Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 311 Dark Optimus Prime!

"I wonder if it can be enlarged after it is reduced?"

Lin Feng released his telekinesis and wrapped it around the fist-sized silver cube.

He quickly found the location where the small silver metal ball was embedded and pressed it slightly.


The silver cube emitted blue light again. The next moment, the silver metal cube continued to reorganize and grow larger. Finally, the alien spacecraft appeared in front of Lin Feng again.

Lin Feng walked into the spacecraft and took a look. The items inside were intact!

"From now on, this alien spaceship will become my storage box! It's like the storage bag in Xianxia novels!"

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng was very happy.

So, he once again made the alien spacecraft smaller and put it away.


Lin Feng flapped his wings and flew out from the Area 51 base that was already in ruins.

"The dragon is out!"

"It seems that Shenlong has wiped out all the aliens!"

The M country soldiers waiting outside were all excited when they saw this scene.

Upon learning the news, the President of Country M immediately walked out of the underground shelter.

He thought of the alien spacecraft and numerous scientific research results in Area 51, and immediately ordered: "Clean up the Area 51 base immediately and protect all scientific research results!"

Soon, the dispatched rescue experts discovered that there was nothing in the Area 51 underground base, and there was no trace of the alien spacecraft.

"Could it be that the alien spacecraft has been stolen by aliens?"

This is what everyone is thinking.

They never thought that such a large alien spacecraft had been taken away by Lin Feng before leaving.

The planet Cybertron.

This is a lifeless and useless star.

On this planet, there are ruins after the war and tangled black vines everywhere.

An alien spacecraft has landed here.

Soon, the spacecraft stopped, and a giant blue and red robot stepped off the spacecraft.

"I, Optimus Prime, am back here!"

The giant robot looked at his familiar hometown and said with emotion.

At this moment, a mysterious voice sounded in his ears: "Optimus Prime, the time for Cybertron's recovery has come!"

"Who? Who is talking in my ear?"

The red and blue robot immediately raised its head and looked around.

"I am the Creator! Your Creator!"

That voice seemed to come from all directions, and also seemed to come from the bottom of Optimus Prime's heart.


Optimus Prime exclaimed.

"Yes! All Transformers are my children!"

The voice suddenly sounded much closer, like a kind mother.

"Come to me! I'll tell you the truth!"

Optimus Prime couldn't help but follow the prompts of the voice and walked towards the ruins.

Soon, he came to a large hall.

This hall was a temple before Cybertron was destroyed.

Optimus Prime stepped into the abandoned temple and found that there was a silver statue in the temple.

This silver statue is a female body.

Seeing Optimus Prime coming, the female statue opened her eyes suddenly, and she floated into the air.

Her silver-gray hair floated in the air, like water plants rippling in the water.

"Creator, am I really your creation?"

Optimus Prime came to the statue of the woman, remaining alert and wary.

"How dare you! How dare you question your greatest Creator!"

When the sculpture heard this, it instantly became furious.

Then, Optimus Prime only saw countless black vines extending from the statue, bounding towards him.

"I knew there was a conspiracy!"

Optimus Prime sneered.

A molten sword appeared on his arm, and he slashed at the black vines.


The statue of a woman is coldly mocking.

The black vines instantly wrapped around the sword in Optimus Prime's hand.

The all-melting molten sword suddenly cooled down at this moment!

This is because the black vines absorb the energy from the molten sword.

"how so?"

Optimus Prime was extremely shocked.

He had never seen anything like it.

Even his old rival Megatron was extremely cautious when facing his molten sword and did not dare to be hit by his sword.


The black vines crossed over the molten sword in Optimus Prime's hand and continued to climb up his body.

Soon, the black vines tightly bound Optimus Prime and hung him up.

"What are you going to do to me?"

Although Optimus Prime was restrained by this unknown existence, he questioned angrily without fear.

"You are just the incompetent rage of a weakling!"

The statue of a woman continues to mock mercilessly.

Then, blue electric light flashed from the statue.


Blue lightning enveloped Optimus Prime, seemingly reshaping his brain.

At this moment, in Optimus Prime's mind, there was an extremely kind voice telling him: "In front of you is the Creator who created us, Optimus Prime. You must believe in her unconditionally! You must believe in her more than the teacher!"


Optimus Prime immediately shouted excitedly when he saw his teacher again.

"Remember! The person in front of you is your creator! You must obey her orders!"

That vague and friendly voice constantly affects Optimus Prime's consciousness and thoughts.

I don’t know how long it took, but Optimus Prime opened his eyes and woke up. He looked at the silver statue in front of him: "Creator, Optimus Prime obeys all your arrangements!"

A satisfied smile appeared on the face of the female statue: "Very good! Optimus Prime, you must keep my words in mind. In the universe, there is a galaxy called the Milky Way. In the Milky Way, there is a planet called Earth, which is from Cybertron. Deadly enemy!"

"What? Cybertron's mortal enemy?"

Optimus Prime looked at the statue of a woman in confusion.

"Yes! Its real name is Unicron. It is insidious and cunning and feeds on devouring life planets in the universe! Cybertron, your home planet, the most outstanding work I created is to be swallowed by Unicron. Clean!"

Blue lights flashed in the eyes of the female statue, and she began to brainwash Optimus Prime.

"Earth Star, Unicron, the mortal enemy of Cybertron!"

Optimus Prime kept repeating these words in his mind, constantly changing his consciousness.

"Now, your home planet Cybertron has been turned into ruins, and its life is extinct. The only way to recover is to find the Emperor of the Universe and kill it! Absorb the life energy back, Cybertron, you were born The place can be restored to life!"

The statue of a woman continues to bewitch.

"Kill Unicron! Restore Cybertron!"

Optimus Prime's originally blue electronic eyes turned pitch black at this moment.

His consciousness has been completely changed by the female statue.

"Take this scepter, it will give you invincible power!"

The female statue opened her hand, and a black scepter floated in the air.

Above, there is an aura of darkness, like a terrifying black hole, mercilessly devouring everything around it!

"Yes! Creator! Optimus Prime will kill Unicron and restore the mother planet!"

Optimus Prime knelt down on one knee and took the black scepter with both hands.

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