Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1045: Frozen into scum

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Chapter 1045: Frozen into Ice Slag

This is their martial arts heart that devours the kingdom of heaven. In their hearts, they will never give up until the last moment.

For a long time, countless disciples who devoured the kingdom of heaven were as imposing as a rainbow, with a firm look in their eyes.

I do n’t know if Tian is here.

"Not good, good sword!"

The terrible breath rushed towards the face, and the look of the Sky Fox changed instantly, and the pale and pretty face became paler.

And at this moment, in the void, the terrible sword intended to strike madly at the fox.

"Disciples of Devouring the Kingdom of Heaven, hold on, the emperor will be back soon!"

It seemed to remember something, a faint flash of light flashed in Tianhu's eyes.

"Yes, the emperor will definitely come back!"

"The emperor will definitely come back and kill these zombies!"

"We must hold on until the monarch comes back!"



With the words of Tianhu, the disciples who devoured the kingdom of heaven, one by one, fought violently.

At this moment, the breath on the disciples of Tianguo Kingdom rose sharply.

"Ask Brother Tian ..."

"Eating the Kingdom of God, I will guard you!"

Nana whispered in her mouth, a flash of firmness flashed in Tianhu's eyes.

Looking at the Tian Niu God Sword that was beheaded towards himself in the sky, Tian Fox gnawed his teeth and greeted the Niu God Sword directly that day.

The next instant, just a few hundred feet away from the Niu Shendao that day, I saw Tianhu's hands making a mark.

Immediately, the sky fox as a whole became a fox with a white glimmer.

"Hmm ..."

The howling of the fox sounded in the void.

The next moment, in the void, with the sky fox as the center, the rolling ice force emerged from the vastness.

"Ice fox, it is a peerless ice fox!"

"This ice fox's ice power is the most terrible ice power at this time. The cost of the body wants to compete with me, this is crazy!"

Looking at this scene, in the void, in the eyes of Jiang Jun, the chill suddenly skyrocketed.

But deep in the eyes of this man, there was a deep dread.

Sky fox has just entered the realm of Heavenly King's consummation, but his cultivation is about to break through to the emperor's early stage, plus he is practicing physical fitness.

Sky Fox fights with him, he naturally has no fear at all.

But now the sky fox has become the body. You must know that the ice fox that has become the body has more than ten times the strength of the ice.

Even if he had a king-level perfect artifact, the Celestial Sword, in his heart, he couldn't help raising a bit of fear.

"Yes, I'm crazy!"

"Crazy, I want to kill you!"

Sky Fox's voice was extremely cold.

"Master Tianhu!"

"Master Tianhu!"


In the Kingdom of Devouring Gods, countless disciples of Devouring Gods Kingdom, at this moment, saw the Sky Fox transformed into the body in the void.

The look of each one changed suddenly, and their eyes were full of angry eyes.

The Tianniu people are really deceiving people too much. When they don't ask the sky anymore, they have brought so many strong men to come and destroy the Kingdom of God.

"Hmm ..."

At this moment, the Sky Fox in the void screamed again.

The next moment, her body rose rapidly, but within a few breaths, she had reached a hundred feet.

Also growing is the power of the rolling ice, spreading wildly around.

"What is this ice power? How could this ice power be so terrible?"

"No, this ice power ..."



A scream of screams rang out, and in the void, I saw several disciples of the Celestial tribe in a state of perfection, directly entangled by this ice force.

This ice force seems to have a sense of intelligence, and entangles directly towards those strongest Tetris disciples.

These Celestial Disciples of the Heavenly King's perfection, without even the slightest resistance, were instantly frozen into scum.

"Click ..."

"Click ..."

The speed of the ice force was so fast that they did not even have time to escape.

However, within a few breaths, except for Jiang Jun, the ten strongest disciples among the Tianniu clan, all fell down.

"So strong ice power!"

"Master Tianhu blocked it, Master Tianhu is so powerful!"

"Frozen to death!"

"Freeze them!"


The disciples who ate the kingdom of heaven, watching this scene, instantly got excited.

In the void, the power of Tian Fox is becoming more and more terrible, and the power of ice spreading from her is becoming more and more terrifying.

When everyone was immersed in excitement, the faces of the four figures were full of solemn expression.

"Keep going, the power of the Sky Fox will be exhausted. Even if it does not die, it will be impossible to recover!"

"Chixiao, haven't you passed on the message to the emperor? Why didn't the emperor return yet?"

"Our cultivation is, after all, too weak!"

"Monarch, come back soon!"


Chixiao, withered, anxious in the hearts of the four monkeys who buried the sky monkeys.

Today's Sky Fox, don't look at her terrible power, but this unparalleled power is the power that Sky Fox is burning in her body.

If it continues to burn, the power in Sky Fox will be exhausted. At that time, there will be only one end of Sky Fox, and that is the fall!

"Ask Brother Tian ..."

In the void, Tianhu's twinkling blue eyes glanced at the distant void.

There, she seemed to have seen an unparalleled figure, and was coming quickly.


"Let's die!"

The next moment, in Tianhu's eyes, the killing intention suddenly skyrocketed.

The sky-fox in the void is frozen towards the disciples of the Tianniu tribe.

"Buzz ..."

But within a few breaths, a disciple of the Tianniu tribe was frozen in place.

The speed of freezing was so fast that they did not even send out a scream.

"Click ..."

"Click ..."

At the next moment, sounds of shards of icicles came, and the ice sculptures were shattered.

Every time an ice sculpture breaks, a disciple of the Tianniu tribe falls off.

While in the Kingdom of Devouring Heaven, while the fox was still in its own power, when it was possible to slay the Tianniu strongmen as much as possible.

"Not good, take a step back!"


Just then, Jiang Jun's expression changed suddenly.

At this moment, even him, he felt a breath of death from Tianhu's body, which was spreading rapidly.


"Do not……"


Although Jiang Jun reminded him quickly, it's a pity that Tianhu is faster, and dozens of Tianniu disciples haven't had time to respond.

Their bodies were frozen in place.

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