Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1314: Come and fight!

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Chapter 1314 Come and Fight!

"How to do?"

"Come and fight!"

The icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

"Hisse ..."

"Roar ..."


And at this moment, countless mysterious snakes, in all directions, quickly surrounded the whole valley of this region.

"The mysterious snakes ... why are all of the mysterious snakes coming to my Zhongyu?"

"This black snake family didn't obey the agreement and came to my Zhongyu. How can my Zhongyu let them bully!"

"My white tigers are not vegetarian!"

"No, the purpose of these black snakes does not seem to be us, but that human!"

"Isn't that human being the kid that Lord White Tiger Emperor went to hunt down? That kid came out of the inner region, what about our White Tiger Emperor?"


Watching the countless mysterious snakes appear, in the middle of the field, countless white tigers, talked up.

What only surprised them was that, in front of Mo Wentian, all human beings who had been in the realm of the Heavenly King had come out of the inner area, but their emperor had not come out.

This puzzled the white tigers.

Originally, they wanted to go up and fight against these black snakes, but when they saw that the purpose of the black snakes was Mo Wentian, they stayed in place and stared at Mo Wentian and others.

That looks as if he is watching a good show.

"Boss, that white tiger family is here!"

Xiao Yan also found the countless white tigers, came towards here, watching Mo Wentian, Shen Sheng said.

"The white tigers of the white tiger family are here, they are just watching the show!"

"These white tigers don't need to worry about it first, let's talk about killing this dark black snake!"

After hearing the words, Mo Wentian's brow frowned tightly, and there was a flash of coldness in his eyes.

Those white tigers 'voices all fell into Mo Wentian's ears, and looking at the postures of those white tigers, Mo Wentian was extremely convinced of those white tigers' shots.

Those white tigers will not shoot, at least before they know that their white tiger emperor died in his hands.

"Booming ..."

For a moment, the countless mysterious snakes quickly narrowed their scope and rushed towards Mo Wentian and others.

Between the moments, Mo Wentian and others were surrounded by mysterious snakes. The countless mysterious snakes looked at Mo Wentian and Xiaotian, and their eyes flashed with a terrible fierce light.

"Humans, you have such a courage to dare to kill my new Xuan snake emperor!"

An indifferent voice sounded, a black snake came out, looking at Mo Wentian and others with a murderous look.

"You are not qualified to speak to Bendi!"


Looking at this standing repair, it was nothing but the middle-time emperor's mysterious snake. Mo Wentian's eyes narrowed, and then he shot directly with a punch and blasted towards the black snake.

"Heaven ’s successful ants and humans dare to strike at me!"

Seeing Mo Wentian hit a punch directly towards himself, the fierce light in the eyes of this black snake suddenly skyrocketed.

Immediately, the body skyrocketed rapidly, but within a few breaths, it had skyrocketed.

The mysterious snake the size of a thousand feet tangled up directly into the punch of the void.


Looking at the lingering snake, Mo Wentian's eyes were indifferent.

The next moment, Mo Wentian was rolling in mighty power, speeding up, and punched him directly.



The violent and boundless power burst out instantly.

At this moment, above Mo's body, the nine dragons circled instantly, and the dragon was shining with golden light.

When Mo Wentian's fist fell, the black snake was directly bombed and crushed.

The red and white things are instantaneous, and a strong **** smell spreads instantly.

"Little flies are also meat!"

"It's good to devour the breath of consolidation!"

Suddenly, it seems to be remembering something. Mo Wentian's eyes raised a hot glow.

In fact, Mo Wentian's heart was very clear. The Xuan snake in the middle of the emperor had little effect on him. The reason why he did so.

But I want to kill a hundred, with this little snake, to deter other mysterious snakes.

"God Eater!"


The next moment, without any hesitation, angrily drank, Mo Wentian directly operated to eat the gods.

Along with Mo Tiantian's operation, Mo Wentian, a powerful and endless suction instantly spread.

The surrounding vitality and vitality gathered frantically towards Mowentian, the countless vitality and vitality, but within a few breaths, Mowentian had swallowed it cleanly.

And this mysterious snake became a dead body directly, falling from the void.

In the middle of the emperor, the black snake was directly killed by Mo Wentian, and even his spirit did not have time to escape.

"Isn't this boy's Xiu Wei's perfection? Only how can his strength be so terrible?"

"This boy's strength is too terrible!"

"How terrible is his strength? You haven't seen the black snake ancestors of the black snake family have already come out, I think this kid is definitely dead today!"

"The ancestors of the Xuan snake family have not been in retreat for tens of thousands of years. At this moment, and they have followed this boy from the inner area, it must be what the boy has done. Otherwise, how can the ancestors of the Xuan snake family have been Come down to our midfield! "


Looking at the scenes in the void, countless mysterious snakes and white tigers instantly discussed.

As for the white tigers, for the purpose of the black snake ancestors to come to this region, they did not hear the words of the black snake ancestor Yuan Mo Tian to kill Xuan snake emperor.

Therefore, they were very puzzled that the ancestor of the black snake came to Zhongyu.

As for the mysterious snakes, somehow, I do n’t know how to ask the sky. Although they only have the perfect condition of the King, at this moment, looking at the proud and standing figure in the void, they only feel an extremely cold chill. Back hitting.

Let their bodies tremble a little.

"Humans, you beheaded the black snake emperor of my black snake family, and now you dare to face our ancestors and kill my disciples of my black snake family. You are digging your own grave!"

"A little Heavenly King is so successful that he dares to be so arrogant. Today we must tear you up!"

"Old man, take a shot and tear the kid up!"

"Not only this boy, but the two ants and monsters around him, these two monsters look good!"


The next moment, countless mysterious snakes sounded recklessly.

"Booming ..."

Mo Wentian's whole body, countless suffocates, came frantically.

"What about your flock of ants, who will be killed by you?"

The indifferent voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes were terrible.

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