Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 363 The Snake King appears!

Who is in charge of this Dragon Palace now?

Lin Feng asked curiously.

Chen Lin and the others are all awakened beings. Logically speaking, there is no problem in living for more than a hundred years.

Currently Liu Xuanfeng is the master of the palace!

Xiaobai said.

is it him?

Lin Feng was quite surprised.

Because Liu Xuanfeng was once Dr. Chen's assistant and his prestige within the base was not high.

However, Lin Feng guessed that this had something to do with personal strength.

Liu Xuanfeng not only studied under the Taoist priests of Mount Emei, but also had venom stored in his body. In a hundred years, he would definitely evolve by leaps and bounds.

At night, some forces came to the Snake King Valley.

Lin Feng met the werewolves in the Werewolf Valley.

In appearance, it is not much different from humans, but it is slightly taller, more than two meters tall.

The leading werewolf is nicknamed Wolverine!


Lin Feng looked strange when he heard the name.

Because he had seen a superhero movie, and the protagonist in it was Wolverine.

Lin Feng began to take a serious look at the werewolf named Wolverine. He had an extremely rugged appearance, with long white hair and a beard at the corner of his mouth.

It doesn’t look much like Wolverine, but more like Aquaman!

Lin Feng's consciousness spread out, and he sensed the rich wood and metal power from Wolverine.

Obviously, the werewolf named Wolverine has awakened wood and metal powers.

Soon after, representatives from the City of Angels arrived.

This group of people have a pair of wings of light growing on their bodies. The men are handsome and the women are beautiful.

The leader is nicknamed Wing King.

He looked very arrogant and didn't care about other living beings at all.

However, his attitude angered the Snake King deep in the Snake King Valley.



In the void, there was like a thunderbolt.

Then, the storm surged, and the man with the wings of light was instantly knocked away.

He vomited blood from his mouth, and his light wings dimmed!

King Yi is defeated!

So easy!

Oh my god! Wing King is an S-class awakener, and he is actually vulnerable to a single blow!

The moment they saw the man with light wings, he was seriously injured by a loud roar, and the surrounding visitors were shocked.

Lin Feng asked Xiaobai: Xiaobai, what realms are divided among the awakened ones?

Lord Shenlong, from lowest to highest, they seem to be in alphabetical order: H, G, F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS.

Xiaobai said immediately.

Lin Feng nodded.

According to this division, this Wing King has entered the ninth level for the first time.

However, this snake king named Huang Yao can injure a ninth-level creature with just one roar. His strength is also extremely terrifying!

In the end, no one from Angel City was able to enter the Snake King Valley and was turned away.

All this, no living thing is surprised.

Because the Snake King in Snake King Valley has always been extremely domineering.

Later, the representatives of Blood Clan Castle also came.

They flew over, like giant bats in the air, and landed on the ground, turning into handsome humans.

The vampire Duke Bertram meets with the Snake King!

The vampire bowed gracefully, with a very low posture.

The Duke of the Vampire Clan is also equivalent to a ninth-level creature!

Lin Feng observed it and immediately understood that the vampire duke was as powerful as the ninth-level behemoth.

The last person to arrive was an old Taoist priest wearing Bagua Taoist robes.

Wu Qingfeng, a poor man, is here on behalf of the Dragon Palace!

The old Taoist priest held a whisk in his hand and spoke slowly and authentically.

This Taoist priest is the master of the Lord of the Dragon Palace!

Many creatures looked shocked when they saw this Taoist priest.

They did not expect that this Taoist priest would come this time.

Because Taoist Master Wu Qingfeng is very powerful and proficient in ancient human boxing techniques.

Once upon a time, I used Gu Boxing to suppress the Demon King!


In the valley, a voice sounded like pearls falling on jade plates.

Snake King personally invites you?

Many creatures had strange eyes.

Because other visitors do not receive this treatment when they arrive.

When this Taoist priest Wu Qingfeng arrived, the Snake King personally invited him.

At the same time, all living beings are also very curious about what level of strength this Snake King has reached!

As the representatives of the Dragon Palace entered, the Snake King Valley was immediately closed.

Obviously, Snake King Huang Yao thinks that there are enough people for this observation conference!

The night was very restless, and many creatures were waiting for dawn.

As the white fish belly spit out from the east, a high mountain in the Snake King Valley was already overcrowded.

Lin Feng lay on Xiao Bai and stood in the snake camp.

He saw that in the snake clan camp, the first place was empty.

Lin Feng was very curious because there was not much open space left, only a jade-carved seat.

Could it be that the thousand-year-old snake king is very small?

With such curiosity, Lin Feng continued to look forward to it.

Soon, the snake group dispersed, and a huge aura came from far to near.

All creatures looked in one direction.

At the end of the road, a woman wearing a yellow gauze dress was walking over!

Huh? A human woman?

Everyone was very surprised to see a human woman appear in the Snake Valley.

Who is this holy place that can actually live in the core area of ​​Snake King Valley?

King Yao is indeed extraordinary!

The old Taoist priest looked at the woman in yellow shirt, and a light flashed in his eyes!

Hiss! This is the Snake King Huang Yao!

Suddenly, all the creatures on the hill were aware of it!

This is indeed a goblin! It's actually transformed!

Lin Feng stared at the snake king Huang Yao, extremely surprised.

He had heard of snakes that could take shape, including the White Snake Lady and Xiao Qing in myths and legends.

Obviously, the snake king who calls himself Huang Yao has reached this level of strength!

Lin Feng looked carefully and saw that even with his spiritual sense, he could not see anything strange about the human woman transformed by the snake king!

She has a fair complexion, a tall figure, and a classical and generous temperament. She is more human-like than many humans today!

Snake King Huang Yaopingping walked to the center of the snake group, sat on the seat left for her, and looked down at the other creatures.

In an instant, a huge pressure covered the surrounding creatures!

Lin Feng instantly sensed that compared to his soul cultivation, this Snake King was far above him!

very scary!

Lin Feng was secretly glad that he did not directly enter the Snake King Valley to rob.

Because this snake king is really terrifying!

Lin Feng guessed that the Monument of King Yu had been lost for thousands of years and was brought into the folding space by this snake king.

Now, the world has changed, and the Snake King appears again with the Monument of King Yu.

Her purpose is very simple, she wants to find a being who can unlock the secret of this Monument of King Yu!

Xiaobai was also a snake from thousands of years ago, and he also got a crystal stone.

However, its cultivation level is nothing compared to that of this snake king!

We must get this Monument of King Yu!

Lin Feng's eyes flashed with golden light.

He was already sure in his heart that the snake king's ability to become so powerful must be related to the Monument of King Yu.

Moreover, the secret of the Monument of King Yu has not yet been completely solved!

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