Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1212: King of Tigers

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Chapter 1212

"Yes, master!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Lu Yi quickly agreed.

Although he got along with Mo Wentian, it was only a quarter of an hour, but from the look of Mo Wutian, it is not difficult to see how much Mo Motian is determined to do something.


With a cold drink, Mo Wentian stepped out without any hesitation and walked directly into the depths of the Qingfeng Mountains.

Seeing this, Lu Yi quickly followed up and walked beside Mo Wentian, abolishing Mo Wentian to lead the way.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly.

Mo Wentian took the ten five-clawed thunder leopards to the depths of the Qingfeng Mountains.

The spirit and spirit unfolded, and the scene within a radius of 40,000 feet was completely presented in Mo Wentian's mind.

But what made Mo Wentian surprised was that there was one place where he could only detect with his soul to the extent of four hundred and fifty feet. If he wanted to go deeper, he couldn't do it.

"What's up there?"

Mo Wentian looked at Lu Yi and asked coldly.

"Back to Master, that's where the Jiusu Holy Grass is!"

Hearing that, without any hesitation, Lu Yi quickly answered.

"Where is Jiusu Holy Grass?"

Nana whispered in her mouth, and Mo Wentian's eyes narrowed.

At this moment, Mo Wentian's heart raised a hunch that the place where the Jiusu Holy Grass is located must not be simple.

"Lu Yi, aren't you saying that there are many monsters coming to compete here, why didn't the Emperor detect the breath of other monsters?"

Suddenly, Mo Wentian seemed to find something, and a cold cold mang rose in his eyes.

"Back to the master, the monsters who robbed Jiusu Holy Grass have entered the valley where Jiusu Holy Grass is located!"

"In the valley, I don't know why, as long as you enter, no one can detect the situation inside!"

The five-clawed thunder leopard looked at Mo Wentian with a very respectful look.

"It seems that the valley must have been banned!"

Listening to Lu Yi's words, Mo Wentian's heart became more firm in his guess.

In this valley, it's not easy!

But what about the prohibition, he didn't ask the sky to enter, not only to go in, but also to take away the Jiusu holy grass.

The nine-bearded holy grass is the key to promoting his cultivation. It was only a ten-day period before he was born with a dragon dragon drawing, but he had to take down the nine-bearded holy grass and promote it.

"Lu Yi, take the emperor into this valley!"

The next moment, Mo Wentian looked at Lu Yi and said coldly.

"Yes, master!"

Lu Yi answered respectfully, and then walked directly towards the entrance of the valley.

As he entered the valley, a thick and **** smell came instantly.

The scene in the valley was completely presented in Mo Wentian's spiritual knowledge.

"Twenty gods swallowed tigers, fifty demon monkeys ..."

With a whisper in his mouth, Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

The cultivation of these monsters has reached the early state of the emperor, and the highest cultivation belongs to the god. The one with the largest body shape has reached the middle emperor Realm.

The breath that emanated from him was stronger than the monster in the middle of the emperor.

I'm afraid it's not far from the emperor's later stage.

"Lu Yi, how many monsters do you know?"

"Tell Ben what you know!"

The cold voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes fell on Lu Yi's body.

"Back to the master, there are ten races of monster monsters who came to compete for Jiusu Holy Grass, but now there are only three races left!"

"Among the remaining monster races, the power of God to swallow is the most terrible. They rely on devouring other monsters to improve their cultivation!"

"As for the demon ape, although they have the largest number now, they will certainly not be the opponents of the twenty gods!"

Lu Yi looked at Mo Wentian, and there was a complex light in his eyes.

It seemed to him that he was terrified of the god.

"None of the fifty demon apes will be rivals of twenty gods?"

"I want to see, how **** good this is!"

Listening to Lu Yi's remarks, Mo Wentian's eyes flickered, and a touch of cold coldness flashed away.

At this moment, Mo Wentian had another plan in his mind.

Since Lu Yi said that the power of this **** is so terrible, relying on his current strength, if he wants to defeat so many monsters, Mo Wentian knows clearly that this is simply impossible.

And if it would be better for the demon ape to fight against these gods, and wait for both of them to lose, it would be better for him to collect the power of the fisherman.

Thinking about this, Mo asked a slight grin at the corner of his mouth, a smile of evil, spreading instantly.

"Master, aren't you going to rob?"

For a long time, looking at Mo Wentian slowly standing in place, it seemed that he had no intention of going forward to snatch. Lu Yi's heart was puzzled and he asked in a deep voice.

"No hurries?"

"Let's take a look at this great show!"

The indifferent voice sounded, and in the look of Mo Wentian, there was no wave.

"Look at the show?"

Hearing that, Lu Yi's heart became more and more confused.

He wanted to ask Mo Wentian why, but looking at Mo Wentian's indifferent look, he opened his mouth, but said nothing.

Just following Mo Wentian, his eyes looked at the battle in the distance.

"Diggle, do you think you will be my opponent to the demon ape?"

"I think you still get out of this valley obediently, this Jiusu holy grass belongs to my demon ape family!"

Just then, a arrogant voice came from afar.

I saw a thousand demon ape, the magic of his body was rolling, and the eyes that looked at the opposite side were full of contempt.

He didn't seem to take it seriously.

"Little monkey, it seems you don't know how powerful it is?"

"I'll give you a chance now, and take your monkeys and grandchildren out of the valley, and want Jiusu Holy Grass, and come back after 100,000 years!"

Looking at the demon ape, the gods swallowed the tiger and showed no signs of resignation, and the terrible power on his body even came out.

"I think you're looking for death!"

"Magic ape palm!"

Listening to the words of the soul, in the eyes of the demon ape, there was a terrible sense of murder.

With a cold drink, his palms skyrocketed instantly, and the magic of his body swelled quickly.

The next moment, the billowing magical energy was shrouded in the direction of God.

In the whole valley, it instantly became a magic domain, and the magic spirit was wanton.

"Magic ape, although your palms are a bit smaller and darker, they still taste good!"

"Swallow God!"

Looking at the demon palm that came in the sky in an instant, the staring eyes of the tiger flinched.

The next moment, thousands of feet 'body was directly on the ground, and a king character flashed a dazzling light above his head.

The king-like tumultuous power on him was even more magnificent.

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