Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 393 The sword intent in the formation!

All the creatures in the formation were paying attention to Lin Feng's movements.

What are you doing, Master Shenlong?

Chen Lin asked in confusion when she saw Lin Feng controlling the suspended mountain peaks to hit other peaks.

Perhaps Lord Shenlong's intention is to use this suspended mountain peak to detect the danger ahead?

Wu Qingfeng guessed.

After all, Lin Feng had been discussing with Tang Hai for a long time how to break the formation.

In the formation, spiritual consciousness was suppressed, and no one knew exactly what Lin Feng communicated with Tang Hai.

On the other side, the Mandrill King and the Fire Fox King looked at each other, with anxious looks in their eyes, but they were helpless.

Because, in the great formation, the only creature that can control the suspended mountain peaks is Lin Feng!

Although they are the kings of Shu and are powerful, they cannot even shake these suspended mountains!

After all, these suspended peaks were left behind by the ancients of the Shushan Sect, and their cultivation was unknown.


Lin Feng controlled the suspended mountain and continued to move forward, hitting a suspended mountain in front of him again.


This time, purple lightning struck.

Obviously, the attack method contained on this suspended mountain is lightning attack!

This makes many living beings feel fearful, because this is the light of thunder and calamity refined into the suspended mountain peak by the strong men of Shushan.

If they had just collided with each other, they would have been smashed into ashes by this lightning!

Lin Feng also felt lucky.

Fortunately, he has the power to control the magnetic field.

Otherwise, facing these traps, he will die without a burial!

It seems that this is not the direction!

When Lin Feng saw that the trap was triggered, he immediately shook his head, turned the suspended mountain back, and hit it in the other direction!


Lin Feng controlled the suspended mountain peak and collided with another suspended mountain peak again.

This time, fire appeared on the suspended mountain peak that was hit.

Obviously, the route this time was also wrong!

Come again!

Lin Feng was very patient and controlled the floating mountain to turn to the other side.


There was another impact. This time, a strong wind came out of the mountain that was hit!

Hiss! It's terrible!

Seeing all the strange phenomena on these suspended mountain peaks, the awakened ones in the Dragon Temple felt cold in their hearts.

Fortunately, they had Master Shenlong to guide them when they fell, otherwise, they would have fallen on the wrong mountain, and they would have died without even knowing how they died!

Wu Qingfeng glanced at the head of Qingcheng Mountain and the Mandrill King.

There are dangers everywhere in this formation. It's no wonder that they have been trapped in the formation for so long and have only just advanced a certain distance.

In fact, they also stepped on the wrong suspended mountain peak while moving forward.

However, just like the Fire Fox King, the formation was not powerful enough to kill them.

Of course, there is also a certain amount of luck involved.

Because some of the attack formations on the suspended mountain peaks also made them feel palpitated.

Because of this, the Mandrill King and the leader of Qingcheng Mountain moved forward extremely slowly.

They are all using their potential spiritual sense to determine which suspended mountain to set foot on next.

Only Lin Feng can actually control the suspended mountain peaks!

He controlled the suspended mountain peak and kept moving forward. As long as the restriction was triggered, he would immediately turn back the mountain peak.

Have you all memorized this route?

Ma Donglai from the Penguin Group asked the people around him in a low voice.

Mr. Ma, I have already remembered it!

The masters recruited by the Penguin Group nodded. They were gearing up and ready to show off their talents.

Okay! You try to follow the route and walk there!

Ma Donglai said to a master with wings on his back.

That was a Western master who was hired by the Penguin Group at a high price.

Don't worry, Mr. Ma!

The Western master said in blunt Chinese.

Then, he kicked his feet on the ground and jumped forward.

In front of him, there is a suspended mountain peak, which is safe.

Everyone looked at this Western master with wings on his back.

I saw him jumping high from the suspended mountain peak at his feet.

Everyone has a light of hope in their eyes. If this direction is possible, they will follow it immediately.



The Western master jumped into the air and let out a terrified scream.

Then, the Western master fell stiffly into the gap between the suspended mountains!


Not far away, the Fire Fox King couldn't help but cursed in a low voice when he saw this scene.

If they could leap from one suspended mountain to another, they wouldn't still be trapped here.

When a creature enters this formation, it is only at the beginning that it can choose a suspended mountain to fall to.

After landing on the suspended mountain peak, your consciousness and flying ability will be suppressed.

When Ma Donglai saw this scene, his cheeks turned red.

When the others saw this, they all shuddered and did not dare to think too much.

At this time, Lin Feng had used his magnetic field control power to control the suspended mountain to advance a long distance.

Close to me!

The Fire Fox King looked at Lin Feng with great concern.

At this moment, the suspended mountain peak he controlled would soon hit the suspended mountain peak at the feet of the Fire Fox King.


Lin Feng's golden eyes showed no mercy as he directly controlled the suspended mountain and crashed into it!


A loud bang!

Then, after the collision, the suspended mountain peak where the Fire Fox King was located flew out quickly!


The mountain peak at the Fire Fox King's feet collided with another one. After the collision, the mountain peak lit up with yellow light.


Everyone saw that the Fire Fox King instantly lay down on the suspended mountain peak, as if he was pressed heavily on it by invisible pressure!

The trap on this mountain is gravity!

Everyone understood instantly.

Lin Feng continued to control the suspended mountain peak and hit it forward.

With Lin Feng's forcible destruction, many changes also occurred in the formation.

The suspended mountain peaks began to move slowly.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically. If the suspended mountain peak they were standing on collided with the trapped mountain peak, they would die immediately!

At this moment, Lin Feng remembered the correct trajectories in his mind and quickly deduced them.

These trajectories are like powerful swordsmanship moves!

Not enough! Not enough! We must continue to improve!

Lin Feng was completely immersed in the world of swordsmanship at this moment, constantly pushing the suspended mountain peak and crashing into other suspended peaks to detect the correct trajectory!


Snake King Huang Yao, who was not far away from Lin Feng, suddenly looked over.

She noticed that there was a faint sword intent on Lin Feng's body!

Huang Yao received the inheritance of the dragon soul in the Monument of King Yu. In order to unlock the stone monument, she also searched for many sword manuals. She was very sensitive to the meaning of the sword!


warehouse! A sword roared in the void!

Snake King Huang Yao discovered that Lin Feng's body was actually born with a fierce sword energy!

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