Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1255: Full confidence

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Chapter 1255: Full Confidence

The next moment, Jiang Zhengyuan held the Tianniu Sword of Ice and Fire and cut it again towards Mo Wentian.

"Old miscellaneous, Bendi has told you, don't make unnecessary struggles!"

"Even if the true body of this emperor is in front of you, you will not be able to cut and kill this emperor!"

Watching Jiang Zhengyuan beheading towards himself again, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a tricky glance.

The radian of the corner of the mouth became even more wanton.

"This boy is too arrogant. He even said that he was standing in front of the elder, and the elder could not kill him?"

"Ignorant people are always so confident!"

"Wait for the elder's pair of ice and fire to fall towards his body, at that time, he wanted to regret it, it was too late!"

"Ignorance always pays for ignorance!"


Listening to Mo Wantian's arrogant words, countless disciples of the Tianniu clan talked again.

"You have a lot of shit!"


At this moment, Xiao Yan's eyes flashed, and the dragon's tail of hundreds of feet fell directly toward the disciples of the Tianniu clan.


"Do not……"



As Xiaolong's hundreds of feet of dragon tail fell, all screams rang out instantly.

The countless figures fell to the ground directly, and a mouthful of blood was spit out from their mouths, and their eyes were full of fear.

The next moment, when they returned to God, they subconsciously wanted to fight back, but how could they have this opportunity in front of Xiao Yan.

"Dragon Dragon Wagging Tail!"

"Let's go!"

A loud drinking sounded, and the hundreds of feet of dragon tail in the void fell again towards the disciples of the Tianniu clan.


"Elder, save me!"

"Elder, save us!"


Screaming again and again.


"Boy, let that little reptile stop me!"

Listening to the screams, and then looking at the figures that were full of life and dissipated, Jiang Zhengyuan went crazy instantly.

Looking at Mo Wentian, he quickly drank.

"Old miscellaneous, are you distressed?"

Li Li's voice came, and Mo Wentian's face was full of clouds and light wind.

After beheading his disciples, he knew that he was in distress. Just now the Jiang Zhengyuan was still clamoring not only for beheading him, but also for destroying his kingdom of heavenly gods.

Other people's lives, isn't that right?

"Boy, let me stop that little reptile!"


Looking at Mo Wentian's appearance, the anger in Jiang Zhengyuan's heart surged instantly, and Xiao Xiao's air on his body was even more wanton.

"It's impossible to stop!"

"Old miscellaneous, I think you should take care of yourself first, the mud bodhisattva can hardly protect himself when he crosses the river. He also wants to control others. You are too heavy to care?"

Looking at Jiang Zhengyuan's more and more crazy look, Mo Wentian's mouth couldn't help but grin, and an evil smile spread instantly.

"Boy, the elder told you to stop and you can't stop, then it's no wonder that the elder is unruly!"

"Little reptile, die!"

Seeing that Mo Wentian didn't agree, Jiang Zhengyuan's heart was burning in anger, a flashing body, holding a pair of ice and fire swords, and beheaded towards Xiaoyu.

"Little sister, be careful!"

Looking at Jiang Zhengyuan's sudden move, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a cold and incomparably cold mang, and quickly reminded.

At the same time, Mo Wentian's figure immediately followed, and disappeared instantly.

When he reappeared, Mo Wentian's figure appeared in front of Xiaoyi.

"Small, quickly retreat!"

Looking at Xiao Yan, Mo Wentian said coldly.

"Boss ..."

Mo Wentian's voice came again, and Xiaoxi came back to God.

Looking at Mo Wentian in front of him, Xiaoyu opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end, she didn't say anything.

Immediately, the figure flickered and quickly backed away.

After following Mo Wentian for such a long time, Xiao Wutian's character still knows well.

Mo Wentian made him retreat, at least more confident than he was.

"Old miscellaneous pieces, you really are in line with the characteristics of your Tetris!"

Watching Xiao's figure retreat, Mo Wentian looked at Jiang Zhengyuan, the killing in his eyes was not concealed, and his voice was extremely cold.


"Boy, what are the characteristics of our Tetris?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, although Jiang Zhengyuan knew that it would not be a good thing, he still couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked.


The simple three words resounded through the void in an instant.

You can hear the words shameless within the boundless square.

And from a thousand feet away from Devouring the Kingdom of Heaven, there were shadows in the shadows, listening to the three words shameless, and they talked instantly.

"This seems to be the voice of the emperor Mowen Tian who eats the kingdom of heaven!"

"Don't ask the emperor to say shamelessness. The elder elder Jiang Zhengyuan of the Tianniu tribe took his disciples to the Kingdom of Devouring Heaven. This must be the Tianniu tribe?

"Tianniu people are really shameless. As the second-ranked force in the ancient relics, they went to fight against a force that has just taken root in the ancient relics!"

"This is bad, don't forget it, don't forget, the Kingdom of Devouring God is based on the demons!"


Each figure looked at the Kingdom of Devouring God in the distance with different looks.

They wanted to get closer to see the battle between the Devouring Kingdom of God and the Celestial Clan, but they found that when they came to the distance from the Devouring Kingdom of God, they couldn't get in.

Apparently, the kingdom of Devouring Heaven has been banned.

This prohibition was set by Mo Wentian, even though Jiang Zhengyuan came with 500,000 disciples of the Tianniu tribe, and according to his current strength to eat the kingdom of heaven, he was fearless.

But it can't be ruled out. Those shameless races rush in at this time to come in danger.

People outside the war talked endlessly, and people in the war immediately talked.

"Is the emperor really going to fight the elders of the cattle of this day?"

"The elders of the Tianniu tribe, have been repaired, but have reached the late stage of the emperor. Can the emperor fight?"

"The strength of the emperor has never been measured by cultivation. The emperor will definitely defeat the elders of the cattle of this day!"

"We still do the things that the emperor explained, and solve these ants of the Tianniu tribe first!"


The disciples who ate the kingdom of heaven looked at the prideful figure in the void, and immediately discussed.

Although Mo Wentian's cultivation is the peak of the heavenly king, and the elder Jiang Zhengyuan of the Tianniu family has reached the half-step emperor's later period.

However, in the hearts of the disciples who eat the Kingdom of Heaven, they believe that Mo Wentian can defeat Jiang Zhengyuan.

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