Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1311: Uranus complete

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Chapter 1311: Heavenly King's Success

"Hisse ..."

The next moment, the countless mysterious snakes approached Mo Wentian directly.

"Boy, swallow quickly!"

"Xuan snake has felt the breath of this Xuan snake emperor. This seat will block you for a while, but according to the current practice of this seat, it can't be blocked for a long time!"

Suddenly, the old man of Shenzhu sensed that the mysterious snakes were approaching, and his eyes looked cold and quickly.

"Xuan snake is coming?"

"Senior, I quickly swallowed this courage!"

Listening to the old man of Shenzhu, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate in the slightest, and the speed of hitting the secret formula on the snake gall in his hand became faster.

"The power of the snake courage of the black snake emperor is stronger than that of the white tiger emperor just now. I don't know how many times!"

At this moment, Xiaoxuan watched the power on the snake gall enter Mo Wentian's body, and the light flashed in his eyes.

As for the mysterious snake approaching here, because the old man of the **** bead had secretly shot, and the ban was set within ten thousand feet, Xiaoyi didn't notice the slightest.

"The power of this snake snake's courage is terrible. The boss has devoured this courage, and it must be broken if it is repaired!"

Listening to Xiao Yan's words, Xuantian's eyes flashed a flash of light in an instant.

His eyes fell on Mo Wentian at this moment.

At this moment, Mo Wentian's power is even more terrible.

"Swallow me!"

Angrily, at this moment, Mo Wentian, the peach-sized star, began to grow.

As the star grew, Mo Wentian's breath quickly increased, as if the next moment, the cultivation would break into the perfection of the heavenly King.

At the same time, Mo Wentian's spiritual knowledge has also grown rapidly.

The original spiritual knowledge of 60,000 feet has now grown to the level of 80,000 feet, and it is still growing.

"Heaven is perfect, break me!"

An angry drink sounded again.

Numerous auras around, even madly surging into Mo Wentian's body.

And the power contained in the courage of the snake, speeding up and rushing towards Mo Wentian's body.

With the countless auras and powers entering Mo Wentian, Mo Tiantian, the peach-sized star, at this moment, has grown to the size of a football.

At the same time, Mo Wentian's spirit, Mo Wentian's spirit, which was originally not more than six hundred feet, has now grown to the level of 800.

As for spiritual knowledge, it has reached the level of 80,000 feet.

Mo Wentian at this moment, the power of his body was rolling.

In addition to the physical body not breaking through again, cultivation, spirit, spiritual knowledge have been improved.

"Boy, don't be susceptible to Xiuwei's breakthrough!"

"Leaving the Inland, this seat can't stand it!"

And at this moment, the voice of the old Shenzhu urgency came instantly.

"Senior Pearl, we are gone. What about you?"

Listening to the words of the old **** bead, Mo Wentian did not leave immediately, but worried that the old **** bead came.

The Old God Bead has been following Mo Wentian for a while, and every time he is in danger, the Old God Bead will help.

In Mo Wentian's heart, Mo Wentian already regarded the old God Bead as his own. He didn't want the Old God Bead to stay alone to bear the danger.

"Boy, you take them away, you are gone, there are ways to leave!"

"Come on!"

The words of care from Mo Wentian came from the ear, and there was a faint light in the eyes of the old man of God Pearl.

"Hisse ..."

"There are really human beings, it is human beings who break through here and practice!"

"It's the kid, the breath on that kid's body is still unstable, it's him who just broke through and repaired!"

"Why is there a strong, imperial breath on his body, our emperor?"

"No, that's the emperor's courage. The emperor's courage has been broken. It's this kid, it must be this kid who killed our emperor!"

"Be sure to swallow this kid alive and avenge our emperor!"


And at this moment, the countless mystic snakes were already out of the ban set by the Old Man of God.

When they saw that it had been cleaned up by Mo Wentian, and there was only one shell of snake courage, the countless Xuan snake emperors went crazy instantly.

They flickered and turned into blood-red spheres, bumping towards the restraint, as if trying to smash the restraint into pieces.

At the same time, the countless mysterious snakes, looking at Mo Wentian's figure, were full of murderous intentions.

"Boss, this ..."

"Are these black snakes coming at you?"

At the moment when the restraint was hit, Xiao Yan also saw the countless mysterious snakes tens of thousands of feet away.

Suddenly, Xiaoxiong was still stunned, and when he returned to God, his eyes were full of awesome looks.

"Bendi just swallowed a courage. Do you need such a mean?"

"Little sister, magic sky, go!"

Xiao Yan's voice came, and Mo Wentian also saw the countless crazy snakes, indifferent words.

But the next moment, the figure flickered, with Xiaoyu and Xuantian, and headed directly towards the middle region.

Watching Mo Wentian and Xiaoyi leave, the figure of the old man of God Pearl disappeared into the inner area instantly.

And at the moment when the old man of the **** bead disappeared, the restraint beyond that boundlessness shattered.

The countless mysterious snakes, like crazy, followed them everywhere.

"Abominable mankind, you have killed our emperor, we must kill you and strip you alive!"

"Our emperor really fell. Is it really this man who beheaded?"

"How is this possible? The human cultivation has just broken through to the perfection of the emperor. Our emperor cultivation has reached the late emperor. How can this human beheaded our emperor?"

"No, it's not just our emperor's breath at this moment, it seems that there is also a breath of the White Tiger's emperor!"


Countless mysterious snakes saw Mo Wentian's figure disappeared. In their hearts, the killing intention was terrible, and they followed the direction of Mo Wentian's disappearance.

But at this moment, some black snakes even felt that here there was not only the smell of the black snake emperor, but also the smell of the white tiger emperor.

In an instant, countless mysterious snakes were discussed instantly.

And when the inner region was murderous, in the middle region.

"Buzz ..."

A figure appeared instantly.

There is a monster on the left and right shoulders of this figure, this monster is Xiaoyin and Phantom.

"Boy, fortunately your speed is fast, otherwise, it would have swallowed the courage of a black snake emperor, not just you, but all of our lives may be buried in the inner region!"

At the moment Mo Motian's figure appeared, the figure of the old man of Shenzhu followed.

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