Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1173: Refinement, breakthrough!

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Chapter 1173 Refining, Breakthrough!

"Xiao Yuan, Bendi will soon refine this Shengyuandan!"

"Don't worry, when you break through, Bendi will come!"

Mo Wentian looked at Xiao Yan's complicated look, and instantly understood, his mouth slightly grinned, his face indifferent.

Having said that, before Xiaoxi came back to God, Mo Wentian's figure had disappeared.

As soon as Mo Wentian disappeared, Xiao Yan quickly refined Shengyuandan.

At the same time, Mo Wentian sat cross-legged in a cave that was only a few hundred feet away.

With a change of mind, a Saint Yuandan appeared in Mo Wentian's hands.

"God Eater!"


With a cold drink, Mo Wentian directly started to eat Tianshenjue.

As the Devouring God of God moves, the surrounding aura quickly gathers towards Mowentian.

Above that Shengyuandan, all the strength was surging towards Mo Wentian.

Buzz ... "

With the power of Sheng Yuan Dan, entered Mo Wentian's body.

The breath of Mo Wentian also rapidly increased, not only the breath of his body increased, but also the body of Mo Wentian.

In that dantian, the grape-sized star turned around crazyly around the football-sized star at this moment.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly.

In the cave, countless auras gathered toward Mo Wentian's body.

Mo Wentian's body was like a rainbow, and his breath was terrible.


The cold voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes flickered.

"Continue to devour me!"

The next moment, Mo Wentian sighed coldly, and hit the seals on Sheng Yuandan again.

With all these secrets coming out, the power of Madam Tian entered the body of Mo Wentian.

At the same time, Mo Wentian's breath has also grown rapidly.

"Cultivate, break me!"

The cold roar came, and Mo Wentian's eyes skyrocketed.

"Buzz ..."

And at this moment, in Mo Wentian's body, the two big and small stars were shining with extremely bright rays.

The breath of Mo Wentian is extremely vast.

A quarter of an hour passed.


A roar of roar rang through the cave.

Mo Wentian's power is even more terrible.

At this moment, the grape-sized star in Mo Wentian started to grow.

As the star grew, Mo Wentian's breath quickly grew, as if the next moment, the cultivation would break into the late stage of the Uranus.

At the same time, Mo Wentian's spiritual knowledge has also grown rapidly.

The original spiritual knowledge of 40 thousand feet has now grown to the level of 50 thousand feet, and it is still growing.

And there is that spirit, which was originally three hundred and fifty feet, at this moment, it even trembled, and there is a trend that will soon skyrocket.

"Last day of the King, break me!"

An angry drink sounded again.

Numerous auras around, even madly surging into Mo Wentian's body.

And the power of the Eight Daochen marks on Shengyuandan was accelerated toward Mo Wentian's body.

As the countless auras and powers entered Mo Wentian's body, in Mo Man Tian Tian, ​​the grape-sized star even grew to the size of an egg at this moment.

At the same time, Mo Wentian's spirit has grown to 400 feet, and spiritual knowledge has skyrocketed to 60,000 feet.

"Lady King!"

"I finally broke through to the late stage of Uranus!"

Just when the grape-sized star grew to the size of an egg, Mo Wentian's breath instantly broke into the late stage of Uranus.

Feeling the atmosphere of the late state of the king that day in the body, Mo Wentian's face rose with a touch of joy.

"Click ..."

And at this moment, the power of the Saint Yuandan was completely swallowed up by Mo Wentian.

A shattering voice came, and I saw that in the void, the Eight Yuan Daochen Sheng Yuan Dan, the original twinkling light has been extremely dimmed, and a click, the Sheng Yuan Dan was instantly broken.

"My practice has broken through to the late stage of the King of Heaven. My soul has reached 400 feet, and my spiritual knowledge has grown to 60,000 feet!"

"According to my current strength, there is definitely no fear of the strong man in the middle of the emperor, but it is not easy to kill the strong man in the middle of the emperor!"

Nana whispered in her mouth, and in the eyes of Mo Wentian, a touch of cold mang rose.

According to the truth, Xiuwei has been ascended into spiritual knowledge, and Mo Wentian should be happy, but Mo Wentian's handsome face has no trace of joy.

It seems that Mo Wentian is not satisfied with Xiu Wei's breakthrough to the late stage of the Heavenly King.

"It's not enough to fear the middle emperor. My strength must break through to be invincible in the middle emperor!"

The next moment, it seemed to remember something, Mo Wentian's eyes were stunned slightly, and the cold mang in his eyes flashed endlessly.

As far as he knows, the current Emperor Cattle is already a strong man in the middle of the Emperor, as well as the ancestor of the demon world who escaped. Do you have any premonitions?

Once again, I met the demon ancestor, and the cultivation of the demon ancestor must have entered the middle and even stronger state of the emperor.

What's more, there is the supreme beast owner of the beast. His cultivation is that before the rumor, he had already broken into the middle stage of the emperor.

After such a long period of time, Xiuwei, the beast owner of this orc, has certainly grown a lot.

Mo Wentian thought about it like this, the good-looking sword eyebrows could not help but clenched into a ball, and his face was full of solemn look.

"The immortal body broke through to the sixth-level Kowloon Eucharist, plus the cultivation of the spiritual soul, coupled with the Devouring Sword and the Time Roulette, my comprehensive strength, I am afraid that it is OK to face an emperor in the middle period It's not enough! "

With a whisper in his mouth, Mo Mantian's eyes flickered.

It was originally thought that the body had broken through to the sixth-floor Kowloon holy body of the immortal body, which was already terrible.

But I did not expect that his physique was not so strong in the presence of the Tianniu who specializes in physical fitness ...

If so, Mo Wentian's heart secretly made up his mind.

Such cultivation is not enough for physique. In order to win the Shenlongtongtiantu, he must work hard to break into cultivation for strength.

"Roar ..."

Suddenly, the sound of dragons resounded.

"This is Xiao Yan's voice!"

"Xiao Yan is about to break through!"

Listening to the sound of these dragons, Mo Wentian returned to God instantly.

Without the slightest hesitation, the figure flickered and disappeared directly.

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