Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1150: Meet the Demon Patriarchs

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Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1150

"Is your opponent Bendi not sure, Bendi only knows that you are going to die here today!"

"With this emperor, this demon soul seal, you don't even want to open it!"

An extremely cold voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a terrible sense of murder.


The next moment, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, and shot with one palm, directly on the chest.

Immediately, a blood spurted out of Mo Wentian's mouth.

"Boy, my ancestors know you can't fight, but don't do that!"

Looking at Mo Wentian's palm on his chest, the evil smile on the face of the demon ancestor was even more wanton.

In the view of the demon ancestors, Mo Wentian is undoubtedly an extremely stupid way to do this.

But what he didn't know was that Mo Wentian was doing this in order to make a shot and strengthen the seal again.

"Old miscellaneous, wait for the emperor to solve this seal first, then come to solve you!"

Mo Wentian looked at the ancestors of the Demon Realm, his eyes flashed coldly, and his voice was cold.

After speaking, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, and the old man's appearance appeared in his mind.

Immediately, Mo Wentian followed the old man's practice and hit the seals in the seal.

With Mo Wentian's one-by-one printing tricks, the cracks appearing on the seal began to heal at this moment.

"Protoss, please stop me!"


"Let this protoss kid stop!"

"Hurry up and let this guy get away with me, open the seal and let us out!"


The next moment, in the seal, there were strange noises.

The strange phantoms in that seal were even more painful.

"Boy, stop me!"

"Stop it for me!"

Listening to the sound of this drunk drinking, the ancestors of the demon world came back to him instantly, watching Mo Wentian, drinking with utter coldness.

"Old miscellaneous, don't worry, Bendi will come to you soon!"

After hearing the words, Mo Wentian looked at the ancestors of the Demon Realm, and there was a smile of evil in his mouth.

But the movements in his hands did not stay at all. The demon soul seal was just a few breaths, and the cracks were completely healed.

In the seal, the ridiculous faces had disappeared, and the screams stopped abruptly.

"This ... how is this possible?"

"Do not……"

Looking at the fiendish soul seal that finally appeared cracks, healed completely, the eyes of the ancestors of the demon world are full of incredible.

He exclaimed, looking at Mo Wentian, and his eyes were even more skeptical.

He made the demon soul seal crack, and the consumption was not low. At this moment, his face was still pale.

You know, he is already a strong man in the early days of the emperor, and the moment is not asking the sky, but it is only the mid-term state of the emperor.

In the middle of the heavens, Mo Wentian, recovering this demon soul seal, not only took less than a few breaths, but Mo Wen Tian seemed very easy.

At least it looks like he has less power than he uses.

"Woohoo ..."

Mo Wentian breathed a sigh of relief, watching his demon soul seal completely strengthened, then put his hand away.

Although the palm of his hand was spitting blood on his chest, it made him feel that he was seriously injured, but in fact, the injuries in his body were only slight.

And this seal, the demon soul seal, Mo Wentian obviously felt that compared to the last time, I don't know how much.

Mo Wentian had a premonition that this demon soul seal, if he wanted to strengthen next time, it would be easier.

"Old miscellaneous, in Bendi, nothing is impossible!"

"Now the demon soul seal, Bendi gives you a quarter of an hour to let you open!"

"Hahahaha ..."

The next moment, Mo Wentian seemed to remember something, his eyes fell on the ancestor of the demon world.

Looking at the ancestor of the Demon Realm, in the eyes of Mo Wentian, Han Mang flickered endlessly, and laughed wildly.

Can't say why, Mo Wentian has an intuition, let alone a quarter of an hour, even if it gives the ancestor of the demon world an hour, he can't open the seal of the demon soul.

If it was easy for the demon ancestor to open the demon soul seal, the demon soul seal would have been opened by the demon ancestor already, and it would not wait until now.

"A quarter of an hour, let me open?"

It was said that in the eyes of the ancestors of the demon world, a very bright light rose.

In his opinion, Mo Wentian's cultivation is only a warrior in the middle of the King of Heaven, a warrior in the middle of the King of Heaven, no matter how strong he can be.

Where can the seal set by him go?

Thinking about it this way, the ancestors of the Demon Realm even secretly figured it out, looking at Mo Wentian, the glimmer of light was deep in his eyes.

At this moment, in his heart, he even laughed at Mo Wentian.

He thought that Mo Wutian gave him a quarter of an hour to open the demon soul seal, which would be the most stupid decision Mo Wutian made.

"That's right, Bendi will give you a quarter of an hour to open this demon seal!"

"However, Bendi has one more condition!"

Mo Wentian looked at the ancestors of the demon world, his mouth slightly raised, and an evil smile spread instantly.

"What conditions?"

It is said that the ancestors of the Demon Realm almost came out subconsciously.

"The conditions of this emperor are very simple. I will give you a quarter of an hour to open the seal of the demon soul. If you can open it, this emperor will never stop it!"

"But if you can't open it after a quarter of an hour ..."

The icy voice sounded, and the arc rising at the corner of Mo Wentian's mouth was evil.

"Boy, what do you want if you can't open it?"

Looking at Mo Wentian, in the eyes of the ancestors of the demon world, a touch of cold mang rose.

"How about not opening?"

"If you can't open it, you'll be Bendi's dog!"

Li Li's voice sounded loudly, and in the eyes of Mo Wentian, Han Mang flickered endlessly.

The cultivation of the ancestors of the demon world is only half a step away from the middle of the emperor. It has conquered the ancestors of the demon world. This is undoubtedly a great thing for the kingdom of heaven to eat.

"Be your dog?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, the hands of the ancestors of the Demon Realm couldn't help but clenched his hands, and the cold light in his eyes shook even more.

"Old miscellaneous, Bendi gives you a chance!"

"Whether to open it is your choice!"

Mo Wentian looked at the ancestors of the demon world, and his cold voice resounded again.

Regarding this ancestor of the demon world, Mo Wentian didn't have the slightest affection. If this person's honest submission is fine, but if this person is not honest, then he doesn't mind asking God to let him die!

And listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, deep in the eyes of the ancestors of the demon world, there was a gleam of cold eyes.

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