Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 354 Destroying the Evil Dragon Emperor’s Thought Body!


Two long knives transformed from spiritual energy clashed in the air. To everyone's surprise, the golden blade did not defeat it with one blow. Instead, it slashed upwards, directly tearing the blue giant knife apart, and directed towards the Evil Dragon King's thoughts. Cut off where the body is!

How can it be?

In the air, the Evil Dragon Emperor was shocked when he saw this scene.

Hmph! Leave me alone!

A stream of green dragon breath immediately spewed out from its mouth!


The dragon's breath was indestructible, and after hitting the golden sword, it was defeated.

However, in this confrontation, the 'Badru' on the ground was even better!

Through this trial, Lin Feng had proven what he had in mind.

The Evil Dragon Emperor's mind body, accumulated over time, is indeed huge.

However, in terms of purity, it is far inferior to Lin Feng's soul!

How could this happen? Why is Badru so powerful?

The Elf Queen also looked at Badru in shock.

According to her guess, Badru should have just stepped into the royal level.

However, in the confrontation just now, he was even better!

When Badru saw that Lin Feng had won this confrontation, he was immediately filled with confidence. He looked mockingly at the Dragon King in the sky: Big Lizard, is this the only strength you have?

Human! You are seeking death!

The Evil Dragon Emperor was furious.

A stream of green smoke instantly erupted from its mouth.


The Evil Dragon King has activated another ability, which is the ability to control lightning!

Above the sky, there are green clouds, mist, lightning and thunder!

The next moment, it started to rain!

However, this rainwater is also green!


Green rain fell on the ground, and smoke suddenly began to rise.

Those green vegetation were corroded and withered!


Some elves were stained with green rainwater, and their skin immediately began to fester, and they began to scream in pain.

After a while, white skeletons appeared on the ground!

The Evil Dragon King is going to completely turn the Elf Forest full of life into a swamp of death!

If you don't hand over the Moon Spring, I will completely destroy the Elf Forest today!

The Evil Dragon King roared loudly.

Obviously, it felt that it was no match for Lin Feng and wanted to threaten all life in the Elf Forest.


In the distance, the Elf Queen's expression changed drastically when she saw this scene.

She immediately raised the staff in her hand and began to cast life magic.

It seems that I can only kill you!

Lin Feng's golden eyes looked at the Evil Dragon Emperor in the void.

The next moment, he turned aside and changed from the image of Badru to his true form!

This is?

The Elf Queen and the other elves looked to the sky in confusion.

Why did another dragon appear?

However, there is a big gap between this new one and the Evil Dragon Emperor.


Lin Feng flapped his wings, and golden thunder began to flash.

You can actually control lightning!

The Evil Dragon Emperor looked at Lin Feng in shock.

Obviously, it was a little surprised that Lin Feng could also control lightning.


Lin Feng didn't reply. A golden lightning struck the Evil Dragon King's mind body in the void.

You actually used lightning to attack me! That's ridiculous!

Seeing Lin Feng attacking him with lightning, the Evil Dragon Emperor's green eyes flashed with disdain.

As a dragon with both poison and electricity elements, the Evil Dragon Emperor is not afraid of thunder and lightning attacks at all!

He continued to control the poisonous rain and launched a large-scale attack on the Elf Forest.

At this moment, boom!

The golden lightning had passed through layers of green rain curtains and hit the Evil Dragon Emperor's mind body.


Instantly, the Evil Dragon Emperor's mind began to emit green smoke!

How is it possible? Your thunder and lightning are so powerful!

The Evil Dragon Emperor was shocked and angry.

The blow just now directly tore part of his mental body!

The Evil Dragon Emperor had no idea that Lin Feng's attack this time included a gravity beam!


Three more golden beams hit the Evil Dragon King's mental body, and the terrifying tearing force began to tear at its mental body!


The Evil Dragon Emperor screamed repeatedly.

Just now, part of its mental body was torn apart and it became even weaker!

I have never encountered this in previous battles!

In fact, thunder and lightning are also divided into levels.

The Evil Dragon Emperor controls only the lowest level!

However, even so, when encountering other opponents, it is a direct sweep.

Because, thunder and lightning are the nemesis of aliens!

Destroy it!

Lin Feng used his spiritual consciousness to lock the Evil Dragon Emperor firmly, and began to bombard him with golden lightning in the void.

Moreover, the lightning is sometimes mixed with a beam of destruction.

The Evil Dragon King was unable to defend himself, and after a while, he was tortured to the point where his mind and body became illusive.


The Evil Dragon Emperor's thought body looked at Lin Feng with hatred, turned around and prepared to flee.

Now that you're here! There's no need to go back!

Lin Feng directly controlled his soul and pounced forward.

don't want!

The Evil Dragon Emperor let out a terrified scream.

This is also the last voice left by his thought body.

Afterwards, Lin Feng directly devoured the Evil Dragon Emperor's thought body!

After devouring the Evil Dragon Emperor's thought body, Lin Feng returned to his true form with great satisfaction.

At this time, the poisonous rain in the sky completely dissipated with the death of the Evil Dragon Emperor.

The Elf Queen waved her staff, greenery spread, and the vegetation on the ground began to revive.

However, those elves who were completely killed in the poisonous rain died forever!

The Elf Queen slowly walked up to Badru and bowed: Thank you for your help!

The conditions you promised me before?

Badru stared at the Elf Queen.

Sir, please come with me!

The Elf Queen naturally understood what Badlu meant, and she said immediately.

Badru immediately followed the Elf Queen.

The two of them kept walking towards the Elf Forest.

Soon, we came to a big tree.

This big tree is full of green and is similar in size to the home tree in the Badru tribe.

This is the tree of life for our elves!

The Elf Queen immediately explained.

Moon Spring, it's inside!

Soon, the two came to the shade of the tree of life.

Badru saw that there was a spring under the shade of the tree. At this moment, a clear spring was gurgling out.

This spring water is very strange, it looks like amber.

This is Moon Spring Water!

The Elf Queen said slightly reluctantly.

Don't worry! I won't do anything for you!

Badru glared at the Elf Queen.

To hold the moon spring water, you need to use the trunk of the Tree of Life!

The Elf Queen suggested.

As she spoke, she handed a wooden box to Badru.

Okay! Now you can avoid it!

Badru took the wooden box and spoke directly to the Elf Queen.

Sir, I'll be standing guard outside. If you need anything, you can call me!

The Elf Queen glanced at Badru and immediately left the Moon Lake.

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