Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1085: Where does this seem to have heard

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Chapter 1085

"Boss ..."

Xiao Yan looked at Mo Wentian, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but in the end, he didn't say anything.

"Xiao Xun, you are the beast of the city of Jincheng, Liu Zong. You are best served by Jincheng!"

"They have seen your strength. In Jincheng, Liu Zong, who is the strongest city master, has been killed by you. No one among them will be your opponent!

"No one dares to fight against you, so you should take advantage of this time and immediately let them surrender!"

Looking at Xiaoyu's hesitant look, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed and he said again.

"Xiaoyu, the boss is right, this Liu Zong was beheaded by you!"

"This Jincheng should be conquered by you!"

At this moment, the magical figure flashed, looking at Xiao Yan, said in a deep voice.

"Our Kingdom of Devouring God will sooner or later stand at the pinnacle of the ancient relics, and we will have more forces to conquer in the future!"

"Xiaoyu, in Jincheng, you have to practice first, you can!"

Seeing Xiaoyu still lying in his arms refused to come out, Mo Wentian coughed and said again.

"it is good!"

"Boss, leave it to me!"

When Xiaowen heard Mo Wentian said that the Kingdom of Devouring God would stand on the pinnacle of the ancient relics, a bright light rose instantly in his eyes.

The figure flickered out of Mo Wentian's arms.

Looking at Mo Wentian, Xiao Yan said confidently.

"Then don't wait, hurry up!".

It looked like he was afraid he would repent.

Seeing Xiao Xiao agree, Mo Wentian slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and quickly hurriedly urged.

"Booming ..."

At the next moment, Xiaoyi's figure flickered, once again transformed into a Baizhang Shenlong, standing proudly in the void.

"Jincheng's disciples, listen to me!"

"Your lord Liu Zong has been beheaded by me!"

"My King now gives you a chance, to submit or die!"

The body of Xiaozhang's Baizhang dragon circled a few times in the void, and those twinkling golden eyes glanced at Jincheng's disciples, saying coldly.

"Boss, where did I seem to have heard Xiaoyan's words? It feels familiar!"

Listening to Xiao Yan's words, Xuantian stretched out her furry claws and scratched her head.

Opening yoyo eyes, looking at Mo Wentian, said in a deep voice.

"Of course you've heard it, that's what I often say!"

Mo Wentian looked at Magic Sky, and said with a slight grin.

In Jincheng at this moment, with Xiao Yan's remarks, it suddenly exploded.

"What? This dragon says that if we don't submit, we die?"

"No matter how strong the dragon is, it's just a monster. Does he still want to subdue us Jincheng, and become our master of Jincheng?"

"But if you don't submit, who of Jincheng will be the opponent of this dragon?"

"It's better to live than to die, I think it's better to surrender!"


In Jincheng, countless warriors looked at the arrogant figure in the void, with different expressions.

Some martial arts are very unconvinced, some martial arts are in the struggle of surrender or unsubmission, and some martial arts have surrendered to Xiao Yan's terrible strength.

"Give you a breath to consider, if you don't submit, give me death!"

Just then, Xiao Yan's cold voice resounded in the void again.

"This little sister, who has followed me for such a long time, has gotten a bit of me!"

Listening to Xiao Yan's arrogant voice, Mo Wentian could not help raising a radian.

"Little divine dragon, do you think you are better at your cultivation, shall we surrender to you?"

"We Jincheng, but there are 200,000 disciples, I don't believe that you can kill all my 200,000 disciples in Jincheng!"

Suddenly, as Xiao Yan was preparing to count the first breath, a figure stood out among the crowd.

Looking at Xiaoxuan, his eyes were full of dissatisfaction, but deep in his eyes, he had a touch of jealousy!

"Brother Liu Fu, does he not want to surrender, is he going to fight this dragon?"

"Brother Liu Fu, this is just looking for death. Even Lord Zong Liu, the master of the city, died in the hands of this dragon. Brother Liu Fu hasn't reached the perfection of Heaven's perfection. Will he be his opponent?

"Brother Liu Fu's words mean that all our disciples in Jincheng will fight against this dragon together!"

"Even if this dragon is a little bit more than enough, it will be enough to kill you and me!"

"I'm still willing to surrender this dragon!"


As Liu Fu stood up, countless disciples in Jincheng talked.

But they talked about it, but no one stood up.

"Little miscellaneous, it seems you don't want to submit to the king?"

Looking at the figure from which he came from, Xiao Yan's eyes raised a cold cold mang, a cold voice.

"Yes, Liu Fu is not willing to submit to you!"

"Although your cultivation is stronger than I am, I don't know how many times, but it is impossible for me to submit to you!"

A cold voice came to his ears, and Liu Fu's eyes flashed a light.

"Unsubmit, then die!"

With a cold drink, Xiao Yi's killing intention suddenly soared.

"and many more!"

Just then, Mo Wentian's voice came.

"Boss, this kid isn't surrendering, isn't he beheaded?"

Wen Yan, Xiao Yan's eyes, full of doubtful look, looked at Mo Wentian, Shen Sheng said.

"Don't worry!"

Mo Wentian said with a slight grin, and his face was indifferent.

"Boss ..."

Xiao Yan looked at Mo Wentian's indifferent look, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but when he reached the mouth, he swallowed.

"You disciples in Jincheng are willing to submit!"

"Why are you unwilling to surrender?"

Mo Wentian stepped forward and came directly to Liu Fu.

Looking at Liu Fu, he said with a smile in his mouth.

Originally, Liu Fu's practice was such that Mo Wentian wouldn't even look at it.

A disobedient King of the Peak, kill it, kill it!

But listening to Liu Fu's words, watching him, although he was afraid of himself, he had the courage to stand up. This courage actually caught Mo Wentian's attention.

And the thought of conquering Jincheng, and no suitable candidate came to take care of it, Mo Wentian's heart raised an idea.

"in fact……"

"In fact, like all the disciples in Jincheng, I am afraid of the strength of this dragon!"

"I don't want to surrender, it's just that I am Jincheng. If you surrender this dragon, you will certainly not give us any resources for cultivation!"

"Without cultivation resources, then our cultivation will not be improved, and we will not have any freedom. Instead, we might as well struggle as we do!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Liu Fu hesitated for a while, and a steadfast expression flashed in his eyes before slowly speaking.

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