Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 305 Understanding the Zen Seal!

"Give it to me!"

Lin Feng saw the Transformers leader smashing through all the ice walls, and with a thought, he immediately condensed it again.

He was far less calm than what onlookers saw.

Because Lin Feng knew very well that the leader of the Transformers still had his biggest trump card that he had yet to use.

That is to stop time within 30 meters.

Although it was only 3 seconds, these 3 seconds were enough to bring a fatal crisis to Lin Feng!

In an instant, click click!

Between the Transformers leader and Lin Feng, several ice walls several meters thick appeared again.

Lin Feng did this to ensure that the Transformers leader could not get close.


The leader of the Transformers has never faced such a formidable opponent.

It raised an arm.

Click, click, click!

I saw that the Transformer's arm began to deform, and soon turned into a cannon barrel ten meters long and more than one meter in diameter.

"This is?"

Everyone onlookers looked at the Transformers cannon in confusion.

Because, before this, the Transformers leader had tried to attack Shenlong with a pulse cannon.

However, the effect is minimal and Shenron can easily dodge it!

At this moment, the Transformers leader once again solemnly assembled a cannon, which must be unique!

"This, this is an electromagnetic rail gun!"

A weapons expert from China exclaimed after seeing the cannon on the arm of the Transformers leader.

"What? Electromagnetic railgun?"

Everyone around him was shocked when he heard this!

The electromagnetic railgun is an extremely advanced weapon of mass destruction.

Currently, on Earth, it is still a weapon under development.

Compared with traditional cannons, electromagnetic railguns have the characteristics of long range, fast muzzle velocity and high accuracy.

"Expert Cheng, how powerful is this electromagnetic rail gun?"

Next to him, an officer asked.

"According to estimates, the initial velocity will reach at least 3,000 meters per second! The range will be more than 500 kilometers!"

The weapons expert surnamed Cheng estimated.

This is just the most conservative estimate, because the alien's technology is obviously stronger than Earth's technology!


Everyone present was shocked when they heard the analysis by the weapons expert surnamed Cheng!

The initial velocity reaches 3000 meters per second, which is more than eight times the speed of sound!

At such a fast speed, can Shenlong still avoid the bombardment of the alien robot leader?

At this time, expert Cheng continued: "Electromagnetic railguns are usually used to destroy low-orbit satellites and missiles in space. In terms of attacking tough targets, it is very likely to be able to penetrate Shenlong's defense!"

"Can Shenlong still be safe and sound?"

After hearing what Expert Cheng said, everyone continued to look at the big screen.

Antarctic glaciers.

"Master, this electromagnetic railgun is very powerful and can pose a threat to the master, but it takes a long time to prepare!"

Seeing that the Transformers had assembled an electromagnetic rail gun, the smart assistant immediately reminded him.

"It doesn't matter!"

Lin Feng's golden eyes were shining brightly.

At this moment, he had put most of his telekinesis into the crystal stone.

This is Antarctica, where the water element is abundant and pure.

In the ongoing battle just now, Lin Feng's understanding of crystal stones became even more thorough!


The barrels in the Transformers leader's arms spun rapidly.

The next moment, boom!

A brilliant blue electric light struck in the direction of Lin Feng!

"So fast!"

Everyone saw a blue rainbow piercing through in an instant.

However, the next moment, everyone was surprised.

Because, they saw that everything in the picture suddenly stopped!

"How is this going?"

"Repair it quickly! I want to know the outcome of the war!"

Everyone shouted.

Apparently, they saw the picture on the big screen was still because the equipment was malfunctioning.

It's like you're watching an exciting basketball game.

At this time, the game reached the last moment, the two sides were evenly matched, and the ball that decided the outcome was flying in the air.

At this time, the TV picture was frozen!

"Zen Meditation Seal!"

Lin Feng said silently with his thoughts.

This is exactly the unique skill of the armored warrior that he learned from the crystal stone.

The Meditation Seal is a very abnormal move.

It can instantly freeze things within a certain range!

Just now, when the Transformers leader fired the electromagnetic railgun, Lin Feng instantly used the Zen Seal!

And this effect is also extremely obvious. The blue beam emitted by the electromagnetic rail gun wraps the Transformers leader and is instantly immobilized!

The Meditation Seal was only effective for a limited time. Lin Feng stretched his neck instantly, his tail began to shine, and then his wings began to shine with golden light.


Three golden beams of light shot out from Lin Feng's eyes and mouth, and instantly bombarded the Transformers leader!


There was a loud noise, and the combined Transformer was instantly hit by three golden lightning bolts.


Golden electric light swirled around its body.


Seeing this scene, Lin Feng suddenly showed a surprised expression.

This was the first time he saw something that a gravity beam couldn't destroy.

Could it be that the physical strength of the Transformers leader has caught up with Mr. Brother?

Lin Feng knew that at this moment, even if he used the gravitational beam, he could not kill Brother Boss in one go.

However, even Mr. Ge can’t carry a gravity beam while being immobilized, right?

Just when Lin Feng was in shock and doubt.

Boom! The combined Transformers exploded!

Lin Feng saw that the five Transformers originally merged into one, but now they separated again.

Moreover, four of the Transformers have been completely destroyed, leaving only the leader of the Transformers, Rambo, dying.

However, its blue electronic eyes are also flickering on and off, and it's obviously reaching the end of its life!

"How can it be?"

Transformers Rambo is full of unwillingness.

"How is it impossible?"

Lin Feng flapped his wings and flew over the Transformers Blue Wave, his golden eyes looking down at it indifferently.

"How can you control such power!"

Transformer Rambo said incredulously.

He never expected that Lin Feng would actually master the ability to temporarily stop time and space.

This shouldn't be an ability that a life form on a planet can master!

"You can, why can't I?"

Lin Feng looked at the Transformers leader Lan Bo mockingly.

Just now, the five Transformers merged, and Lan Bo also mastered the ability to temporarily stop time.

Unfortunately, Blue Wave was defeated before he had time to use it!

It’s not that Transformers leader Rambo doesn’t want to use it.

But its ability is too limited, it can only stop within a range of 30 meters, and only for 3 seconds!

This means that the Transformers leader can only carry out a fatal blow if he activates this ability when he is close enough to Lin Feng!

Because Lin Feng's body was already more than a hundred meters long, and even the leader of the Transformers could not completely cover Lin Feng's body within the time-stopping range.

It can only maximize this ability when it is close to Lin Feng's head.

However, Lin Feng never gave it this chance!

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