal little brother, and he doesn't want to lose him just like that.

At this moment, King Kong's huge body began to move.

The smart assistant prompted: "Master, the effect of the anesthetic on King Kong has worn off!"

"Okay! In this case, I can go to the underwater world with peace of mind!"

Lin Feng was overjoyed.

Then, he flapped his wings and took off from the island.

Below, Dr. Jones, Dr. Mark and others all raised their heads and looked at the golden flying dragon that was rising into the sky.

A voice sounded in their minds, and Lin Feng told them to go to the XSBN Rainforest to wait for news about him.

"Intelligent assistant, immediately block all technological detection!"

Lin Feng said in a low voice.


The smart assistant immediately starts operating.

After Lin Feng flew across the Pacific for a while, he landed on an uninhabited island.

Then, he flapped his wings, and an invisible wave was released from around him.

Lin Feng released the electromagnetic pulse directly and indiscriminately.

In an instant, the creatures on the island fainted to death after receiving this attack!

Lin Feng asked: "Intelligent assistant, how long will I need to sleep for this advanced level?"

"Master is now advancing from level seven to level eight, which will take 4 hours!"

The smart assistant replied.

"Did it take so long?"

Lin Feng was slightly surprised.

However, he still said: "Evolve now!"

When Lin Feng fell into a deep sleep on the unknown island, the war in the offshore waters of the island country was still going on.

In the sky, fighter jets were overtaken by Rodon's huge body and smashed into pieces.

Soon, the entire fighter formation was wiped out!

Inside the shelter.

The prime minister of the island country and all cabinet officials looked at this scene with sad expressions.

At this moment, the overlord of the sky and the overlord of the sea, Godzilla, join forces to make it even more difficult to deal with!

"Order the kamikaze ships to evacuate immediately!"

The Prime Minister of the island country shouted an order.

At this moment, Rodan and Godzilla are unstoppable, there is no need to make unnecessary sacrifices!

After Rodon destroyed all the fighter planes in the sky, he did not leave. Instead, he flapped his wings and flew to a volcano near Sakura Mountain in the island country.

At this moment, it regards this place as its new habitat!

Seeing this scene, the Prime Minister of the island country looked as uncomfortable as eating a fly!

After receiving the instruction from the headquarters to retreat, the kamikaze ship immediately changed course and prepared to evacuate.

At this moment, the radar on the warship sounded the alarm again.


"Warning! Unknown giant organisms are approaching the kamikaze ship!"

"Is Godzilla attacking?"

On the warship, everyone was shocked.

However, when they looked towards the water in the distance, they found that Godzilla was still there.

"What kind of creature is approaching the warship?"

Major General Akino was extremely anxious.

"Not good! The target is about to hit us!"

The radar chief eagerly reported the situation.

Major General Akino immediately loudly ordered: "Everyone, pay attention and be careful to prevent collisions!"

Then, boom!

There was a loud noise, and the entire warship was hit and shook violently.

"Not good! There is water in the bottom of the warship!"

In the cabin, the crew members exclaimed.

Not long after he finished speaking, there was another huge impact.


This time, the entire warship was tilted.

"Oh my God! What kind of terrorist creature attacked the warship?"

On the warship, all the soldiers showed frightened expressions.

At this moment, a giant creature emerged from the ocean.

This is a giant creature that looks like a whale, but has a body like a crocodile.

Huge in size and ugly in appearance!

"Leviathan! This is Leviathan! It also responded to Godzilla's call and came here!"

On the warship, paleontologists exclaimed when they saw this giant ugly creature.

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