Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1154: Repair for enhancement

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Chapter 1154: Cultivation for Enhancement

Looking at Mo Wentian, the eyes of the ancestors of the demon world are even more shocking.

You know, he has a thousand palms. Although he has not exerted all his strength, he is already 70% of his strength.

The half-step Emperor ’s strength of 70% to 80% was enough to kill at least one ordinary emperor ’s early armies.

But his thousand-handed magic palms collided with Mo Wentian's Devouring Sword. He not only failed to kill Mo Wutian, but even himself was injured.

"Boy, the stronger your body, the stronger your talents, and the better your ancestor's cultivation will be when the ancestors have swallowed you up!

"Your ancestor is becoming more and more fond of your flesh and blood!"

"Hmm ..."

But the next moment, it seemed to remember something, in the eyes of the demon ancestor, there was a gleam of green light, and his face was cold.

"Do you like my flesh?"

"Old Miscellaneous, your **** soul emperor's magic dzi is also very fond!"

After hearing the words, Mo Wentian's eyes froze coldly, and his voice was extremely cold.

"All palms!"

"Boy, today is your death!"

The extremely cold voice came from the void, and the next moment, I saw the ancestor of the demon world shot again.

In the void, the original thousands of palms increased rapidly at this moment, but in a few breaths, they have increased to tens of thousands.

On the palms of tens of thousands, the magic gas billowed, and then, he went directly to Mo Wentian.

Tens of thousands of palms fell toward Mo Wentian, it seemed that he wanted to smash Mo Wentian into pieces.


At this moment, in the void, it was shaking madly.

In the endless void, all the terrible magical spirits quickly swept away towards Mo Wentian.

At this moment, the magic is rolling, and the whole void is at this moment, as if shrouded in darkness, and it looks terrible from a distance.

"This magic is so strong!"

Mo Wentian looked at the rolling magic, and swept towards himself. Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a faint look.

Mo Wentian originally thought that his body cultivation had achieved a breakthrough. It is not difficult to overcome the ancestors of the demon world.

But I didn't expect that the current strength of the demon ancestors is already so terrible.

"Boss, this magic is terrible!"

"Be careful!"

And at this moment, the sound of the magical sky came from Wentiange again.

"Be careful?"

"I want to see, what other tricks does this old mess have!"

The cold voice sounded, and Mo Mantian's eyes flickered endlessly.

Although the demon ancestor in front of him is very strong, he never asks God, and he still does not believe it. With him now, will he not be the opponent of the demon lord?

"Boss, the practice of this demon ancestor has been enhanced a lot!"

"The birth of the Dragon Map is coming soon, or else we ..."

The next moment, it seemed to remember something, in the eyes of Xuantian, there was a complex light flashing.

"You want me to retreat?"

Listening to the words of Magic Sky, Mo Wentian instantly understood.

Mo Wentian's heart was very clear. This was that Phantom was worried about him, but in his dictionary, there was never a back word!

The ancestor of the demon world in front of him, he wants to beheaded. Although it is not simple, he never asks the sky, and he will not let the ancestor of the demon world leave.

Shenzhu seniors said that there are three demon soul seals, and the three demon soul seals have not been opened for a long time.

If the ancestors of the Demon Realm were released this time, next time, Mo Wentian might not have such good luck.

Once the ancestor of the demon world opens the demon soul seal and releases the power of the demon world, then this is not only a bad thing for the Kingdom of Devouring Heaven. Disaster.

The practice of people in the demon world is a kind of magical magic power, which is promoted by swallowing people.

This time, Mo Wentian would not let the ancestors of the Demon Realm leave.

"Boss, the practice of this demon ancestor is really too strong!"

"If you fight with him, you will be seriously injured!"

"You have been seriously injured. This is also a bad thing for us to **** the Dragon Dragon Sky Map. Boss, otherwise we should step down first!"

Hearing that, Magic Sky groaned for a long time before slowly speaking.

"Magic sky, you can rest assured that you practice well!"

"As for the ancestor of the demon world, Bendi will definitely make him regret today's behavior!"

铿锵 A powerful voice sounded, Mo Mantian's eyes, Han Mang flickered endlessly.

"Boss ..."

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Magic Sky opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end, she didn't say anything.

"Boy, this palm, you give me a way!"

At this moment, the sound of the old ancestor of the demon world resounded again.

Immediately, in the void, countless palms were photographed towards Mo Wentian.


The billowing magic raged violently, and trembled frantically in the void.

"It seems that Sixiang Bitian is no longer good for this old mess!"

"Bite your sword!"

"Break the world!"

Mo Wentian looked at the countless palms that were falling towards himself, and the cold mang in his eyes suddenly skyrocketed.

Nana whispered in her mouth, her eyes narrowed sharply.

The next moment, cold drinking, a sword shot directly, greeted the demon ancestor in the void.

As Mo Wentian shot this sword, and where the Devouring Sword passed, a crack appeared in the void instantly.

Those cracks, but a few breaths, spread wildly.

In a moment, the fissure had reached the length of hundreds of feet. Among the fissures, the void flowed wildly.

"So strong sword spirit!"

"But boy, you want to block me with this sword!"

"What a daydream!"

The terrible sword gas struck, and a complex light flashed in the eyes of the demon ancestors.

But the next moment, it seemed to remember something. In the eyes of the demon ancestors, the light suddenly skyrocketed, and his face was extremely evil.

"is it?"

"Old miscellaneous, this sword lord will let you understand, what is the ten-fingered Lianxin!"

Listening to the ridiculous words of the ancestors of the demon world, Mo Wentian's eyes narrowed, and his face was cold.

Immediately, in the void, Mo Wentian's figure flickered, and he transformed directly into the ninth.

Nine Mowentian proudly stood in the void, and the figure flashed again. Nine Mowentian became eighty-one in an instant.

Eighty-one Mo Wentian's breath is exactly the same, standing proudly in the void, looking at the ancestors of the demon world, the killing intention in his eyes, not concealing at all.

"Phantom of avatar!"

"Boy, do you think you can defeat your ancestors with your little tricks pretending to be a god?"

Looking at the 81-one Mowentian who was holding the Heavenly Devouring Sword in the void and beheaded at him, the ancestor of the demon world took a moment's glance, returned to God, and said with a sultry expression.

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