Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 427 Counting the Harvest!

"Master, there is a Millennium spaceship stored on the bottom floor of this warehouse. That is a good thing!"

The intelligent assistant possessed the robot butler Jinx and led Lin Feng to the warehouse of the interstellar second-level dealer Vader.

Soon, it poked its arm twice with its fingers.


The floor of the warehouse stretched out automatically, and a disc-shaped spaceship rose.

Lin Feng took a look and found that the spacecraft looked very old, with signs of repairs and repairs on it.

He couldn't help but said with disgust: "Intelligent assistant, did you make a mistake? Is it so shabby?"

"Of course! This is one of the fastest spaceships currently! The maximum speed can reach 0.5 times the speed of light, and it can even jump into hyperspace and fly in hyperspace!"

The smart assistant looked like Lin Feng didn't know what he was talking about.

"Okay! If you have a chance in the future, you must modify this spaceship to be the same. It would be too shameful to fly it out like this!"

Lin Feng shook his head.

He then began taking inventory of other valuable materials in the warehouse.

"Master, there is an arsenal here!"

The intelligent assistant led Lin Feng to find a secret door in the warehouse.


As the anti-theft security door opens, there are all kinds of high-tech weapons inside.

"It turns out that the bearded man is still an arms dealer!"

Lin Feng nodded.

Later, he also found many alien slaves sold in the basement.

When they saw the light from the outside world, they all huddled in fear and hid in the corner.

Apparently, the bearded Vader didn't treat them kindly.

"You are free!"

Lin Feng looked at the imprisoned aliens and spoke with his spiritual thoughts.

"Thank you, sir!"

These aliens have been living in darkness, and they are very grateful to see the light now.

They all knelt down and saluted Lin Feng.

Lin Feng discovered that among these aliens, some indigenous people looked very similar to earthlings.

So, he asked: "Where are you all from?"

"Are you asking us, sir?"

asked the indigenous leader.

Lin Feng looked carefully. They looked like people from Earth. However, their skin color looked very different. There was some phosphorus powder formed on their body surface, like butterfly wings.

"We don't even know where we live!"

The native said drowsily.

Afterwards, Lin Feng directly used his spiritual consciousness to search the minds of these indigenous people.

He discovered that these indigenous people originally lived on a planet ruled by monsters.

Later, during the alien attack, the monsters that ruled their planet were destroyed by the alien fleet, and then they were captured!

"Isn't this the planet where Planet Godzilla lives?"

When Lin Feng saw the pictures in the minds of these indigenous people, he quickly realized.

Later, he also learned that the aliens who destroyed Planet Godzilla were called Reachers.

They often carry out long-distance interstellar travel, plunder everywhere, and are very powerful.

Lin Feng memorized the planet where the indigenous people lived, and when he had time in the future, he would visit that planet.

After dispatching the alien slaves, Lin Feng began to count the rest of the belongings of the second-level interstellar dealer Vader.

Soon, he found that there were no good things inside, only shabby things.

"Master, don't be too greedy! That Millennium spaceship is out of print. Even if you spend 10 billion Galaxy coins, you may not be able to buy it!"

The smart assistant couldn't help but complain.

"It's so good, how could it be in the hands of this bearded man?"

Lin Feng didn't quite believe it.

Because 10 billion galactic coins can buy a hundred planets!

"Then maybe the original owner of the Millennium was this bearded father!"

The smart assistant guessed.

"This is also possible!"

Lin Feng nodded.

He moved all the weapons in the warehouse to the Millennium. As for the rest of the junk, he packed them up and prepared to sell them to the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce.

After a while, the smart assistant connected to Basin, the first-level director of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce. Lin Feng said directly: "I have some goods here, and I will sell them to you at a very low price. Please estimate the price!"

"Okay! I will definitely give you the highest price!"

Basin did not lose his enthusiasm because of the low value of the goods.

Soon, this batch of goods was sold by Lin Feng for 30 million Galaxy coins.

Basin said politely: "Your Excellency Lin Feng, happy to cooperate!"

Then, he asked someone to open the wormhole and take away the goods.

"Intelligent assistant, can you fly a spaceship?"

Lin Feng asked the smart assistant.

"Of course! This butler robot also has some ideas, probably left behind by his bearded fathers! In his mind, there are many lost techniques for piloting spaceships!"

The smart assistant nodded.

Then, it controlled Jinx's body and walked onto the Millennium spacecraft.

Lin Feng also walked up.


With a roar, blue flames erupted from the bottom of the Millennium spacecraft, flashing rapidly into the air like a discus.

"This starting speed is really good!"

Lin Feng was very satisfied.

At this moment, sirens were blaring on the black market planet.

"Quick! Find the traces of the Millennium!"

They detect traces of the Millennium spacecraft and immediately begin a roundup.

The owner of this spaceship is a thief who travels across the stars.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

One after another, the TIE interstellar combat ships of the Star Guards flew into the sky.

This type of spacecraft is one of the most common spacecraft. In the atmosphere, the speed is 1,200 kilometers per hour, and it is equipped with two laser cannons.

Since this series of spacecraft is mass-produced and is a low-cost spacecraft, it lacks key equipment such as deflector shields, hyperspace drives, and comprehensive life support systems.


Lasers on the interstellar combat spacecraft were fired towards the Millennium spacecraft.

"Get rid of them!"

Lin Feng glanced at the small spaceship behind him and said to the intelligent assistant.

"no problem!"

The intelligent assistant controls the body of the robot butler and begins to pilot the spacecraft.


The Millennium suddenly accelerated, and the surrounding scene quickly receded.

Soon, Lin Feng discovered that all the Star Guard spacecraft behind them had been thrown away.

Lin Feng said to the smart assistant: "Go directly to the border planet of Star Region X!"

"Yes! Master!"

The smart assistant responded.

Then it sets course.

"Master, we will enter hyperspace flight soon!"

The smart assistant said.

"Hyperspace flight?"

Lin Feng was looking forward to it.

He used to see this scene often when watching Star Wars.


As the intelligent assistant operated several instruments, the Millennium instantly entered hyperspace.

Lin Feng saw stars twinkling all around, and clusters of nebulae appeared around him.

In normal space, the speed of light is the limit, while in hyperspace, the speed of light is the slowest limit.

After flying in hyperspace for a moment, the Millennium returned to its original state.

Lin Feng discovered that at this moment, he had returned to the normal space.

"Master, ahead is the border planet of Star Region X!"

The smart assistant said.

"Break in!"

Lin Feng gave the order directly.


The intelligent assistant controls the Millennium spacecraft to fly directly into the atmosphere of the border planet.

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