Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 253 Breaking out of the shell!

Okay! Then I will hatch this Mothra egg!

After hearing what the smart assistant said, Lin Feng gave up on swallowing the Mothra egg.

Master, Mothra has five stages: egg, larvae, cocoon, emergence, and adult. Each stage has different skills and strength...

The intelligent assistant explained to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng kept all these in mind.

After a while, after the intelligent assistant finished explaining, he asked: So, what should I do first?

The master should release his telekinesis, and then slowly penetrate the telekinesis into the Mothra egg...

The smart assistant said.


Lin Feng nodded.

Then, he divided his telepathy according to the instructions of the intelligent assistant, and then penetrated it along Mothra's egg.

At this moment, the Mothra egg seemed to feel the threat and began to shake violently. On the egg, the blue halo flashed extremely violently, and even a strong spiritual storm formed in the void, resisting the approach of Lin Feng's telekinesis. .

Lin Feng tried several times without success.

He looked at the smart assistant and asked, What's going on?

I don't know about this either. This shouldn't happen! This phenomenon shows that Mothra is very repulsive to her master!

The smart assistant said.

At this time, outside the valley, a group of people came here.

Among them, there are Dr. Chen, Dr. Jones, and Dr. Mark.

When they heard Chen Lin say that Lin Feng was back, they rushed over immediately.

Sister, what's going on in the valley?

Dr. Chen asked with great concern.

Their ancestors have a deep connection with Mothra.

Mothra has even been worshiped as a 'goddess'.

Don't worry! Master Shenlong won't do anything to the holy beast!

Chen Lin comforted.

Because a lot of monitoring equipment is installed over the canyon, and you can see what's going on inside the canyon.

At this moment, the golden divine dragon stood outside the waterfall, not doing anything detrimental to Mothra's eggs at all.

When Dr. Chen heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Feng noticed the movement outside and glanced this way. A flash of lightning flashed in his mind, and he thought of a possibility.

So, he immediately used telepathy to say to Dr. Mark outside the valley: Mark, bring Oka here!


Dr. Mark immediately went back to get the Orca.

What does Lord Shenlong want Oka to do?

Dr. Chen felt strange.

I checked just now. There are colorful haloes flowing on Mothra's eggs. They should be about to break out of their shells!

Chen Lin said immediately.

So that's it!

Dr. Chen nodded when she heard this. She guessed that Lin Feng's decision to ask Dr. Mark to get the Orca must have something to do with hatching Mothra.

This valley is not far from the base, and Dr. Mark rushed back quickly.

He glanced at Sister Chen Lin, and then slowly entered the valley.

Seeing Dr. Mark bringing Oka, Lin Feng immediately said to him: Adjust the frequency to Mothra!


Dr. Mark immediately complied.

He opened the Oka box and pressed the switch button. In an instant, the Oka sent out a strange wave.

Outside the valley, Dr. Chen and others stared at the TV screen, watching all this nervously.

Before Oka was turned on, the Mothra egg had been vibrating violently, and the signs of rejection were very obvious.

However, after Dr. Mark adjusted the Oka frequency to the Mothra frequency, the Mothra egg slowly stopped vibrating.

Moreover, the blue halo on Mothra's egg also became softer.

I'll try again!

Seeing that the Mothra Egg had calmed down, Lin Feng immediately slowly penetrated his telepathy into the Mothra Egg again.

This time, Lin Feng felt much smoother and continued to infiltrate his telekinesis into the Mothra egg.

He felt that a consciousness had arisen inside the Mothra egg.

Just now, it was this consciousness that was repelling Lin Feng.

However, at this moment, Dr. Mark used Oka to comfort Mothra and conveyed goodwill to it.

Mothra's young consciousness watched as she entered Lin Feng.

Don't be afraid! I'm not a bad person!

Lin Feng tried his best to express his kindness, like a strange uncle who deceived children.

Bah bah bah!

Inside the Mothra egg, the consciousness and IQ are not very high.

Lin Feng felt like an unborn child.

He immediately tried to communicate with Mothra's consciousness.

It didn't take long before Mothra became familiar with Lin Feng's meaning and no longer rejected it.

He began to guide Mothra to tear the egg wrapped outside and break out of the shell.

Everyone watching the surveillance footage saw that Mothra's egg began to tremble violently again after being stable for a moment.

Is this about to break out of the shell?

Dr. Chen looked at the surveillance screen expectantly.


Chen Lin nodded.

The last time, she witnessed the entire growth of Mothra.


A crack appeared at the top of Mothra's egg.

Click! Click!

The sound became more intense, and after a while, a pair of tentacles stretched out from the crack in Mothra's egg.

Click! Click!

The gap at the top of Mothra's egg grew wider and wider.

Finally, Mothra's entire head stuck out.

Everyone discovered that the head looked like an enlarged version of a silkworm chrysalis.

A pair of big eyes, turning straight, looking at the outside world curiously.

Soon, it saw Lin Feng not far away, with his head tilted and a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Lin Feng immediately greeted it and conveyed a message to it: Eat the shell, that one is delicious!

As if he understood Lin Feng's words, Mothra opened his mouth and began to devour his own shell.

Click! Click!

Just like young silkworms eating mulberry leaves.

Gradually, the eggs wrapped in Mothra's larvae were eaten in large circles.

It tried hard to stretch its neck, but it couldn't eat what was underneath.

This scene was so cute and adorable that the Chen Lin sisters outside were stunned.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng couldn't help but shake his head, so he taught the young Mothra again.

After a while, it completely broke free from the shell.

Its fleshy body rolled on the ground, and then it began to eat its own shell happily.

Lin Feng began to look at Mothra at this moment. He was still in larval mode, but his size had reached an astonishing 25 meters.

Its body is constantly emitting blue light.

When Lin Feng looked at Mothra, it finished eating its shell and looked at Lin Feng curiously, with curiosity in its eyes.

After a moment, Mothra seemed to be sure that the huge creature in front of her was harmless to her. She stretched out her head and approached Lin Feng.

Just when he was about to come into contact with Lin Feng's body, Mothra suddenly sneezed: Pfft!

Huge waves of water rushed towards Lin Feng.

When Lin Feng saw this scene, he laughed secretly in his heart. The plan was successful, because this was Mothra's larvae expressing intimacy!

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