Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 333 The mysterious cave appears!

Don't worry! With this sky barrier, no matter how strong this monster is, it can't get in! It's good at sonic attacks. We have protective helmets, so it doesn't matter!

When Night Demon Lord saw the golden shield rising smoothly, a confident smile appeared on his face.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he saw two soldiers suddenly disappearing inside the aircraft!

What's happening here?

Night Demon Hou was shocked, this slap in the face came too fast!

Master Hou! Look!

There are Hai Clan soldiers pointing forward.

I saw two Sea Clan soldiers suddenly appearing in front of the golden beast.


The golden giant beast's tail directly bombarded the two Sea Clan soldiers into scraps!

How miserable!

The soldiers inside the aircraft shivered.

This protective shield is useless!

Can it take pictures of people inside the aircraft?

Night Demon Lord also had a solemn expression on his face.

The next moment, his face turned pale and he immediately said: Attack immediately!

In an instant, all the Sea Clan aircraft opened fire together.

call out! call out! call out!

Countless blue light beams were launched from the Sea Clan aircraft and attacked Lin Feng.

Lin Feng directly resisted the attack of the Sea Clan aircraft with his body and flew towards one of the aircraft.

Except for the main aircraft, the other aircraft do not have golden protective covers.

Because this golden protective shield is very rare and can only be owned by high-status sea tribe generals.

Run away! The monster is coming towards us!

On this aircraft, the Sea Clan soldiers shouted in panic.

The pilot immediately changed direction and attempted to escape.

Unfortunately, Lin Feng's speed exceeded the speed of sound, and he turned into a golden stream of light and hit him!


To the left of the Sea Tribe's main aircraft, an alien shell-like aircraft was crashed!

This is the first one!

Lin Feng's eyes were cold and he looked at the second body.

The monster's target is us!

The faces of the Hai Clan soldiers who were targeted by Lin Feng changed drastically.

You can't escape by running away! Fight it!

someone said hysterically.

Okay! Let's fight!

The pilot glanced sideways, fully activated his power, locked the direction of the golden beast, and hit it directly!


There was a loud noise in mid-air, and the aircraft was instantly smashed into pieces!

In a short period of time, four aircraft of the Sea Clan soldiers were crashed!

A total of five aircraft were dispatched this time, which means that only the last aircraft is left!

Master Hou, what should we do?

Next to Night Demon Lord, two Sea Clan soldiers asked in panic.

Because even if there is a golden shield on the outside of the aircraft, it is not safe.

This golden monster can suck people out without even noticing it!

Night Demon Lord also looked solemn, it was the first time in his life that he encountered such a powerful enemy!


Daredevil thought for a moment, then drew a laser sword.

At this moment, Lin Feng also locked his sights on the main aircraft where Night Demon Lord was.

You evil beast, watch me kill you!

The Night Demon Lord glared at Lin Feng fiercely, and in his hand, the laser sword glowed red.

Lin Feng immediately used his telekinesis to lock onto the Sea Soldiers in the Sea Clan aircraft, and then activated his natural skills to induce teleportation.


This time, two Sea Clan soldiers were teleported out.

They were wearing silver battle suits and looked like shrimps.

Ah! No!

When the Hai Clan soldiers saw him suddenly appearing in front of Lin Feng, they immediately screamed loudly.


Lin Feng's golden eyes were cold and ruthless.

The next moment, his wings turned into a golden stream of light, directly beating the three sea soldiers into a pulp!

You evil beast! You are so brave!

Inside the Sea Clan aircraft, the Night Demon Lord held a lightsaber in his hand and gritted his teeth.

I will kill you Sea Clan soldiers one by one, and it will be your turn in the end!

Lin Feng directly forced his telepathy into Night Demon Lord's mind.

In fact, it wasn't that he didn't want to catch the man in golden armor immediately.

Rather, the spiritual will of the leader of the sea tribe is very strong, and he can interrupt Lin Feng's induction teleportation!

However, the Night Demon Lord didn't know that. He thought that the golden giant beast was deliberately humiliating him to make him experience the suffering before death.

Lin Feng locked onto the two Sea Clan soldiers again and calmly launched the induced teleportation.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Two Sea Clan soldiers suddenly appeared in the air.

This time, Lin Feng didn't do it himself.


The two Sea Clan soldiers fell downwards!

Lin Feng wanted to beat these two Sea Clan soldiers to death!

The evil beast has such a cruel mind!

Night Demon Marquis gritted his teeth.

As the leader of the Night Demon General, he commands the most powerful armed force of the Sea Clan, but at this moment, he is forced by a golden giant beast to dare not get out of the aircraft.

What a disgrace!


The two Sea Clan soldiers landed on the Gobi Desert and were not smashed into a pulp as everyone imagined.

Because they smashed two holes in the Gobi Desert!

So that's it!

An electric thought flashed through Lin Feng's mind.

He kept looking for a hole in the ground, but never found one.

It turns out that this cave has always existed, but it is hidden under the Gobi Desert!

“It’s a layer of mica!”

Lin Feng stared at the place that was smashed by the Hai Clan soldiers!

Mica is a very thin layer of stone. When the pressure reaches a certain level, it may break!

After understanding that the place he was looking for was underground, Lin Feng was no longer interested in the Sea Tribe soldiers.

Because, his target is the Sea Clan's artifact.

When Lin Feng found the Sea Clan artifact, it was easy to break through the golden barrier on the Sea Clan aircraft!


Lin Feng flapped his wings and rushed toward the hole below.

Is this? The lair of this golden monster?

Night Demon Lord, the leader of the Sea Clan soldiers, said doubtfully.

At this moment, he was the only one left in the aircraft.

The rest of the Sea Clan soldiers have all been teleported out by Lin Feng!

In the air, inside the Phoenix Gundam, Kawashima Kongzi looked at the hole below and thought of many things in an instant.

She is different from the Night Demon Lord of the Sea Clan. She has inherited the memory of the golden armored guardian and knows more about the Sea Clan's artifacts than anyone else.

At this moment, Kawashima Kongzi already understood that this Sea Clan artifact must be in the cave below!

Thinking of this, she immediately controlled the Phoenix Gundam, turned into a golden light, and rushed downwards!

Huh? Is there any secret underneath? Is it really the guardian beast of the artifact?

Inside the Sea Clan aircraft, Night Demon Lord's expression changed.

However, he did not dare to pursue it.

Because just now Night Demon Lord saved his life from the mouth of that golden giant beast.

He struggled for a while on his face, and then said: I will wait here for the time being! That golden beast walked so fast, maybe something happened in his lair!

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