Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1300: One person

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Chapter 1300: One For One


A spit of blood spurted out of his mouth.

On his extremely muscular tendon, the meridian is clear at this moment, and the position hit by the small tadpole tail is trembling at this moment, as if the next moment, it is about to break.

Looking at the small magpie in front of him, the elder Zhang Xuwu's eyes were full of shock.

too strong!

He originally thought that even if Xiu Xiu had broken through to the middle of the emperor, he would never be his opponent.

However, he did not expect that Xiao Xiu's cultivation, breaking through to the middle of the emperor's realm, was even stronger than half-step emperor's later.

The current second elder Zhang Xuwu has no idea in his heart that he will kill Xiaoyu.

At this moment, there was only shock in his heart.

"Old miscellaneous, aren't you steaming me?"

"The steamed dragon meat tastes very good, especially like your grandpa and me. The steamed taste is quite good!"

Looking at the elder Zhang Xuwu's embarrassing look, Xiao Yan said with contempt.


After hearing that, the elder Zhang Xuwu's blood surged up, and the next moment, I just felt a salty sweetness spreading in my mouth.

A bite of blood spurted out of his mouth again.

He was the second elder of the Tianniu tribe. When did he receive such contempt?

And it is still lower than itself, not to mention, still despised by monsters.

Looking at Xiaoyan in front of him, the killing intention in his eyes was undisguised.

"Second elder, we still leave quickly, you will not be the opponent of this little reptile, the repair of this little reptile is improved, and his strength is not even comparable to you and me now!"

"I think we should leave quickly!"

At this moment, looking at Zhang Xuwu, the three elders left Li's eyes flashing, quickly said.

"go away?"

"Old miscellaneous, what are you going to do now?"

Zhang Xuwu had not answered yet, but a voice full of evil intentions had already been heard.

"Buzz ..."

I do not know when, Mo Wentian's figure has also appeared in front of Zuo Li.

Looking at Zuo Li, although Mo Wentian's mouth raised a smile, there was a chill of coldness in that smile.

"Boy, you ..."

"What do you want to do?"

Looking at Mo Wentian in front of him, I don't know why. At the moment, Zuo Li had a bad feeling in his heart.

Especially after seeing the arc rising from the corner of Mo Wentian's mouth, he only felt a chill rising from his back.

"This emperor who eats the kingdom of God, is it possible that the two elders of the Tianniu tribe would be killed here?"

"This emperor who eats the kingdom of heaven is cultivated to have only the peak of the king of heaven. Does he still want to fight the three elders of the Tianniu clan?

"This emperor who eats the kingdom of heaven must not be simple!"

"Yes, it is easy for him to set a prohibition that can not be broken by the powerful half-step emperor. How could he be simple!"


Looking at the figure in the void, in the dark, countless warriors, talked.

"What do you want?"

"I want you to stay!"

The icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's expression also froze instantly.

"Boy, although your little reptile is good, he has no time to protect you at this moment!"

"Come and stop this elder, this is death!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Zuo Li's eyes flashed coldly, and his face was overcast.

"court death?"

"Old miscellaneous, the dead will only be you!"

In Mo Wentian's eyes, a terrible sense of killing instantly rose.

At the same time, Mo Wentian's breath suddenly skyrocketed.

"Boss, we are one by one, see who we solve first!"

And just then, Xiao Yan's voice came instantly.

"Who solves it first?"

"it is good!"

After hearing the words, Mo Wentian's eyes narrowed, without hesitation, he agreed quickly.

"Tianlong circling!"

The moment Mo Motian agreed, I saw Xiaolong's two thousand feet dragon body circling frantically in the void.

However, for a few breaths, Xiaolong's two thousand feet of dragon body flashing with blue cold light, hovered into a ball, and hit the second elder Zhang Xuwu directly.

Before Zhang Xuwu returned, the two thousand-foot-sized ball had already hit.


After a violent collision, Zhang Xuwu only felt that his entire body was about to be broken.

"Not dead yet?"

"Old miscellaneous, it seems your bones are really hard!"

"But it's hard? What's wrong with your grandpa and grandpa? I'm still going to die!"

Looking at Zhang Xuwu's appearance, he became more and more embarrassed, and his breath was getting weaker and weaker, but there was still vitality, Xiao Yan's eyes flashed coldly, angrily.

The next moment, Xiao's figure circled again, smashing into Zhang Xuwu like a whirlwind.

At this moment, Xiao's breath became more and more terrifying.

In those few collisions, Xiaoxun used only 80% of his strength, and at this moment, Xiaoxuan had used 10% of his strength.

As soon as ten percent of the power came out, the vast breath spread instantly.


"Do not……"

Watching Xiao Yan hit him again, Zhang Xuwu just felt a breath of death and shrouded towards himself.


The cold voice sounded.

In the void, the crowd felt only a azure blue chilling light, passing over his chest.

That path of light was a ball incarnate by Xiao Yan. When the ball approached Zhang Xuwu, it narrowed down to only a basketball size.

At the moment when the blue blue light passed, Zhang Xuwu's chest burst out with blood.

A strong **** smell spread even more instantly.


"how can that be?"

The second elder Zhang Xuwu subconsciously looked at the chest emerging from the blood spring, and his eyes were full of incredibleness.

At this moment, the vitality on his body passed away madly.


The next moment, Zhang Xuwu's huge body hit the ground fiercely, smashing a large pit.

Zhang Xuwu, the second elder of the Tianniu clan in the later half of the emperor, fell!

Xiao Yan's speed was so fast that Zhang Xuwu didn't even have time to escape.

"It's ridiculous that the ants tried to kill the elephant!"

Xiaoxiong looked at the elder Zhang Xuwu's already vital body, contempt in his eyes.

The figure flickered, and the hundreds of feet-long dragon tail was pumped on Zhang Xuwu's body again.

"Boss, my mission is complete!"

"Hurry up!"

The next moment, Xiao's figure flickered and turned into a little snake again, and landed on Mo Wentian's shoulder.

At this moment, Xiao Xiao, with a slight grin at the corner of his mouth, looked like the peerless Shenlong who was just so powerful.

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