Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 325 The Thousand Years Giant Turtle!

In the valley.

After Lin Feng summoned the Flame Dragon Armor, he continued to comprehend the Fire Crystal Stone.

Soon, a red bow knife was summoned!

This sword is fiery red, with the hilt in the middle, and looks very much like a bow. It is the ultimate weapon of the Flame Dragon Man, the flaming sword!

Lin Feng controlled it with his mind.

call out!

The flaming knife slashed out horizontally, and a beam of fire shot towards the trees in front!

call out!

Large trees were knocked down directly by the fire!

The power of the flaming knife is pretty good!

Lin Feng was very satisfied.

Later, he continued to comprehend the Fire Crystal Stone.

At this moment, after swallowing the Flower of Fire, Lin Feng's understanding has greatly increased, and he is expected to understand all the fire crystals!

Time passed slowly, and at a certain moment, Lin Feng opened his eyes, and a bow appeared in front of him.

This is the long-range weapon of Yanlongxia, the flaming bow.

The arrows shot by the flaming bow are streaks of red light, very powerful!

Boom! Boom!

Lin Feng planned to continue to comprehend, but suddenly, there was a strong vibration in front of him.

There was a glint in his golden eyes: Is there a giant beast coming?

Boom! Boom!

The whole valley was shaking.

After a while, a moving mountain came to the valley.

Lin Feng took a quick look and saw that this was the old turtle who wanted to seize the Flower of Fire!

He looked at the old turtle jokingly and asked, Old bastard! Do you dislike yourself for living too long?

Ancestor is here to take your blood to make elixirs!

The old turtle said what he meant directly.

Then give it a try!

Lin Feng didn't waste any time, he flapped his wings and flew high into the sky.

Where to go?

When the old turtle saw that Lin Feng seemed to be running away, he immediately shouted.

The next moment, an extremely huge force of gravity pressed on Lin Feng's body.

Boom Kaka!

Lin Feng felt as if all the bones in his body were dislocated. An extremely powerful force pressed on his body, pressing him to the ground.

call! call!

Lin Feng struggled to flap his wings, but found that he couldn't fly high at all!

This gravity has increased at least ten times!

Seeing Lin Feng's embarrassed look, the old turtle said in a gloomy tone: Little demon, why are you running away? Go back with your ancestors!

As it spoke, it formed a big yellow hand and pressed towards Lin Feng!

This huge palm is transformed from the power of the earth element, just like a huge mountain!

Damn! Is this old turtle so perverted?

When Lin Feng saw this scene, he couldn't help but cursed.

At this time, he finally understood why the big snake and the elephant immediately obeyed the old turtle when they saw him.

Such strength is really abnormal!


This big hand covers the sky and the sun, just like the Tathagata Buddha's five-finger mountain, suppressing it from the sky!

At this moment, Lin Feng was hit by ten times the gravity, making it difficult to move. He could only see the huge slap shot from the sky.


There was a loud noise, and Lin Feng felt like a huge mountain was pressing down on him.

He was pressed directly into the ground!

And in this canyon, there really is a mountain peak, which was just transformed by the old turtle's yellow palm!


This thousand-year-old turtle has the ability to move mountains!

However, Lin Feng's defense was amazing, even if a mountain peak pressed on him, he was not crushed to death.

Lin Feng immediately activated the gravity beam.


Three golden lightning bolts shot out from the mountain!

The next moment, the mountain exploded, revealing Lin Feng's huge body inside.

Good guy! You're not dead yet?

The old turtle was slightly surprised when he saw that his innate magical power did not crush Lin Feng to death.

It's my turn now!

Lin Feng's body was covered with red armor.

This is the Flame Dragon Armor.

The next moment, the flaming bow also appeared in front of him, and Lin Feng used his telekinesis to fire the bow.

It turns out that you have a piece of defensive armor on you!

When the old turtle saw the Flame Dragon Armor appearing on Lin Feng's body, he suddenly realized.

He felt that this treasured armor saved Lin Feng's life.

What a coincidence! Ancestor, I need a piece of treasure armor, so you can bring it to my door!

The old turtle regarded the Flame Dragon Armor on Lin Feng's body as his own!

I'm afraid you won't be able to enjoy it!

Lin Feng snorted coldly.

Then he quickly drew his bow.

At this moment, the flame bow burst out with red light, like a burning flame.

A flash of fire left the string!

You still have an offensive magic weapon in your hand!

The old turtle was shocked.

I felt a tingling sensation in my soul, it was locked.

It immediately retracted its head into its shell.

call out!

The flames fired from the flaming bow accurately hit the old turtle's tortoise shell.


Except for a spark, no trace was left.

Haha! Little demon, your strength is too low to exert the power of this offensive magic weapon!

Seeing that the flaming bow's attack could not break the turtle's shell defense, the old turtle laughed.

Lin Feng frowned slightly.

He doesn't think it should be.

The Flame Bow is the signature weapon of the Flame Dragon Man and the nemesis of monsters. How could it be so weak?

Lin Feng was not convinced and used his telekinesis to fire his bow again.

This time, he poured in 70% of his mental power.

In an instant, the flame bow glowed brightly, as if there was real fire burning.

That beam of light became more concentrated and dazzling!

call out!

Another beam of light shot towards the giant turtle!

The old turtle was very cautious. He was worried that this was a powerful magic weapon.

Before the light hit, it retracted its head into the shell again!


This time, the flaming bow attack finally left a mark on the turtle shell.

How can it be?

The old turtle was shocked.

I feel that my strength has been weakened slightly!

Seeing the fearful look on the old turtle's face, Lin Feng felt relieved.

The flame bow is not useless, it is very effective.

Because it can continuously weaken the old turtle's ability!

For example, the defense of this old turtle is so amazing that even if Lin Feng uses the gravity beam, he cannot directly tear it apart.

However, the power of the flaming bow can weaken the old turtle's defense!

No! We can't let him continue to attack!

The old turtle was very anxious and wanted to strike first!


The old turtle transformed into a big khaki hand and violently suppressed Lin Feng.


With a loud noise, Lin Feng was suppressed into the soil again!

Because of the suppression of gravity, he couldn't escape at all!

Damn! This old turtle's gravity field is really uncomfortable!

Lin Feng spat out a mouthful of dirt, feeling extremely depressed.


Lin Feng directly used the gravity beam to blast the hill into pieces!

Golden lightning flew across the sky, and the rocks shattered!

Lin Feng's huge body got out of trouble again!

After getting out of trouble, he immediately used his telekinesis to quickly draw the bow without saying a word.

call out! call out! call out!

The red light shot towards the old turtle like a barrage of cannons.


When the old turtle saw Lin Feng getting out of trouble so quickly and fighting back, he immediately retracted his head, leaving a huge shell behind.

A series of red rays of light hit the turtle shell, and the fire splashed out. The scene was extremely horrifying!

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