Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1067: Still dying

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Chapter 1067 Still Dying

"Ten perfect artifacts at the king level, fifty artifacts at the peak of the king level, fifty strains of the elixir in the early stage of the fifth stage, fifty strains of the early stage of the fifth stage!

There was a whisper in his mouth, and Mo Wentian's eyes rose with a very bright light.

I did not expect that this Zijin Bing ape emperor still has a five-level spirit herb elixir in hand.

"what is that?"

Suddenly, Mo Wentian's spirit found that behind the elixir, the force of fire was wanton.

The next moment, Mo Wentian reached out and wiped out the connection between the space ring and the Zijin Ice Monkey Emperor.

With the connection between the space ring and the body disappearing, Zijin Bing ape emperor looked at Mo Wentian, her eyes full of shock.

Mo Wentian exceeded his expectation again and made him astounded!

Erasing the spirit-soul connection directly, I am afraid that even the emperor's late emperor, it is impossible to erase his spirit-soul connection in the middle of the emperor!

Mo Wentian in front of me is really terrible!

"Buzz ..."

At this moment, Mo Wentian's heart moved, and the giant tripod from which the flame power spread out came out of the space ring.

"This is a perfect artifact of the king class, Yan Shen Ding!"

With the wanton tripod of the flame power, the Emperor Zijin returned to God, watching Mo Wentian, Shen Sheng said.

"This is the Fire God Ding who makes the fifth-level miracle?"

Listening to the words of Zijin Bing ape emperor, Mo Wentian's eyes rose with a very bright light.

The next moment, Mo Wentian looked carefully at this flame god.

As Mo Wentian approached Yan God Ding, above that Yan God Ding, all the terrible flames of fire spread toward Mo Wentian.

It seems to burn Mo Wentian to ashes.

"Is this the **** of flames, could there still be a trace of God?"

Nana whispered in her mouth, Mo Wentian's brow instantly tightened, and her eyes were full of solemn look.

"I've given you something, can you let me go now?"

Just then, the voice of Zijin Bing ape emperor came.

Looking at Mo Wentian, Zijin Bing ape emperor's eyes, with a little hard to hide.

"When will the Emperor promise you, and I will let you go if I give you something?"

Wen Yan, Mo Wentian's eyes suddenly froze.

The breath on my body rose sharply at this moment.

"Boy, you ..."

"You don't count, I have given you everything, you ..."

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, the Zijin Ice Monkey Emperor only felt a colder chill than his ice power.

The familiar breath of death was approaching him quickly.

"Ben Dike never promised you!"

"Convex monkey, die!"

The indifferent voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's figure approached the body of Zi Jinbing Ape Emperor more and more.

Looking at the Zijin Bing ape emperor in front of him, Mo Wentian's eyes were full of contempt.

As if the Zijin Ice Ape Emperor in front of him was like a cricket ant, he didn't pay any attention to it.

With a flash of cold in his eyes, holding the Devouring Sword in his hand, a sword slashed directly towards the Zijin Ice Monkey Emperor.




The Zijinbing Ape Emperor shouted wildly, and his eyes were even more terrified.

Looking at Mo Wentian that sword was cut, he wanted to escape, but unfortunately, he found that in front of the time wheel, his speed was slow to the limit.

"In front of Bendi, do you think you can escape?"

Watching the crazy escape of Zijin Bing ape emperor, but the speed was slow like a snail crawling, and Mo Wentian slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and the arc of evil smile spread.


With a cold drink, I saw Mo Wentian Yijian beheading towards the chest of Zi Jinbing Ape Emperor.


A scream came, and saw Mo Wentian Yijian running directly through the chest of Zijin Bing ape emperor.

In the void, the chill of the Zijin Ice Monkey Emperor began to dissipate, and the vitality on his body quickly dissipated.


The next moment, the body the size of a few feet fell directly to the ground, arousing dust from the ground.

"Boy, wait for me, I won't let you go!"

Suddenly, in the body of the fallen Zijin Bing ape emperor, a dazzling purple awn came out violently.

The next moment, he fled wildly outside the palace.

"Still want to escape?"

"Magic Dzi!"

With a cold drink, Mo Wentian's mind moved, and a bead flashing with a mysterious pattern appeared in Mo Wentian's hands.

Immediately, Mo Wentian's figure flickered, and his palm became a claw, grabbing directly towards the purple awn.

"Boy, what do you want to do?"

"Let me, let me go!"

"Hmm ..."

Zijin Bing ape emperor, angry in his eyes.

He frantically wanted to get rid of Mo Wentian's palm, but no matter how he struggled, he just couldn't, Mo Wentian's palm.

"Bendi said, you are so kind to Beni!"

"The things you have, Bendi will never let go!"

Mo Wentian slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and a wicked smile spread.

The next moment, Mo Wentian forced the palm of his hand, and the spirit of Zijin Bing ape emperor screamed again and again.

"Hmm ..."


There were screams, and Mo Wentian's sword eyebrows frowned slightly.

"You are too noisy!"

Mo Wentian shook his head, and then reached out his hand, and the **** of Zijin Bing ape emperor was instantly erased by Mo Wentian.

Countless magical powers trembled around Mo Wentian.

"Magic Dzi!"


With a cold drink, Mo Wentian's hands quickly hit the magical beads on the magical beads.

"Buzz ..."

I saw an immensely terrifying suction in the magical beads, and among the magical spirits of the Zijin Ice Ape Emperor, numerous springs of the power of the spirits poured out and gathered toward the magical beads.

"Buzz ..."

With the power of that soul into the magical beads.

On the magic dzi, two phantoms trembled instantly.

"Red clothes, red clothes ..."

Mo Wentian's eyes flashed.

At this moment, Mo Wentian had an intuition, Hong Yi Hong Chang, not far from coming back!

As the magic bead devoured the power of the soul, the two phantoms on the magic bead became clearer.

But after a few breaths, the power of the soul in the golden body of the soul has been devoured by the magical beads.

On the magical dzi, the fine light also dimmed, and the two phantoms became increasingly blurred.

"This magical power is not enough!"

"Red clothes, red clothes, one day, I will let you back!"

The powerful voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes were full of firmness.

"God Eater!"


The next moment, it seemed to remember something, watching Zijin Ice Monkey Emperor fall, Mo Wentian's eyes skyrocketed.

Without the slightest hesitation, quickly twitched Tenjinju.

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