Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1180: Difficult to distinguish between true and false

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Chapter 1180

There are hundreds of figures that are coming, all of which are extremely muscular.

That perennial practice of physique, the tendon flesh of that body, even emitted a golden light.

And the figure standing before the hundreds of figures, in shape, was not as strong as other warriors, but the breath coming out of him was immense.

Looking at the figure, Mo Wentian was extremely familiar. The figure was not someone else, but the four elders of the Tianniu tribe transformed from the original fantasy!

The real elders of the four elders.

"Fantasy sky, imitate the old messy appearance, stand beside the old messy, and give them a true and false elder?"

"Let them make good distinctions!"

Looking at the four elders of the Tianniu tribe who were full of Xiao Xiaoqi, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed.

Looking at Fantasy Sky, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and a smile of evil laughed at the moment.

"Okay, boss!"

Hearing that, the magical sky did not hesitate at all, the fluffy figure flickered, and disappeared in situ.

And when it reappeared, the figure of the magical sky had already appeared among countless disciples of the Tianniu clan.

The furry figure stepped lightly on the heads of countless disciples. The sky was so fast that he couldn't even see him at all.

"Did you feel anything off your head?"

"What? I don't feel it!"

"I also felt it, as if there was a ball of things walking over my head, but did I see clearly!"

"I saw a furry afterimage!"


Suddenly, after that figure, the disciples of Tianniu looked around and talked instantly.

"Boss, is this fantasy obviously playing?"

"He hasn't done what you told him?"

Looking at Huan Tian's wanton teasing disciple of Tianniu tribe, Xiao Yan's heart was a little itchy, watching Mo Wentian, Shen Sheng said.

Xiaoyan said this, not to sue, nor was he really jealous of Xuantian, he just tickled in his heart, and he wanted to fight a battle soon.

"Small sister, don't worry!"

"I know what you're thinking, rest assured, sooner or later, there will be a big fight, don't hurry!"

Mo Wentian looked at Xiaoyu, grinning slightly, and cursing with a smile.

"Boss ..."

With careful thought in his heart, the word was broken by Mo Wentian, Xiao Xiao was a little embarrassed for a moment.

Opening his mouth, Ben still wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"What is it?"

"Elder Ben didn't feel anything!"

At this moment, listening to the words of the disciples behind him, the four elders of the Tianniu turned back, looked at the disciples of the Tianniu, and yelled coldly.

The moment he turned his head, a figure appeared quietly beside him.

This figure, not only looks exactly like him, but also the breath on his body, the sound of speaking, everything, everything is exactly the same as him, without any difference.

This figure is not someone else, it is the four elders transformed from fantasy sky.

"Four ... Four Elders ..."

"Four elders, beside you ..."

"The four elders, he ... he ..."


Watching the four elders appearing from the magical sky appear, the disciples of Tianniu look at this scene, their eyes can't help widening, their eyes are full of shock.

Opening his mouth, he wanted to remind the real elders of the four elders, but when the words came to his lips, he couldn't say anything.

"What are you talking about?"

"Elder Ben can't understand anything?"

The elders of the four elders looked puzzled with expressions on their faces.

"Four elders, look at me!"

At this moment, Magic Sky reached out and patted the shoulders of the four elders of the Tianniu tribe gently.

The four elders of the Tianniu clan turned back without any hesitation.

When he looked back, the scene that came into his eyes was a person who looked exactly like himself, looking at the sky in front of him. For a moment, the four elders of the Tianniu tribe had the same look as those of the Tianniu disciples.


"who are you?"

For a long time, the four elders of the Tianniu tribe came back to God, staring angrily at the sky in front of them, and still couldn't hide a little in the voice.

"who am I?"

"Aren't I you?"

"I'm Jiang Jinfeng, the four elders of the Tianniu tribe!"

Looking at the four elders of the Tianniu tribe with a stern look, the corners of the magic sky's mouth were slightly raised, and their looks were indifferent.

"You are the four elder Jiang Jinfeng of the Tianniu tribe?"

"Who is that elder?"

As the magical sky said, for a moment, the four elders of the Niu tribe were also brought into the ditch by the magical sky, and the subconsciously blurted out.

"You are the four elder Jiang Jinfeng of the Tianniu tribe. I am also the four elder Jiang Jinfeng of the Tianniu tribe. We are all four elder Jiang Jinfeng!"

"You are me, I am you!"

At first glance at Jiang Jinfeng's suit, the radian rising from the corner of Xuantian's mouth became more intense, and said indifferently.

Immediately, Magic Sky even stretched out the four elders of Tianniu and quickly spun up.

That rotation is fast, not to mention the disciples of the Tianniu tribe, even if it is Mo Wentian and Xiaoyi, they only see two identical figures rotating.

If it weren't for the unfolding of the spirit of Mo Wentian, it would really be a little bit unclear which one is Phantom and which is the four elders of the Tianniu tribe.

"Buzz ..."

After spinning for a while, the two figures stopped.

"Four elders, this ..."

"Who the **** are the elders?"

"The two elders are exactly the same. Who is the real elder?"

"Not only do they look exactly the same, but they also have the same breath. There is no difference. I don't recognize who the real four elders are?"


Looking at the two identical figures, the disciples of Tianniu exploded instantly.

No matter how they look at it, they don't see any difference.

For a moment, they really got a little helpless.

"Boss, do you know who is Magic Sky and who are the four elders of the cattle that day?"

At this moment, above the gates of the Kingdom of Devouring Heaven, a little snake flickering with a pale blue light, looked at Mo Wentian, his brows clenched tightly and asked in a deep voice.

"Of course Bendi knows who is Magic Sky!"

"Although the magic of magic sky is strong, it cannot escape the spirit of the emperor. Look, the one on the left is fantasy sky!"

Xiao Yan's voice came, Mo Wentian's mouth slightly grinned, his face indifferent.

"Is the sky on the left?"

"I don't see why!"

Hearing that Xiao Xiao stared at the figure on the left and looked at it for a while, but he just couldn't see it.

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