Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1070: Sky Fox Blessed by Disaster

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Chapter 1070: Blessed Sky Fox

"Yes, emperor, we will definitely promote it!"

"Monarch, I will definitely practice well!"

After hearing that, Lu Jun and Binglong quickly vowed.

"Well, let's go!"

Mo Wentian nodded his head, waved at Landing Jun and Binglong, looking indifferent.

Immediately, Binglong and Lu Jun made a small gift toward Mo Wentian, then walked towards the entrance of Han Bingyuan.

As Lu Jun and Binglong left Frozen Abyss, only Mo Wentian was left in Frozen Abyss.

"Sky Fox ..."

Suddenly, what seemed to be remembered, Mo Wentian's mind moved.

An extremely beautiful and enchanting figure appeared in front of Mo Wentian.

"Ask Brother Tian ..."

Looking at Mo Wentian in front of him, Tianhu's eyes were instantly filled with mist.

Feeling the extremely weak breath in Tianhu's body, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a complex light.

"Tianhu, this is the demon dan of the Zijin Ice Ape in the middle of the emperor. You have quickly refined!"

Immediately afterwards, a demon with a dazzling purple brilliance appeared in Mo Wentian's hand.

Among the monsters, the figure of the Zijin Bing ape emperor is faintly visible, and all the terrible ice powers spread out. From a distance, it is terrible.

"Ask Brother Tian ..."

"You ... did you really kill the Emperor Zijin Ice Ape?"

"You ... are you all right?"

Looking at the purple dandelion of the Zijin Ice Monkey Emperor, in the ephemeral moment, the crystals in Tianhu's eyes burst out.

Looking at Mo Wentian, her eyes were full of worry.

"I'm fine!"

"Tianhu, I'm very lucky this time. The Zijin Ice Monkey Emperor is in a weak period. His strength is just like the emperor's early stage!"

Looking at Tian Fox's nervous appearance, Mo Wentian slightly raised the corner of his mouth, reached out and stroked her head gently, lowering the voice.

Mo Wentian knew very well that Tianhu was worried about himself, but Mo Wentian wasn't.

Having been with Tianhu for so long, Mo Wentian already regarded Tianhu as his loved one. Tianhu hurt himself again and again, and Mo Wentian's heart was mixed.

"Tianhu, you quickly refine this monster!"

"What do you want to say to Bendi, it's not too late to talk to your Xiuwei!"

The next moment, Mo Wentian looked at Tianhu, and said lowly.

"Ask Brother Tian ..."

Tianhu looked at the monster daniel of the Zijin Ice Monkey Emperor, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but in the end, he didn't say anything.

Although Mo Wentian said that the cloud and light wind were light, it seemed that it was very simple to kill the Zijin Ice Ape Emperor in the middle of the emperor that day.

But how could Tianhu not know that even if the Zijin Ice Monkey Emperor is in a weak period, his strength must not be weak.

"Sky Fox, I'll protect the law for you, you quickly refining!"

Looking at Tianhu that hesitated not to pick up the monster dan, Mo Wentian flashed a complex light in his eyes, and said again.

"Okay, ask Brother!"

Mo Wentian's voice came to my ears again. In Tianhu's eyes, there was a touch of refined light, and after a while of groaning, he reached out and took over the Zijin Ice Monkey Emperor's monster Dan.

The next moment, without any hesitation, Tianhu sat down cross-legged.

Watching Tianhu sit cross-legged, Mo Wentian was also not far from Tianhu, and sat down cross-legged.

Immediately, hit one by one towards the Purple King of the Golden Ape Monkey King.

"Buzz ..."

Along with the foxes ’one-by-one printing tactics, there was a force on top of the Zijin Bing ape emperor ’s demon dank, madly surging into the fox ’s body.

That power entered Tianhu's body, and the weak breath on Tianhu strengthened instantly.

The pale, cheeky face also rose rosy.

"The Zidan Bing ape emperor's monster dan in the middle of the emperor is really good!"

Feeling the force that surged into Tianhu's body, Mo Wentian's eyes raised a bright light.

At this moment, Mo Wentian had a hunch that this purple emperor's monster Dan in the middle of the emperor could really recover all the injuries in Tianhu.

"Huh ..."

But at this moment, a groan came.


The next moment, a spit of blood spewed out of Tianhu's mouth.

Although there was a blood spurt from Tianhu's mouth, Tianqiao's cheeky face became more rosy.

"Sky Fox ..."

Looking at this scene, Mo Wentian exclaimed instantly.

But the next moment, the spirit swept away, but found that his worry was superfluous.

Sky Fox is not injured, but the power of the monster is repairing the broken meridians in Sky Fox.

As that force entered Tianhu's body, Tianhu's broken meridians began to tremble.

In Tianhu's body, among the dim Dantian, a bright light rose at the moment.

"Ask Brother Brother, I ..."

Suddenly, Tianhu felt the changes in his body and Dantian,

Tianhu sat up straight, looked at Mo Wentian, his eyes were full of suspicion.

"Sky Fox, keep your mind steady, and refine this monster dan!"

Mo Wentian looked at Tianhu and said lowly.

Hearing that, Tianhu closed his eyes for a moment, and in his hand once again struck the secret magpies towards the flashing purple dan.

As the fox hits one by one again, the power over the demon dank speeded up toward the fox's body.

But for a moment, the power that enveloped the sky fox completely entered the body of the sky fox.

"Predecessor Shenzhu, he really didn't lie to me!"

Feeling the change in Tianhu's body, Mo asked Tianxin to move and explore the situation in Tianhu's body again.

As the spirit entered Tianhu's body, the scene in Tianhu's body was completely presented in Mo Wentian's mind.

Those forces entered, and saw the broken meridians in Tianhu's body, shaking and connecting.

Among the dimly-lit Dantians that were originally so dim, with the repair of the meridians, a bright light also rose.

Mo Wentian has an intuition that the injuries in Tianhu's body will soon recover.

An hour of time passed quickly.

"Click ..."

In the void, the Purple King of the Zijin Ice Monkey Emperor was already extremely bleak.

Suddenly, it clicked and shattered.

At this moment, the broken meridians in Tianhu's body were completely restored.

Among the Dantians, it is extremely bright.

At this moment, the breath of Tianhu has increased several times compared with before.

Moreover, with the refinement of Zijin Bing ape emperor's demon dandelion, the breath in Tianhu's body is still growing.

"Ask Brother Tian, ​​my cultivation is about to break!"

At this moment, Tianhu seemed to feel the abnormality in his body, and the sound of joy came instantly.

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