Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1307: The White Tiger Emperor's Detonation

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Chapter 1307: The White Tiger Emperor's Detonation

Wanzhang's body hit the ground fiercely, smashing a huge pit the size of hundreds of zhang.


The next moment, a bite of blood spurted out of his mouth. At this moment, the White Tiger Emperor was pale.

The opposite Xuan Snake Emperor, however, did not receive any injuries. Those scarlet eyes were extremely scornful, staring at the embarrassing White Tiger Emperor.

"My emperor hasn't eaten tiger meat for a long time!"

"Today you come to your door, that's no wonder!"

Xuan Snake Emperor stuck out his bright red tongue and licked his mouth, which looked like blood stained, and looked like a prey.

In his eyes, there was a touch of strange blood, and that look of hair was irresistible.

"White Tiger King, die!"

The chilling voice sounded, and I saw the bright red mannequin body of Xuan Snake Emperor burst out again and rammed directly towards the White Tiger Emperor.

At the same time, the power of him is even more terrible.

He seemed to want to smash the White Tiger Emperor into pieces.

"not good!"

Seeing this, the look of the White Tiger Emperor changed suddenly.

In a collision with Xuan Snake Emperor just now, Bai Hu Huang's heart is already very clear. Although his strength is good, but compared with Xuan Snake Emperor, it is still a huge difference.

In a showdown, he had already lost.

At this moment, the deep-rooted thought in his mind that he wanted to take over as the in charge of the inland domain was instantly annihilated.

What's more, at the moment, he even regretted it.

In order to ward off a cricket ant in the peak of the heavenly king, he even broke the rules and came to this inner area to arouse the anger of the Xuan snake emperor.

But at this moment, even regret is useless, the ball-like body of Xuan Snake Emperor has hit him again.


"Human, don't let me find you, otherwise I will tear you into pieces!"

In the eyes of Bai Huhuang, Han Mang flickered endlessly. At this moment, he blamed all this on Mo Wentian.

His palms clenched into fists, the joints creaked, and the anger in those eyes was even more terrible.

"Boy, you'll stay here honestly until this White Tiger Emperor is dead!"

"If you go out, he'll tear you up, even if he's done his last breath!"

Looking at the angry white tiger emperor and the old man with a **** bead 20,000 feet away, the corners of his mouth were slightly grinned, and a little smirk said.

"This evil animal can't fight others, can this blame the emperor?"

After hearing the words, Mo Wentian rolled his eyes helplessly, as if how helpless he was.


But at this moment, the speed of Xuan Snake Emperor suddenly increased by countless times.

A terrible killing intention came even more. This Xuan snake emperor wanted to directly kill this white tiger emperor.

"not good!"

In the eyes of Bai Huhuang, Hanmang flickered endlessly, and there was a dread in the depths of his eyes.

His combat power was originally too late for the Xuan Snake Emperor, and now the Xuan Snake Emperor is rushing towards himself again. Even if he wants to escape at this moment, it is too late.

In this way, the only thing he can do is fight to the end.

"Xuan snake emperor, my emperor and you are capable of well water, and this emperor came to your inland only to kill a human!"

"You are so vicious, you want to kill and kill the emperor. Although the emperor can't kill you, you still want to be better!"

In Bai Huhuang's eyes, the killing intention rose instantly.

At the same time, a terrible breath of anger was rising from his body.

Above his imposing body, at this moment, the force of ice and fire is wanton.

The eye-catching king character on his head flashed a mysterious light at this moment. The light looked like fire and ice, and looked awful from a distance.

"The White Tiger King, finally showing his true colors!"

"You want to kill me, you're a little tender, let's die!"

Looking at the soaring White Tiger Emperor, Xuan Snake Emperor's scarlet eyes narrowed and his body circled quickly.

Immediately, he even circled directly into a ball and smashed directly towards the White Tiger Emperor.

"Xuan snake emperor, you can't be disgraced!"

"You have to do wrong against the Emperor, and the Emperor will never let you get better!"

Looking at the Xuan Snake Emperor, Bai Hu Huang's face, he burst into laughter.

It was just his smile, but it was chilling.


The next moment, I saw Bai Huhuang slap his palm on the head with the mysterious light.

"Roar ..."

With his beat, the blood on the king's word instantly overflowed.

At this moment, the fire and ice of the White Tiger Emperor suddenly rose up. At this moment, the White Tiger and the Fire Monster were like a monster with the same fire and fire.

"Whatever you do, you still have to die in front of the Emperor!"

Looking at the magnificent appearance of the White Tiger Emperor, Xuan Snake Emperor's eyes were slightly stunned, but his eyes were full of disdain.

From the perspective of Xuan Snake Emperor, this White Tiger Emperor's cultivation is not as good as him, no matter what means he uses, he will not be his opponent.

Naturally, he didn't pay attention to the White Tiger Emperor in the slightest.

"is it?"

"To die, the emperor will pull a back!"

Hearing the words, Bai Huhuang's mouth raised a wicked smile.

The next moment, the White Tiger Emperor opened his arms hundreds of feet and greeted him directly towards the Xuan Snake Emperor.

He seemed to want to hold the Xuan snake emperor in his arms.

"Senior Pearl, the breath on this White Tiger Emperor is so weird, is he trying to explode?"

Beyond two thousand feet, Mo Wentian looked at this scene with a bit of suspicion.

"Yes, this White Tiger Emperor wants to explode!"

"Although this monster is intelligent, it is still too short of a city house, so it must be resolved by self-destruction. This state of mind is really bad!"

There was a gleam of light in the eyes of the old **** bead, and he shook his head.

"But this White Tiger Emperor did it, but it was exactly what your kid wanted!"

"Although this White Tiger Emperor's repair strength is much worse than this Xuan Snake Emperor, but his self-explosive strength, even if he cannot let the Xuan Snake Emperor fall, will at least make the Xuan Snake Emperor seriously injured!"

The next moment, the old man of Shenzhu seemed to think of something, looking at Mo Wentian, Shen Sheng said.

"Will make Xuan Snake Emperor seriously hurt?"

"This White Tiger Emperor really did not disappoint the Emperor!"

Listening to the words of the old man of Shenzhu, Mo Wentian's eyes rose with a very bright light.

The next moment, they set their eyes on the battle in the void.


In the void, I saw a huge body, open arms and directly hit a huge bright red ball.

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