Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1126: It's just shame!

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Chapter 1126 is simply shame!

"Your Cher, now in my hands, old guy, the conditions of Bendi, your Cher has already told you clearly in the transmission!"

"Give up all the cultivation resources in your Huayue Commercial Bank. Otherwise, Bendi accidentally did something extraordinary. Don't you blame me?"

Ask a question, grin.

Talking, his hands provoked the chin of Mu Ruxue, his eyes were wanton.

"Release your paw?"

"What kind of identity is my Miss Huayue Commercial Bank? How can you be a little ant in the middle of a king!"

"Damn, **** it!"

"Boy, we must kill you, no, we should chop all your hands and feet first, and then chop you into meat sauce!"


The eight shopkeepers looked at Mo Wutian's arrogant look, and were extremely angry.

And Mu Tuwu, at this moment, is even more murderous. If his daughter Mu Ruxue is in Mo Wentian's hands, this person may have already shot Mo Motian.

Mo Wentian ’s cultivation, but in the mid-term situation of the King, such cultivation is, in the eyes of the emperor's Mu Tuwu in the early days, even the ants are not as good.

As long as he squeezed lightly, Mo Wentian shattered into this void.

"Boy, the bank owner gave you a chance and let my Cher!"

"Otherwise, our banker's temper is not good. If you don't let Xueer go, I'm not careful and I might crush you into pieces!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Mu Tuwu said shamelessly.

"is it?"

"That really scared Bendi, Bendi is so scared!"

Listening to Mu Tuwu's words full of threats, Mo Wentian gave a slight grin, and stretched out his hand towards Mu Ruxue's delicate hand.

What's more, Mo Wentian looked at Mu Ruxue, the hot eyes in his eyes, and didn't hide it.

Looking at this scene of Mu Tuwu, the fist grip of the fist, the knuckles turned white, and his eyes were even more murderous.

If the eyes can kill people, then Mo Wentian in front of it, I'm afraid they have been killed countless times.

"Boy, the bank owner must kill you today!"

Mu Tuwu originally thought that under his threatening words, Mo Wentian would converge on this.

Maybe he will also be afraid of his strength and let Mu Ruxue let him go, but what made him so surprised was that Mo Wentian not only did not have the slightest fear, but he strengthened his daughter, Ru Ruxue, who looked like a baby. stand up.

Mu Tuwu looked at Mo Wentian, and his eyes were full of anger.

"What does the master and this ant neglect, let us kill it directly!"

"Yes, when this kid is killed, the lady will be safe!"

"Kill this kid!"


Just then, behind Mu Tuwu, the eight shopkeepers looked at Mo Wentian, and the sky was soaring in their eyes.

"You are not enough to kill the Emperor!"

"come out!"

Listening to the utterly cold talk, Mo Wentian's eyes were cold, and then he drank coldly.

With Mo Wentian's cold drink, ten figures fell on Mo Wentian's side.

"Meet the master!"

"Meet the master!"


Each figure looked at Mo Wentian, and immediately bowed down, their faces were full of respectful expression.

"the host?"

"Ten successful kings?"

"how can that be?"

"How could the ten successful kings call this kid the master?"

"I must have heard it wrong!"


Looking at the ten figures who bowed down to Mo Wentian, nine people including Mu Tuwu, looked at the ten figures for a while, and determined that the ten people's cultivation was in the King of Heaven. Perfection.

Stunned for a while, came back to God, and then talked about the Word.

They looked at those ten figures, and then looked at Mo Wentian. Their eyes were full of suspicion.

"Dad, save me!"

"Give me what you asked you to bring, save me!"

Suddenly, Mu Ruxue's voice for help resounded again.

"Xueer, don't worry, Dad will save you!"

"It's not an exchange, but I'm going to kill this kid!"

Looking at Mu Ruxue's painful struggle in Mo Wentian's hands, Mu Tuwu's eyes flashed a complex light.

He wanted to save his baby daughter immediately, but when thinking of Huayue Commercial Bank, Mu Tuwu's eyes flashed a cold chill.

"Boy, what do you want?"

Just then, Mu Tuwu stood up and asked Shen Sheng.

"I have told you what Bendi wants, when will it be handed over, Bendi will naturally return your daughter to you!"

"But again, this emperor is not a patient man. I will give you ten breaths to consider. Within ten breaths, if you do not hand over what the emperor wants, then you must blame it. "

The cold voice sounded, Mo Wentian looked at Mu Ruxue's eyes, but with a smile of evil.

In that way, it seems that if Mu Tuwu didn't hand over what he wanted, he would really do anything to Mu Ruxue.

"Boy, how dare you?"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Mu Tuwu said with a dark face.

"Why didn't the Emperor dare!"

"A breath!"

Mu Tuwu's cold voice came, and Mo Wentian's eyes were cold.

The next moment, without the slightest hesitation, started counting.

"Damn, this kid is so horrible!"

"This kid, he's just looking for death!"

"Yes, not only did she catch the lady, she even threatened the master with the lady!"

"Master Xingzhu, we shot together and killed all these people, especially this kid, we must separate the horses!"


Mo Wentian's arrogant words resounded. The eight shopkeepers and Mu Tuwu all had terrible anger in their eyes.

Huayue Commercial Bank, not to mention it is famous in the Tianniu clan and its strength is resounding, even in the entire ancient relics, it is well known.

In this ancient relic, even the beasts and other hidden ancients are afraid to take his daughter away.

But in front of this little boy in the middle of the heavens, how dare he shoot his daughter?

This makes Mu Tuwu's heart not angry.

"Two breaths!"

"Three breaths!"

In the eyes of Mu Tuwu and others, the killing intentions skyrocketed, but the opposite Mo Wentian had a look of indifference.

Counting leisurely, the outstretched hand, as the number increased, became even more brazen.

And in Mo Wentian's arms, Mu Ruxue was so agitated by Mo Wentian, and his fair face turned out to be Yin Hong.

"Boy, you let me Cher!"

"Leave Cher!"

Mu Tuwu looked at this scene, his eyes were full of anger, and he sulked madly.

He was the owner of Huayue Commercial Bank. He was the strongest in the early days of the Emperor.

Such a practice, even in the entire ancient relics, is also ranked on the top.

But he was blackmailed and threatened by a little warrior in the middle of the king, which is a great shame!

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