Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1176: Break through the crisis

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Chapter 1176 Breaking Through The Crisis

Xiao Yan and Huan Tian have long regarded them as their loved ones in Mo Wentian's heart.

Their cultivation is a breakthrough, and Mo Wentian is naturally happy.

However, when I think of my cultivation, I am still in the later stage of the King of Heaven, and Mo Wentian's heart can not help but feel a little dissatisfied.

He wanted to make a breakthrough for himself, but what he wanted was a breakthrough, but it was extremely difficult.

Moreover, Mo Wentian had a hunch in his heart. His cultivation is that it is definitely more difficult to break into the emperor's realm than Xiaoyu's breakthrough.

"A thousand and four hundred feet!"

Just then, the voice of Binglong came.

Wen Yan, Mo Wentian's eyes, looked at Xiao Yan again.

I saw Xiaolong's 1,400-foot dragon body standing proudly in the void, and the terrible might of his body was even greater.

"Binglong, Xiao Xiu's cultivation, when will he break through?"

Suddenly, Mo Wentian seemed to think of something, looking at Binglong, said coldly.

"The Uighur Emperor, the body like the Dragon King has soared to 1,400 feet and has not undergone metamorphosis. This has never been heard of by our ice dragon family since ancient times!"

"So, I don't know when Master Binglong can stop growing and when he can break through!"

I heard that Binglong said without hesitation.

"Boss, the majesty on Xiaoxiong is so terrible!"

"Is he really just trying to break through to the early days of the Emperor?"

And looking at Xiaoya in the void, I felt the terrible power emanating from Xiaoya, and in the eyes of Xuantian, he looked full of doubt.

"This Emperor is also unclear!"

"Let's keep watching here, look at how small Xiao's body grows before his body will transform!"

Mo Wentian shook his head slightly.

His eyes looked at the mighty little cricket on his body, his eyes flashed with coldness.

After a few breaths, Xiao's body grew to 1,500 feet.

Xiao Yan's body, the power is even more terrible.

But strangely, Xiao's body did not continue to grow.

"Stop growing, Xiao's body, stop growing!"

Nana whispered in her mouth, and there was a flash of light in Mo Wentian's eyes.

Mo Wentian didn't know that it was a good thing or a bad thing for Xiaoxiong's body to stop growing.

But in his heart, there was an intuition that Xiao's body stopped growing, which was definitely a good thing for Xiao's breakthrough and suffering.

"It really stopped growing, Lord Dragon King's body, it really stopped growing!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Binglong also found this problem instantly, exclaimed loudly.

"Binglong, Xiao's body has stopped growing. Next, is Xiaoying going to bear the pain of the dragon's scale fragmentation?"

The next moment, thinking of what the ice dragon said before, looking at the ice dragon, his eyes flickered endlessly.

"Return to the Emperor, yes!"

"The body stops growing. According to the breakthrough principle of our ice dragon family, the dragon scales are about to start to crack!"

After hearing the words, Binglong's eyes raised a memory, without any hesitation, he quickly answered.

"Roar ..."

"Ah ..."

At this moment, Xiao Yin's dragons murmured again.

"Click ..."

"Click ..."

The next moment, a crackling sound came.

I saw Xiao Nu's body in the void, and the countless dragon scales began to crack.

"Dragon scales are starting to crack!"

With a whisper in his mouth, Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

The next moment, thinking of the ice dragon, the scales of the dragon were broken, which meant that Xiao Yan had to bear great pain.

The stronger the talent, the greater the suffering. The Binglong family, who broke through to the emperor's realm in history, did not grow to 1,500 feet.

However, according to Binglong, if Xiaoxiong wants to break through, the suffering he suffered must be countless times his breakthrough and suffering.

"Bang bang ..."

Every cracking voice came again.

I saw in the void, the strength in Xiao Xiao's body exploded directly.

The dragon scales on Xiaoyu's body, but a few breaths, were all crushed directly.

"Roar ..."

"Hmm ..."

Followed by a small cricket's howl, this howl resounded throughout the Kingdom of Devouring Heaven.

At the same time, Xiaoxi's dragon body circled frantically at this moment, even deeper in Hanbingyuan.

It seems that at the moment, he is suffering great pain.

At this moment, countless disciples of heavenly gods stand in the distance from the Hanbingyuan.

"This is the voice of Lord Xiaoyan!"

"Why does Master Xiaoyou make such a painful voice?"

"Mr. Xiao, what kind of pain is he suffering now?"

"Master Xiaoyan's cultivation is to break through, and it will inevitably inevitably lead to ordinary suffering!"


Xiaoyin's voice came, and countless disciples who ate the kingdom of the kingdom of God spoke instantly.

"Master Dragon King!"

"How can the dragon scales on Lord Dragon Fragment all break so quickly?"

Looking at the dragon scales on Xiao Yan's body, they were all shattered in an instant, and Binglong's eyes were full of impressive looks.

Such a scene, let alone say he hasn't seen it, even if he hasn't heard of it, the Ice Dragons will break through to the emperor's realm, even if the dragon scales are broken, it will take an hour.

Xiaoyan instantly broke the dragon scales all over his body, which made him not surprised!


"What's wrong with breaking up so quickly?"

Looking at Binglong's horrified face, Mo Wentian's face was full of solemn expression, and his face was cold.

"Back to the Emperor, when I broke through the emperor's realm, my dragon scales shattered and it took a quarter of an hour!"

"But now the Lord Dragon King's dragon scales are broken, and he only takes a few breaths, this ..."

Wen Yan said, without the slightest hesitation, Binglong looked at Mo Wentian and quickly said.

"go on!"

Looking at Binglong's slurping appearance, Mo Wentian felt that this was not easy.

At this moment, Mo Wentian's sword eyebrows all tightened up instantly, and in his eyes there was a touch of coldness.

"Yes, the lord!"

"The dragon scales are fragmented slowly, and the natural suffering is less!"

"And Lord Dragon King, this dragon scale is breaking up so fast. At this moment Lord Dragon King, the pain that must be endured is tremendous!"

Binglong's eyes flashed a complex light, looking at Mo Wentian, respectfully.

"Boss, look at Xiaoyu!"

Just then, the sound of exclaiming from the sky sounded instantly.

"Little sister ..."

After hearing the words, Mo Wentian hurriedly looked at the little sister-in-law in the void, and saw the little sister-in-law at this moment, with the numerous dragon scales broken.

At Xiao Mo's dragon body of 1,500 feet, at this moment, the scales of the dragon were all shattered. Xiao Xiao became like a blood dragon.

At this moment, Xiao Yan's breath was extremely weak.

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