Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1280: Big Wolf

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Chapter 1280: Battle of the Wolf King

The dazzling, dazzling ray of claws was even directed towards Mo Wentian.

That terrible breath seemed to tear Mo Wentian into pieces.

"Tear ..."

With the claws of the Demon Fire Wolf Emperor shooting, a gap opened in the void instantly.

The mouth grew quickly, but within a few breaths it had spread to tens of feet.

"Buzz ..."

At the same time, the whole body of the Demon Fire Wolf Emperor turned out to be burning.

The raging fire swept towards Mo Wentian as if to burn Mo Wentian into ashes.

"Good job!"

Mo Wentian's eyes also raised a sense of war.

This demon-like fire wolf emperor may be comparable to the late emperor's later stage, but Mo Wentian's cultivation is just breaking through into the late emperor's state.

Since the breakthrough, although there has been a battle with Jiang Zhengyuan, Mo Wentian has not used all his strength.

And now this monster-like fire wolf emperor who is comparable to the late emperor's state, just let Mo Wentian exert his full strength and let him see how strong he is.


With a cold drink, Mo Wentian fisted out and greeted him towards the claws of the void.

With Mo Wentian's fist shot, the void was shattered directly, and the endless void flowed out.

"Roar ..."

In the void, there seemed to be a divine dragon roaring. The divine dragon was thousands of feet in size, and roared at the opposite colossal fire wolf emperor.

"Boy, you want to use this fist to kill the emperor, it's ridiculous!"

Watching Mo Wentian just shot with one punch, the eyes of the demon flaming wolf emperor contemptlessly, and his voice was extremely ironic.

Immediately, the demon flaming wolf emperor did not hesitate at all, and his claws fell directly towards Mowen Tian.

But when the demon flaming wolf emperor thought that Mo Wentian was about to die under his claw, Mo Wentian's figure disappeared strangely in place.

When he reappeared, Mo Wentian's figure appeared behind him.

"Little wolfdog, your reaction is too slow!"

An ironic voice came, and Mo Motian grinned, and a punch fell directly towards the chest of the demon fire wolves.


Mo Wentian's speed is extremely fast, so soon that the monster or wolf emperor can still react in the future. Mo Wutian's punch hits him directly on his chest.


As Mo Wentian's fist fell, a blood spewed out from the mouth of the Demon Fire Lord.

"Boy, how dare you attack me, I will kill you!"

The chilling voice sounded, and in the eyes of the demon fire wolf emperor, the anger rose suddenly.

At the same time, the radon on his body was even more terrifying.

Although Mo Wentian's fist fell directly on his chest, it had little effect on him.

He is a monster training his physique. In addition to his cultivation, Mo Wentian's fist is just a skin trauma to him.

But his dignified strength was comparable to that of the Emperor's late strong, and he was boxed by an ant who was at the top of the Emperor's peak, which made the anger of the Demon Fire Wolf Emperor anger.

"Sneak at you?"

"This is not a sneak attack, you are too stupid!"

Mo Wentian looked scary in his scarlet eyes, but Mo Wentian had a slight grin on his mouth, and a wicked smile spread.

In his eyes looking at the strange and flaming wolf emperor, there was a little irony.

On the surface, Mo Wentian looked extremely indifferent, but in fact Mo Wentian's heart stirred ripples.

You know, Mo Wentian beheaded Jiang Zhengyuan, half-step Emperor, but only used 80% of his power.

For the punch just now, Mo Wentian exhibited 80% of his power, but this 80% of his power only caused the monster to suffer from skin trauma.

This made Mo Wentian's heart startled.

Compared with Jiang Zhengyuan, this demon fire wolves is too strong.

"Boy, I must tear you up and grill!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's ironic words, the anger rose again in the heart of the Demon Fire Wolf Emperor.

At the same time, the raging fire burning around him seemed to be poured with oil, burning wildly.

"Fire wolf paw!"

"Come again!"

The next moment, without the slightest hesitation, he gave a cold drink, and the demon flaming wolf emperor shot once again, grabbing towards Mo Wentian.

"not good!"

Looking at this scene, Mo Wentian's expression changed instantly, and his body receded quickly.

Although this is the same fire wolf claw, but the power that spreads out from this claw is not as strong as the previous claw.

"Boss, be careful!"

"Boss, be careful!"



Just then, all the exclaimed voices came instantly.

The eyes of Xiaoyan and others looked directly at Mo Wentian, and their eyes were full of worry.


But even so, the opposite flaming fire wolf emperor pounced towards Mo Wentian.

Mo Wentian didn't even have time to evade, the left arm was directly penetrated by the claws of the Demon Fire Wolf Emperor.


The next moment, I saw the fierce claws of the monster flaming wolf king running through Mo Wentian's left arm, and twisted.

With this twist, the sound of bone cracking came instantly.


Mo Wentian's left arm was directly torn off a piece of flesh, and the bone was exposed under the flesh.


Mo Wentian's body retreated again and again.

"Buzz ..."

After a few breaths, Mo Wentian's figure appeared a thousand feet away from the demon fire queen, and Mo Wentian's breathing was slightly rushed.

His face was a little pale at the moment.

Mo Wentian's torn flesh and blood arm, the countless flesh and blood, madly surging, seems to have a tendency to grow.

"Compared to the Emperor's later strength, it really is different!"

Mo Wentian looked at the demon fire wolves and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

This demon-like fire wolf emperor is obviously somewhat beyond Mo Wentian's expectations.



Looking at this scene, Xiao Yan and Xuan Tian's look instantly dignified.

Their brows froze instantly.

Exclaimed, their figures flashed, and they were going to go next to Mo Wentian.

"Back down!"

Looking at Xiao Yan and Huan Tian, ​​he was coming towards himself, and Mo Wentian flashed a cold mang, and quickly said coldly.

"Boss ..."

After hearing the words, the figures of Xiaoyan and Xuantian stayed where they were.

They opened their mouths and wanted to say something, but in the end they said nothing.

Although they were worried about Mo Wentian, Mo Wentian let them back down, and they had to back down.

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