Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 321 Flower of Fire!

No, don't kill me!

Just when Lin Feng lowered his head and was about to bite the Flame Lion King's neck and suck out the life force, its weak voice sounded.

Oh? Am I going to keep you and wait for your revenge in the future?

Lin Feng sneered.

Don't kill me! Sir! I tell you, Sir, a secret! A secret about the Flower of Fire!

The Flame Lion King looked at Lin Feng pleadingly with his big eyes like fireballs.

Flower of Fire? What is that?

Lin Feng asked in shock.

My lord, are you not here for the Flower of Fire?

The Flame Lion King was also very surprised.

I don't know what the Flower of Fire is. Tell me and see if it's worth your life!

Lin Feng said neither sad nor happy.

The flower of fire is a kind of heaven and earth spiritual creature that grows in the middle of volcanoes. Eating it can enhance the magical power of fire!

The Flame Lion King said truthfully.

Oh? There is such a thing?

When Lin Feng heard this, he immediately showed an interested expression.

When the Flame Lion King saw Lin Feng's interest, he immediately said: As long as you let me go, I will tell you the location of the Flower of Fire! Before, the big turtle came here to covet the Flower of Fire!

I want to know the location of the Flower of Fire. Do I need you to tell me?

Lin Feng looked at the Flame Lion King with a sneer.


The Flame Lion King was furious.

Lin Feng bit directly on the neck of the Flame Lion King.

Suddenly, Lin Feng's back began to light up, and he activated his Devouring Talent to absorb the vitality of the Flame Lion King.

After a while, he completely devoured the Flame Lion King, leaving only a huge skeleton.

Lin Feng asked the smart assistant with great satisfaction: Smart Assistant, how much vitality have I gained by swallowing this flaming lion?

Master, you just absorbed 5% of the life energy!

The smart assistant scanned for a moment and then replied.

Five percent? Not bad!

When Lin Feng heard this, he immediately felt very good.

Then, he began to look for the flame flower that the Flame Lion King mentioned.

Upon seeing this, the intelligent assistant immediately asked: Master, don't you know the location of the flame flower?

I've never seen it, how could I know!

Lin Feng said with a smile.

Then why did you devour the Flame Lion King directly? Wouldn't it be nice to find out its whereabouts from its mouth!

the smart assistant asked in confusion.

Only the Flame Lion King and you can raise such a retarded question! The Flower of Flame, I heard, is in this volcano! I'm already here, who do I need to ask?

Lin Feng asked plausibly.

This... makes sense!

When the smart assistant heard this, he was speechless.

Lin Feng followed the magma and walked towards the center of the volcano. Soon, he saw a budding flame flower growing in the middle of the hot magma.

Obviously, this is the flower of flame that the Flame Lion King calls.

However, what surprised Lin Feng was that there was nothing surprising about the flame flowers.

It looks like magma formed naturally.

Lin Feng immediately asked: Intelligent assistant, please scan it for me. Is this flame flower really effective? It couldn't be that damn lion who lied to me, right?

Master, this flower of fire is not fully mature yet!

The smart assistant scanned for a while and then said.

It turns out it's not mature yet!

When Lin Feng heard this, he suddenly realized.

About how long will it take?

Judging from this flower, there are seven petals in total. None of them have opened yet. It should be a while!

The intelligent assistant deduced.

Okay! I'll guard here! According to what the lion said, there are other giant beasts staring at this flower of fire!

Lin Feng nodded.

He decided to live under the volcano for the time being, waiting for the flame flower to mature.

The environment in this active volcano is very conducive to the cultivation of fire powers.

Lin Feng simply took out the fire crystal and studied it in the volcano.

As he poured his telekinesis into the fire crystal, a sky-reaching beam of light shot straight up from the crater.

After encountering the upper crust, it was blocked, shining brightly on the sky, like a small sun.

It seems that the power of fire crystals in this underground world will not be limited!

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene.

Before, he was worried that this was the inner earth world and the sun could not be seen, which would affect the power of crystal stones and fire crystals.

Of course! Stellar power is very powerful!

The smart assistant said solemnly.

Lin Feng couldn't help but ask: Then the Earth was once the Emperor of the Universe, how powerful must it have been?

Upon hearing this, the intelligent assistant immediately said: The Emperor of the Universe is unimaginably powerful. He once evolved a universe and is the center of this universe. He is supreme!

Could it be that the universe that evolved from the ancient earth has died?

Lin Feng asked doubtfully.

Because the current earth is too different from the earth mentioned by the intelligent assistant.

Maybe it is, maybe it's not!

The smart assistant doesn't know this either.

At this moment, the outside world had caused a huge commotion because Lin Feng took out the Fire Crystal.

Farther away, on a wild mountain, an ancient elephant stood on the top of the mountain. It looked at the wild mountain range where Lin Feng was: A strange treasure has appeared!

In a mountain stream, a giant turtle with a mountain range on its back raised its head and looked at the wild mountains in the distance: That is pure fire energy, the flower of flame is mature!

In the sea, a huge sea snake showed its head from the bottom of the sea. It was also looking in the direction of the wild mountains. A pair of huge snake eyes revealed a strong desire.

Obviously, these giant beasts were alarmed and wanted to go to the Wilderness Mountains to seize the Fire Flower that was about to mature.

But Lin Feng didn't notice that after he took out the fire crystal, the flower of flame bloomed faster.

At the beginning, it was a closed flower bone, but at this time, the first petal has been opened.

As the first petal of the Fire Flower bloomed, the temperature in the volcano rose sharply.

Lin Feng was suspended in the magma in the middle of the volcano, letting the rolling magma flow on his body.

Time passed little by little, and the second petal of the flame flower bloomed.


The magma in the volcano began to boil violently and was about to erupt!

The third petal blooms, the fourth petal blooms...

The strange phenomenon in the wild mountains was even more astonishing. Half of the sky was illuminated by the soaring flames exposed in the volcano.

And huge monsters also came to this wild mountain range.

At the bottom of the mountain range, some animals that had not yet escaped were trembling with fear when they saw this.

Badru is also hidden at the bottom of the mountains.

He saw terrifying creatures.

Among them, after an ancient elephant passed by, forests began to grow rapidly on the ground!

This ancient savage elephant is a giant wood beast with extremely powerful regeneration ability!

The giant turtle came carrying the mountains, and the surrounding gravity instantly increased. Badru felt like he was being pressed to the ground, and he couldn't breathe!

Are they all coming for Lord Shenlong?

Badru looked at the volcano on the top of the mountain with great concern.

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