Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 360 Return to the ground!

Oh? What form is it?

Lin Feng heard the smart assistant say that the energy in the blood pool could help him unlock Ghidorah's new mentality, and immediately asked impatiently.

Caesar Ghidorah!

The smart assistant said.

Caesar Ghidorah?

Lin Feng looked at the smart assistant curiously.

Judging from the name, this form is not very pleasing, but the name is very domineering!

The form of Caesar Ghidorah requires constant absorption of negative energy! This blood pool contains the resentment of countless dragons when they died, and condensed into an evil dragon blood crystal, which can help the owner transform into Caesar Ghidorah!

The smart assistant said so.

Looking at you, don't you recommend that I evolve in this direction?

Lin Feng remembered the smart assistant's hesitation for a moment and asked immediately.

Yes! After evolving into the form of Caesar Ghidorah, the strength will be improved to a certain extent, but there are great restrictions on future development!

The smart assistant said.

First tell me what improvements will be made!

Lin Feng asked curiously.

After the master evolves into Caesar Ghidorah, he breaks through the exoskeleton, horns protrude from his head, transforms into a four-legged walking posture, grows wings, his body color changes to gold mixed with black, and he sprays projectile missiles from his mouth. Gravity Ray - Destruction Emperor Wave. In terms of size, it will reach 150 meters and weigh around 100,000 tons!

The smart assistant introduced.

It seems that for me, there is no obvious improvement!

Lin Feng frowned.

He felt that there was no advantage in absorbing the evil dragon's blood crystal to transform into Caesar Ghidorah.

Intelligent assistant, besides this, are there any other ways for me to evolve?

Lin Feng continued to ask.

Of course! Master can continue to cultivate the soul, which is the prototype of Starkiller Ghidorah!

The smart assistant said.

I have decided not to transform into Caesar Ghidorah form yet!

Lin Feng finally made a decision.

However, this evil dragon blood crystal should have some uses.

So, Lin Feng immediately used his spiritual consciousness to search for it in the blood pool.

Soon, he found a dark red crystal at the bottom of the pool.

This crystal has extremely evil power. When Lin Feng's consciousness touches it, he actually feels upset.

There are even violent emotions!


Lin Feng instantly put away the Evil Dragon Blood Crystal.

After all, it is the condensed blood essence of countless dragons, and it is considered a good treasure.

Later, Lin Feng took out the shrunken Evil Dragon Emperor.

At this moment, the Evil Dragon Emperor was still suppressed by the khaki Bagua.

There was a gleam of fear in its eyes, and it kept begging Lin Feng for mercy.

Unfortunately, Lin Feng planned to absorb all its life energy.

Lin Feng used his mind to control the Tianzun staff and wave it.


The Evil Dragon Emperor instantly regained his body size.

Lin Feng stretched out his neck and bit down on the Evil Dragon Emperor's neck while looking at him in horror.

Then, he activated his Devouring Talent to continuously absorb the life energy from the Evil Dragon Emperor's body.

About half an hour later, Lin Feng absorbed all the Evil Dragon Emperor's life energy, leaving only a huge skeleton on the ground.

Lin Feng immediately started digesting it. When he finished digesting it, he immediately checked it.

Later, he was overjoyed: At this moment, I have recovered to the ninth level!

Lin Feng then asked: Intelligent assistant, how much life energy did I store just now?

The smart assistant scanned it and then said: Master, you just absorbed a total of 30% of the life energy!

Not bad! It's truly a ninth-order peak creature!

Lin Feng was very satisfied.

According to his estimation, with two more creatures like the Evil Dragon Emperor, he would be able to store enough advanced life energy!

There's no use for me here anymore!

Lin Feng glanced at the Evil Dragon Emperor's palace.

Then, with a thought, a purple beam of light descended from the void!


A bolt of lightning as thick as a bucket fell into the dragon blood pool.

This dragon's blood contains very strong evil energy, and thunder can only defeat evil spirits.

In an instant, the entire dragon blood pool was evaporated by Lin Feng's lightning!

When Lin Feng came to the ground, the battle was basically over.

At this moment, the Devil's Swamp was in a mess.

My lord! It's over!

Seeing Lin Feng flying up, Badru said.

Lin Feng nodded. He had settled the matter here and planned to leave.

Because, a hundred years later, Lin Feng wanted to return to the ground to take a look.

Lin Feng did not interfere with the Devil's Swamp matter and left it all to Badru.

However, the Devil's Swamp was filled with poisonous gas and was not suitable for living creatures to live in, so Badru gave up his ownership.

The Elf Queen decided to use life magic to purify it first and then use it.

Coming out of the center of the earth again, Lin Feng returned to Zhangjiajie.

Intelligent assistant, scan the world on the ground for me. I want to know what changes there are!

Lin Feng ordered directly.

Yes! Master!

The smart assistant starts scanning immediately.

Soon, it hesitated for a moment, and then said: Master, I have some bad news for you!

What bad news? Could it be that humanity is destroyed?

Lin Feng's heart sank.

He thought of Planet X and the Zerg Planet.

If these two alien forces invade, it is really possible to destroy mankind on earth.

of course not!

The smart assistant immediately denied it.

What exactly is the bad news?

Lin Feng asked.

The bad news is that there are many areas in the surface world that I cannot detect!

The smart assistant said helplessly.

Oh? What proportion of these areas account for?

Lin Feng asked in surprise.

Could it be that aliens have invaded the earth again and established a mysterious base on the earth?

Currently, the range I can scan is only 3%!

The smart assistant speaks bluntly.

Oh my God! Has so much territory on Earth fallen?

Lin Feng was shocked. This is really not good news!

Of course not! Master, the reason for this is that the area of ​​the earth has expanded more than a hundred times!

The smart assistant said in shock.

What? The earth's area has expanded more than a hundred times?

Lin Feng almost thought he heard wrongly.

However, it is possible to think about it.

Because, in the past few times, the earth has undergone changes, and for the first time, a new continent suddenly appeared in the Pacific Ocean.

During the second mutation, many mountain peaks mutated, and even the height of Mount Everest increased ten times out of thin air!

So what is the situation like on Earth now?

Lin Feng asked curiously.

The territory of the earth has expanded a hundred times, and the power must have changed greatly.

Currently, only three percent of the area occupied by humans on the earth is occupied by humans. The remaining areas are all mysterious areas, and part of them is occupied by alien beasts!

The smart assistant said so.

Are alien beasts able to compete with humans?

Lin Feng was quite shocked.

No! In some places on earth, alien beasts occupy an absolutely dominant position!

The smart assistant denied Lin Feng's words.

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