Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1318: change idea

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Chapter 1318 Change Your Mind

"What happened to the black snake ancestor?"

"Good strong soul power, is this mystic snake ancestor also bearing that terrible soul power?"

"The cultivation of this mysterious snake ancestor has reached the peak of the emperor, and his spirit is definitely terrible, and the power of this spirit has hurt the mysterious snake ancestor. The ancestor of Qi Xuan Snake is even stronger! "

"This human being is too terrible!"


Looking at the painful appearance of the mysterious snake ancestor, countless white tigers were extremely shocked.

"Soul, suppress me!"

With an angry drink, Mo Wentian's spirit of eight hundred feet was directly suppressed.

It seems to be the ancestor of the black snake to completely suppress the general.

"Human, you stop me!"

"Stop it for me!"

The terrible spirit power came over, the mysterious snake ancestor drank madly.


"This is impossible!"

Looking at the crazy look of Xuan Snake's ancestor, Mo Wentian laughed evilly.

"The spirit and flesh of this black snake ancestor must be good!"

"Coupled with his courage, taking it down alone is a bit too much trouble. Wouldn't it be better to swallow it directly!"

The next moment, what seemed to be remembered, Mo Wentian's eyes, a bright light rose.

"God Eater!"


Thinking about it like this, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, sighed angrily, and directly played the God of Devouring God.

As the Devourer of Heaven Devouring Techniques unfolded, Mo Wentian's body, a powerful and endless suction, burst out instantly and violently, shrouded toward the mystic snake ancestor in the void.

That terrible suction seems to be devouring everything in the world.

Within a short time, within a thousand yards, countless mysterious snakes and white tigers, only feeling that their bodies were shaking, and they retreated quickly one by one.

"This suction is really terrible. What kind of weird work is this human being performing?"

"I think this human is really capable!"

"Without a bit of strength, how dare you fight the black snake ancestor?"

"I keep going like this. I don't think this ancestor of the black snake will be an opponent of this human!"


Feeling that terrible suction, countless white tigers started talking.

They looked at Mo Wentian, the look in their eyes, with a bit of shock and fear.

"Human, you stop me!"


The terrible suction came over, and the Xuan snake emperor wanted to say something, but before the words were finished, a scream came.

I saw Mo Wentian's terrible suction, a thousand-square-footed black snake was directly swallowed up clean.

"Human, you dare to devour your ancestors!"

"I'm going to tear you up, I'm going to tear you up!"

Looking at Mo Wentian directly engulfed the black snake, in the eyes of the black snake's ancestor, the killing intentions skyrocketed countless times.

At the same time, the breath on him was violent.

"Tear me?"

"Little black snake, seeing that you haven't flinched before the repression of the spirit of the emperor, the emperor has changed his mind!"

"The Emperor decided to keep you alive!"

Listening to the words of the mysterious snake ancestor, Mo Wentian gave a slight grin, and a wicked smile spread.

Originally, Mo Wentian intended to directly devour the mystic snake ancestor to promote cultivation, but when Mo Wu Tian found the breath that he was observing in the dark, Mo Wu Tian changed his mind.

Now in the Tianji Mountains, what Mo Wentian needs most is strength.

And his strength, although fearless in the late Emperor's realm of warriors, but if he meets the strongest of the Emperor's peak, he will not be an opponent.

Mo Wentian is very clear about his own strength. Now he can suppress this ancestor of the black snake, but it is only because of the special characteristics of the mysterious soul of the black snake.

If they were replaced by other monsters or humans, if their cultivation had reached the peak of the emperor, the spirit would be terrible.

"Boss, are you trying to subdue this black snake ancestor?"

But at this moment, Xiao Yan and Huan Tian, ​​who heard Mo Wentian's words, looked at each other in a hurry.

"Yes, the strength of this black snake ancestor is good!"

"Accepting him can help Bendi at least some trouble!"

The indifferent voice sounded, and in the eyes of Mo Wentian, Han Mang flickered endlessly.

"But Boss, this black snake ancestor's cultivation is so strong, you directly suppress his spirit, will he surrender?"

The next moment, it seemed to remember something, Xiaoyan's eyes flashed a complex light, the voice of the low voice.

"The Emperor will surely obey him!"

铿锵 A powerful voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes were very firm.

"Human, you let me go!"

"Let go of my soul!"

Just then, a roaring voice came again.

I saw in the void, the utterly dark figure, growling madly.

Looking at Mo Wentian's dark eyes, the killing in his eyes was even more terrible.

If it wasn't for Mo Wentian's repression of his soul, the ancestor of the black snake at this moment would be afraid that Mo Wen would be swallowed.

"Little black snake, it's impossible for the emperor to let you go!"

"For your strength, Bendi can give you a chance!"

"Submit to the emperor or die!"

Mo Wentian looked at the ancestor of Xuan Snake, his eyes were bland, and he could not see the slightest emotion.

"Submit? Or die?"

"Human being, my cultivation has reached the peak of the emperor, and it is only a matter of time before the breakthrough to the emperor's completeness!"

"And if in the birth of the Dragon Dragon Sky Map, I won a pair of Dragon Dragon Sky Maps, then I can enter the martial arts holy land Tianxian Realm!"

"In this way, my life will be extended to half a million years ..."

"Boy, want me to surrender to you, stop thinking!"

Listening to Mo Wantian's arrogant words, in the eyes of the ancestor of Xuan snake, the killing intentions were extremely wanton.

He is the ancestor of the Xuan snake family. His status is extremely respected, and according to his current cultivation as a strength, it is not difficult for him to take down the magic dragon map and enter the heavenly world!

How could he surrender to the human being in the perfect condition of this King of Heaven?

"Not surrender?"

"The emperor will fight until you submit!"

He heard that Mo Wentian looked cold.

"Squeak ..."

The next moment, Mo Wentian's fist clenched even more, and the bone joint was squeaky.

Immediately, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all. He shot directly with a punch and blasted toward the tail of the ancestor of the black snake.

"Bang bang ..."

Mo Wentian made dozens of punches in a row, falling on the body of the little black snake in circles, and with each punch, the black scales of the little black snake began to crack.

Drops of blood oozed from the scales, and when viewed from a distance, the Hittites were incomparable.

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