Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1283: Celestial lotus

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Chapter 1283 Celestial Lotus

"Time Roulette!"

"Crush him!"

At the next moment, Mo Wentian was angry and sang, and in his hands he quickly printed his secrets towards the wheel of time.

With all these secrets coming out, the time roulette smashed quickly towards the demon fire wolves.

"Ignorant humans, this time roulette is not itself, but its laws of time."

"You want to crush the emperor by the body of the roulette at this time. Are you funny from the monkey?"

Looking at Mo Wentian, he did not exert the slightest power of the law, but just smashed the time wheel towards him, and the monster flaming wolf emperor laughed instantly.

With irony in his eyes, it looked as if he was sarcastic about how ignorant he was.

As everyone knows, in fact it is him.

"is it?"

"Bondi will soon let you know the power of time roulette!"

The icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

"Time Roulette!"

"go with!"

With an angry drink, Mo Wentian waved his hand, and the time roulette fell directly on the huge body of the Demon Fire Wolf Emperor.


Watching the time roulette fall towards himself, in the eyes of the demon fire wolf emperor, the killing intention is terrible.

Then the sharp claws greeted directly.

"I still want to catch the emperor, get out of me!"

With a cold drink, Mo Wentian's hands printed the speed of Yin Jue a little faster.

"Brush it ..."

There were fierce friction sounds, and in the void, all sparks were firing.

On the other hand, despite being unable to catch Mo Wentian directly, it seems that he does not intend to give up.

The figure flickered, and they came towards Mo Wentian again, and the two were fighting in the void.

Their speed is extremely fast, even if they are the warriors in the middle of the emperor, they just barely see two figures.

"So fast!"

"Don't you say that this boy's cultivation is the peak of the genius? Why is his speed faster than the emperor!"

"The emperor's fire wolf claw, but one claw can directly kill the real emperor's late strong one. This kid fell into the emperor's hand, no matter how fast he was, that would still be dead!"

"Dare to kill our demon fire wolf, this kid is here to kill him!"


Watching the battle in the void, countless demon fire wolf, talked up.

There was a look of suspicion in their eyes.

But the next moment, when they thought of Mo Wentian's cultivation, their eyes were full of self-confidence.

"Get away!"

"Brush it ..."

Several collisions sounded again, and Mo Wentian and Yaoyi Huoluohuang's bodies finally separated.

The physical distance between the two people is thousands of feet apart.

"Boy, your emperor ’s cultivation of the peak state can even block the emperor's claws one after another. Although you blocked it with the time wheel, you are not bad!"

The sorrowful fire wolves on the opposite side was suffocated in his eyes, but he did not continue to shoot at Mo Wentian.

In the war just now, the demon fire wolves and Mo Wentian fought evenly.

The wicked fire wolf emperor is not a fool, of course, he can feel that although the repair in front of him is only the peak of the king of heaven, but his strength is extremely terrible.

At this moment, in the heart of the demon fire wolf emperor, an idea came up.

If Mo Wutian's cultivation had reached the same level as him, he would definitely not be Mo Wutian's opponent.

"is it?"

"Little wolf dog, you are also very good!"

Mo Wentian's voice was extremely deep.

Although Mo Wentian just hit the roulette on the time roulette just now, it is only the time roulette that directly fights this demon fire wolf emperor.

However, at this moment, Mo Wentian is a pair of hands, but it is a little numb. This demon is like a wolf emperor. His body is almost terrible. It is much stronger than the Mo Jitian's Jiulong.

Mo Wentian's time roulette collided with him without hurting him.

"Senior Pearl, this demon fire wolf shakes his body so strong, how can he defeat his body?"

Suddenly, it seems to be remembering something, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a light.

Immediately, he asked the old man in secret.

"Buzz ..."

With Mo Wentian's remarks, the divine bead in Tiange even trembled.

"Boy, you disturbed Emperor's dream!"

The phantom of the old **** bead appeared in Mo Wentian's mind instantly.

The old man of Shenzhu seemed to be awake, yawned, and said something unpleasant in his thick voice.

"Senior Pearl, the junior is a little confused, and I hope the senior can tell!"

Do not ask the look of heaven, more and more respectful, lowered the voice of the word.

"Boy, I have told you that this demon fire wolf emperor contains the purest power. Do you know what the purest power is?"

The voice of Mo Wentian came, and there was a flash of light in the eyes of the old man of Shenzhu, and the question was not answered.

"What is this pure power?"

Wen Yan, Mo Wentian is almost a subconscious blurt.

"Boy, in this heavenly mountain range, there is a heavenly lotus that blooms once every 100,000 years, but this heavenly lotus is swallowed up by this demon fire wolf emperor!

"So the body of this demon fire wolf emperor contains the power of Tianjilian!"

The phantom of the old **** bead shook for a while before slowly speaking.

"Senior Pearl, what exactly is this heavenly lotus?"

"What's the effect of devouring it?"

Listening to the old man of Shenzhu, Mo Wentian's face was full of doubt.

Celestial lotus?

It was the first time that Mo Wentian had heard of it. Although Mo Wutian didn't know what the heavenly lotus was, what it was, but Mo Wentian knew very well.

The power contained in this heavenly lotus is definitely not simple.

This is the same practice as the elder Jiang Zhengyuan of the Tianniu clan, and the same is the demon fire wolf emperor who cultivates the physique. The strength is stronger than Jiang Zhengyuan.

"Boy, this heavenly lotus does not only appear once every 100,000 years, it is also rare and precious, that is, the environment in which it grows!"

"The environment in which Tianjilian grows is really under the flames. The flames that have been burned for 100,000 years will not necessarily produce a heavenly lotus!"

The look of the old **** beast suddenly became serious.

"Can a flame grow for 100,000 years?"

Listening to the old man of Shenzhu, in the eyes of Mo Wentian, Han Mang flickered endlessly.

Although I haven't seen it with my own eyes, but after the old man of God Pearl said so, Mo Wentian's mind instantly felt a picture.

At this moment, Mo Wentian's heart is even more certain. This heavenly lotus is very simple.

"Boy, even though this heavenly lotus is swallowed up by this demon fire wolf emperor, he can't refine it. Now this heavenly lotus is still in his body!"

"Slayed this demon fire wolf emperor, and this heavenly lotus is your kid!"

The next moment, the old man of Shenzhu seemed to remember something.

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