Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 383 Kill Eunice from Planet X!

call out!

The eyes of X-planet Eunice also shone with golden light.

Soon, the golden light spread all over her body!

The leader of the Hand of God is similar to the current state of Master Shenlong!

Liu Xuanfeng said immediately when he saw this scene.

Liu Xuanfeng, you are so blind, she has the ability to control energy!

In Liu Xuanfeng's body, Venom couldn't help but say.

What does it mean?

Liu Xuanfeng didn't quite understand.

You don't understand even after I tell you. The realm has not been reached yet!

Venom hates the fact that iron cannot become steel.

If you explain it, won't I understand?

Liu Xuanfeng couldn't help but say.

This alien's strength has almost reached planetary level!

Venom said directly.

Venom, you said she's an alien?

Liu Xuanfeng reacted when he heard Venom's words.

What do you think?

Venom continued to look at the screen.

As he spoke, in the picture, a golden beam of light emitted from the silver alien's legs, rising into the sky, trying to escape!

Seeing Eunice from Planet X trying to escape, Lin Feng immediately activated the gravity field.

Instantly, the gravity in the surrounding area increased significantly!

The upward speed of Planet X's Eunice instantly slowed down and completely stopped, trapped in the air!

If you want to leave, you have to ask me if I agree!

Lin Feng snorted coldly.

Then, he flapped his wings and crashed towards the X-planet.

This Planet X person is similar to a mechanical life, using his soul to attack, which is almost ineffective against her.


Eunice from Planet X couldn't escape, so she simply refused to escape. A golden energy beam condensed between her hands.

The next moment, she waved her hands, and the golden energy beam struck Lin Feng's body!


A golden beam of light struck Lin Feng's body, slightly restraining his attack.

Who is this woman? She actually has the strength to fight a dragon!

The humans who were watching the war were very surprised.

They felt that they had underestimated this seemingly harmless woman. She was hiding in the dark and might have a big conspiracy.

The golden beam fired by Eunice from Planet X with all her strength slightly blocked Lin Feng's body.


Lin Feng felt this power and roughly understood that this Planet X person was indeed not too far from the planet level.

This is the same power as the power in him!

Lin Feng even sensed that this X-planet person could absorb energy.

If she was given enough time, she might be able to absorb all of Lin Feng's attack power!

Don't you want to swallow it? I'll let you swallow it all!

The planet-level power in Lin Feng suddenly exploded.


A golden beam of light struck the X-planet very quickly.


The X-planet man was instantly blasted away by the violent force!

Later, Lin Feng saw that the golden light on Eunice, the X-planet person, dimmed a lot at this moment!

Obviously, in the battle just now, she consumed a lot of this power!

Lin Feng didn't want to kill him directly, he wanted to get some information from this X-planet person.

So, step by step, he pressed towards X-planet Eunice!


Lin Feng's huge body bloomed with golden light, which was very dazzling.

X-planet Eunice felt huge pressure from Lin Feng's body.


She began to gather the strength in her body, but she couldn't gather it at all!

Obviously, Eunice's immature planet-level power was completely suppressed by Lin Feng!

Eunice looked at Lin Feng with golden eyes. When she saw Lin Feng's appearance clearly, her eyes became more and more shocked.

Lin Feng immediately understood that this X-planet person might have recognized him.

He immediately said to the smart assistant: Smart Assistant, block the picture here immediately!

Yes! Master!

The smart assistant immediately takes care of it.

Soon, all the human forces paying attention here lost their signal at the same time!

You, are you number zero?

X-planet Eunice looked at Lin Feng in shock.

Because Zero is the giant beast sent by the X-planet people into the universe.

Moreover, she and her commander Babanu came to Earth precisely because Behemoth Zero lost signs of life.

Yes and no!

Lin Feng said vaguely.

How is that possible? How can you still be alive?

Eunice looked at Lin Feng in disbelief.

She checked the records of Country M and found that Behemoth Zero was clearly killed by Godzilla in the red lotus state!

Could it be that all this is an illusion?

Eunice realized that maybe the information she had seen in the past was all false!

I want to know the purpose of Planet X coming to Earth!

Lin Feng walked up to Eunice and asked bluntly.

If I tell you this, will you let me go?

Eunice looked at Lin Feng expectantly.


Lin Feng said directly.

Then kill me!

Eunice said very forcefully.

She was betting that Lin Feng wouldn't kill her.

Because she still has value, and she has the information Lin Feng needs.

Okay! Then I will meet your request!

Lin Feng said bluntly.

As soon as he finished speaking, his body instantly shrank, then he stretched his neck and bit Eunice's neck.


From Eunice's body, a steady stream of vitality was absorbed by Lin Feng.

Her golden eyes gradually dimmed, filled with surprise.

Obviously, Eunice did not expect that Lin Feng would actually kill her directly before she died!

Soon, Lin Feng directly swallowed up Eunice's life energy.

This time was different from before, not even the slightest bone remains were left in place!

Because Eunice's life form is different from the creatures on earth.

Even if her body is shattered, she can reassemble it instantly.

However, with Lin Feng's Ghidorah's racial talent, Eunice could only be annihilated in ashes!

In the end, only one golden chip was left on the ground.

This golden chip was left by Lin Feng for the smart assistant.


The smart assistant swallows it up in an instant.

A border planet in the X Star Territory.

An escape boat jumped through space and appeared here.

Beep! Beep! Please show the entry code to the people on the escape boat immediately!

A mechanical beep sounded.

This is a defensive measure for X-Star Territory to prevent spy intrusion.

The engineer immediately entered a string of passwords.

Entered correctly!

A mechanical beep sounds.

The engineer immediately reported to the artificial intelligence: I am a member of the X023 fleet, returning to the headquarters to report the battle situation!

Please come with us!

Soon, two soldiers wearing nano-suits came over.

The engineer stepped off the escape boat and walked towards the center of the Frontier Star.

Not long after, a stationed officer saw the engineer.

He asked curiously: Just now, I checked the mission of your fleet from the system. Didn't it go to the Earth Star? Where are the rest of the fleet?

This officer stationed on the border star is a planet-level powerhouse.

The engineer immediately reported truthfully: Sir, the fleet we are in has been completely wiped out!

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