Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 213 Super beasts attack the city!

Country M, Hawaii Island.

This is an internationally renowned tourist destination, and tourists are as enthusiastic as ever.

On the beach, many tourists are running around on the beach with bare feet.

At this moment, a huge wave suddenly exploded on the sea!

Oh my God! What is that?

When everyone heard the movement, they immediately looked over.

Then, they saw a huge, blue monster standing up from the water after a wave exploded on the sea.

This monster, which looks like an enlarged lobster, is tens of meters tall, like a high-rise building, and is running quickly towards the seaside.

Its tall body kept approaching the coast, suddenly setting off a terrifying tsunami!

Oh my God! It's a monster!

The monster is coming!

When the tourists saw this scene, they immediately ran towards the city quickly.

Soon, the monster landed and began to wreak havoc on the land, smashing everything it looked at with its powerful pliers.

Some tourists who didn't have time to escape were cut off by its pliers and died in pieces!

Oh my God! This is a disaster!

People who witnessed this scene exclaimed.

Officials on the island saw this scene and immediately called for help from the military base stationed on the island.

At this moment, the officer stationed on the island is a colonel named Cui Shik.

He was extremely shocked when he learned the news and immediately reported the news to the White House of Country M.

On the other hand, he immediately dispatched troops in armored vehicles and helicopters to support.


On an armed helicopter, pilot Carey is providing support to the location where monsters appear.

When he arrived, he was immediately shocked: Oh my God! Is this a lobster? It must be at least fifty or sixty meters high!

After approaching, Carey immediately activated the cannon.

call out! call out!

A series of scorching beams of light flew towards the giant lobster.

After a moment, the beam accurately hit the lobster beast.

Stab! Stab!

The machine gun bullets hit the monster, causing sparks to appear from the friction!

Damn it! The machine gun's bullets can't penetrate the shell of this monster at all!

Seeing this scene, Kaili looked like he had seen a ghost.

He immediately reported the battle situation to the headquarters through the communicator: Headquarters! Headquarters! This is the Falcon! The cannon cannot cause damage to the monster, please use missiles!

At the command headquarters, Colonel Cui Shik heard the Falcon's request and immediately responded through the communicator: You are allowed to use missiles!

Come on! Big lobster! Let me try the power of missiles!

The Falcon pilot locked onto the Lobster roar and pressed the launch button.



A missile flew out of the launch bay and flew towards the lobster beast below.


There was a huge explosion.

After the smoke cleared, the Falcon pilot looked down and found that the giant lobster beast was still fine.

This missile didn't even damage its skin!

Oh my god! This monster is too hard!

On the Falcon helicopter, Carey had a headache.

He said in disbelief: Try two more shots!

As he spoke, he locked the target and launched two more missiles.

This time, Kaili's target was the lobster beast's head.

Bang! Bang!

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Two missiles flew towards the lobster beast's head.


A huge explosion sounded.


This time, the lobster beast was completely angered.

It raised its head, roared towards the sky, then took four hooves and rushed towards the center of the city.

boom! boom!

Its huge body shook violently every time it stepped on the ground, as if an earthquake had occurred.

Damn! I seem to have angered it!

When Kaili saw this scene, he cursed, and he immediately flew the plane and chased after him.

At the headquarters, Colonel Cui Shike saw this scene and immediately issued an urgent order: Ground troops! Ground troops! Go to the direction of the municipal building for support immediately! Go to the direction of the municipal building for support immediately! We must stop it from destroying the municipal building!

The municipal building is a landmark building in Hawaii. If it is destroyed by this monster, the impact will be significant.

At the same time, Stryker issued another order: Ivanka, organize the citizens to evacuate immediately!

Boom! Boom!

The lobster beast rushed towards the municipal building.

It has four legs and two huge pliers. It violently demolishes every building along the way.


The lobster beast appeared on the road. At this time, the road was filled with a steady stream of vehicles.

The sudden appearance of the lobster beast immediately caused huge panic.

Oh my god! What kind of monster is that!


Boom! The lobster beast took out its four legs and trampled on the road.

Click! Click!

Each car was instantly crushed to pieces by the huge size of the lobster beast!

This lobster beast is more than 60 meters tall. Looking from below, these pedestrians seem to be looking up at a high mountain.

Run away!

People screamed in panic.

Some drivers who were waiting for the red light immediately turned around and fled toward the rear.

However, they could not outrun the lobster beast. They saw it waving its huge pair of pincers on the road.


A huge crack appeared!

The vehicle that was hit directly became pieces!

Boom! Boom!

Lobster beasts wreak havoc on the road.

When some people saw that vehicles could not pass, they immediately abandoned their vehicles and began to flee.

After wreaking havoc on the road, the lobster beast crossed the road and rushed towards the building in front of it.


It made a violent collision and directly destroyed a building.


It waved its pincers, and the steel building in front of it seemed as fragile as a bubble!

Inside the city, there were panicked screams and violent explosions everywhere.

The presidential palace of Country M.

Your Excellency, we received urgent news that a sixty-meter-tall monster appeared in Hawaii. It just destroyed the municipal building!

The presidential secretary reported anxiously.


When the President of country M, who was at work, heard these words, he immediately froze.

Which of the known behemoths is this?

The president of Country M asked immediately.

He had received news before that the 15 giant beasts that had surrendered to Godzilla had all walked out of their habitats.

However, their target seems to be island countries.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, I actually came to Country M!

The secretary will immediately say: Not either end!

With that said, she immediately reported the complete news to the President of Country M.

Oh my God! This is a new monster attacking Hawaii!

The president of Country M looked shocked.

Subsequently, he issued an emergency order: Organize an emergency evacuation of citizens immediately!

On the other hand, he sent an order to Colonel Hans through a special channel: Recall the Wanderer and Red Storm immediately!

At this moment, what he thought of was to recall these two mechas immediately, because Country M needed them!

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