Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1097: Abacus, wrong!

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Chapter 1097: The Abacus Was Wrong!

"There are only two thousand elixir in the fourth grade?"

Nana murmured in her mouth, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a look of suspicion.

This city is the 49th city. The cultivation resources in this city are even worse than the 50th city of Jin.

This is simply abnormal!

"Say, did you hide the emperor?"

"The artifacts and elixir in this town are more than that!"

The next moment, it seemed to remember something. In the eyes of Mo Wentian, Han Mang flashed, watching Yuan Po, sulking coldly.

"Emperor, I ..."

"How dare I, in this town, all these cultivation resources are really only these!"

Seeing Mo Wutian's anger, Yuan Po shouted, and he knelt directly in front of Mo Wentian, his body trembling.

"Is that all?"

Looking at Yuan Po's trembling and terrifying look, Mo Mantian's eyes flashed coldly.

In fact, Mo Wentian knew that Yuan Po didn't lie to him. Yuan Yuan's spirit was imprinted by him. This Yuan Po said that he didn't lie. Mo Wen Tian was naturally clear.

However, for a while, he was really unbelievable. The cultivation resources in this town were too small.

"Boss, there are too few resources in this city!"

"I feel like there is something happening in this city. There must be something hiding from us in this Yuan Po!"

At this moment, a fluffy figure flashed in front of Mo Wentian, looking at Mo Wentian, with a serious face.

"What is hiding from me?"

"Yuan Po, say, what happened in this city?"

"Why is there so little resources in this city?"

"All told Bendi in fifteen and ten!"

Listening to the words of Wutian, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, a flash of cold mang flashed in his eyes.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

"Monarch, I must answer honestly!"

As Mo Wentian said this, Yuan Po felt only a cold chill and shrouded toward him.

Yuan Po couldn't help but shrink back a few times, and quickly agreed.

"Going back to Emperor, in my city, not long ago, something really happened!"

"But this thing, the whole city, only I know!"

The next moment, without any hesitation, quickly said.

"What is it?"

Listening to Yuan Po's long prelude, Mo Wentian's brow frowned slightly, and he sighed a little displeasedly.

"Yes, the lord!"

"Just three days ago, four elders were suddenly sent in the city!"

"Let me give him the artifacts and elixir from the treasure house!"

"I don't have any reason for the elders to take the shot, so I took out all the things in my treasure of the city!"

"Now in this Treasure City Treasury, only the four elders have taken away the remaining artifacts and elixir!"

The cold voice came again, Yuan Poser shrank down, took a deep breath, and then said the word.

"People in the city?"

"The four elders of Tiancheng?"

Mo Wentian whispered in his mouth, his eyes flashed endlessly.

"Why did this man come to Tancheng to get artifacts and elixir?"

"What did he tell you?"

The next moment, it seemed to remember something, Mo Wentian looked at Yuan Po and said coldly.

"Going back to the emperor, the four elders in this city said that after more than two months, the Dragon Map will be born!"

"He collected artifacts and elixir to promote the cultivation of disciples in the top three cities of Tiandixuan. Fortunately, when the Dragon Map was born, the Dragon Map was won!

Yuan Po's eyes flashed a faint light.

"The birth of the Dragon Dragon Sky Map?"

"It seems that the Tianniu tribe are also preparing for the birth of Shenlong Tongtiantu!"

With a whisper in his mouth, Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

"Boss, since the Niu tribe has collected the resources of this Wucheng city in preparation for the birth of the Dragon Dragon Sky Map!"

"It must have collected resources from other cities!"

At this moment, Xiao Yan looked at Mo Wentian, and there was a faint light in his eyes, a deep voice said.

"Yes, the four elders said, he started collecting resources from my city!"

"He doesn't just collect my Wucheng, the top 50, except for Tiandi Xuansan, all the resources of the city must be collected for the disciples of Tiandi Xuansan to practice!

Listening to Xiao Yan's words, Yuan Po seemed to think of something, his eyes flashed.

"All the resources of the top 50 cities are collected?"

"It seems that there are still a few clever people in this day!"

Mo Wentian took a moment's glance, and when he looked back, he said slightly.

"Boss, the elders of the cattle family started to collect resources in the top 50 cities. Isn't our plan ..."

Hearing that Xiao Xiao seemed to think of something, frowned slightly, looked at Mo Wentian, looked dim.

"But it only started three days ago. Forty-six cities, can he close so fast?"

Xiao Yan's worried voice came, and Mo Wentian's face had no slight fluctuation at all, and the peace was abnormal.

"Boss, but now that the four elders of the cattle family have begun to collect resources, if we go to the city in front, even if the city is in the front, the resources have not been taken away by the four elders!"

"But we have another layer of risk. When we go to conquer other cities, we will probably meet the four elders of the cattle of this day!"

Suddenly, in the eyes of the magic sky, there was a touch of refined light.

Immediately, the figure flashed, looking at Mo Wentian, his face solemnly said.

"It's not unreasonable to say that Xuantian!"

Mo Wentian nodded, and his look changed slightly instantly.

"Yuan Po, what is the cultivation of these four elders?"

The next moment, it seemed to remember something, Mo Wentian looked at Yuan Po and said coldly.

"Back to the Emperor, the cultivation of the four elders has reached the early state of the emperor!"

"However, not long after he entered the emperor's early days, when he came to Tancheng three days ago, his breath was still unstable!"

Hearing that Yuan Po didn't hesitate at all, and quickly and respectfully replied.

"Xiu Wei just broke into the early emperor?"

"You can even tell that the breath is not stable. Why are you afraid of such cultivation?"

At first hearing the four elders' repairs, they just broke into the early state of the emperor, and their breath was not stable. Mo Wentian was relieved.

Based on the current practice of the four elders, Mo Wentian has no fear at all.

"Boss, what do you mean?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Xiao Yan's eyes flashed awe-inspiring, she asked in a deep voice.

"I mean pretty simple!"

"We still have to conquer the forty-six cities in front. As for the four elders of the cattle that day!"

"If you do, it only means that he is out of luck!"

The cold voice sounded, Mo Wentian's eyes narrowed slightly, and a cold chill flashed away.

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