Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1199: Dragon Seal

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1199 Divine Dragon Seal Seal

"Isn't this little reptile's repair just broken through to the early emperor?"

"Why is he so powerful?"

Looking at the puppet standing proudly in the void, feeling the terrible power emanating from the puppet, Jiang Jinfeng's eyes were full of shock.

"Dragon Dragon Wagging Tail!"

The next moment, a cold drink sounded.

I saw in the void, Xiaozhang's huge giant tail, drew directly towards Jiang Jinfeng.

"Little sister ..."

Looking at this scene, Magic Sky just wanted to stop it, but it was too late at this moment.

But within a few breaths, Xiaozhang's huge giant tail was pumped out.


"Little reptile, this is what you brought to your door, which is no wonder to me!"

Watching Xiaoyan pull towards himself, Jiang Jinfeng's eyes flinched, but his power rose sharply.

"Tianniu Seal!"

With a sigh of anger, Jiang Jinfeng's hands quickly printed their secrets.

As each of his seals came out, in the void, suddenly, there were thousands of feet of Tianniu mark.

Without the slightest hesitation, the Tianniu mark in the void greeted Xiaoyan in an instant.

"not good!"

"The power of this old miscellaneous body is too strong, Xiao Yan will not be his opponent!"

Actually, the sky seemed to find something, and the look on his face instantly dimmed.

"Buzz ..."

The next moment, the figure flashed directly, opened his claws and grabbed Jiang Jinfeng directly.

"Two little reptiles, great!"

"It was you who forced the elder to shoot. When this boy wakes up, you are killed by the elder, but no wonder I am!"

Watching Huan Tian grabbing at him, Jiang Jinfeng's eyes went crazy.

At this moment, the corner of his mouth was a radian of evil smile.

Although the cultivation of Xiaoyu and Magic Sky both broke through the early state of the emperor, the early emperor and the middle emperor, although there was only a small realm difference.

But in terms of strength, there are huge differences.

"Tianniu Seal!"

"Give me a double kill!"

With a sigh of anger, Jiang Jinfeng hit his hands again.

As he printed all his secrets, the thousands of divine beasts in the void were flashed with divine patterns.

And the breath on the cow's mark that day, it became more and more terrible.


The next moment, a violent collision came.

One thousand five hundred feet of Xiaolong's body flew upside down in an instant, followed by a fluffy figure.


A bite of blood spurted out from the mouths of Xiaoyu and Xuantian.

It was just a collision of one move that Xiaoyan and Magic Sky were already at a disadvantage and suffered minor injuries.

"This old mess, how could it be so strong?"

Xiaoxiong looked at Jiang Jinfeng, and there was a look of suspicion in his eyes.

You know, when the original Jiang Jinfeng and Mo Wentian battled, he could see clearly.

Jiang Jinfeng at that time, although his strength was a lot stronger than him, but he would not be able to stop even a move.

"He still has the strength of Emperor Tianniu now!"

After hearing the words, Xuantian seemed to think of something, and there was a flash of light in his eyes, and a deep voice said.

"Tenniu Emperor's strength is added to him, and his strength is so much stolen. It seems that the Tianniu Emperor's strength is at least in the middle of the Emperor!"

Nana whispered in her mouth, and Xiaoman's eyes flashed endlessly.


"Tenniu Seal!"

"Merge me!"

Suddenly, a loud drinking sound suddenly sounded.


"This kid wants to fuse his magical dragon fist into my Tianni Seal?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Jiang Jinfeng's eyes were full of horror.

And the next moment, Mo Motian suddenly opened his eyes, and his hands quickly blasted into the void of the Tianniu Seal.

"Hmm ..."

With his fist blasting on the Tianniu Seal, the howls that rang above the Niu Seal the other day rang out.

"This is the cry of my antiquity!"

"What the **** did this kid do?"

Listening to these howls, Jiang Jinfeng's expression instantly dimmed.

"Shenlong is out, Tianniu is gone!"

The cold and boundless voice sounded, and saw Mo Wentian's hand, and punched again.

With Mo Wentian's powerful punch, he saw the ox seal in the sky, and the phantom of the cow collapsed that day.

Instead, above the fist of Mo Wentian, the peerless phantom of the dragon appeared in the seal.

"Roar ..."

The sound of dragons rang through the void instantly.


At the same time, in the void, the prohibition originally set by Mo Wentian was suddenly shattered at this moment.

As the restraint was shattered, countless disciples in the Kingdom of Devourers gathered toward the gate.

"Emperor? What was it just now, so terrible. At that moment, I felt like my whole heart was shattered!"

"Look, who is that person? Isn't that person the four elders of the Tianniu clan?"

"Isn't it heard that he came with the five hundred emperors of the Tianni tribe to the martial arts? Why is he alone here?"

"Don't kill the emperor?"


Each figure looked at the proud figure, and their eyes were full of respect.

But when their eyes fell on Jiang Jinfeng's body, their looks changed instantly, and they began to talk.

"Finally it!"

"Finally merged!"

And at this moment, Mo Wentian looked at the celestial phantom phantom that had completely faded from the seal seal in the void, and turned into a phantom of the dragon.

"Boss, are you combining the Tianniu Seal with your Shenlongquan?"

It took a long time for Xiaoxun to return from the shock, and the figure flashed into a little snake and came to Mo Wentian's side.

Looking at Mo Wentian, Shen Sheng asked.

"Boss, I don't think you've just merged it successfully, but that it will no longer be called the Tianniu Seal after it?"

Listening to Xiao Yan's words, the corner of Xuantian's mouth was a slight grin, and the joyful words were hard to hide.

"Isn't Tianniu Seal in the future called Tianxiu Seal?"

"What's that called?"

Hearing the words, Xiaoyan was confused and couldn't understand the meaning of the words.

"The dragon dragon fist that fuses this emperor is naturally called the dragon seal of the dragon!"

The indifferent voice sounded, but the corner of Mo Wentian's mouth raised a radian.

"Shenlong seal seal, this name is more domineering than the Tianni seal seal!"

As soon as he heard Mo Wentian's remarks, Xiao Yan instantly understood.

Mo Wentian This is a successful fusion of Shenlongquan and Tianniu Seal, and his heart is naturally rejoicing!

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