Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 199 The lost civilization!

The first thing that catches the eye is a huge rock with a radius of several hundred meters. There are vertical steps on the rock, and the steps are connected to the city gate made of huge stones.

"Ahead is the ancient underwater city!"

In the crowd, Colonel Tomino was wearing a diving suit, pointing to the majestic building not far away and said that everyone was wearing a closed respirator and could speak and communicate directly.

Then, he swam towards the steps.

"Oh my God! There really is a city under the sea!"

Tang Hai looked at the scene in front of him through the swimming goggles, his face full of shock.

Among the crowd, there were also several internationally renowned archaeological experts hired by Colonel Tomino with high salaries.

They were extremely shocked when they saw the scene in front of them, and followed Colonel Tomino closely.

Mr. Wu reminded Tang Hai: "Fat Tang, follow them!"

"Mr. Wu, let's not follow too closely! There are too many unknown mysteries in a place like this. If you go too far, you may die without knowing it!"

Tang Hai recovered from the shock and whispered.

Mr. Wu had a strange look in his eyes.

I have to say that what Fatty Tang said is true.


At this moment, the Phoenix Gundam transformed into a bird form and passed through the two of them.

Tang Hai pursed his lips: "You still say it's not a ship!"

"Let's go!"

Mr. Wu took a look and said.

Then, the two hung tightly at the back of the team.

boom! boom!

The Wanderer, Raider, Polar Bear, Red Storm and other mechas also walked quickly towards the front of the crowd.

This time, Colonel Tomino was particularly well prepared.

In addition to the Phoenix Gundam opening the way, it also brought a special forces team and many high-tech detectors.


Several fist-sized detectors entered the water and quickly swam toward the building.

Among the crowd, there were two people holding instruments in their hands.

On the instrument, the scene inside the ancient city is displayed.

Several internationally renowned archaeologists immediately gathered around the two instruments.

It was the first time for them to see such a monument, and they were all very excited.

"There is a human-faced statue here! Oh my god! This height is eight or nine meters, and the facial features are clearly distinguishable..."

"There are hieroglyphic characters here, which are not the characters of any civilization known in the world!"

"This discovery is really amazing! If we reveal this result, we will surely win the highest award in the international archaeological community!"

Colonel Tomino glanced at the many excited archaeologists, with a hint of contempt in his eyes.

This is the outermost part, and what’s even more surprising is that it’s still on the inside!

After the detector checked it once, everyone began to set foot slowly.

As they passed through the city gate, they found that there were buildings similar to city gates, cloisters, and watchtowers inside.

An archaeologist named Chrissy Alvey said excitedly: "The civilization here most likely has a history of more than 10,000 years! It's incredible!"

"What? More than ten thousand years?"

Behind the crowd, Tang Hai was shocked when he heard this.

Ten thousand years, isn’t that much earlier than the currently announced civilizations?

Just judging from the ruins in front of us, this underwater civilization is already a very advanced civilization.

It already has its own writing, and its construction technology is also very outstanding.

Different from the excitement of everyone, Kawashima Kongzi's beautiful eyes showed a strong look of doubt.

Because everything you see in front of you is extremely ancient.

Previously, Colonel Tomino said that the Phoenix Gundam's technology came from this underwater ruins.

How is this possible?

With such doubts, it drove the Phoenix Gundam out of the crowd.

When she encountered a collapsed boulder, she would use the power of the Phoenix Gundam to lift it open.

This scene made several archaeologists who followed behind feel sad.

"Mr. Tomino! You must stop her! This is too violent! This is not archeology! This is a waste of natural resources!"

Archaeologist Avel vigorously attacked Kawashima Koko.

Tomino glanced at the archaeologist flatly, and then said: "You are right! This is not archeology!"

With that said, he walked straight forward.

Tang Hai, who was following the crowd, was also full of doubts. He asked Mr. Wu in a low voice: "Mr. Wu, do you think the ancestors of the islanders live in this ruins?"

"This is what the islanders have always preached!'

Mr. Wu said noncommittally.

"I think this is impossible! The civilization here is obviously too old!"

Tang Hai shook his head.

However, he still followed the crowd.

In the sea water, it was quite difficult for everyone to move.

Wow! Wow!

Everyone slowly arrived inside the ancient city.

Upon closer inspection, archaeologists discovered that these steps were actually finely polished.

There are huge stone pillars all around.

"So, is that a giant pyramid?"

Suddenly, an archaeologist exclaimed.

Everyone gathered around immediately.

They saw a giant pyramid on the picture fed back from the detector!

And this giant pyramid is only more than five hundred meters away from them!

"That's where the target is!"

Colonel Tomino said with a smile.

"It's incredible! This pyramid is obviously earlier than the Egyptian pyramids and is most likely the first pyramid in the world!"

An archaeologist named Uchida Kuna exclaimed.

He is a well-known archaeologist in the archaeological community of the island nation.

At this time, Uchida Kuna was very excited to see the civilization of his own country.

Because this will fill a gap in the history of the island nation.

The other archaeologists nodded: "Yes! The civilization here is obviously older than Egypt. Perhaps this is an ancient continent that existed in the Pacific Ocean. It sank into the Pacific Ocean due to earthquakes and other geological reasons!"

Another archaeologist said bluntly: "Chinese geologists once published a paper that the island country may sink into the Pacific Ocean in the future. This is strong evidence!"

These words immediately made the faces of the islanders present darken.

Because such academic arguments give islanders a strong sense of crisis.

Even now, island countries are already seeking relevant solutions.

For example, reclaiming land from the sea, building undersea cities, etc.

"Let's go!"

Colonel Tomino directly interrupted everyone's loud discussion.

Everyone immediately began to swim towards the direction of the pyramid with all their strength.

Along the way, all obstacles were cleared by the Phoenix Gundam and Wanderer Gundam.

Those huge rocks are very heavy for humans, but for mechas that are eighty or ninety meters high, it is a piece of cake!

In the cockpit of the Wanderer, Yang Xi controlled his arm and grabbed a giant stone across the road.

This piece of stone was the size of a container, but the Wanderer mecha easily grabbed it and placed it on the other side.

In the team channel, Wanderer pilot Yang Xi asked: "Does everyone still have enough oxygen?"

"There's still enough for polar bears! over!"

"There are still enough red storms! over!"

"The raiders still have enough! over!"

"Okay! Let's move on!"

Yang Xi said loudly.

At this moment, a scream came from the crowd behind!

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