Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1124: Divided into two ways

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Chapter 1124: Divided Two Ways

"Go to the next city?"

"Boss, do you mean going to Tianniu's fifth-ranked city?"

After hearing the words, Xiao Yan and Huan Tian were a little stunned, returned to God, looked at Mo Wentian, Shen Sheng said.

"Well, go to the fifth-ranked city!"

The icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.


The next moment, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all. He gave a cold drink, his figure flickered, and he disappeared into place.

Watching Mo Wentian's figure disappeared, Xiaoyi and Huantian looked at each other and quickly followed.

A moment later, when the three figures appeared again, they appeared on the hillside where Mu Ruxue's people were.

"Meet the master!"

"Meet the master!"


Watching Mo Wentian's figure appeared, one after another, headed by Mu Ruxue, quickly bowed down to Mo Wentian.

They looked at Mo Wentian with a respectful look on their faces.

"Let's all get up!"

Mo Wentian just glanced at the road indifferently.

"Mr. Ruxue, how did the Emperor tell you to do?"

The next moment, it seemed to remember something, Mo Wentian's eyes fell on Mu Ruxue's body, and said coldly.

"Go back to the master, I have done what you said!"

After hearing the words, Mu Ruxue didn't hesitate, and quickly answered.

"When did your dad say I'll change things for you?"

Mo Wentian's eyes were slightly one meter, and his face was cold.

"Back to master, my dad said he'll be here in a quarter of an hour!"

Mu Ruxue looked at Mo Wentian, his eyes full of respectful look.

"A quarter of an hour?"

"Magic sky, it seems our plan is changing!"

Mo Wentian seemed to think of something, his eyes fell on the body of the magic sky, and the corner of his mouth was slightly grinning.

"Boss, how does the plan change?"

Upon hearing this, Xuantian's brow frowned slightly, and she looked at Mo Wentian's eyes with a look of doubt.

"Huayue Commercial Bank must not let go of this big piece of fat!"

"As for the resources in the other cities of the Tianniu people, that can't be ignored!"

"In order to have both, Imagine, you continue to imitate the appearance of the four elders of the Tianniu clan, and go to the fifth-ranked city to collect resources!"

The cold voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's face was full of serious look.

"Boss, shall I go alone?"

Listening to Mo Wutian's words, Huan Tian paused for a moment, then returned to God, watching Mo Wutian, Shen Sheng said.

"Xiaoyu and I need to stay here to deal with the owners of Huayue Commercial Bank. You went to the fifth-ranked Youcheng of the Niu tribe this day. When Xiaoye and I handle the affairs of this Huayue Commercial Bank, I will come to you immediately meet!"

Mo Wentian looked at Huan Tian's somewhat suspicious look, and coughed softly.

"Magic sky, you can rest assured that the four elders of the cattle family are collecting resources from the 50th-ranked city, and he will not be so fast!"

"As for the people in this ghost city, you don't have to worry about it. You have transformed into the appearance of the four elders of the Tianniu tribe. Your cultivation has reached the level of the emperor in the early days. That's enough! "

After speaking, looking at the magical sky still hesitant, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed, indifferent.

"Boss, I didn't mean that, I ..."

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, a magical light flashed in the eyes of Xuantian.

He opened his mouth, trying to say something, but ended up saying nothing.

"Magic sky, you can rest assured, Xiaoyan and I have enough people to deal with Huayue Commercial Bank!"

"And don't forget, we still have this wood like snow and ten martial arts soldiers who are successful!"

Looking at the hesitant look of Huan Tian, ​​Mo Wentian's mouth slightly grinned, his face calmly.

In fact, Mo Wentian's mind was very clear that Magic Sky was not because one person felt dangerous in this quiet city, but that he was worried about himself and Xiaoyu.

After all, this Huayue commercial bank has a considerable influence in the Tianniu clan, and the strength of Huayue commercial bank cannot be underestimated.

"Magic sky, go!"

"Just follow our approach in Mingcheng, we can solve it quickly!"

The next moment, Mo Wentian looked at the magic sky and said again.

"Boss, then I'll go first, be careful!"

Mo Wentian's voice came to his ears again, and the light flashed in the eyes of Phantom Tian, ​​said in a deep voice.

Immediately, Magic Sky didn't hesitate, the figure flashed and disappeared.

"Boss, can you solve it when you go to Youcheng alone?"

As soon as Magic Sky left, Xiao Yan looked at Mo Wentian, his face full of worry, and said in a deep voice.

"Magic sky, he must be fine!"

The powerful voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes were full of firmness.

"Small sister-in-law, get up and start fighting soon!"

The next moment, what seemed to be found, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed coldly, and his face was serious.

"Boss, is anyone here?"

Hearing that Xiao Xiao seemed to feel a figure, coming towards the hillside.

"Master, my father came with eight shopkeepers of our Huayue firm!"

At this moment, Mu Ruxue looked at Mo Wentian, looking respectfully.

"Sure enough, it's the people from Huayue Commercial Bank!"


An indifferent voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

"Mu Ruxue, when your dad comes, you pretend to be held by me and ask your dad for help!"

The next moment, it seemed to remember something, Mo Wentian looked at Mu Ruxue and said coldly.

"Master, I will do exactly what you say!"

Mu Ruxue agreed without hesitation.

Can't say why, Mu Ruxue has an intuition. If the owner and eight shopkeepers of Huayue Commercial Bank did not follow what Mo Wentian said, they would surely die in Mo Wentian's hands.

"Master, can I have a request?"

Thinking of this, Mu Ruxue's face was full of sadness, and he groaned for a while before he said.

"What request?"

After hearing the words, Mo Wentian turned his head, looked at Mu Ruxue, and subconsciously made his debut.

"Will the host be on my part, don't kill my father and the eight shopkeepers of Huayue Commercial Bank!"

Mu Ruxue hesitated for a while, then decided to speak.

Keeping her voice down, she didn't seem to come from the same person as her arrogant voice when she conducted the auction in front of Huayue Commercial Bank.

"It's not impossible for me to spare them!"


Listening to Mu Ruxue's words, Mo Wentian's sword eyebrows froze slightly, and then the corners of his mouth slightly grinned, indifferently said.

"If the host has any requirements, let me ask!"

Mu Ruxue looked at Mo Wentian, seemed to understand something, and quickly said.

"It's not impossible for me to spare them!"

"It's just that if you want to survive in my hands, you must be a person of this emperor. This emperor will only open one side of his own network. For others, he has no compassion!"

The icy voice sounded, and the radian rising from the corner of Mo Wentian's mouth became more intense.

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