Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 347 Kill Megatron!

Under the seal of meditation, everything around you is frozen.

call out!

A crimson sword struck the body of Dark Optimus Prime!

However, Lin Feng's main purpose this time was not to kill Optimus Prime, but the black scepter in his hand.

Because this black scepter is a strand of the Shadow Supreme's hair and possesses extremely evil power.

The Demon Sealing Slash happens to restrain the power of evil spirits.


Optimus Prime's arm holding the black scepter was struck by the Demon Sealing Slash and turned into powder!

In an instant, all the Transformers in the field who were controlled by Dark Optimus Prime got rid of the control and woke up.

What's wrong with us?

These Transformers left the battle group one after another.

Then, they saw their leader, Optimus Prime.

At this moment, Optimus Prime lost half of his body and was lying on the ground.

Optimus Prime!

All the Transformers started shouting.

I, what have I done?

Optimus Prime also regained his original consciousness.

He has no memory of what he just did!

Where is this?

Optimus Prime looked around.

As the black scepter was destroyed by Lin Feng, the Eagle Nation soldiers, Chen Lin and others who had been controlled by Dark Optimus Prime recovered.

Aren't we in Lop Nur to check the situation?

Chen Lin looked around in confusion.

Leave now!

Lin Feng sent a thought into Chen Lin's mind.

Now, he has no time to care about these things.

Because, at this time, things are not completely over yet!

Yes! Lord Shenlong!

Chen Lin and Liu Xuanfeng immediately left with the Eagle Nation soldiers.

Lin Feng looked at the sky, where a huge meteorite was slowly pressing towards him.

This is the remains of the planet Cybertron, and its body is just a little bit away from touching the earth!

By then, a large number of life forms on the earth will be squeezed into powder!

This is my home!

Optimus Prime looked at the planet Cybertron in mid-air and said.

I should atone for everything I've done!

With that said, a pair of wings stretched out from Optimus Prime's back, and he flew towards the planet Cybertron!

Optimus Prime, let's go together!

Those Transformers who followed Optimus Prime followed suit.

Lin Feng also quickly flew towards the planet Cybertron.

Because he wants to know who is making trouble on this abandoned planet!

Soon, Lin Feng's huge body descended on the planet Cybertron.

Here, it is completely in ruins. The energy on it is exhausted. It is a lifeless planet without a trace of life!

My home!

Optimus Prime and other Transformers looked at their home with sadness in their eyes.

Optimus Prime! We meet again!

At this moment, a cold voice sounded.

Optimus Prime immediately looked in the direction of the sound.

He saw a huge silver Transformer standing there.


Optimus Prime looked at Megatron in shock.

It's me! In the past battles, we each had our own victories and defeats! Now, you are already a cripple!

Megatron looked at Optimus mockingly.

He had been fighting with this old rival his whole life and had never gained the upper hand.

When we meet again now, Optimus Prime is already dead!

At this moment, a majestic voice sounded: So it's you, the clown!

The owner of the voice was Lin Feng.

I didn't expect that you actually have the Heavenly Scepter in your hand!

Megatron looked at Lin Feng greedily.

How about we make a deal?

Oh? What deal do you want to make with me?

Lin Feng looked at Megatron with cold eyes.

He didn't know what confidence this Transformer had to negotiate with him.

In particular, Megatron also witnessed his battle with Optimus Prime.

At this time, the intelligent assistant is scanning the wreckage of the planet Cybertron.

The deal is very simple. You give me the Heavenly Scepter and I will leave immediately with my home! Otherwise! Your home will be the same as mine!

Megatron looked at Lin Feng with a pair of blue electronic eyes and said.

So, is this your confidence?

Lin Feng looked at Megatron and couldn't help but shake his head.

He was so naive!

Megatron, there should be an end between us!

On the other side, Optimus Prime holds the molten sword with one hand.

After saying that, he quickly rushed towards Megatron.

Since you are deliberately seeking death, then I will help you!

Megatron looked at Optimus Prime with cold eyes.

As he spoke, a black energy surged out of his tall body!

This is the power of the dark universe!

The smart assistant reminded.

Lin Feng nodded, and he understood that this was Megatron's trump card!


A black mist surged out of Megatron's body, turning into a grimace mask and rushing towards Optimus Prime.

As soon as Optimus Prime stepped into it, he was tightly bound by the black mist.

Then, a trace of power was drawn out of Optimus Prime's body and thrown into the black mist.

Optimus Prime!

The Transformers following Optimus Prime immediately shouted anxiously.

In their eyes, Optimus Prime's body gradually lost its luster, and finally turned into a ball of sand and dissipated!

Optimus Prime, dead!

The Transformers were in mourning.


The black mist surged up and enveloped the rest of the Transformers.


These Transformers struggled hard, and in an instant they were all drained of energy and turned into powder!

At this time, Megatron looked at Lin Feng: Should you deliver it yourself, or should I pick it up myself?

He had just defeated his old enemy and was growing like never before!

If you have the guts, come over here!

Lin Feng's golden eyes looked at Megatron indifferently.

Okay! You forced me to do this!

The silver Megatron rushed towards Lin Feng.

The black mist wrapped around his body like a devil!

Demon Sealing Kill!

Without saying a word, Lin Feng directly used the Flame Dragon Man's special move, Fiery Slash.

In an instant, a slash mark appeared in the void.

Lin Feng controlled the flaming knife, lightly touched the word Zhan, and instantly absorbed it into the blade!

This is the same trick!

Megatron snorted coldly.

Then, Megatron instantly differentiated into countless figures in the black mist.

Is this a clone technique?

Lin Feng was slightly surprised.

He controlled the flaming knife with his mind and slashed at one of the figures.

In an instant, the chopped figure turned into dust and dispersed.


The other black figures roared and rushed towards Lin Feng!

Obviously, Megatron wanted to use the method of killing Optimus Prime to deal with Lin Feng.

Zen Meditation Seal!

Without time to spare, Lin Feng used his mind power to form the meditation seal.

In an instant, several figures of Megatron were frozen at the same time!

Obviously, Megatron didn't know about Lin Feng's move. In the previous battle, he couldn't see it at all. He just felt that Optimus Prime's reaction was half a beat too slow.

Demon Sealing Kill!

Lin Feng once again launched the Flame Dragon Man's trick.

In an instant, a word Zhan appeared in the void.

Lin Feng used the flaming knife to absorb the word Zhan into the blade, and slashed at Megatron's body with one strike!


With an unparalleled sword strike, Lin Feng instantly cut Megatron's body into pieces!

As Megatron's true form was killed, several of his clones also dissipated in an instant!

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