Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1144: Such cultivation is still not enough!

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Chapter 1144 Such a cultivation is not enough!

"Physique will be broken? Dragon scales will also break?"

Nana whispered in her mouth, and a flash of cold mang flashed in Mo Wentian's eyes.

The immortal body broke through to the sixth floor. Mo Wentian knew the kind of pain he suffered when he broke through.

As Binglong said, Mo Wentian was really a little worried.

At this moment, Mo Wentian also finally understood why there are many ice dragons who can break through the emperor's early days, but in fact they can break through only one in ten thousand.

"How is the physical strength broken? What about the broken dragon scales?"

"Binglong, you can still break through, and Wang will certainly break through successfully!"

At this moment, Xiao Yan's powerful voice sounded instantly.

Among his eyes, at this moment, the eyes were firm and firm.

"Little sister, Bendi believes in you!"

As Xiao Yan said this, Mo Wentian's eyes also fell on Xiao Yan's body.

"Boss, thank you!"

Wen Yan said that Xiaoyan's eyes flashed a touch of light, and his heart was moved a bit.

In Mo Wentian's heart, he regarded Xiao Huan as his loved one. In Xiao Huan's heart, why did he see Mo Wu Tian as his loved one.

"Xiao Jingchen, Duan Fan, Fan Zeng, you all came to the hall with the emperor!"

The next moment, I seemed to think of something. Looking at the people in front of me, Mo asked Tian coldly.

"Yes, the lord!"

"Yes, the lord!"


All the figures agreed quickly.


With a cold drink, Mo Wentian's figure disappeared directly.

And watching Mo Wentian disappeared, Xiao Jinghen and others didn't hesitate at all, and quickly followed up.

A moment later, when the figures appeared again, they already appeared in the hall of the Kingdom of Devourers.

On the seat of the main hall of the hall, Mo Wentian sat side by side, looking at the crowd beneath him, his eyes full of cold and arrogant.

"Monarch, what do you have to command?"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Fan Zeng and others looked at each other and couldn't help asking.

"Xiao Yan, Magic Sky, give them what the Emperor has prepared for them!"

Wen Yan, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a light.

Immediately, looking at Xiao Yan and Xuan Tian, ​​said coldly.

"Okay, boss!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Xiao Yan and Huan Tian seem to understand something.

"Buzz ..."

When the mind moved, a handful of artifacts appeared in the hall.

All of the artifacts that appeared were king-level perfect artifacts.

These artifacts are all Mo Wentian's trophies in the Tianniu clan.

"Monarch, this ..."

"Emperor, these are all king-level perfect artifacts. You are ..."

"Emperor, you gave us a king-level perfect artifact last time!"


Watching that handful of artifacts appeared, Xiao Jinghen and others were full of impressive looks on his face.

Back to God, watching Mo Wentian, quickly said.

"Bondi knew it was given!"

"These artifacts, this emperor wants you to quickly refine and use them to promote cultivation!"

The corner of Mo Wentian's mouth slightly lifted, and a smile spread instantly.

"Refining artifacts to promote cultivation?"

"Emperor, these are all king-level perfect artifacts. Are they too wasteful to be refined to improve cultivation?"

With Mo Wentian's remarks, Xiao Jinghen's eyes were so shocked that he almost came out subconsciously.

"It's just some perfect artifacts of the king class. Refining means refining!"

"What Emperor wants is your cultivation and rapid improvement!"

An indifferent voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a light.

In these cities of the Tianniu tribe, there are dozens of king-level perfect artifacts collected this time.

Refining some to promote cultivation, this is even more irrelevant to Mo Wentian.

"What are you still doing?"

"Take down the rapid refining and improve it!

Xiaoxiong looked at the people with a humorous face in front of her, and uttered a wanton smile on the corner of her mouth, and said with a curse.

"Yes, yes, Master!"

"Yes, the lord!"

"Thank you, Lord!"


Xiao Yan's voice came, Xiao Jinghen and others immediately returned to God, without any hesitation, and quickly and respectfully said.

Immediately, each figure showed a slight ritual, and one person withdrew two king-level perfect artifacts and some elixir.

Suddenly, in the hall, there were only four people: Mo Wentian, Xiaoyin Fantasy Sky and Binglong.

Mo Wentian let Binglong stay here because Mo Wentian also felt that Xiao Xiu's cultivation was about to break through. After all, Binglong had the experience of breaking through the emperor's realm.

He stayed here, which is still good for Xiao Yan's breakthrough.

"Xiao Xun, Magic Sky, Binglong, you all go to practice in the Heaven Pavilion!"

The next moment, Mo Wentian seemed to think of something, looking at Xiao Yan and others, said coldly.

"Okay, boss!"

"Okay, boss!"


One dragon and one demon answered, without any hesitation, the figure flickered and disappeared in place.

When it appeared again, the figure of a dragon and a demon had already appeared in Wentiange.

As they entered Wentian Pavilion, in the hall, there was only Mo Wentian alone.

"My body broke through to the sixth floor of the immortal body, the Holy Eucharist in Kowloon. My cultivation also broke through to the middle of the Heavenly King, with a spirit of 350 feet and a spiritual awareness of 30,000 meters!"

"My strength, but also comparable to the early days of the Emperor!"

"This practice is not enough!"

With a whisper in his mouth, Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

Immediately, what seemed to be thinking, Mo Wentian thought secretly.

"Now for me, the perfect artifact of refining the king and the flesh and blood of the early emperor's warriors have little effect!"

"If you want to break through, you must have stronger artifacts and blood!"

Originally, when he was not at war with the Emperor's realm, Mo Wentian thought that with his terrible physique of the Kowloon Eucharist, he would be able to fight against the Emperor's early power.

But in the real war, Mo Wentian found that he wanted to compete with his body, which was not enough.

The difference in strength between the warrior in the emperor's realm and the warrior in the emperor's realm is one heaven and one underground.

"Consolidate it first!"

Taking a deep breath, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate, and sat down cross-legged.

For a moment, Mo Wutian entered the cultivation, and the surrounding bulges quickly gathered towards Mo Wentian.

And Mo Wentian's breath is also slowly growing!

In a day's time, look away.

"Woohoo ..."

Mo Wentian opened his eyes and spit out a stale gas.

"Keep going like this, when will my practice break through!"

"You have to go through it!"

Standing up, Mo Mantian's eyes flashed coldly.

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