Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1291: Blame you guys too stupid!

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Chapter 1291 Blame You Too Stupid!

Originally, Mo Wentian was indeed a little scared in the face of hundreds of demon fire wolves.

But at this moment, Mo Wentian's physique has broken through a small realm, let alone the monsters of the early emperors, even if they are all the monsters of the late emperor.

"Boss, do you want to kill all these demon fire wolves?"

Looking at Mo Wentian's self-confident look, Xiao Yan's eyes flashed, and she said in a deep voice.

"All killed?"

"Although these demon fire wolves are not high, this is also a strength for the emperor!"

Listening to Xiao Yan's words, Mo Wentian seemed to think of something, and the light in his eyes suddenly skyrocketed.

The radian of the corner of the mouth became even richer.

"Boss, are you trying to swallow them all up?"

Hearing the words, then looking at Mo Wentian's full of evil charm, Xuantian stretched out her furry claws and scratched her head.

"Yes, although these monster fire wolves are not high, they are still in good health!"

Consumed them, Xiu Wei could not break through, but may be beneficial to the improvement of the emperor's physique! "

Mo Wentian looked at Huantian and Xiaoyan, his expression became serious instantly, and he said coldly.

Like the real Emperor Zidi, the Kowloon Eucharist is also divided into multiple realms.

And Mo Wentian, devouring the strong monster flaming wolf emperor, although he failed to improve his cultivation, but his physique has been promoted to a small realm.

Physical improvement, Mo Wentian seems to have discovered a new continent.

Now Mo Wentian's eyes fell on these demon fire wolves, as if he had seen his physical fitness improved, the eyes in his eyes were extremely hot.

"God Eater, Devour!"

With a cold drink, Mo Wentian directly cast the God of Devour.

As the Devouring Gods tactics worked, the countless demon fire wolves seemed to be attracted by a strong suction and came towards Mowentian.

"This power is terrible!"

"What kind of exercise is this, it's weird!"

"Isn't this boy's cultivation the peak of the genius? Why is his strength so strong?"

"This power is really terrible!"


Feeling the horrible power, countless demon fire wolves, eyes are full of impressive looks.

"Little wolfdogs, die!"

Angrily, Mo Wentian stretched out his palm and grabbed at those demon fire wolves.


"Do not……"


As Mo Wentian reached out and grabbed his hand, a demon fire wolf suddenly screamed.

In the void, those demon fire wolves directly turned into countless flesh, rushing into Mo Wentian's body.

"What kind of black art is this kid using?"

"This power is so terrible!"

"Isn't this kid's practice for the peak of the genius? Why is he so magical?"

"This exercise is so evil that it can be swallowed directly!"


Looking at the scene in the void, the eyes of the second and third elders were full of shock.

Unable to say why, they had not yet fought with Mo Wentian, but they had a bad feeling in their hearts.

At this moment, they even raised an idea in their hearts.

The elder Jiang Zhengyuan did not stagger the time with Mo Wentian, but was likely to be beheaded by Mo Wentian.

"Do not!"

"Absolutely impossible!"

But the next moment, the second and third elders shook their heads madly.

In their hearts, they secretly told themselves that it was impossible for Mo Wentian to kill the elder.

Mo Wentian will not be their opponent.


"Do not……"


A scream of screams sounded again, and in the void, there were fewer and fewer demon fire wolves.

Even at this moment, the remaining monster fire wolf wanted to escape from here, but it was too late at this moment.

Their bodies are as if bound by something, let alone escape, even if they want to move, it is extremely difficult.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly.

In the void, the screams came to an abrupt end as the last demon fire wolf turned into blood.

"The monster in the middle and early days of the emperor is still too bad!"

Breathing quietly, Mo Wentian seemed very dissatisfied and shook his head.

Hundreds of emperors, mid-Emperor's demon fire wolf, devoured hundreds of emperors, but just let Mo Wentian's two big and small stars tremble for a while.

As for Mo Wentian's physique, even the slightest light did not rise.

"How old?"

"Are you comfortable with these demon fire wolves?"

The next moment, Mo Wentian looked at the two elders of the Tianniu tribe who were sweating with the demon fire wolves, and there was a wicked smile in the corner of his mouth.

"Are you comfortable to wait?"

"Boy, if you hadn't brought us here, would we have been besieged by these demon fire wolves?"

It was okay not to say this to Mo Wentian. When Mo Wentian said this, the anger in the hearts of the second and third elders soared.

In those eyes that looked at Mo Wentian, the intention of killing was not concealed.

If it weren't for Mo Tian, ​​would they be besieged by these demon fire wolves, and would they be so embarrassed.

All of this is because of Mo Wentian.

At this moment, they attributed everything to Mo Wentian.

"What about Bendi?"

"Can you blame Bendi? You can only blame you for being stupid!"

Listening to the two, Mo Wentian laughed, but the smile was full of irony.

"Blame us stupid?"

"Boy, your cultivation, but the peak of the king, and we are half-step emperor's late strong, you dare to speak so arrogantly in front of us, I think your boy does not want to live!"

Wen Yan said that the eyes of the second elder flashed a fierce look.

The clenched fist was even more squeaky, and it looked like it was crushing Mo Wentian into a smash.

"Old miscellaneous, you are old all the time, how can you still be so angry?"

"Look at Bendi, Bendi is not in a hurry. Why are you in a hurry?"

Mo Wentian looked indifferently at the look of the second elder.

Mo Wentian's face was bland, without seeing the slightest emotion.

"Boy, are you pretending to be calm until you die? Is this necessary?"


Looking at Mo Wentian's indifferent look, the elders' eyes were terrible.

"It's not enough for you to kill me!"

"I think you still want all of your Tianniu people to come, otherwise, once in a while, Bendi is too lazy to kill!"

An indifferent voice sounded, Mo Wentian's face was full of clouds and light wind.

That looks as if he didn't look at the entire Tianniu people at all.

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